

Assistant Professor and Head

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :
Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 122

Dr.S.CAROLINE received her B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Jayamatha Engineering College, Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli in 2001. She obtained her M.E degree from College of Engineering, Guindy in 2004, specializing in Power Electronics and Drives. She is in teaching profession for the past eighteen years. She has published more than 10 Journal publications. She has presented more than 20 papers in National and International Conferences. She has authored a book titled Electric Circuits and Electron Devices. She has been a reviewer for Journal of Scientific Computing. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil. Her area of interest is Control Systems, Power Electronics and Digital Electronics. She is a Life member of ISTE and a Professional Member of IET.

Dr. C.Helen Sulochana


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 407

Dr.C.Helen Sulochana received the B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Madurai Kamaraj University, India in 1990 and M.Tech. degree with distinction from University of Kerala, India in 1999. She received the PhD degree in Information and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai in 2009. She has 26 years of teaching experience in Engineering Colleges. Currently, she is a professor in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering , Chunkankadai. She has published papers in international, national journals and conference proceedings. She is the reviewer of International journals like IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, International journal of Biometrics, AMSE periodicals, etc. She has reviewed two books for Tata McGraw Hill Edition.

Dr. D. Jeraldin Auxillia


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Email -

She has graduated in Instrumentation and Control Engineering from Government College of Technology, Coimbatore in 1988. She received her M.E Degree in Control and Instrumentation from the College of Engineering, Guindy, Anna University, Chennai in 2002. She completed her Ph.D from Anna University Chennai in 2012 in the area of controller design. She teaches Under Graduate and Post Graduate courses for the past twenty seven years. Her area of interest includes System identification and controller design. She is a Life member of ISTE.

Dr. A. Milton


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.:318


Dr. A. Milton received his B.E. degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from the Government College of Engineering, Tirunelveli, Madurai Kamaraj University, in 1993, Qualified GATE 2001 and obtained M.Tech. degree in Microwave and Television Engineering from College of Engineering Thiruvananthapuram, University of Kerala, India in 2003. He is the university first rank holder in M.Tech. He obtained Ph.D. degree from the Anna University, Chennai for his research work on “Automatic Recognition of Speech Emotion using Class-Specific Multiple Classifier Scheme” in 2015. He has published papers in international journals and two books. He is in teaching profession since June 1998. Currently he is working as Professor in St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering. His areas of interest includes digital speech signal processing for emotion recognition and statistical pattern classification.



Dr. T.Latha


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Contact No.:- +91 4652 232560   (Extn. - 409)

Dr.T.Latha received her B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering with Distinction in 1997 from Manonmanium Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli and secured IX rank. She completed her M.Tech degree from College of Engineering, Trivandrum in Applied Electronics and Instrumentation with Distinction in 2001 and secured III rank, and completed Ph.D degree from Kerala University, Trivandrum in 2010. She has been teaching since 1998. She has authored two books in VLSI design. Her area of interest is VLSI, Digital system Design and Image Processing. She is a Life member of IEI.



Associate Professor
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Email: helta

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 121


Dr.M.Mary Helta Daisy was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1998 from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli. In 2005, she received her M.E degree in Communication Systems from N.I.C.E, Anna University, Chennai. She obtained Ph.D. degree from the Anna University, Chennai for his research work titled on “Enhanced Content-Based Image Retrieval using Fourier Feature Optimization Scheme and Positive Relevance Feedback” in 2016. She is in teaching profession for the past twenty years. Her area of interest is Image Processing and Biometrics. She is a Life member of ISTE and professional Member of IET.


Dr. C. Sheeja Herobin Rani

Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 123


Mrs.C. Sheeja Herobin Rani was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2001 from Indian Engineering College under Manonmanium Sudarnar University, Tirunelveli. She obtained her M.E degree from National Engineering College  under Anna University, Chennai in 2006, specializing in Communication System and PhD in Anna University, Chennai under the specialization of Information and Communication Engineering. She is in teaching profession for the past twenty years. Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is VLSI Design,Semiconductor Device Modeling.



Dr.S.Mary Vasanthi


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail : vasanthi

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 127

Dr.S.Mary Vasanthi received her B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering  from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, India  in 2000. She obtained her M.E degree in Communication Systems from Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Kumaracoil, India in 2006. She obtained Ph.D degree from the Anna University, Chennai for her research work on "Electromyogram based automated hand gesture recognition system using signal processing techniques and Artificial Neural Networks" in 2021. She has published papers in International journals and Conference proceedings. She is in teaching profession for the past twenty years. Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.  Her areas of interest include signal processing and wireless communication. She is a Life member of ISTE and professional Member of IET.


Dr.Y.R.Annie Bessant

Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 127


Dr.Y.R.Annie Bessant was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2004 from Manonmaniam Sundaranar University, India, with Distinction. She obtained her M.E degree from Karunya Institute of science and Technology, Coimbatore in 2006, specializing VLSI Design. She completed her Ph.d under Anna University, Chennai in the year 2019 in Information and Communication Engineering .She is in teaching profession for the past fourteen years. Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Low Power VLSI and networking . She is a Life member of ISTE.



Associate Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Dr.L.Femila received her B.E degree in Electronics and Communication Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India  in 2005. She obtained her M.E degree in Digital Communication and Network Engineering from Anna University, Chennai, India in 2007. He obtained Ph.D degree from the Anna University, Chennai for her research work on "Energy Efficient Broadcasting with Secured Transmission in MANETs" in 2018. She has published papers in International journals and Conference proceedings. She is in teaching profession for the past fifteen years. Currently, she is working as an Associate Professor in the department of Electronics and Communication Engineering at St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.  Her areas of interest include signal processing and wireless communication. She is a Life member of ISTE and professional Member of IETE.



Dr. S. Maria Seraphin Sujitha

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail          :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 123.

Dr.S.Maria Seraphin Sujitha was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1999 from Noorul Islam College of Engineering under Manonmanium Sudarnar University, Tirunelveli. She obtained her M.E degree from Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, under Madurai Kamaraj University in 2000, specializing in Communication System. She completed her Ph.d under Anna University, Chennai . She is in teaching profession for the past eighteen years. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Image Processing.



Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 127

Dr.S.Absa was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 1999 from Jayamatha Engineering College under Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli. She obtained her M.E degree from Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering under Anna University, Chennai in 2006, in Embedded System Technologies specialization with distinction and Ph.D in Anna University, Chennai in the year 2019 under Information and Communication Engineering. She is in teaching profession for the past 21 years. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in the Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering in St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. She is a life time member of I.S.T.E and also currently a member in I.E.T. Her area of interest is Cloud Computing, Embedded System and Networking.



Dr. T. Ajitha

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. :+91 4652 232560 (Extn. - 152)

Dr.T.Ajitha was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2005 from St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Affiliated to Anna University. She received her M.E degree from Noorul Islam College Of Engineering in 2007, specializing in Applied Electronics. She completed her Ph.D from Anna University Chennai in 2018 in the area of Medical Image Processing. She is in teaching profession since 2007. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor at St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Digital Image Processing and Robotics.She has published papers in  conferences and journals.


Mrs. C. Renit

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. :+91 4652 232560 (Extn. - 152)


C.Renit was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2006 from CSI Institute of Technology, Thovalai.She received her M.E degree from Arulmigu Kalasalingam College of Engineering ,Krishnankovil in 2008, specializing in VLSI Design. She is in the teaching profession since 2008. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor at St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Antenna Design and Signal Processing.



Dr.B.C. Preethi

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 123

Dr.B.C. Preethi was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2005 from MVJ College of Engineering Bangalore under Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. She obtained her M.E degree from St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, under Anna University Chennai in 2007, specializing in Applied Electronics and PhD in the area of High Performance Computing in the research topic Performance Tuning of High Performance Computing Applications ,Anna University, Chennai  in the year 2018, under the specialization of Information and Communication Engineering. She is in teaching profession for the past eleven years. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Neural Networks and Computing.


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Mrs. A. C. Jinisha

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 123

Mrs.A.C.Jinisha was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2004 from The Indian Engineering college,Vadakankulam under Manonmaniam Sundaranar University Tirunelveli. She obtained her M.E degree from Noorul Islam College of Engineering under Anna University, Chennai in 2006, in Applied Electronics specialization. She is in teaching profession for the past 11years. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in St.Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Communication Engineering and Networking.


Mr. Florin Raja Singh R

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Contact No.:- +91 4652 232560 (Extn. - 122)


Mr. Florin Raja Singh R was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in2007 from St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Anna University Chennai. He obtained his M.E degree from MEPCO Schlenk Engineering college, Anna University,Tirunelveli in 2009, specializing in Communication Systems. He is in teaching profession for the past eleven years. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Department in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. His area of interest is Image Processing, Wireless Communication, Cloud computing.



Mrs.V.Femila Savio

Assistant professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail : femila

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 122

Mrs.V.Femila Savio was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2004 from JEC, Manonmaniam Sunderanar University, Tirunelveli with Distinction (first class). After that she joined as a lecturer in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil and worked for one year. Then she completed her M.E degree from Easwari Engineering College, Anna University, Chennai in 2007, specializing in VLSI Design with Distinction (first class). Next 2 years she was working in Francis Xavier Engineering College, Tirunelveli. Then she joined as a lecturer in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil. Still she is continuing her carreer in the same college as Assistant Professor from May 2010. Her area of interest is VLSI, DSP, Digital Electronics and Microprocessor.


Mrs.T.Mary Little Flower

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 122


Mrs.T.Mary Little Flower graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2006 from Noorul Islam College of Engineering, Anna University,Chennai. She obtained her M.E degree from Mepco Schelenk Engineering College, Sivakasi in 2008, specializing in Communication Systems.She is in teaching profession for the past twelve years. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor in St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil. Her area of interest is Signal Processing. She is a professional Member of IET.




Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail : aanitha

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 122

Mrs.A.Anitha graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2007 from Noorul Islam College of Engineering,Thuckalay. She obtained her M.E degree from Mepco Schlenk Engineering College, Sivakasi in 2009, specializing in Communication Systems. She is in teaching profession for the past ten years. Currently, she is working as Assistant Professor and of Electronics and Communication Department in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Image Processing, and signal processing.


Dr. J. Arul King

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Contact No. : +91 4652 232560 (Extn. - 155)


Dr. J. Arul King was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2009 from Noorul Islam College of Engineering, affiliated to Anna University Chennai. He obtained his M.E from C.S.I Institute of Technology Thovalai, affiliated to Anna University, Tirunelveli in 2011, specializing in Communication Systems. He obtained his M.B.A from Madurai Kamaraj University Madurai in 2014, specializing in Human Resource. He is in the teaching profession for the past 13 years. Currently, he is working as an Assistant Professor  in St Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. His area of interest in application of Image Processing, Signal Processing, Networking and Embedded Systems and He is a Professional Member of IET and Faculty Advisor of Entrepreneurship Development Cell.



Mr. L Maceal Tony

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Contact No.:- +91 4652 232560 (Extn. - 122)

Mr. L Maceal Tony graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2005 from St Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Anna University Chennai. He obtained his M.E degree from Francis Xavier Engineering college, Anna University, Chennai in 2009, specializing in VLSI Design . He is in teaching profession for the past eight years. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor in Electronics and Communication Department in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. His area of interest is Electronic Devices & Circuits.


Dr.M. Starwin

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 122


Dr. M. Starwin graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2008 from Vins Christian College of Engineering, affiliated by Anna University. He obtained his M.Tech degree from College of Engineering Guindy, Anna University in 2012, specializing in Laser and Electro Optical Engineering. He is in teaching profession for the past twelve years. Currently, he is working as Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering Department in St Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. His area of interest is Digital Signal Processing, Signals and Systems and Circuit Theory.

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Mrs. K Baby Lisa

Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering


Mrs. K Baby Lisa  was graduated in Electronics and Communication Engineering in 2012 from Anna University, Chennai. She obtained her M.E degree from Anna University, Chennai in 2015, specializing in Applied Electronics. She has 4 years industrial experience. Currently, she is working as an Assistant Professor of Electronics and Communication Engineering in St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India. Her area of interest is Embedded System, Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Wireless communication.




Workshop Instructor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 125

Qualification : DECE,BE,DFS

Experience    :16 Years

Current position: Workshop Instructor

Area of interest: Digital Electronics




Skilled assistant

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 91 4652 232560, Extn.: 128

Qualification :DECE,MCA,MPhil

Experience: 17 Years

Current position: Skilled Assistant

Area of interest: Microprocessor and Microcontroller



Skilled Assistant

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

E-mail :

Contact No. : 9489016154 Extn.: 124

Qualification :DECE

Experience: 4 Years

Current position: Skilled Assistant





Skilled Assistant

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Contact No. : 9994267837

Qualification: DECE

Experience : 11 years

Current position: Skilled Assistant

Area of interest: Embedded & Networks



Skilled Assistant

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Contact No. : 9443686346

Qualification: DECE

Experience : 15 years

Current position: Skilled Assistant

Area of interest: Linear Integrated Circuits




Mr.S.Micheal Raj


Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
