Mr. M. Anto Xavier Roche B.E.,M.S.(U.K.),
Dean (Student Futuristic Services),
Training & Placement Officer


TPO's Message

I warmly welcome Campus Recruitment organizations to participate in our shared goal of excellence. St. Xavier's always provides proactive learning approach and detailed academic course of action for the students to do well in the professional world. We provide opportunity to the students to learn independently, attend conferences, seminars, industrial visits and in plant trainings. The strength of St. Xavier's lies in the facilities it provide to the students for in house project development. It also provides opportunities for the students to participate in social events through various cells, NSS, NCC, YRC and sports to encourage the development of skills, holistic improvement of the spiritual, social and emotional quotient.

I am hopeful with optimism and confidence that the students will be well received by the industry.

I wish the students of this batch grand success in their accomplishments and believe that they will make remarkable contributions to the professional world.

Placement Team

Department Placement Coordinators

Mr. P. Antony Vimal
Department of Civil Engineering
MrJ. Bright Jose
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
Dr. L. Femila
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Mr. M. Abragam Siyon Sing
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Er. T.M. Angelin Monisha Sharean
Department of Information Technology
Mr. Anitto Joe Xavier
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Dr. Divya D S Rajan
 Master of Business Administration
Ms. M. Jasmin Annie Genefer
 Master of Computer Applications

Placement Trainers

Dr. James Ligorias
Communication Skills Trainer
Dr. Amal J Eronimus
Communication Skills Trainer
Dr. R. Divya Thanga
Communication Skills Trainer
Ms. A.S. Hemcy Mol
Quantitative Aptitude Trainer
Ms. R. Bencika
Coding Trainer
Ms. T. Abisha
Coding Trainer
Mr. S. Ronald Rygan
Coding Trainer
Ms. A. Arjuna
Coding Trainer
Ms. R. Susbitha
Coding & Aptitude Trainer
Ms. R. P. Sherina
Coding & Aptitude Trainer


Mr. P. Suresh


M.Anto Xavier Roche, B.E.,M.S.(U.K.),

Training & Placement Officer,St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering,Chunkankadai, Nagercoil – 629003.KanyaKumari District, TamilNadu.


+91-4652-4652-232560, 227803, Extn:302,


The Training and Placement Cell is providing regular internal and external trainings with the objective that the students get ready for the new-fangled opportunities in the job market. The TPC has two soft-skills trainers, five coding skills trainers and one quantitative aptitude trainer.  From 3 rd sem. to 7 th sem, 10% of the total academic schedule is allotted for placement training.
“TechMindz,” a set of competitions on verbal abilities, coding skills, and quantitative aptitude is conducted for students of all four years both in the odd sem. and in the even sem. Students are awarded cash prizes and certificates.
The following are the credit courses provided by the training and placement cell to the students.

Semester Credits Subject No. of Hours per week
III 2 Soft Skills & Coding Training 4
IV 2 Soft Skills & Coding  Training 4
V 2 Soft Skills  & Coding  Training 4
VI 2 Quantitative Aptitude & Coding Training 4
VII 2 Quantitative Aptitude & Coding Training 4

Communication Skills Training

The first year English language syllabus for I and II semesters has been framed, suiting placement training with special concentration on LSRW skills (Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing).
Soft skills training is provided in III and IV semesters in language development, which includes comprehension, pronunciation, resume writing, group discussion, interview skills, and business English. Special attention is on Communication Skills.
During the V semester, students are trained on interpersonal skills like leadership, team work, critical thinking, and emotional balance for target achievement.

Coding Skills Training

Coding skills training is provided for 5 semesters from 3 rd to 7 th semester. C, C++, Java, python, Java full stack development, and web designing courses along with projects are also provided. Technical mock interviews, weekly assignment, and practice tests are conducted and students are continuously evaluated. Their strengths, weakness and areas of improvement are communicated to the students and they are motivated to improve their technical skills. Students are trained to solve company specific questions and necessary practices are provided to improve logic building effectively.

Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning

Training in Quantitative Aptitude & Logical Reasoning is provided during 6th and 7th semesters. Student’s ability to solve problems is improved by using rational and thinking ability. It involves solving equations, analyzing data, and making logical deductions. Company specific patterns are introduced to the students and adequate continuous trainings are provided to improve speed and accuracy.
In addition to the above internal trainings, external company specific trainings in quantitative aptitude, technical skills and managerial soft skills are provided by FACE, Smart Training Solutions, Ethnus and Innate Training Solution.


The Training and Placement Cell is functioning at Bishop Leon Memorial Block with state-of-the-art conference hall,  placement office, two group discussion halls and 8 interview panel rooms. The cell is also equipped with a Soft-skills Training Center which conducts comprehensive training sessions on effective communication and interpersonal skills.


Flutter Frog, an incubatee started functioning from April 2023, managed by Mr.Gokul Kumar, alumni entrepreneur, in SXCCE – Innovation and Incubation Cell. 17 interns from current third and final year got selected for internship from 05th July 2023 onwards. These interns work on research and development of the software product as full stack developers.

Besides upholding amiable relationship with the industries, the Training and Placement Cell invites them for on campus recruitment drives and supports our students to get recruited in multi-national companies.

Last – 5 Years Placement Record :

Major companies visiting every year / Empanelled:

    • In Aug 2023, UST empaneled our college in their yearly placement hiring colleges list.
    • In July 2022, Cognizant empaneled our college in their yearly placement hiring colleges list and there-on hires our students every year.
    • In Aug 2021, Tech Mahindra empaneled our college in their yearly placement hiring colleges list and there-on hires our students every year.
    • In Aug 2020, Hexaware Technologies empaneled our college in their yearly placement hiring colleges list and there-on hires our students every year.
    • In July 2017, H&R Block empaneled our college in their yearly placement hiring colleges list and there-on hires our students every year.
    • In Oct 2018, Centre for University-Industry Collaboration (CUIC), Anna University recognized SXCCE as a nodal college for conducting its flagship Tamil Nadu State Level Placement Programme (TNSLPP) campus drives.