1 | D. Prabakar, Konda Hari Krishna D. P,rabhu, Femila L ,'Classifcation of intrusion using Multi‑Stream Generative Adversarial Networks in Wireless Sensor Networks ',Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,Springer ,2025 |
2 | J. Annrose, A. Shibin Sam, S. Samnath, Jennings Rousseau Raj and I.R. Shanjeya Bhaarath ,'AI-POWERED MARK RECOGNITION IN ASSESSMENT AND ATTAINMENT CALCULATION ',ICTACT Journal on Soft Computing ,ICT Academy ,2025 |
3 | Manikandan Parathesi, Christus Jeya Singh V, Beno Wincy W ,'Parametric optimization and economic assessment of tyre waste co-gasification with agricultural biomass in a downdraft gasifier using RSM-CCD technique ',Energy ,Elsevier ,2025 |
4 | Mary Vasanthi.S1 , Nandakumar Mandya Basavaraj2 , Jani S.P3 and, Sujin Jose Arul4* ,'Sustainable enhancement of mechanical and wear properties in natural fiber composites: integration of bio-waste fillers and taguchi optimization for bio medical applications ',Global NEST , ,2025 |
5 | R S Shaji and Johncy ,'Enhancing Smart Grid Security Using BLS Privacy Blockchain With Siamese Bi-LSTM for Electricity Theft Detection ',Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies ,Wiley and Blackwell ,2025 |
6 | Mary Charles Sheeba, Christopher Seldev Christopher ,'Adaptive deep residual network for image denoising across multiple noise levels in medical, nature, and satellite images ',Ain Shams Engineering Journal ,Elsevier ,2024 |
7 | Calistus Mohandhas Varun, Raphel Pankiras Anto Kumar, Michael Raj Judith Reya and Rangini Murugan ,'Secured big data storage in cloud by intelligent authentication and privacy preservation via intelligent deep learning-aided heuristic strategy ',Int. J. Simulation and Process Modelling ,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. ,2024 |
8 | Ananth Rajkumar,Martin Thangaraj Gerald Arul Selvan,Victor Neto, Ramasamy Satheesh Raja, Joseph Selvi Binoj, Brailson Mansingh Bright ,'Optimization and statistical analysis on mechanical, thermal, wear and water absorption characteristics of fragrant screwpine fiber reinforced polymer biocomposites ',Iranian Polymer Journal ,springer ,2024 |
9 | Alfred Franklin, Saji, Godwin, Joseph, Sreeja ,'Determination of natural frequency due to torsional loads ',AIP Publishing ,AIP Publishing ,2024 |
10 | R.Jemila Rose, P R Sheebha Rani and Arul Rex ,'IoT Based Rapid V- Tester Analysis ',Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edi,Xi'an Petroleum Institute ,2024 |
11 | Martin Thangaraj Gerald Arul Selvan, Bright Brailson Mansingh, Joseph Selvi Binoj, Arul Raj Jayson ,'Extraction and characterization of Oplismenus hirtellus grass fber for possible bio‑reinforcement material in polymer composites ',Polymer Bulletin ,springer ,2024 |
12 | Poniface JOSE ALOYSIUS, Jacob Thambi Evans JEBEEN MOSES , Varghese Thaya VIJUMON, Muthu Nadar FELIX XAVIER MUTHU ,'Near Dry Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Machining of AA7050 Hybrid Composites Utilizing Composite Tool Materials ',Materials Science-Medziagotyra , ,2024 |
13 | Dr.L.M.Merlin Livingston, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, Dr.L.M.Jenila Livingston ,'Sign Language Recognition System for Speech Impaired ',Technische Sicherheit ,Technische Sicherheit(Technical Security) ,2024 |
14 | M.Jasmin Annie Genefer,Dr.M.M.Janeela Theresa ,'Soft Actor-critic-based Distributed Routing Scheme for Edge Computing Integrated with Dynamic IoT Networks ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylors and Francis ,2024 |
16 | M. L. Anantha Lekshmi, A. J. Prakash , R. J. Jerlin , and K. R. Dinesh ,'Graphene Oxide: Unveiling Its Chemistry and Its Emerging Applications (A Review) ',Russian Journal of General Chemistry , ,2024 |
17 | Jerlin Regin J, Ilanthalir A, Shyni R L ,'Optimizing lightweight concrete with coconut shell aggregates for high strength and sustainability ',Global NEST Journal ,Global NEST ,2024 |
18 | Ms. J. Jencewin*1, Akshay.P*2, Ashik. J*3, Beniting. S*4, Dev. S. Hyvin*5 ,'DETECTING ANOMALOUS BEHAVIOUR IN ATM?S USING CNN AND LSTM ',International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ,IRJMETS ,2024 |
19 | P.Jose Aloysius,J.Jebeen Moses, V.T.Vijumon, M.Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Near Dry Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Machining of AA7050 Hybrid Composites Utilizing Composite Tool Materials ',Materials Science ,Medziagotyra ,2024 |
20 | Baby Lisa K , Ajina Charles C , Sheeba R , Dr. L.Femila ,'IoT Based Room Automation and Control of Wheel Chair using Google Assistant for Disabled Patients ',International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology , ,2024 |
21 | Belfin Raj S1 , Srinivasan K and Jessy Mol I ,'A GIS-based Analytical Hierarchy Process was Employed to Conduct an Assessment of Potential Groundwater Zones in the Kuzhithuraiyar Sub Basin ',Indian Journal of Natural Sciences ,ijons ,2024 |
22 | N.M. Spencer Prathap Singh, T.Ajitha ,'Investigation of THD reduction in Voltage Source Inverter utilizing PI Controller against Sudden Input and Variation in Loads ',GRADIVA Review Journal , ,2024 |
24 | Dr. R S Shaji and G Johncy ,'Secure smart grid implementation with automatic data integrity attack location prediction and exalted energy theft detection ',Connection Science ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
25 | LR Jonisha Miriam, RP Anto Kumar, PJ Merbin Jose, Ajith J Kings ,'Amine functionalised graphene embedded polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and PVA-chitosan hydrogel composites ',International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,Elsevier ,2024 |
26 | Abisha N1, Egin Jesika K J 2 ,Abinisha P S3, J. Jencewin4 ,'A secure method of controlling user access for IIOT and Cyber Physical Systems via SDN ',International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods ,IJARESM ,2024 |
27 | A. Bamila Virgin Louis, G Arul Dalton ,'Resource allocation in paired users: Optimization-assisted user grouping for fairness improvement of NOMA ',International Journal of Communication Systems ,John Wiley ,2024 |
28 | T. Berjin Magizha and M. K. Angel Jebitha ,'The domination uniform subdivision number of G^(++-) ',Journal of Algebra and Related Topics , ,2024 |
29 | N Sivagurumanikandan, G Shanthos Kumar, S Saravanan, K Raghukandan ,'Effect of Different Post-weld Heat Treatments on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Pulsed Nd: YAG Laser Welded Hastelloy C-276/Monel 400 Sheets. ',Lasers in Engineering ,Old City Publisher ,2024 |
30 | G Johncy,Dr.R.S.Shaji ,'Secure smart grid implementation with automatic data integrity attack location prediction and exalted energy theft detection ',Connection Science ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
31 | P Sujin, S Sheeju Selva Roji, Ajith J Kings, LR Monisha Miriam ,' Optimization of engine performance, emission and combustion parameters by using mixed nonedible oil biodiesel with nano-additives using hybrid techniques ',Energy ,Elsevier ,2024 |
32 | Dr. A. Ludvin Felcy, M. M. Latha ,'Effect of squared, cubic and quartic on-site potentials on heat conduction in a nonlinear silicon lattice ',Physica B ,Elsevier ,2024 |
33 | Baby Lisa K ,'Non Invasive Blood Glucose Monitoring System Using IoT ',International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology ,IJNIET ,2024 |
34 | J Bright Jose & R. P. Anto Kumar ,'A novel method for video enhancement under low light using BFR-SEQT technique ',The Imaging Science Journal ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
35 | M.M. Janeela Theresa, M. Jasmin Annie Genefer ,'Soft Actor-critic-based Distributed Routing Scheme for Edge Computing Integrated with Dynamic IoT Networks. ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
36 | B. C. Preethi1*, G. Sugitha, T. B. Sivakumar ,'Optimized Fertilizer Dispensing for Sustainable Agriculture Through Secured IoT-Blockchain Framework ',(IJACSA) International Journal of Advanced Computer Science and Applications ,The Science and Information organization ,2024 |
37 | P. Sujin, Ajith J. Kings,L.R. Monisha Miriam c,Jain B. Marshel ,'Optimized biodiesel production from mixed non-edible oils using advanced computational techniques and a novel bifunctional liquified catalyst: Compatibility assessment in IC engines ',Biomass and Bioenergy ,Elsevier ,2024 |
38 | Jiji , Maria Seraphin Sujitha and Annie Bessant ,'REOUN: restoration and enhancement of optical imaging underwater based on non-local prior ',Journal of Optics ,springer ,2024 |
39 | Dr. A. Ludvin Felcy, M. M. Latha ,'Kink-soliton propagation associated with a (2+1)-dimensional antiferromagnetic spin system comprising the biquadratic interactions ',Chinese Journal of Physics ,Elsevier ,2024 |
40 | Baby Lisa K ,'Study On Spatial Variations of Surface Water Quality Vulnerable Zones in Baitarani River Basin, Odisha, India ',Nature Environment and Pollution Technology ,Technoscience Publications ,2024 |
41 | Preethi B. C ,'Self-Attention conditional generative adversarial network optimised with crayfish optimization algorithm for improving cyber security in cloud computing ',Computers & Security ,Science Diret ,2024 |
42 | C.Renit, T.Ajith Bosco Raj ,'Wearable frequency selective surface-based compact dual-band antenna for 5G and Wi-Fi applications ',AUTOMATIKA ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
43 | Dr. R S Shaji and J. S. Simi Mole ,'Ethereum blockchain for electronic health records: securing and streamlining patient management ',Frontiers in Medicine ,Frontiers ,2024 |
44 | Dr. Mary Vasanthi S, Dr. Haiter Lenin A,Ancilin Princy,Brintha ,'IOT-BASED MANHOLE MONITORING AND FAULT DETECTION FOR SMART CITIES ',Industrial Engineering Journal ,Indian Institute of Industrial Engineering ,2024 |
45 | P. Sujin, Ajith J. Kings, L.R. Monisha Miriam, Jain B. Marshel ,'Optimized biodiesel production from mixed non-edible oils using advanced computational techniques and a novel bifunctional liquified catalyst: Compatibility assessment in IC engines ',Biomass & Bioenergy ,Elsevier ,2024 |
46 | V. S. Iswarya, M. Babima, M. Gnana Muhila, R. Dhaneesh ,'Enhancing well‐being: evaluating the impact of stress management interventions for IT professionals in the workplace ',International journal systems assurance engineering management ,Springer Nature ,2024 |
47 | B.C. Preethi ,'Intrusion detection and secure data storage in the cloud were recommend by a multiscale deep bidirectional gated recurrent neural network ',Expert Systems with Applications ,Science Direct ,2024 |
48 | J. Mahesh, J. Jerlin Regin, T. Jarin, S.R. Boselin Prabhu ,'A comprehensive study of identification of microstructural analysis in various reinforced fly ash concretes ',Int. J. Manufacturing Technology and Management ,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd. ,2024 |
49 | Dr. M. John Bosco ,'Maximum Power Extraction of Photovoltaic System Using a Novel Cross Diagonal View Method ',The Patent Office Journal No. 17/2024 ,The Patent Office ,2024 |
50 | Preethi B. C ,'A multi-objective privacy preservation model for cloud security using hunter prey optimization algorithm ',Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,SpringerLink ,2024 |
51 | C. Sahaya Pushpa Sarmila Star, A. Milton, T. M. Inbamalar ,'An improved semantic segmentation for breast lesion from dynamic contrast enhanced MRI images using deep learning ',International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology ,Wiley ,2024 |
52 | Y.R.ANNIE BESSANT ,'Design of a Multiband Antenna Using Auxiliary Classifier Wasserstein Generative Adversarial Network for IoT Applications ',international journal of communication systems ,wiley ,2024 |
53 | L.R. Monisha Miriam, Ajith J. Kings, R. Raj, Jain B. Marshel, R.S. Rimal Isaac, A. Saravanan, L.J. Ashwand Jesvil, Anujith N. Rajan ,'Synthesis of biodiesel from an unique potential oil reserve Delonix regia using a novel biocatalyst bamboo stem ? A comparative study by RSM and ANN ',Industrial crops and Products ,Elsevier ,2024 |
54 | V. S. Iswarya, M. Babima, M. Gnana Muhila, R. Dhaneesh ,'An empirical study on the factors causing stress among IT professionals in the urban city of Chennai ',International journal systems assurance engineering management ,Springer Nature ,2024 |
55 | T. Mary Little Flower, T.Jaya,S.Christopher Ezhil Singh ,'Data augmentation using a 1D-CNN model with MFCC/MFMC features for speech emotion recognition ',Automatika-Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
56 | Baby Lisa K ,'IoT Based Room Automation and Control of Wheel Chair using Google Assistant for Disabled Patients ',International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology (IJNIET) ,IJNIET ,2024 |
57 | Varghese Thaya VIJUMON, Jacob Thambi Evans JEBEEN MOSES, Poniface JOSE ALOYSIUS, Muthu Nadar FELIX XAVIER MUTHU ,'Development of Novel Wear Equation of AA7050/SiC-Steel Interface for High Temperature Application ',Materials Science-Medziagotyra , ,2024 |
58 | C.Renit, T.Ajith Bosco Raj, C.Asha Beaula ,'A Review on the Design of Inverted F‑Antenna for Bluetooth, Wi‑Fi, WiMAX and Zigbee Applications ',Wireless personal Communication ,Springer ,2024 |
59 | Arul Rex, Jemila Rose ,'rul rex, jemila rose oppositional remora based auv path planning with optimal energy efficient data collection protocol in underwater wireless sensor network ',International Journal of system of system engineering ,Inter Science ,2024 |
60 | A Bamila Virgin Louis, R. Benschwartz, Srinidhi Sundaram, Farzhana. I, S. K. Rajesh Kanna, K. Sivakumar ,'Integrated Task Scheduling and Resource Allocation for VR Video Services in Advanced 6G Network using Quantum Scalable Stereo-Convolutional Neural Network with Progression Optimizer ',Nanotechnology Perceptions , ,2024 |
61 | M. Sindhu, A. Ludvin Felcy, M. Gerald Arul Selvan and P. Vasantha Prabha ,'Tensile Properties of Palm Fiber Reinforced Polyester Composites: Effect Of Fiber Length, Fiber Treatment And Water Absorption ',International Journal of Research in Engineering and Bioscience ,IJREB ,2024 |
62 | 1. J Prakash Arul Jose, I Jessy Mol, K Bravilin Jiju and M Dharsana ,'Applications of Nano-Banana Peel Bio-Coagulant for the Treatment of Kuzhithurai River Water ',Water Resources ,Springer ,2024 |
63 | M. John Bosco, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha ,'POWER DISTRIBUTION THROUGH WIRELESS POWER TRANSMISSION TECHNIQUE ',International Research Journal of Education and Technology ,International Research Journal of Education and Te,2024 |
64 | B. Geetha, Anita Soni, M Basha, Er. S. John Pimo, K. Mohana Lakshmi, K. Sridevi ,'Revolutionizing Farming: Experimental Design and Development of NodeMCU Assisted IoT based Smart Irrigation System ',IEEE ,IEEE ,2024 |
65 | Ajiesya. D P, Adlin. M, Dr. Babima. M, Jenit Hanson G ,'A Study on Technological Advancements in Cashew Processing Machines in India ',International RResearch Journal on Advanced Engineering and Management ,Goldn cloud publications. ,2024 |
66 | S.L. Soniya, Aashir Francis, Allan Prabhu. M.S, Ahilesh B.G, Christen Cherub K.M ,'REAL TIME OBJECT DETECTION WITH VOICE FEEDBACK ',International Research Journal of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science , ,2024 |
67 | LAA Gracious, PJB Pajila, G Johncy, TP Anish, K Prasanth ,'Towards Precision Oncology: A Study of Machine Learning Models for Breast Cancer Prediction ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2024 |
68 | C. Sahaya Pushpa Sarmila Star, T. M. Inbamalar, A. Milton ,'Segmentation of breast lesion using fuzzy thresholding and deep learning ',Computers in Biology and Medicine ,Elsevier ,2024 |
69 | T Mahitha; Sajja Suneel; M. Amina Begum; Er. S. John Pimo; B. Swapna; Revathi. R ,'Empirical Evaluation of Internet of Things Assisted Fire Fighting Robotic Design Based on Intelligent Sensors Association ',2024 5th International Conference on Electronics and Sustainable Communication Systems (ICESC) ,IEEE ,2024 |
70 | Ilanthalir A., Jerlin Regin J. ,'Performance of Lightweight Coconut Shell Concrete-Filled Circular Steel Tube Columns under Axial Compression ',Materials Research Express ,IOP ,2024 |
71 | M. John Bosco, M. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha ,'Solar PV Power Generation and Distribution Through Wireless Power Transmission ',HBRP Publication ,HBRP Publication Pvt. Ltd ,2024 |
72 | L.R. Jonisha Miriam , R.P. Anto Kumar , P.J. Merbin Jose , Ajith J. Kings ,'Amine functionalised graphene embedded polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) and PVA-chitosan hydrogel composites ',International Journal of Biological Macromolecules ,Elsevier ,2024 |
73 | M. Jeya Sutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Felix Nes Mabel, V. T. Vijumon ,'T2FM: A novel hashtable based type-2 fuzzy frequent itemsets mining ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2024 |
74 | Adelin Elvis, Dr. D. Sahaya Beula ,'A STUDY ON EMPLOYEE WELFARE MEASURES AND IT?S INFLUENCE ON PERFORMANCE IN HLL LIFECARE LIMITED? ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Arts, Science, Engineering & Management (IJARASEM ) , ,2024 |
75 | V.Asha Jincy, Marly.G, Shiny Vinse R P & Dr.L.Femila ,'Develop and Implementing INET ',International Journal of New Innovations in Engineering and Technology , ,2024 |
76 | J.S.SIMI MOLE ,'AN IOT- BASED RFID SMART TROLLEY SYSTEM FOR SEAMLESS SHOPPING? ',International Research Journal Of Modernization in Engineering Technology and Science ,IRJMETS ,2024 |
77 | T. Mary Little Flower , T. Jaya ,'A novel concatenated 1D-CNN model for speech emotion recognition ',Biomedical Signal Processing and Control ,Elsevier ,2024 |
78 | M. Jeya Sutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Felix Nes Mabel, V. T. Vijumon ,'T2FM: A novel hashtable based type-2 fuzzy frequent itemsets mining ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2024 |
79 | Anton Golwin .P, Dr. D. Sahaya Beula ,'A Study on Cash Management With Reference to the Kerala Agro Industries Corporation Ltd ',International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research in Science, Engineering, Technology & Management,NISCAIR ,2024 |
80 | Mary Vasanthi S , Haiter Lenin A , Yasser Fouad , Manzoore Elahi M. Soudagar d ,'Electromyography signal based hand gesture classification system using Hilbert Huang transform and deep neural networks ',Heliyon ,Cell Press ,2024 |
81 | P.Jose Aloysius,J.Jebeen Moses, V.T.Vijumon, M.Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Near Dry Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Machining of AA7050 Hybrid Composites Utilizing Composite Tool MaterialsNear Dry Powder Mixed Electric Discharge Machining of AA7050 Hybrid Composites Utilizin',Materials Science ,Medziagotyra ,2024 |
82 | Antony Vimal Paul Pandian1 · Krishna Prakash Arunachalam2 · Siva Avudaiappan2 · S. Sahaya Jasmin1 · Lenin Miguel Bendezu Romero3 · Paul O. Awoyera4 ,'Modification of response reduction factors of overhead water tanks based on ductility factor ',Discover Applied Sciences ,Springer Nature ,2024 |
83 | Varghese Thaya VIJUMON, Jacob Thambi Evans JEBEEN MOSES , Poniface JOSE ALOYSIUS, Muthu Nadar FELIX XAVIER MUTHU ,'Development of Novel Wear Equation of AA7050/SiC-Steel Interface for High Temperature Application ',MATERIALS SCIENCE (MED?IAGOTYRA). ,MED?IAGOTYRA ,2024 |
84 | C. Jasphin and J. Merry Geisa ,'Automated identification of gastric cancer in endoscopic images by a deep learning model ',Automatika Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications ,Taylor and Francis ,2024 |
85 | L.R. Monisha Miriam , Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj , Jain B. Marshel , R.S. Rimal Isaac , A. Saravanan , L.J. Ashwand Jesvil, Anujith N. Rajan ,'Synthesis of biodiesel from an unique potential oil reserve Delonix regia using a novel biocatalyst bamboo stem ? A comparative study by RSM and ANN ',Industrial Crops and Products ,Elsevier ,2024 |
86 | Dr. A Bamila Virgin Louis, Dr. M. S. Maharajan, V. Vaithianathan, S. Balaguru, Dr. P. Bhuvaneswari and Dr. M. Preetha ,'Graph Fick's Neural Networks for Traffic Prediction and Resource Allocation in 6G Wireless Systems ',Library Progress International ,Elsevier ,2024 |
87 | J.S.SIMI MOLE DR.R.S SHAJI ,'Ethereum blockchain for electronic health records: securing and streamlining patient management ',FRONTIERS IN MEDICINE ,Frontiers Media S.A. ,2024 |
88 | Antony Vimal, Prakash Arul Jose, Arul Yesu Raja, Jerlin Regin ,'Structural and dynamic properties of elevated water tanks for better performance during earthquakes ',Matéria (Rio J.) , ,2024 |
89 | V.T.Vijumon,J.Jebeen Moses,P.Jose Aloysius, M.Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Development of Novel Wear Equation of AA7050/SiC-Steel Interface for High Temperature Application ',Materials Science ,Medziagotyra ,2024 |
90 | Abhijeet Das, J.Jerlin Regin, A.Suhasini and K.Baby Lisa ,'Study on spatial variations of surface water quality vulnerable zones in Baitarani River Basin, Odisha,India ',Nature Environment and Pollution Technology , ,2024 |
91 | S.A. Anujaa,⁎, P. Kavithab, C.H. Jothic, R. Jemila Rose ,'Seasonal assessment of water quality for irrigation using multiple indices in Thamirabarani river, Kanyakumari district, India ',Desalination and Water Treatment ,elsevier ,2024 |
92 | P. Maria Jesi1, V. Antony Asir Daniel2, R. Rajagopal3 and L. Femila4 ,'Cluster Head Selection Using Multi-Dilation Convolutional Neural Network Optimized with BCMO for IoT Networks ',IETE JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ,Taylor and Francis Ltd. ,2024 |
93 | Chrispin Jiji1 · Maria Seraphin Sujitha2 · Annie Bessant2 · G. Indumathi1 ,'REOUN: restoration and enhancement of optical imaging underwater based on non‑local prior ',Journal of Optics ,springer ,2024 |
94 | C. Sahaya Pushpa Sarmila Star, T. M. Inbamalar, A. Milton ,'Automatic semantic segmentation of breast cancer in DCE-MRI using DeepLabV3+ with modified ResNet50 ',Biomedical Signal Processing and Control ,Elsevier ,2024 |
95 | Karthikeyan Ganesan, , Vijai Kanagarajan and Jerlin Regin Joseph Dominic ,'INVESTIGATION ON CORROSION AND FLEXURAL BEHAVIOUR OF REINFORCED CONCRETE USING MARINE SAND ',Jurnal Teknologi , ,2024 |
96 | Bright Jose J , Dr. Anto Kumar R.P. ,'A novel method for video enhancement under low light using BFR-SEQT technique ',The Imaging Science ,Tayler and Francis ,2024 |
97 | Dr. S. T. Sheriba , Abhaya A.S , Akshaya A.S , Frana Shwetha S , Sahaya Jincy R ,'RESISTING BLACKHOLE ATTACK IN MANET ',International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods ,UGC Certified Peer-Reviewed Refereed Multi-dicipli,2024 |
98 | V.T.Vijumon,J.Jebeen Moses,P.Jose Aloysius, M.Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Development of Novel Wear Equation of AA7050/SiC-Steel Interface for High Temperature Application ',Materials Science ,Medziagotyra ,2024 |
99 | Abhijeet Das, J.Jerlin Regin, A.Suhasini, K.Baby Lisa ,'Study On Spatial Variations of Surface Water Quality Vulnerable Zones in Baitarani River Basin, Odisha, India ',Nature Environment and Pollution Technology , ,2024 |
100 | G.Geo Jenefer, Deepa A.J, M.Mary Linda ,'Diabetic prediction and classification of risk level using ODDTADC method in Big Data Analytics ',Journal of Combinatorial Optimization, ,Springer ,2024 |
101 | P. Devika and A. Milton ,'Book recommendation using sentiment analysis and ensembling hybrid deep learning models ',Knowledge and Information Systems ,Springer Link ,2024 |
102 | R. Christal Jebi, S.Baulkani, L.Femila ,'Hybrid energy-Efficient distributed aided frog leaping dynamic A* with reinforcement learning for enhanced trajectory planning in UAV swarms large-scale networks ',Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience ,John Wiley and sons Ltd. ,2024 |
103 | Porcia, Jerlin Regin ,'Effect of partial replacement by coconut shell charcoal and silicafume in autoclave aerated concrete a experimentation ',Matéria (Rio J.) , ,2024 |
104 | T. Michel Raj, T. Paul Robert ,'Influence of Milled carbon fiber MCF on mechanical and dynamic mechanical behaviour of carbon fiber fabric reinforced polymer composites ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,ELSEVIER ,2024 |
105 | Dr. S. T. Sheriba, Aswin Jen S ,'Security Enhancement Using Ai ',International Journal of All Research Education & Scientific Methods ,UGC Certified Peer-Reviewed Refereed Multi-discipl,2024 |
106 | Preethi B. C ,'Features Based Face Detection Tracking and Recognition in Video Surveillance ',AIP ,AIP Conference Proceedings ,2024 |
107 | Jerlin Regin, Maria Rajesh, Raya Said, May Darwish, Hamdah Ali, Nooralsnaa, Athari Khalifa ,'Effective utilization of bio and industry wastes to produce thermal insulation concrete A novel solution for energy saving building ',Nature Environment and Pollution Technology , ,2024 |
108 | M. Sindhu, A. Ludvin Felcy, M. Gerald Arul Selvan and P. Vasantha Prabha ,'TENSILE PROPERTIES OF PALM FIBER REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITES: EFFECT OF FIBER LENGTH, FIBER TREATMENT AND WATER ABSORPTION ',International Journal of Research in Engineering and Bioscience , ,2024 |
109 | Nishanth R., C. Helen Sulochana ,'A novel lightweight CNN-based error-reduced carry prediction approximate full adder design for multimedia applications ',Neural Computing and Applications ,Springer ,2024 |
110 | M Gerald Arul Selvan, G Antony Miraculas, B Brailson Mansingh, JS Binoj ,'Chromolaena odorata stem biowaste as natural bio-reinforcement for polymer composites: effective waste management technique ',International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ,Springer Berlin Heidelberg ,2024 |
111 | Alfred Franklin, Godwin, Joseph Sekar, Amijith, Sreeja ,'Structural analysis of cylindrical type 1 pressure vessel ',AIP Publishing ,AIP Publishing ,2024 |
112 | Devika P & Milton A ,'Book recommendation system: reviewing different techniques and approaches ',International Journal on Digital Libraries ,Springer Link ,2024 |
113 | sahya stalin jose G,Sugitha, G,Ayshwrya Lakshmi S, Chaluvaraj, Preethi Bangalore ,'Self-Attention conditional generative adversarial network optimised with crayfish optimization algorithm for improving cyber security in cloud computing ',Computers & Security ,Elsevier ,2024 |
114 | Preethi B. C ,'A Comprehensive Evaluation of Secret Key Encryption Algorithm for Cyber Security in Cloud Applications ',AIP ,AIP Conference Proceedings ,2024 |
115 | S.P. Subotha, L. Femila ,'VMRF: Revolutionizing Military Border Surveillance with Extensive Coverage and Connectivity ',Telecommunication Systems ,Springer ,2024 |
116 | M. Sindhu, A. Ludvin Felcy , M. Gerald Arul Selvan and P. Vasantha Prabha ,'TENSILE PROPERTIES OF PALM FIBER REINFORCED POLYESTER COMPOSITES: EFFECT OF FIBER LENGTH, FIBER TREATMENT AND WATER ABSORPTION ',International Journal of Research in Engineering and Bioscience ,IJREB ,2024 |
117 | L. B. LishaC, Helen Sulochana ,'DEC-DRR: deep ensemble of classification model for diabetic retinopathy recognition ',Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing ,Springer ,2024 |
118 | Haiter Lenin A. , Srinivasan Murugan , Sujin Jose Arul , Mary Vasanthi S. ,'A Novel Real-Time Assessment of the Wear Analysis of Cu-Ni-Sn Hybrid Composite for Multifunctional Applications Strengthened by Nano B4C ',Archives of Metallurgy and Materials ,Polish Academy of sciences ,2024 |
119 | Alfred Franklin, Murugan, Sreeja, Joseph Sekar ,'Exptl determination of radius of gyration of an object ',AIP Publishing ,AIP Publishing ,2024 |
120 | Sahya Stalin Jose G,Sugitha, G,Ayshwrya Lakshmi S, Chaluvaraj, Preethi Bangalore ,'A multi‑objective privacy preservation model for cloud security using hunter prey optimization algorithm ',Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,Springer ,2024 |
121 | Belfin Raj S, Srinivasan K & Jessy Mol I ,'Investigation of climate change by analysing the rainfall pattern in kuzhithuraiyar sub-basin of India using GIS-based spatial analysis ',Sustainable Chemistry for Climate Action ,Elsevier ,2024 |
122 | Dr. M. John Bosco, T. Tijo, P. Pravin, G. Babin Dhas ,'High-pressure automatic vacuum cleaner using Arduino ',BOHR Journal of Electrical and Electronic Communication Engineering ,BOHR Journal of Electrical and Electronic Communic,2024 |
123 | SR Fernisha, C Seldev Christopher, SR Lyernisha ,'Candros optimization algorithm based dual attention LieNet model for low light image enhancement ',Signal, Image and Video Processing ,Springer London ,2024 |
124 | Neethu Ravindran, R.P. Anto Kumar ,'SECOA: Serial Exponential Coati Optimization Algorithm for MANET routing with link lifetime prediction ',Engineering Science and Technology,an International Journal ,Elsevier ,2024 |
125 | M. Gerald Arul Selvan, G. Antony Miraculas, B. Brailson Mansingh, · J. S. Binoj ,'Chromolaena odorata stem biowaste as natural bio‑reinforcement for polymer composites: efective waste management technique ',International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ,springer ,2024 |
126 | Alfred Franklin, Jegan, Joseph Sekar, Sreeja ,'Exptl determination of gyroscopic couple ',AIP Publishing ,AIP Publishing ,2024 |
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128 | G. Sahaya Stalin Jose , P. Brindha , J. Merin Joshiba ,'Implementing Machine Learning for design and evaluation of Antenna Parameters ',Signals and Communication Technology ,Springer ,2024 |
129 | S.A.Anuja& Dr.P.Kavitha. C.H.Jothi, R.Jemila Rose ,'Seasonal assessment of water quality for irrigation using multiple indices in Thamirabarani river, Kanyakumri district, India ',Desalinations and Water Treatment ,Elsevier ,2024 |
130 | M. Abragam Siyon Sing & M. Marsaline Beno ,'Energy Consumption Analysis and Management Strategies for the Dairy Farm in India Towards Sustainable Development ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
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133 | V.G. Anisha Gnana Vincy1 , M. Germin Nisha2 ,'OPTIMIZED PARALLEL DEPTHWISE SEPARABLE CONVOLUTIONAL NEURAL NETWORK-ENABLED SMART WASTE MANAGEMENT IoT IN SMART CITIES ',Environmental Engineering and Management Journal ,Technical University of IASI ,2024 |
134 | S. Shiny ,M. Marsaline Beno ,'Dynamic load scheduling and power allocation for energy efficiency and cost reduction in smart grids: An RL‑SAL‑BWO approach ',Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,2024 |
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136 | M.C.Sheeba, Dr.C .SeldevChristopher ,'Adaptive deep residual network for image denoising across multiple noise levels in medical, nature, and satellite images ',Ain Shams Engineering Journal ,Elsevier ,2024 |
137 | J. Jasmine1 · M. Germin Nisha2 · Rajesh Prasad ,'Enhancing smart grid reliability with advanced load forecasting using deep learning ',Electrical Engineering ,Springer ,2024 |
138 | Porcia Lawrence, Jerlin Regin ,'Effect of partial sand replacement by coconut shell charcoal and silica fume in auto-claved aerated concrete an experimentation ',Materia - Rio de Jenero ,Materia ,2024 |
139 | Antony Vimal Paul Pandian1 · Krishna Prakash Arunachalam2 · Alireza Bahrami3 · Lenin Miguel Bendezu Romero4 · Siva Avudaiappan2 · Paul O. Awoyera5 ,'Unsymmetricity effects on seismic performance of multi‑story buildings ',Discover Applied Sciences , ,2024 |
140 | A.Arul Rex , R.Jemila Rose ,'Priority-Based Multi-Objective Routing in Underwater Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Honey Badger Algorithm ',Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers ,World Scientific ,2024 |
141 | Paul Pandian Antony Vimal1 , Jesudhas Prakash Arul Jose2, Arulanantha Mani Pon Arul Yesu Raja3, Jerlin Regin Joseph1 ,' Structural and dynamic properties of elevated water tanks for better performance during earthquakes ',Materia , ,2024 |
142 | A. Arul Rex?, R Jemila Rose ,'Priority-Based Multi-Objective Routing in Underwater Sensor Networks Using Adaptive Honey Badger Algorithm ',Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers ,World Scientific ,2024 |
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145 | C.Sheeja Herobin Rani ,Binusha Sornil and Rexilin Sheeba ,'Predicting Diabetic Retinopathy Severity with Deep Learning: A Survey of Fundus Image Analysis Technique ',IEEE- Conference Proceeding ,IEEE ,2024 |
146 | Syed Hauider Abbas, Eslavath Ravi, Bukya Mohan Babu, S. John Pimo, Prakruti Kulkarni, M. Thirumalai ,'IoTWP: Design and Development of Internet of Things Assisted Weather Prediction Scheme with Advanced Remote Tracking Norms ',IEEE ,2024 International Conference on Power, Energy, Co,2024 |
147 | C.Sheeja Herobin Rani ,I Domilin Shyni and Rexilin Sheeba ,'Advancements in Dental Age Estimation: A Comprehensive Review of Convolutional Neural Networks and Ethical Considerations ',IEEE- Conference Proceeding ,IEEE ,2024 |
148 | C.Sheeja Herobin Rani ,I Domilin Shyni , Rexilin Sheeba & Mazhiha ,'Innovative Approaches to Dental Age Estimation:A Comprehensive Review of CNN Technologies and Ethical Issue 2024 ',IEEE- Conference Proceeding ,IEEE ,2024 |
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151 | Sumit Kushwaha , Sivakrishna Kondaveeti , S. Mary Vasanthi , Thamba Meshach W, D. Leela Rani , J. Megala ,'Graph-Informed Neural Networks with Green Anaconda Optimization Algorithm based on Automated Classification of Condition of Mental Health using Alpha Band EEG Signal ',Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Expert Systems (ICSES-2024) IEEE Xplore P, ,2024 |
153 | M. Abragam Siyon Sing, M. Marsaline Beno ,'Energy Consumption Analysis and Management Strategies for the Dairy Farm in India Towards Sustainable Development ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylor & Francis ,2024 |
154 | Suja A. Alex, JJV Nayahi, S Kaddoura ,'Deep convolutional neural networks with genetic algorithm-based synthetic minority over-sampling technique for improved imbalanced data classification ',Applied Soft Computing ,Elsevier ,2024 |
155 | Suja A. Alex ,'Imbalanced data learning using SMOTE and deep learning architecture with optimized features ',Neural Computing and Applications ,Springer ,2024 |
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157 | L. A. A. Gracious, R. M. Jasmine, E. Pooja, T. P. Anish, G. Johncy and R. S. Subramanian ,'Machine Learning and Deep Learning Transforming Healthcare: An Extensive Exploration of Applications, Algorithms ',IEEE ,IEEE ,2023 |
158 | S.A.Anuja,P.Kavitha,C.Hemlet Jothi ,'Assessment of Thamirabarani River Sediment Contamination Using Pollution Indicators and Multivariate Statistical Methods ',China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology ,Catalyst Research ,2023 |
159 | A. Jenice Prabhu, and D. Hevin Rajesh ,'Authentication of WSN for Secured Medical Data Transmission Using Diffie Hellman Algorithm ',Computer Systems Science & Engineering ,Tech Science Press ,2023 |
160 | S.Prathap Singh,M.Gerald Arul Selvan,P.Jose Aloysius,P.Ravichandran ,'Effect of acidic solution and immersion duration on the corrosion behaviour of the Aluminium 6061 alloy ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2023 |
162 | F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M.Jeyasutha ,'CIP- Efficient Method for Mining Frequent Itemsets from Data streams using Landmark Window Model ',Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications , ,2023 |
163 | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice, P.Adin Shiny ,'Decomposition of Graphs using Prime Labelling Algorithm ',Mukt Shabd Journal ,Mr.Shabd ,2023 |
164 | P. Antony Vimal, Sree Lekshmi Suresh, M. Vinu ,'Effects of fundamental natural time periods on the seismic performance of base isolated multistorey buildings ',Asian Journal of Civil Engineering ,Springer ,2023 |
165 | S.A.Anuja,P.Kavitha,C.Hemlet Jothi ,'CCME WQI-Based Evaluation of Ground Water Quality in VillukuriPanchayat ',China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology ,Catalyst Research ,2023 |
166 | Arul King, J., Helen Sulochana C. ,'An efficient deep neural network to segment lung nodule using optimized HDCCARUNet model ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,ISO press ,2023 |
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168 | Ancy John, T.Latha ,'Stock Market Prediction based on Deep Hybrid RNN Model and Sentiment Analysis ',Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications ,Taylor and Francis ,2023 |
169 | A.Anisha,G.Jiji, T.Ajith Bosco Raj ,'Deep feature fusion and optimized feature selection based ensemble classification of liver lesions ',The Imaging Science Journal ,Taylor & Francis ,2023 |
170 | Anchana Belmon ;D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'IMPACTS OF COVID 19 & BLACK FUNGUS ON DIABETES PATIENTS IN INDIA ',AFRICAN HEALTH SCIENCES ,African Journals Online ,2023 |
171 | P. R. Sheebha Rani, R. Jemila Rose, S. R Sylaja Vallee Narayan, M C Sheeba, F. S. Fathima Nazreen and Ebil Metilda ,'Less water treatment: Fusion of drip irrigation and hydroponics method in agriculture ',African Journal of Agricultural Research ,Academic Journals ,2023 |
172 | R. Anuja, T. S. Sivarani, M. Germin Nisha ,' Fuzzy Fractional Order Proportional Integral Derivative Controller Design for Higherorder Time Delay Processes ',International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowlege-Based Systems ,World Scientific ,2023 |
173 | R. Nishanth,, Helen Sulochana ,'Design of imprecise compressor applications based on Hazy-Multipliers ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,ISO press ,2023 |
174 | J. H. Jensha Haennah, C. Seldev Christopher, G. R. Gnana King ,'Prediction of the COVID disease using lung CT images by Deep Learning algorithm: DETS-optimized Resnet 101 classifier ',Frontiers in Medicine , Frontiers Media ,2023 |
175 | Y. R. Annie Bessant · J. Grace Jency · K. Martin Sagayam · A. Amir Anton Jone,Digvijay Pandey· Binay Kumar Pandey ,'Improved parallel matrix multiplication using Strassen and Urdhvatiryagbhyam method ',CCF TRANSACTIONS ON HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ,SPRINGER NATURE ,2023 |
176 | S. Prathap Singh, D.X. Tittu George , A. Anitto Joe Xavier , G. Abinicks Raja ,'Effect of heat treatment on the hardness behaviour of the aluminium 6061 alloy ',Materials Today Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2023 |
177 | E.Baburaj, R.Barona, G.Arulkumaran ,'A Secured Novel Classifier for Effective Classification Using Gradient Boosting Algorithms ',Proceedings of International Conference on Data Science and Applications,Lecture Notes in Networks ,Springer ,2023 |
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179 | S.Nagendiran, Dr.R.Renugadevi, Dr. R. P. Anto Kumar, K.Sasirekha, R.Harini ,'Secure Sensitive Information on IoT using Machine Learning ',Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Communication Networks and Application ,IEEE ,2023 |
180 | N.M. Spencer Prathap Singh, T.Ajitha ,'Cuckoo Search Algorithm Study for Voltage Source Inverter Harmonic Reduction ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Engineering and Management ,Innovative Research Publication ,2023 |
181 | T. Michel Raj, T. Paul Robert ,'Efect of adding silanized cassava periderm biosilica on mechanical, V‑notch rail shear, wear, and UL‑94 fammability behavior of spinach stem fber epoxy composite ',Biomass Conversion and Biorefnery ,Springer ,2023 |
182 | L. B. LishaC, Helen Sulochana ,'Highly accurate blood vessel segmentation using texture-based modified K-means clustering with deep learning model. ',Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp. ,wiley ,2023 |
183 | L. Mary Florida , M. Felix Nes Mabel , S. Asha Alice , P.Adin Shiny ,'Decomposition of Graphs using Prime Labeling Algorithm ',Mukt Shabd Journal ,- ,2023 |
184 | D. Judson, A. Annie Portia, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston ,'Low-complexity joint equalization and CEO compensation in uplink SC-FDMA NOMA system under different power allocation strategies ',Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies ,Wiley ,2023 |
185 | A. Saravanan, Ajith J. Kings, L. R. Monisha Miriam, R. S. Rimal Isaac ,'RSM‑based comparative experimental study of sustainable biodiesel synthesis from diferent 2G feedstocks using magnetic nanocatalyst CaFe2O4 ',Environment, Development and Sustainability ,Springer ,2023 |
186 | N.M. Spencer Prathap Singh, T.Ajitha ,'PSO BASED HARMOIC MITIGATION IN SINGLE PHASE SINE WAVE VOLTAGE SOURCE INVERTER ',International Journal of Research -GRANTHAALAYAH ,AIJR Publishers ,2023 |
187 | V.Merin Shobi, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Voxel representation of brain images inpainting via Regional Pixel Semantic Network and pyramidal attention AE - Quantile differential mechanism model ',Computers in Biology and Medicine ,Elsevier ,2023 |
188 | L. Mary Florida1 , M. Felix Nes Mabel2 , S. Asha Alice3 , P.Adin Shiny4 ,'Decomposition of Graphs using Prime Labeling Algorithm ',Mukt Shabd Journal , ,2023 |
189 | D. Judson, A. Annie Portia, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston ,'Low-complexity joint equalization and CEO compensation in uplink SC-FDMA NOMA system under different power allocation strategies ',Transactions on Emerging Telecommunications Technologies ,Wiley ,2023 |
190 | S. R. Lyernisha, C. Seldev Christopher, and S. R. Fernisha ,'Object recognition from enhanced underwater image using optimized deep-CNN ',International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing ,World Scientific ,2023 |
191 | D.X.Tittu George, R.Edwin Raj, Ananth Rajkumar, Caroline Mabel ,'OPTIMAL SIZING OF SOLAR-WIND BASED HYBRID ENERGY SYSTEM USING MODIFIED DRAGONFLY ALGORITHM FOR AN INSTITUTION ',Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2023 |
193 | A.Anitha ,'Prevention of Fire and Hunting in Forest using Machine Learning for Sustainable Management ',BOHR international Journal of Internet of thinks, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning , ,2023 |
194 | V.Merin Shobi, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Review on Image Inpainting using Intelligence Mining Techniques ',Advanced Ultrasound in Diagnosis and Therapy ,Pringma, LLC ,2023 |
195 | S. A. Anuja1 *, P. Kavitha1 , P. M. Hency1 , C. H. Jothi1 and R. J. Rose2 ,'Comparative study of water quality between upstream and downstream of Thamirabarani River using multivariate statistical tools ',Scientific Research and Essays ,Academic Journal ,2023 |
196 | V.Vijimon Moni, D.Judson, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, A.Annie Portia ,'Effect of tunicated Allium cepa bulb leaf activated biochar on polyvinyl alcohol composite shielding material for electronics applications ',Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ,Springer Berlin Heidelberg ,2023 |
197 | S.A.Anuja & Dr. P.Kavitha ,'Geochemical Characteristics and Textural Assessment of Surface Sediment in Thamirabarani River Bsin ',Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research ,ShodhaSamhita ,2023 |
198 | R Barona, E.Baburaj ,'An efficient DDoS attack detection and categorization using adolescent identity search‑based weighted SVM model ',Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications ,Springer ,2023 |
199 | Pratap Singh, D.X.Tittu George, Anitto Joe Xavier ,'Effect of Heat treatment on the hardness behaviour of the aluminium 6061 alloy ',Materials Today Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2023 |
200 | G.Geo Jenefer, A.J.Deepa ,'Diabetes disease prediction using firefly optimization-based cat-boost classifier in big data analytics ', Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2023 |
201 | M. Angelin Rosy, M. Felix Xavier Muthu & S. Alfia ,'Human Intelligence to Artificial Intelligence Critical thinking and Emotional Intelligence ',REST Journal on Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence ,REST Publisher ,2023 |
202 | V.Vijimon Moni, D.Judson, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, A.Annie Portia ,'Effect of tunicated Allium cepa bulb leaf activated biochar on polyvinyl alcohol composite shielding material for electronics application. ',Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ,Springer ,2023 |
203 | Arul King. J, Dr. C. Helen Sulochana ,'An efficient deep neural network to segment lung nodule using optimized HDCCARUNet model ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS PRESS ,2023 |
204 | C Reeda Lenus , M Haris, C. Sheeja Herobin Rani ,'A Non Linear Circuit Model for Silicon Tunnel Field Effect Transistors ',Journal of Electronics Materials ,Springer ,2023 |
205 | M. Felix Xavier Muthu, M. Angelin Rosy, S. Alfia & Vigneshwari ,'Cell Disease Identification using Enhanced Salp Swarm Algorithm in Machine Learning ',International Research journal of Computer Science ,AM Publications ,2023 |
206 | Jeyaprakash Maheswaran, Maheswaran Chellapandian, Nakarajan Arunachelam and Manikandan Naga The ,'Thermal and durability characteristics of optimized green concrete developed using slag powder and pond ash ',Materials Research Express ,IOP Publishing Ltd ,2023 |
207 | A. Arjuna, R. Reena Rose ,'Segmentation of Retinal Anatomical Structures using Morphological-based Thresholding ',Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education ,Science Research Society ,2023 |
208 | Udhayasuriyan Brindha, Jeyaprakash Maheswaran, Maheswaran Chellapandian and Nakarajan Arunachelam ,'Quantitative Assessment of Strengthening Strategies and Design Recommendations for the Repair of Corrosion-Damaged Reinforced Concrete Members ',Buildings ,MDPI ,2023 |
209 | Vijaya Bhaskar Sadu, Nagaraju Budidha, Satish Billewar, S John Pimo, D Rajani Kumar, T Ch Anil Kumar ,'Digitalization of agriculture by using the application of IoT and robotics ',2022 International Interdisciplinary Humanitarian Conference for Sustainability (IIHC) ,IEEE ,2023 |
210 | Nadia Dahmani, Suja A Alex, S Gayathri Sadhana, S Geethanjali Jayasree, TP Akhil Jinu ,'Welcome Wagons: A Block Chain based Web Application for Car Booking ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2023 |
211 | P. R. Sheebha Rani1 , R. Jemila Rose2 *, S. R Sylaja Vallee Narayan3 , M C Sheeba2 , F. S. Fathima Nazreen2 and Ebil Metilda ,'Less water treatment: Fusion of drip irrigation and hydroponics method in agriculture ',African Journal of Agricultural Research , ,2023 |
212 | M. Jeya Sutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'T2FM: A novel hashtable based type-2 fuzzy frequent itemsets mining ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2023 |
213 | M Aruna, Dr R Jayakarthik, Er. S. John Pimo, Bhola Khan, Makarand Upadhyaya, Neenu Kuriakose ,'Machine Learning based Enhancement of Trading and Business Enterprises ',2023 International Conference on Sustainable Computing and Data Communication Systems (ICSCDS) ,IEEE ,2023 |
214 | Nirmal Adhikari; Nihar Ranjan Behera; Vijayakrishna Rapaka E; Er. S. John Pimo; Vaibhav Chaturvedi; Vikas Tripathi ,'Modeling of Optimal Deep Learning Enabled Object Detection and Classification on Drone Imagery ',International Conference on Augmented Intelligence and Sustainable Systems ,IEEE ,2023 |
215 | Haiter Lenin A, Vettivel, Mary Vasanthi S ,'Wear behaviour of a Cu-Ni-Sn hybrid composite reinforced with B4C prepared by powder metallurgy technique ',Strojniski-Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering ,University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Eng,2023 |
216 | Ajin,J.Jebeen Moses,Priya Dharshini ,'Tribological and machining characteristics of AA7075 hybrid composites and optimizing utilizing modified PROMETHEE approach ',Materials Research Express ,IOP Science ,2023 |
217 | F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Jeya Sutha ,'CIP- Efficient Method for Mining Frequent Itemsets from Data streams using Landmark Window Model ',Int. J. Advanced Networking and Applications ,Eswar Publications ,2023 |
218 | S.A.Anuja & Dr. P.Kavitha,P.M,Hency, C.H.Jothi and R.J.Rose ,'Comparative study of water quality between upstream and downstream of Thamirabarani River using multivariate statistical tools ',Scientific Research and Essays ,Academic journal ,2023 |
219 | A Anto Viji, J. Jasper, T. Latha ,'Efficient Secure Aware Scheduling Model for Enhancing Security and Workflow Model in Cloud Computing ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2023 |
220 | P.Ajitha, Irfan Ahmed.M.N,Mohith Seshan.K.M,Siva.C ,'Gesture Volume Control ',International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) ,Self ,2023 |
221 | S. Kanaga Suba Raja; Sobini X. Pushpa; J. Savija; A. Benham ,'A novel token-based authentication algorithm for DoS attacks in wireless sensor network ',AIP conference proceedings ,AIP ,2023 |
222 | KSAS Murugan, M Beno, R Sankar, M Ganesan ,'An optimal approach to DC multi-microgrid energy management in electric vehicles (EV) ',Automatika ,Taylor & Francis ,2023 |
223 | S. Anish, M. Germin Nisha ,'Develop Emperor Penguin Optimizer for Speed Regulation of BLDC Motor Using PV-Based Z-Source Inverter ',Electric Power Components and Systems ,Taylor and Francis ,2023 |
224 | S. L.Soniya , P. Indira ,'A Novel Lane Detection System Using Dynamic Vision Approach ',International Journal of All Research Education and Scientific Methods ,IJARESM ,2023 |
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226 | S.L.Soniya, T.Ajith Bosco Raj ,'Lung tumor analysis using a thrice novelty block classification approach ',Signal, Image and Video Processing ,Springer ,2023 |
227 | L. R. Monisha Miriam, Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, K. Prakash Shyam, M. Adhi Viswanathan ,'Process Optimization of Lipid Extraction from Microalgae Aphanothece halophytica in Wet and Dry Conditions ',Bioenergy Research ,Springer ,2023 |
228 | Saravanan, M.M.Beno ,'"A Comprehensive Investigation of Outer Rotor Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Motor for Enhanced Performance in Electric Vehicles" ',Journal: IEEE Canadian Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering ,IEEE ,2023 |
229 | S. Caroline1*, J. Sam Alaric2 and A. Anitha3 ,'Prevention of fire and hunting in forests using machine learning for sustainable forest management ',BOHR International Journal of Internet of things, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning ,BOHR ,2023 |
230 | A. Anisha,Femima Shelly. A. T, Benitta. R. K, Amala Selciya. T.L ,'Parkinson's Disease Detection using Spiral Drawings ',International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology , ,2023 |
232 | Amuthan, M.M.Beno ,'IOT based adjustment mechanism for direct reference model adaptive IMC to support voltage sag in DFIG wind farm ',Measurement: Sensors ,Elseivier ,2023 |
233 | M. Jeya Suthaa, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelana, M. Felix Nes Mabel and V.T. Vijumon ,'T2FM: A novel hashtable based type-2 fuzzy frequent itemsets mining ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2023 |
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235 | Chrispin Jiji, Annie Bessant, K. Martin Sagayam, A. Amir Anton Jone Hatıra Günerhan & Alphonse Houwe ,'A new model to detect COVID-19 patients based on Convolution Neural Network via l1 regularization ',Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering ,Taylor & Francis ,2023 |
236 | M.L.Ajin[1], J.Jebeen Moses[1*], M.Priya Dharshini[2] ,'Tribological and Machining Characteristics of AA7075 hybrid Composites and Optimizing Utilizing Modified PROMETHEE Approach ',Material Express ,IOP ,2023 |
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240 | J. Briso Becky Bell, Ananth Rajkumar, S. Maria Celestin Vigila, M.Gerald Arul Selvan , J. S. Binoj ,'Development of novel methodology for gene identification‑based classification of leukaemia disorder ',Research on Biomedical Engineering, ,springer ,2023 |
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243 | SR Lyernisha, C Seldev Christopher, SR Fernisha ,'Image Enhancement Approach for the Underwater Images Using the Optimized Color Balancing Model ',International Journal on Artificial Intelligence Tools ,World Scientific Publishing Company ,2023 |
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245 | Suja A.Alex,J Jesu Vedha Nayahi ,'Classification of Imbalanced Data Using SMOTE and AutoEncoder Based Deep Convolutional Neural Network ',International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems ,World Scientific Publishing Company ,2023 |
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247 | Ansho P. M. Germin Nisha M. ,' Egret Swarm Optimized Distributed Power Flow Controller for Power Quality Enhancement in Grid Connected Hybrid System ', Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology ,SpringerLink ,2023 |
248 | R S Shaji and Abhilash Nelson ,'A novel occluded face detection approach using Enhanced ORB and optimized GAN ',International Journal of Wavelets, Multiresolution and Information Processing ,World Scientific ,2023 |
249 | S. Prathap Singh, M. Gerald Arul Selvan,P. Jose Aloysius, P. Ravichandran ,'Effect of acidic solution and immersion duration on the corrosion behaviour of the aluminium 6061 alloy ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2023 |
251 | V.Vijimon Moni, D.Judson, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, A.Annie Portia ,'Effect of tunicated Allium cepa bulb leaf activated biochar on polyvinyl alcohol composite shielding material for electronics applications ',Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery ,Springer Berlin Heidelberg ,2023 |
252 | J. Maheswaran M. Chellapandian N. Arunachalam ,'Thermal and mechanical properties of a sustainable bio-flax fiber based light-weight aggregate concrete ',Magazine of Concrete Research , ,2023 |
253 | V. Vijimon Moni · D. Judson · X. Ascar Davix · J. John ,'Energy Management and Optimal Allocations of Resource in Ultra‑dense 5G Networks Using OGDNG Theory with GWO Method ',Wireless Personal Communication ,Springer ,2023 |
254 | P. R. Sheebha Rani1 , R. Jemila Rose2 *, S. R Sylaja Vallee Narayan3 , M C Sheeba2 , F. S. Fathima Nazreen2 and Ebil Metilda ,'Less water treatment: Fusion of drip irrigation and hydroponics method in agriculture ',African Journal of Agricultural Research ,Academic Journal ,2023 |
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261 | A. Darwin Jose Raju, S. Solai Manohar, A. Annie Steffy Beula ,'A Sizing Methodology of Resonant Spiral Inductor Position Sensor for Sliding Door Application ',Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology ,Springer ,2022 |
262 | N.Ansgar Mary, T. Latha ,'Binary Multifold Encryption Technique for Complex Cloud Systems ',Computer Systems Science and Engineering , ,2022 |
263 | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice ,'Labeling Graph connectivity patterns in the human brain network using fMRI data ',Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University ,Xi'an Petroleum University ,2022 |
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265 | Dr Somanchi Hari Krishna, Dr. Ankit Kumar, Dr. Mahammad Idrish I. Sandhi, Er. S. John Pimo, K G Kharade, Dr. Abdul Rahman H ,'Evolving role of Artificial Intelligence and Big data Technology in Enhancing Organizational Marketing ',Neuro Quantology ,AnKa Publisher ,2022 |
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268 | D. Minola Davidsa, and C. Seldev Christopher ,'An optimal video summarization of surveillance systems using LFOB-COA with deep features and RBLSTM ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2022 |
269 | R.Jemila Rose, P R Sheebha Rani, Arul Rex ,'IoT Based Rapid V- Tester Analysis ',Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University ,Natural Science Edition ,2022 |
270 | Selva Pradeep, Marsaline Beno ,'Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor Using ANFIS Automation ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science ,2022 |
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272 | Martin Thangaraj Gerald Arul Selvan, Joseph Selvi Binoj, Bright Brailson Mansingh & Justin Abraham Baby Saji ,'Physico-Chemical Properties of Alkali Treated Cellulosic Fibers from Fragrant Screw Pine Prop Root ',Journal of Natural Fibers ,Taylor & francis ,2022 |
273 | T. M. Angelin Monisha Sharean. ,'Deep learning models on Heart Disease Estimation - A review ',IRO Journals ,Journal of Artificial Intelligence and Capsule Net,2022 |
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275 | A. Annie Portia, D. Judson ,'Transmission of Images using Single Carrier Systems with Different Equalization Schemes ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura, Italy ,2022 |
276 | Jesus Bobin, Marsaline Beno ,'Performance Analysis of Optimization Based FOC and DTC Methods for Three Phase Induction Motor ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science ,2022 |
277 | B.C. Preethi,G. Sugitha, G. Kavitha ,'Intrusion Detection Framework using stacked auto encoder based deep neural network in IOT network ',Concurrency and computation practice and experience ,Wiley ,2022 |
278 | Praveena Bai Desavathu, A Ravi Raja, Sipra Patra, Rabinarayan Satpathy, S. John Pimo, Sankararao Majji ,'Design and Implementation of CNN-FPGA accelerator based on Open Computing Language ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2022 |
279 | C Reeda Lenus , M Haris, C. Sheeja Herobin Rani ,'Recent and Old Developments in Tunnel Field Effect Transistor ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,TechnoScience Academy ,2022 |
280 | V. Jesus Bobin and M. MarsalineBeno ,'Performance Analysis of Optimization Based FOC and DTC Methods for Three Phase Induction Motor ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
281 | G. S. Mol Subi, M. Babima and V. Marin Bini, ,'?Customer Relationship Management Practices in Customer Loyalty with Special Reference to Resorts of Trivandrum District, India ',Journal of Management & Entrepreneurship ,Xavier Institute of Management and Entrepreneurshi,2022 |
282 | S.S.Selva Pradeep,M.Marsaline Beno ,'Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor Using ANFIS Automation ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech science Press ,2022 |
283 | S. R. Fernisha, C. Seldev Christopher & S. R. Lyernisha ,'Slender Swarm Flamingo optimization-based residual low-light image enhancement network ',The Imaging Science Journal ,Taylor anf Francics ,2022 |
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288 | S. Naresh Kumar, Sankararao Majji, Tulasi Radhika Patnala, C. B. Jagadeesh, K. Ezhilarasan, S. John Pimo ,'Fruit and Leaf Disease Detection Based on Image Processing and Machine Learning Algorithms ',Springer ,Springer, Singapore ,2022 |
289 | L.Mary Florida.et.al ,'Modelling Of Maximal Connectivity Pattern in Human Brain Networks ',NeuroQuantology ,AnKa Publisher ,2022 |
290 | G. S. Mol Subi, M. Babima and V. Marin Bini ,'Importance of Customer Relationship Management in Hospitability Industry: A Focus on Resorts, Trivandrum District, India ',Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ,Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University ,2022 |
291 | P. R. Sheebha Rani1, R. Jemila Rose ,'Segmentation of Cervical Cancer by OLHT Based DT-CWT Techniques ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech science press ,2022 |
292 | A George Ansfer, Marsaline Beno ,'Improving the Efficiency of HEV Electronic Applications Using CAN-BUS Communication ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science ,2022 |
293 | B.C. Preethi, G Sugitha, G Kavitha ,'Cycle-consistent generative adversarial network optimized with water strider optimization algorithm fostered intrusion detection framework for securing cloud computing environment ',Concurrency Computation and Practical Experience ,wiley ,2022 |
294 | Dr. T.S Sheela Shiney ,'An Intelligent System to Enhance the Performance of Brain Tumor Diagnosis from MR Images ',Journal of Digital Imaging ,Springer ,2022 |
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297 | R. Anuja, T.S. Sivarani , M. Germin Nisha ,'Optimal tuning procedure for fopid controller of integrated industrial processes with deadtime ',BULLETIN OF THE POLISH ACADEMY OF SCIENCES ,PAS ,2022 |
298 | P. R. Sheebha Rani, R. Jemila Rose ,'Segmentation of Cervical Cancer by OLHT Based DT-CWT Techniques ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
299 | M. Angel Merlin Suji and Dr.R.P. Anto Kumar ,'A Review: Mobile Ad Hoc Network based Routing Protocols and its Challenges ',International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJAEET) ,Emerging Research Library ,2022 |
300 | C.R.Edwin Selva Rex, Annrose Joseph,Jenifer Jose ,'Comparative Analysis of Deep Convolution Neural network models on small scale datasets ',Optik ,Elesiver ,2022 |
301 | Abira, Mary Vasanthi S ,'Hand Gestures Recognition Using Fractional Fourier Transform and KNN Classifier ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology , ,2022 |
302 | A. Jegatheesh1,* , M. Germin Nisha2 and N. Kopperundevi3 ,'A Novel ANFIS Based SMC with Fractional Order PID Controller ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
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311 | K. Suresh Kumara,C. Helen Sulochanab, A. S. Radhamanic , T. Ananth Kumara ,'Sentiment lexicon for cross-domain adaptation with multi-domain dataset in Indian languages enhanced with BERT classification model ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,ISO press ,2022 |
312 | Mr. G. Jenit Hanson & Dr.M.Babima ,'Market Analysis of Nanjil Dairy Products in Kanyakumari District ',Flusser studies , ,2022 |
313 | Chennamsetty Madhusudhana Rao, J Ravindra Babu, S. John Pimo, Asmita Dixit, Sushma Jaiswal, Aatif Jamshed ,'A Comparative Study of NLP based Semantic Web Standard model using SPARQL database ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2022 |
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315 | Suja A Alex, Uttam Ghosh, Nazeeruddin Mohammad ,'Weather Prediction from Imbalanced Data Stream using 1D-Convolutional Neural Network ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2022 |
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317 | Mrs. G S Subi Mol, Dr.M.Babima ,'Importance of Customer Relationship Management in Hospitality Industry: A Focus on Resorts, Trivandrum District, India ',Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University, Natural Science Edition ,Natural Sciences ,2022 |
318 | Suja A. Alex, NZ Jhanjhi, Mamoona Humayun, Ashraf Osman Ibrahim, Anas W. Abulfaraj ,'Deep LSTM Model for Diabetes Prediction with Class Balancing by SMOTE ',Electronics ,MDPI ,2022 |
319 | S. Prathap Singh , D.X. Tittu George , M. Maria Jebin ,'Optimization of WEDM control parameters for machining of functionally graded Al6061-10 %Al2O3 composite ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2022 |
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322 | M. Antony Joans Kumar, C. Christopher Columbus, E. Ben George, T. Ajith Bosco Raj ,'A Virtual Cloud Storage Architecture for Enhanced Data Security ',Computer Systems Science and Engineering ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
323 | Mrs. G S Subi Mol, Dr.M.Babima ,'Customer Relationship Management Practices in Customer Loyalty with Special reference to Resorts of Trivandrum District, India ',Journal of Management and Entrepreneurship , ,2022 |
324 | Sobini X. Pushpa & S. Kanaga Suba Raja ,'Enhanced ECC Based Authentication Protocol in Wireless Sensor Network with DoS Mitigation ',Cybernetics and Systems ,Taylor & Francis ,2022 |
325 | R. Senthil Rama1 , C. R. Edwin Selva Rex2 , N. Herald Anantha Rufus3,* and J. Annrose4 ,'THD Reduction for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Using Simulated Annealing ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
327 | M. Angelin Rosy , M. Felix Xavier Muthu & Illamathi S ,'Cyber Security And Mobile Threats : The Need For Antivirus Applications For Smart Phones ',International journal of Advanced Technology in Engineering and Science , ,2022 |
328 | Dr.J.Mary Vanaja , Dr.M.Maenu ,'Evolution of Novels in India ',NeuroQuantology ,AnKa Publisher ,2022 |
329 | M.L.Ajin, J.Jebeen Moses, M.Priya Dharshini ,'Tribological Behavior of AA7075 Nanohybrid Composites at High Temperature ',Periodico do Mineralogia ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
330 | Brainis Vinslet Michael1& Dr. T.S.Sheela Shiney, ,'Detection of abnormalities in Fetus using Medical Image Processing ',International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) , ,2022 |
331 | A.Anitha,Anlyn Jobsy ,'Stress Recognition using Machine Learning ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science ,Engineering and Technology , ,2022 |
332 | Rosh George , Cris Benny , Thomaskutty Mathew , M. Shyamlal a , S. Christopher Ezhil Singh , T. Mary Little Flower , R. Malkiya Rasalin Prince ,'Tribological and mechanical properties Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nanocomposites prepared by powder metallurgy technique ',Materials Today: Proceeding ,ScienceDirect ,2022 |
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334 | N. Arunachalam, J. Maheswaran, M. Chellapandian and T.Ozbakkaloglu ,'Effective Utilization of Copper Slag for the Production of Geopolymer Concrete with different NaOH Molarity under Ambient Curing Conditions ',Sustainability ,MDPI ,2022 |
335 | T. Dhanushya, T.Latha ,'High Reliability Soft Error Hardened Latch Designfor Nanoscale CMOS Technology using PVT Variation ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2022 |
336 | T.MICHEL RAJ, J.JEBEEN MOSES, M.GERALD ARUL SELVAN ,'Investigation of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composites ',Periodico do Mineralogia ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
337 | A.R. GAYATHRI, A.ANNIE STEFFY BEULA, A. DARWIN JOSE RAJU, M. MARY SYNTHIA REGIS PRABHA D. M ,'An Efficient SEPIC-Zeta Converter with Adaptive Pi Controller for Grid Tied Applications ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
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339 | A. Darwin Jose Raju, A. S. Karthika, Kavyashree Prakashan and R. Ankayarkanni ,'Reframing the Possibilities in Healthcare using Blue Brain Technology ',BOHR International Journal of Computer Science ,BOHR ,2022 |
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341 | A Cibi, R Jemila Rose ,'classification of stages in cervical cancer MRI by customized CNN and transfer learning ',COGNITIVE NEURODYNAMICS ,SPRINGER ,2022 |
342 | George Recklin , P.V. Pranav , S. Christopher Ezhil Singh , Rajkumar S. Rai , T. Mary Little Flower , P. Sridharan ,'Compression behaviour Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nanocomposites through powder metallurgy method ',Materials Today: Proceeding ,ScienceDirect ,2022 |
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344 | Dr.J.Mary Vanaja, Dr.M.Maenu ,'Evolution of Novels in India ',NeuroQuantology ,AnKA Publisher ,2022 |
345 | A. Darwin Jose Raju1 , C. Seldev Christopher2 , A. Subitha2 , J. Bright Jose2 , A. S. Karthika2 and S. L. Krishna Priya ,'Welfare of Education in Kanyakumari District ',International Journal of Finance and Market Research ,BOHR Publishers ,2022 |
346 | N. Ansgar Mary, and T. Latha ,'Binary Multifold Encryption Technique for Complex Cloud Systems ',Computer Systems Science & Engineering ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
347 | A. Darwin Jose Raju, C. Seldev Christopher, A. Subitha , J. Bright Jose , A. S. Karthika and S. L. Krishna Priya ,'Welfare of Education in Kanyakumari District ',BOHR International Journal of Finance and Market Research ,BOHR ,2022 |
348 | J. Sahaya Jeniba & A. Milton ,'A multilevel self-attention based segmentation and classification technique using Directional Hexagonal Mixed Pattern algorithm for lung nodule detection in thoracic CT image ',International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology ,Wiley ,2022 |
349 | S.A.Anuja & P.Kavitha ,'Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Water and Sediment: A Preliminary Assessment of Thamirabarani River in Kanyakumari Districti ',International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences ,Global E smart Technologies ,2022 |
350 | N. Arnachalam, J. Maheswaran, M. Chellapandian, Gunesekaran Murali, Nikolai Ivanovich Vatin ,'Development of High Strength Geopolymer concrete incorporating High volume copper slag and micro silica. ',Sustainability ,MDPI ,2022 |
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352 | T.MICHEL RAJ, J.JEBEEN MOSES, M.GERALD ARUL SELVAN ,'Investigation of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composites ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,2022 |
353 | C. Reeda Lenus , M. Haris , C. Sheeja Herobin Rani ,'Drain Charge Technique in TFET for Analog Transconductor Application ',Silicon ,Springer ,2022 |
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355 | J LEON BOSCO RAJ ,'Modeling and Control of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Sea-Lion Optimization ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
356 | R.Abisha , P.R.Sheebha Rani , M.Ajin ,'Predicting paddy leaf dieses using CNN ',International Conference on Engineering and Adva , Original Paper or original Article Predicting pad,2022 |
357 | V. Dyana Christilda and A. Milton ,'Area and delay optimized two step binary adder using carry substitution algorithm for FIR flter ',Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ,Springer ,2022 |
358 | J.B. Sajin, R. Christu Paul, J.S. Binoj, B. Brailson Mansingh,M. Gerald Arul Selvan ,'Impact of fiber length on mechanical, morphological and thermal analysis of chemical treated jute fiber polymer composites for sustainable applications ',Current Research in Green and Sustainable Chemistry ,Elsevier ,2022 |
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361 | K. Suresh Kumar, C. Helen Sulochana ,'Local search five-element cycle optimized reLU-BiLSTM for multilingual aspect-based text classification ',Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience ,wiley ,2022 |
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363 | C R Edwin Selva Rex, J Annrose*, J Jenifer Jose ,'Comparative Analysis of Deep Convolution Neural Network Models on Small Scale Datasets ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2022 |
364 | T.MICHEL RAJ, J.JEBEEN MOSES, M.GERALD ARUL SELVAN ,'Investigation of Mechanical and Electrical Properties of Carbon Filler Reinforced Epoxy Composites ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
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366 | Dr. B.C. Preethi , Dasmini D, Abisha A, Ashly D.A, Danika.D ,'Land Perforate Rescue by Animatronic Projection ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ,International Journal of Scientific Research in Sc,2022 |
367 | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice ,'Labeling Graph connectivity patterns in the human brain network using fMRI data ',Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University ,Xi'an Petroleum University ,2022 |
368 | Sobini X. Pushpa1,2 · S. KanagaSuba Raja1 ,'Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based Authentication Protocol Enabled with Optimized Neural Network Based DoS Mitigation ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2022 |
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370 | A. DARWIN JOSE RAJU, J.G. BENNY JACKSON, J. M. JERLIN PRIYA, P. LOVELIN AUGUSKANI ,'Smart Cold Chain Monitoring and Alert System for Vaccine Carrier ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
371 | K. Arul, T. Michelraj, M. Subburaj, A. Thanikasalam, J. Elanchezhian and A. Satheesh Kumar ,'Effect of silicon carbide on wear characteristics of fibre reinforced polymer matrix composites ',AIP Conference Proceedings ,AIP Publishing ,2022 |
372 | M.L.Ajin[1], J.Jebeen Moses[1*], M.Priya Dharshini[2] ,'Tribological Behavior of AA7075 Nanohybrid Composites at High Temperature ',PERIODICO DI MINERALOGIA ,EDIZIONI NUOVA CULTURA ,2022 |
373 | P. SUJIN, P. M. DIAZ, AJITH J. KINGS, L. R. MONISHA MIRIAM ,'Experimental Optimization of Biodiesel Synthesis from Nonedible Feedstock Ceiba Penandra Using Nanocatalyst ',PERIODICO di MINERALOGIA ,Edizioni Nuova Cultura ,2022 |
374 | S. R. Sylaja Vallee Narayan1,* and R. Jemila Rose2 ,'Cervical Cancer Detection Based on Novel Decision Tree Approach ',Computer Systems Science & Engineering ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
375 | M. Nisha, M. Germin Nisha, ,'Optimum Tuning of Photovoltaic System Via Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2022 |
376 | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice ,'Labeling Graph connectivity patterns in the human brain network using fMRI data ',Journal of Xi?an Shiyou University ,Xi'an Petroleum University ,2022 |
377 | Neethu Ravindran and Dr.R.P. Anto Kumar ,'Performance Study of ODDVRP and ISIRP for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks ',International Journal of Advances in Engineering and Emerging Technology (IJAEET) ,Emerging Research Library ,2022 |
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379 | P.Agnes Alex Rathy , Dr. J. Banumathi ,'Survey on Trust in cloud to Ensure Secure Cloud Computing ',Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology ,Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Tech,2022 |
380 | R.Jemila Rose, P R Sheebha Rani and Arul Rex ,'IoT Based Rapid V- Tester Analysis ',Xi'an Shiyou Daxue Xuebao (Ziran Kexue Ban)/Journal of Xi'an Shiyou University, Natural Sciences Edi,Xi'an Petroleum Institute ,2022 |
381 | F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Jeya Sutha ,'A Novel Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets Mining Approach for the Detection of Breast Cancer ',International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR) , ,2021 |
383 | Annrose Joseph , Edwin Selva Rex, Seldev Christopher, Jenifer Jose ,'Content-based image retrieval using hybrid k-means moth flame optimization algorithm ',Arabian Journal of Geosciences ,Springer Nature ,2021 |
384 | Dr.P.Kavitha, pani Malar Hency. M, S..nuja, Reeda Leenus D ,'Sediment Pollution Assessment of Four Perennial Ponds in different Taluks of Kanyakumari District, Tamil nadu, India ',UGC Care Group-I Journal ,Kalia Sarovar ,2021 |
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386 | Carolin S, M,Marsaline Beno ,'Comparison on Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverters ',Solid State Technology ,ELSEVIER ,2021 |
387 | V. Dyana Christilda and A. Milton ,'Speed, power and area efficient 2D FIR digital filter using Vedic multiplier with predictor and reusable logic ',Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing ,Springer ,2021 |
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389 | T. Latha, A. V. Varshitha, K. T. Vibisha, N. S. Saranya, Shiny Jose ,'LOW POWER DESIGN OF MIPS RISC PROCESSOR ', International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,Technoscience Academy ,2021 |
390 | G.B.EzhilJenekkha, M.MarsalineBeno ,'Power quality issue simulation in solar energy ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,ELSEVIER ,2021 |
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392 | Kanaga Suba Raja S, Bamila Virgin Louis A ,'Optimal resource allocation in 5G system using modified lion algorithm ',IET Communications ,John Wiley & Sons ,2021 |
393 | M.Vijayakumar ,'Impact of covid -19 pandemic on library services Amont the Engineering colleges on Kanayakumari Distict:A Survey ',Journal of Library Advancement ,KDLF ,2021 |
394 | A.Anto Viji, J. Jasper, T. Latha ,'Enhanced Security Model in Cloud Using Neural Networks ', International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,Technoscience Academy ,2021 |
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396 | S.R.Nivetha,Suja A.Alex ,'An Efficient Approach of Taking Quick and Simple Notes in the Air through Smart Note Taker ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Computer and Communication Engineering ,IJIRCCE ,2021 |
397 | S. Caroline, M. Marsaline Beno ,'Comparison on Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverters ',Solid State Technology ,SST ,2021 |
398 | Dr.L.Femila ,'HSORS: A Highly Secure and Optimal Route Selection Protocol to Mitigate Against Packet Drop Attack in Wireless Ad-Hoc Sensor Network ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2021 |
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401 | T. S. Sheela Shiney & R. Jemila Rose ,'Deep Auto Encoder Based Extreme Learning System for Automatic Segmentation of Cervical Cells ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylor and Francis ,2021 |
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406 | Jinisha A C, Saranya R ,'Medical Image Denoising Using Two-stage Iterative Down- up CNN and SURF FEATURES ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,Technoscience Academy ,2021 |
407 | Surya Prasada Rao Borraaa , Vishal Moyalb , Shafqat Nabi Mughalc , Praful Nandankardd , Er. S. John Pimo and Asadi Srinivasuluf ,'An Efficient Shape Adaptive Techniques for the Digital Image Denoising ',Turkish Journal of Computer and Mathematics Education ,Scopus ,2021 |
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409 | S. John Pimo, K Priyadarsini, Damaraju Sri Sai Satyanarayana, K.G.S. Venkatesan ,'A Deep Neural Network based efficient Software-Hardware Co-design Architecture for Sparsity Exploration ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2021 |
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411 | A.C.Jinisha, C. Helen Sulochana ,'Comprehensive Study of Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology , ,2021 |
412 | R. Bibin Bose , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'A robust predictive feedback FPID controller using elephant herd virtual inertia optimization control algorithm in Islanded microgrid ',International journal of numerical modelling, electronic networks devices and fields ,John Wiley & Sons, Ltd ,2021 |
413 | Annrose Joseph1 & Edwin Selva Rex2 & Seldev Christopher3 & Jenifer Jose4 ,'Content-based image retrieval using hybrid k-means moth flame optimization algorithm ',Arabian Journal of Geosciences ,Springer ,2021 |
414 | S.T.SHERIBA, D. Hevin Rajesh ,'Energy‑efficient clustering protocol for WSN based on improved black widow optimization and fuzzy logic ',Telecommunication Systems ,Springer ,2021 |
415 | M. Angelin Rosy & M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Realizing the Challenges of IOT Technical Eco systems ',International journal of Applied Management Research , ,2021 |
416 | Y L Martin, Binoj, Jebeen Moses ,'Extraction and characterization of natural cellulosic fiber from fragrant screw pine prop roots as potential reinforcement for polymer composites ',Polymer Composites ,Wiley & Sons ,2021 |
417 | Carolin S, M,Marsaline Beno ,'A Grey Wolf Optimized 15-Level Inverter Design with Confined Switching Components ',Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2021 |
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419 | Keerthana G, Keerthi T, Preetha Lekshmi N, A. Anisha ,'Liver Tumor Detection in CT Images by VGG16 Convolutional Neural Network ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology , ,2021 |
420 | S.T.SHERIBA, D. Hevin Rajesh ,'Improved hybrid cuckoo black widow optimization with interval type 2 fuzzy logic system for energy‐efficient clustering protocol ',International Journal of Telecommunication systems ,Wiley ,2021 |
421 | Alphonsa Salu , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Detection of Knee Joint Disorders using SVM Classifier ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology , ,2021 |
422 | S Absa ,'EFFECTIVE TECHNIQUE FOR FACE RECOGNITION SYSTEM IN ATTENDANCE APPLICATIONS ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management , ,2021 |
423 | T M Angelin Monisha Sharean ,'A Survey on Hybrid Methods for Predictive Model Algorithms of Machine Learning On Load Forecasting ',International Journal of Scientific Research inScience, Engineering and Technology , ,2021 |
424 | F.Sahaya Berjin Ruth,Dr.A.Milton,T.Mary Little Flower ,'SPEECH EMOTION RECOGNITION USING DEEP LEARNING: A REVIEW ',ISJCRESM , ,2021 |
425 | Suja A. Alex, J. Jesu Vedha Nayahi,H. Shine, Vaisshalli Gopirekha ,'Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Diabetes Mellitus Prediction ',Neural Computing and Applications ,Springer ,2021 |
426 | A.Anisha,C.Renit, A.Anitha ,'Comparative Study on Classification Algorithms for Disease Prediction ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology , ,2021 |
427 | G JOHNCY ,'Secure Data Transmission and Risk Prediction in Similar Diseases using Convolutional Neural Network ',International journal of Innovative Research in Technology ,KUSHAL MEHTA ,2021 |
428 | A. Darwin Jose Raju , C. Seldev Christopher , A. Subitha , J. Bright Jose ,'Welfare of Education in Kanyakumari District ',BOHR International Journal of Finance and Market Research ,BOHR ,2021 |
429 | G JOHNCY ,'Stock Market Trend Prediction Using Deep learning Techiques ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science , Engineering and Technology ,IJSRSET ,2021 |
430 | M.Jasbin Merly C.Sheeja Herobin Rani ,'Brain Tumour Classification Using Convolutional Neural Networks ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,TechnoScience Academy ,2021 |
431 | M. Angelin Rosy & M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Green Computing Approach to Software and Deployment Optimization ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management ,ISJCRESM ,2021 |
432 | Ramesh Dhanaseelan F, Jeya Sutha M ,'A Novel Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets Mining Approach for the Detection of Breast Cancer ',International Journal of Information Retrieval Research (IJIRR) ,IGI-Global ,2021 |
433 | S. Kanaga Suba Raja, A. Bamila Virgin Louis ,'A Review of Call Admission Control Schemes in Wireless Cellular Networks ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2021 |
434 | Arul King. J, Dr. C. Helen Sulochana ,'A Framework on Deep Learning for Detection and Classification of Lung Nodules in CT image ',International Journal of Scientific Research inScience, Engineering and Technology , ,2021 |
435 | N.Sheen Kumar ,'Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of semi-organic NLO materials: L-valine copper chloride as optoelectronic sensor ',Indian Journal of Physics ,Springer ,2021 |
436 | C Helen Sulochana , Siva Dharshini S L ,'Heart Rate Extraction using Convolutional Neural Network and Long Short-Term Memory ',nternational Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management (ISJC, ,2021 |
437 | A Anitha ,D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Wearable Devices for Healthcare Monitoring: A Review ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management , ,2021 |
438 | Jinu Celine1, Dr Anto Kumar R.P2 ,'A Summary of Literature Review: Convolutional Neural Networks ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Technology , IJIRT ,2021 |
439 | M. Gerald Arul Selvan, Joseph Selvi Binoj, Jacob Thambi Evans Jebeen Moses, Nara Prem Sai ,'Extraction and characterization of natural cellulosic fiber from fragrant screw pine prop roots as potential reinforcement for polymer composites ',Polymer Composites ,Wiley ,2021 |
440 | L Hubert Mary, Y.R.Annie Bessant ,'An Efficient Multiplication Algorithm Using Vedic Sutras ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management. ,- ,2021 |
441 | M. Angelin Rosy & M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Effects And Impact Of Mobile Technology On Human Life And Relationships ',International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts , ,2021 |
442 | Ajitha T, Reya Mory M ,'Analysis of Breast Cancer in CNN using Modified Logistic Regression Algorithm ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology ,IJSRST ,2021 |
443 | C.Helen Sulochana, T Delbin Rose ,'Hyper Spectral Image Classification Based on CNN Architecture ',nternational Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management (ISJC, ,2021 |
444 | J Jessi Flora1 and D Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Intelligent Flow Sensor for Liquid Propellant Rocket Engine (LPRE) ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management , ,2021 |
445 | Mrs. Dr.Y.Mary Reeja, Mr. R.Florin Raja Singh, Mr. S.Edwin Lawerance ,'Detection of Obstacle?s and Anomalies position for Autonomous Vehicle Condition ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology , ,2021 |
446 | T M Angelin Monisha Sharean ,'A Survey on Hybrid Methods for Predictive Model Algorithms of Machine Learning On Load Forecasting ',IJSRSET ,Technoscience Academy ,2021 |
447 | V. G. Anisha Gnana Vincy1 , M. Germin Nisha2 ,'A Review on Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning for Smart City Development ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Techno,licensee Technoscience Academy. ,2021 |
448 | C.Helen Sulochana, Jinisha A ,''A Comprehensive Study of Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques ',International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology , ,2021 |
449 | Suja A.Alex, S.Gayathri Sadhana, S.Geethanjali Jayasree, ,'Heart Disease Prediction Using Logistic Regression ',Novel International Journal of Science and Technology ,New Swertia Publications ,2021 |
450 | D. Minola Davids, C. Seldev Christopher ,'An efficient video summarization for surveillance system using normalized k-means and quick sort method ',Microprocessors and Microsystems ,Elsevier ,2021 |
451 | R Bibinbose,D JeraldinAuxillia, P Ajitha ,'Improved Robust Controller Design for Stabilization of Grid-Tied Photovoltaic System ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management ( , ,2021 |
452 | A. Anisha1, C. Renit1, A. Anitha2 ,'Comparative Study on Classification Algorithms for Disease Prediction ',International Conference on Advances in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies In Assoc,IJSRST ,2021 |
453 | J. Ancilin and A. Milton ,'Improved speech emotion recognition with Mel frequency magnitude coefficient ',Applied Acounstics ,Elsevier ,2021 |
454 | M Sathya K Gunalan Manohar B S T CH Anil Kumar Shaik Shafi G Johncy ,'An intellectual procurement innovation of smart grid power system with wireless communication networks based on machine learning ',Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl. , ,2021 |
455 | Felix Mudiappan ,'Clear Evidences for Pushpaka Viman-Best Example of Perfect System: Part3 ',Journal of Aeronautics & Aerospace Engineering ,Longdom Publishing SL ,2021 |
456 | R Anisha Selva Kala, D.Jeraldin Auxillia, J. Jessi Flora ,'Data Driven Modeling and Control of Mixture Ratio in Liquid Rocket Engine ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management (ISJ, ,2021 |
457 | J Benila Jasmine, S.Mary Vasanthi ,'Hand Movement Recognition Using Surface EMG Signal with Ternary Pattern and Discrete Wavelet Transform ',International Scientific Journal of Contemporary Research in Engineering Science and Management (ISJ, ,2021 |
458 | 9. P. V. Deepa, S. Joseph Jawhar, and J. Merry Geisa ,'Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Using Nano Segmentation and Advanced-Convolutional Neural Networks Classification ',Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics ,American Scientific Publishers ,2021 |
459 | S. Caroline, M. Marsaline Beno ,'A Grey Wolf Optimized 15-Level Inverter Design with Confined Switching Components ',Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing ,Tech Science Press ,2021 |
460 | J. Annrose, N. Herald Anantha Rufus, C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, D. Godwin Immanuel ,'A Cloud‑Based Platform for Soybean Plant Disease Classification Using Archimedes Optimization Based Hybrid Deep Learning Model ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer Nature ,2021 |
461 | P.Ajitha ,'Responsive Design in Web Development with Security Using Optimization Algorithms ',International Journal of Research in Engineering and Science (IJRES) , ,2021 |
462 | Alphonsa Salu, D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Feature Extraction and Classification for the Detection of Knee Joint Disorders using Random Forest Classifier ',International Journal of Emerging Trends in Engineering Research ,WARSE ,2021 |
463 | Suja A. Alex, Gerald Briyolan. B , Godwin. V ,'Deep Learning Application in Leukemia Diagnosis ',IJARSCT ,IJARSCT ,2021 |
464 | Anisha A, Ajith Bosco Raj T ,'Liver tumor segmentation using a new asymmetrical dilated convolutional semantic segmentation network in CT images ',International Journal of Imaging Systems and Technology ,Wiley ,2021 |
465 | S. T. Sheriba D. Hevin Rajesh ,'Energy‑efficient clustering protocol for WSN based on improved black widow optimization and fuzzy logic ',Telecommunication Systems ,Springer ,2021 |
466 | Sylaja Vallee Narayan, S R and Jemila Rose ,'Cervical Cancer Abnormalities Prediction using Decision Tree Approach of Machine Learning ',Solid State Technology , ,2021 |
467 | L.R. MonishaMiriam, Ajith J.Kings, R. EdwinRaj, M. AdhiViswanathan ,'Algal oil extraction-cum-biodiesel conversion in a novel batch reactor and its compatibility analysis in IC engine at various CRs ',Fuel ,Elsevier ,2021 |
468 | Mary Jasmine E., Milton A. ,'The role of hyperparameters in predicting rainfall using n-hidden-layered networks ',Natural Hazards ,Springer ,2021 |
469 | Saravanan, Marsaline Beno M ,'Performance investigation of doubly salient outer rotor switched reluctance motor using finite element analysis ',Circuit World ,Emerald Publication,UK ,2021 |
470 | S.John Pimo, V.Ashok, T. Logeswaran, Damaraju Sri Sai Satyanarayana ,'A comparative performance analysis of phase change memory as main memory and DRAM ',Materials Today ,Elsevier ,2021 |
471 | J. Maheswaran M. Chellapandian V. Kumar ,'Behaviour of GGBS concrete with pond ash as a partial replacement for sand ',Advances in Concrete construction ,Techno Press Services ,2021 |
472 | G Shanthos Kumar, S Saravanan, K Raghukandan ,'Effect of heat input on microstructure and mechanical properties of laser welded dissimilar grade nickel alloys ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2021 |
473 | Sheela Shiney, R Jemila Rose ,'Deep Auto Encoder Based Extreme Learning System for Automatic Segmentation of Cervical Cells ',IETE Journal of Research ,Taylor and Francis ,2021 |
474 | Manoj.B.C, D.JERALDIN aUXILLIA ,'RDAD: An Efcient Distributed Multi‑Layered Resource Handler in Jungle Computing ',Wireless Personal Communications ,SPRINGER NATURE ,2021 |
475 | G.B.EzhilJenekkha, M.MarsalineBeno ,'Comparative analysis of open loop and non-isolated control for solar panel ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,ELSEVIER ,2021 |
476 | Prakash ShyamKaruppiah,,RajkumarPrabhakaran, RamyaVenkatesan, SivabalanSivasamy, Ajith J.Kings, MonishaMiriam ,'Exopolysaccharide production by optimized medium using novel marine Enterobacter cloacae MBB8 isolate and its antioxidant potential ',Carbohydrate Polymer Technologies and Applications ,Elsevier ,2021 |
477 | K. Dhanalakshmi J. Maheswaran Siva Avudaiappan, Mugahad Amran Radhamanohar Aepuru Roman Fediuk and Nikolai Vatin ,'Prediction of Pore Volume Dispersion and Microstructural Characteristics of Concrete using Image Processing Technique ',Crystals ,MDPI ,2021 |
478 | S.Caroline , Yohannes Bekuma , J. Sam Alaric ,'MULTILEVEL BANK SECURITY WITH MASTER AUTHENTICATION OVER INTERNET ',International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management ,iJETRM ,2020 |
479 | C. Sheeja Herobin Rani1 & K. Bhoopathy Bagan2 & R. Solomon Roach3 ,'Improved Drain Current Characteristics of Germanium Source Triple Material Double Gate Hetero-Dielectric Stacked TFET for Low Power Applications ',Silicon ,Springer ,2020 |
480 | A.Suhasini, A.Subitha, S.Midhun ,'Investigation Study o n Disease Prediction Techniques w ith Big Data ',Studies in Indian Place Names , ,2020 |
481 | P Senthil Kumar, V Kavimani, K Soorya Prakash, V Murali Krishna, G Shanthos Kumar ,'Effect of TiB 2 on the Corrosion Resistance Behavior of In Situ Al Composites ',International Journal of Metalcasting ,Springer International Publishing ,2020 |
482 | Dr. G. Elangovan and Dr. J. Maheswaran ,'Experimental Investigation on main reinforcement with different connections by Overlapping, Welding and Mechanical splicing at mid span of RCC Beam. ',Solid State Technology ,Referred Journal ,2020 |
483 | M. C. Sheeba; Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'A Review On Video Denoising Methods ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2020 |
484 | Dev. R. Newlin, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Medical Image Denoising Using Different Techniques ',International Journal of Scientific & Technology Research , ,2020 |
485 | P. ANTONY VIMAL, J. JERLIN REGIN, R.JINU, C.GANAPATHY ,'Experimental investigation on elevated water tanks with base isolation ? response spectrum approach ',Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ,Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanic,2020 |
486 | Neethu Ravindran, R. P. Anto Kumar ,'Nature Inspired Cleaver Algorithms for Routing in MANET - A Review ',Journal of Critical Reviews ,Innovare Academics Sciences Pvt. Ltd. ,2020 |
487 | Mahesh V, Saravanan S, Jain B Marshel ,'A Novel WLF-AFSO based Optimal Power Flow of Reactive Power Management System in Deregulated Electricity Markets ',Test Engineering and Management ,The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. ,2020 |
489 | R. Jinisha, Dr. J. Jerlin Regin and Dr. J. Maheswaran ,'A review on emergence of single- chamber microbial fuel cell on waste water treatment. ',IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ,IWCASME ,2020 |
490 | F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Jeya Sutha ,'Detection of Breast Cancer Based on Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets Mining ',Innovation and Research in BioMedical engineering ,Elsevier ,2020 |
491 | S. S. Selva Pradeep, M. Marsaline Beno ,'ANFIS Based Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor ',Solid State Technology , ,2020 |
492 | Dr. S. KanagaSuba Raja , A. Bamila Virgin Louis Dr. G. Arul Dalton ,'Optimal Resource Allocation Scheme in Wireless 5G Networks ',TEST Engineering and Management ,The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc. ,2020 |
493 | A.Suhasini N.Sheen Kumar ,'Electrical and Electrochemical studies of Polyurethane ',IOP conference series:Materials Science Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
494 | Ilanthalir .A Dr. J. Jerlin Regin and Dr. J. Maheswaran ,'Concrete - filled steel tube columns of different cross- sectional shapes under axial compression : A review ',IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, ,IWCASME ,2020 |
495 | Paul P.A. Vimal, Joseph D.J. Regin, Gowthami T.R. Jinu, Chembakaraman G. Chettiar ,'Experimental Investigation on Elevated Water Tanks with Base Isolation ? Response Spectrum Approach ',Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics ,Warsaw university ,2020 |
496 | S. Caroline, Yohannus Bekuma, J. Sam Alaric ,'Obstacle Avoiding Voice Controlled Bluetooth Car Using Arduino ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science, Engineering and Technology ,IJIRSET ,2020 |
497 | Kanaga Suba Raja S, Sobini X. Pushpa ,'A Review on detection mechanisms used in Wireless Sensor Network for DoS attacks ',TEST Engineering and Management ,The Mattingley publishing Co.,Inc ,2020 |
498 | Selva Pradeep S.S,Marsaline Beno M ,'ANFIS Based Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor ',Solid State Technology ,Media Extension ,2020 |
499 | A.C.Jinisha and T.S.Sivarani ,'Brain Tumor Classification using SVM and Bag of Visual Word classifier ',IEEE Explore digital library ,IEEE ,2020 |
500 | Cibi, R Jemila Rose ,'Convolutional Neural Network for Automated Analyzing of Medical Images ',International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) ,Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & ,2020 |
501 | M. Felix Xavier Muthu, M. Angelin Rosy ,'Upcoming Hi-Tech Sustainable Energy and their Applications ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2020 |
502 | P. Manikandan and V. Christus Jeya Singh ,'Prediction of Gas Composition of a Fluidized Bed Gasifier using Sugarcane Bagasse-Modeling ',Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing Ltd ,2020 |
503 | A Suhasini , K P Vinod Kumar, A Maria Sheela and N SheenKumar ,'Electrical and Electrochemical studies of Polyurethane diol/Polycaprolactone-Iron Oxide nanocomposites ',IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
504 | Sreeja V, Glivin G ,'G. Glivin and V. Sreeja, ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2020 |
505 | M. Babima ,'Organisational Climate and its Consequences in IT companies at Technopark,Trivandrum ',Studies in Indian Place Names ,Studies in Indian Place Names ,2020 |
506 | Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, Dr. A. Oliver Bright, Dr. M. Jeya Sutha, Dr. M. J. Brigit Gilda ,'ANALYSIS AND PREDICTION OF THE SPREAD OF COVID-19 ',ICTACT Journal of Management Studies ,ICTACT ,2020 |
507 | Sheela Shiney TS, Albert Jerome S, Jemila Rose ,'Segmentation of cervix using minimum spanning superpixel tree detector ',Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
508 | Ezhiljenekkha G B, MarsalineBeno M ,'Performance analysis of boost converter for various temperaturefor various temperaturefor various temperaturefor various temperaturefor various temperaturefor various temperaturefor various temperatur',International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research ,http://www.ijser.org ,2020 |
509 | Frank Stephen, S ,'Evaluation of the long-term properties of self-compacting concrete using recycled coarse aggregate ',Test Engineering and Management , ,2020 |
510 | P. Josephine Shermila and A. Milton ,'Estimation of protein from the images of health drink powders ',Journal of Food Science and Technology ,Springer ,2020 |
511 | X. Ascar Davix, C. Seldev Christopher, D. Judson ,'Detection of the vehicle license plate using a kernel density with default search radius algorithm filter Author links open overlay pane ',Optik ,ELSEVIER ,2020 |
512 | Frank Stephen, S ,'Experimental Research and Modelling Using Glass Fibre, Silica Fume and Fly Ash on Beam Column Joint ',Journal of Green Engineering , JGE ,2020 |
513 | Ilanthalir A, Jerlin Regin J , Maheswaran J ,'Concrete-filled steel tube columns of different cross-sectional shapes under axial compression: A review ',IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
514 | J.Jerlin Regin, P. Vincent, S.Carmel Jawahar ,'Quality improvement of coconut shell aggregate in lightweight concrete ',Journal of structural Engineering ,CSIR- SERC ,2020 |
515 | Dr. L.M.Jenila Livingston, Ashutosh Satapathy, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, Dr.L.M.Merlin Livingston ,'GARBAGE WASTE SEGREGATION USING DEEP LEARNING TECHNIQUES ',IOP: Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Science ,2020 |
516 | Jinisha R, Jerlin Regin J , Maheswaran J ,'A review on the emergence of single-chamber microbial fuel cell on wastewater treatment ',IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
517 | J Jerlin Regin,P. Vincent, D. Smiline Shiny, L.Porcia ,'Neural Network Prediction of Compressive Strength of Lightweight Coconut Shell Concrete ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2020 |
518 | Dr.C.R. Edwin Selva Rex, S.Shiny ,'Hybrid Whale-Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm For Optimal Power Flow Problem ',Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications , ,2020 |
519 | Mrs.Shiela Balanta M.E.,R. Bebitta ,'Experimental Work on Concrete Using Natural Leaf Fibre ',International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology , ,2020 |
520 | Frank Stephen, S ,'RECYCLED AGGREGATE CONCRETE FLEXURAL BEHAVIOUR USING FLYASH ',Journal of Critical Reviews , ,2020 |
521 | Ramesh Dhanaseelan F, Jeya Sutha M ,'Detection of Breast Cancer Based on Fuzzy Frequent Itemsets Mining ',IRBM ,ELSEVIER SCIENCE INC, 360 PARK AVE SOUTH, NEW YORK,2020 |
522 | R. Barona ,E. A. Mary Anita ,'Optimal Cryptography Scheme and E±cient Neutrosophic C-Means Clustering for Anomaly Detection in Cloud Environment ',Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers ,World Scientific Publishing Company ,2020 |
523 | X. Ascar Davixa, C. Seldev Christopherb, D. Judson ,'Detection of the vehicle license plate using a kernel density with default search radius algorithm filter ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2020 |
524 | Johncy G,A.Anisha Felise ,'An Efficient Power Theft Detection Using Mean-Shift Clustering and Deep Learning in Smart Grid ',IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering ,IOP Publishing ,2020 |
525 | Mary Vasanthi S,Jayasree T ,'Performance evaluation of pattern recognition networks using electromyography signal and time-domain features for the classification of hand gestures ',Proc I MechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine ,SAGE ,2020 |
526 | T.Dhanushya, T.Latha ,'Various Approaches on Radiation Hardened Coding for Soft Errors: A Review ',Kala Sarovar ,Mukesh patidar ,2020 |
527 | S M Swamy. M.Marsaline Beno ,'Predicting Solar Power Potential via Refurbished ANN in Associated with Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization (AFSO) ',International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ,IJAST ,2020 |
528 | ,'Analysis of Energy Efficient Multiple Cluster Reliable Agglomeration of Data Scheme in WSN ', , ,2020 |
529 | S.Midhun, A. Suhasini, A.Subitha ,'Deep Feature Learning for Disease Risk Assessment Using multi-task recurrent neural Networks for dynamic illness ', International Journal of Scientific Research in Engineering and Management (IJSREM) , ,2020 |
530 | A. Haiter Lenin, S.Mary Vasanthi,T.Jayasree ,'Automated Recognition of Hand Grasps Using Electromyography Signal Based on LWT and DTCWT of Wavelet Energy ',International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems ,ATLANTIS PRESS ,2020 |
531 | R. Barona ,E. A. Mary Anita ,'International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ',International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ,Science and Engineering Research Support Society ,2020 |
532 | C.Helen Suloochana, Praylin Selva Blessy ,'A Novel Framework for Accurate Segmentation of Brain Tumor Using Multiple Kernel Fuzzy Clustering Algorithm ',Applied Medical Informatics , ,2020 |
533 | J Jessi Flora1 and D Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Sensor Failure Management in Liquid Rocket Engine using Artificial Neural Network ',Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research ,NISCAIR PUBLICATIONS ,2020 |
534 | R. Anish, L. Porcia ,'Study on Effective Behaviour of Nano Coconut Shell Charcoal Particles on Mechanical Properties of AZ91D Mg Alloy ',Tierärztliche Praxis ,Tierärztliche Praxis ,2020 |
535 | M. Felix Xavier Muthu & M. Angelin Rosy ,'Cloud Computing for Internet of Things & Sensing Based Attributions ',INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH REVIEW IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (IJRREM) ,Eclat Research Publication ,2020 |
536 | S.Midhun, A. Suhasini, A.Subitha ,'Kernelized Fisher Discriminative Gradient Boost Big Data Classification for Disease Prediction ',International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology ,SERSC ,2020 |
537 | Jain B. Marshel, C. K. Babulal ,'Market power analysis in power systems using PSO based must run indices ',International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems ,Wiley ,2020 |
538 | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel Jebitha ,'Domination Uniform Subdivision Number of G0K1 ',Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal , ,2020 |
539 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'An Improved Multiple Kernel Fuzzy C Means Clustering Approach for Accurate Segmentation of Brain Tumor in MRI ',Tierärztliche Praxis , ,2020 |
540 | M. Angelin Rosy & M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Security Defenses in Artificial Intelligence Using Cyber Defensive Reasoning ',INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RESEARCH REVIEW IN ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT (IJRREM) ,Eclat Research Publication ,2020 |
542 | Anchana Belmon, D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'An adaptive technique based blood glucose control in type‐1 diabetes mellitus patients ',Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering , ,2020 |
543 | N A Saranya, S Caroline ,'A Shared-Aperture Frequency Reconfigurable Multiport Antenna Using Switches ',2019 International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Computing and Communication (IC,IEEE ,2020 |
544 | M. Angelin Rosy, M. Felix Xavier Muthu & R. Deepa ,'Social Networks In Organizations With Focus On A Company Management ',ADALYA JOURNAL ,Web of Science ,2020 |
545 | D. Benyl Renita & C. Seldev Christopher ,'Novel real time content based medical image retrieval scheme with GWO-SVM ',Multimedia Tools and Applications ,springer ,2020 |
546 | T.Merlin Leo, T.Latha ,'VLSI Implementtaion of QCA LDPC code for WIMAX APPLICATIONS ',Solid State Technology ,Extension media ,2020 |
547 | A.Albert raj, T.Latha ,'VLSI implementation of multicarrier complementary coded CDMA downlink system ',Materials Today: Proceedings ,Elsevier ,2020 |
548 | S. T. Sheriba D. Hevin Rajesh ,'Improved hybrid cuckoo black widow optimization with interval type 2 fuzzy logic system for energy-efficient clustering protocol ',Int J Commun Syst ,Wiley ,2020 |
549 | S. Sree Sabari, J. S. Binoj, Felix Xavier Muthu, S. Malarvizhi and V. Balasubramanian ,'Influence of Tool Rotation Speed on Soundness of Water-Cooled Friction Stir Welded Armour Grade Al?Cu Joint ',Advances in Manufacturing Technology ,Springer ,2020 |
550 | Surem Samuel S R, Seldev Christopher C and Vinila Jinny S ,'Automatic Text Segmentation and Recognition in Natural Scene Images Using Msocr ',Current Signal Transduction Therapy ,Bentham Science Publishers ,2020 |
551 | Dr.I.Jessy Mol, Dr.T.Baskaran, Mr.D.Justin Jose ,'Developing a pH model using Artificial Neural Network and Visual MODFLOW to evaluate Groundwater quqlity ',Applied Ecology and Environmental Research ,Aloki ,2020 |
552 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Special reference on LIC with the influence of modern technology on customer relationship management ',Test Engineering and Management , ,2020 |
553 | M. MaryHelta Daisy ,'Investigation of rotated local Gabor features in face recognition using fusion techniques ',Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing ,springer ,2020 |
554 | R.Abhishek,S.Caroline,A.Darwin Jose Raju ,'IoT Driven Defence Vehicle System ',2019 International Conference on Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Computing and Communication ,IEEE ,2020 |
555 | A.Subitha ,'Combined Single and Flooding Routing using Time-tag in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks ',IEEE Explorer ,IEEE ,2020 |
557 | C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M. Marsaline Beno,Ann Rose ,'A Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem using Hybrid Optimization Techniques ',Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology , Springer, Nature Switzerland ,2019 |
558 | M. Angelin Rosy, P. Ranjith kumar, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'A Study on Mobile Development and Operating System Design ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
559 | A Alphonse John Kenneth, F Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Superior Sharpness Boosting Method for Satellite Images Using Discrete Wavelet Transform, Stationary Wavelet Transform and Cluster Based Range Distribution ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers,USA ,2019 |
560 | Subi Mol GS, Babima, M & V Bini Marin, ,'?Role of Customer Relationship Management in Customer Retention with Special Reference to Star Category Hotels, Trivandrum District ',Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ,JETIR ,2019 |
561 | L. Mary Florida, V.Vilfred, S. Asha Alice ,'Two Problems in Integral Sum Labeling ',International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology , ,2019 |
562 | Smiline Shiny .D, Jerlin Rejin J, Jemi Mercilin J, Neegitha R.S. ,'EXPERIMENTAL STUDY ON FERROCEMENT USING JUTE FIBERS AND STARCH ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering ,ICASME ,2019 |
563 | G Shanthos Kumar, K Raghukandan, S Saravanan, N Sivagurumanikandan ,'Optimization of parameters to attain higher tensile strength in pulsed Nd: YAG laser welded Hastelloy C-276?Monel 400 sheets ',Infrared Physics & Technology ,Elsevier ,2019 |
564 | Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,'An investigation in satellite images based on image enhancement techniques ',European Journal of Remote Sensing ,Taylor & Francis ,2019 |
565 | M. Angelin Rosy, M. Chaya, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Artificial Intelligence in Machine Learning Techniques for Clustering and Classification ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
566 | Subi Mol GS, Babima M & Bini Marin V ,'?Effect of Customer Relationship Management in Hotel Industry: A Focus on Star Hotels, Trivandrum District, India ',Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ,JETIR ,2019 |
567 | M.Vijayakumar ,'A Study of print and e-journal usage in Research Centers of Southern Tamil Nadu ',International journal of Reeserch Analytical Reviews ,IJRAR ,2019 |
568 | S.M.R Joseph Ramesh N.Sheen Kumar ,'Optical Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP Crystals? ',IJERA ,IJERA ,2019 |
569 | C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M. Marsaline Beno & J. Annrose ,'A Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem using Hybrid Optimization Techniques ',Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology ,Springer Singapore ,2019 |
570 | M. Angelin Rosy, R. Deepa, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Challenges of Data Analytics for Innovative V?s and Security in Bigdata ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
571 | T.V. Chitra, A. Milton ,'Energy proficient flooding scheme using reduced coverage set algorithm for unreliable links ',Programming and Computer Software ,Springer ,2019 |
572 | S.M.R Joseph Ramesh & N.Sheen Kumar ,'Growth and Structural Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP Crystals ',IJERA ,IJERA ,2019 |
573 | M.Angelin Rosy, M.Felix Xavier Muthu, D.Shyamala ,'Challenges, Service Models and Deployment Models of Cloud Computing ',Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research , ,2019 |
574 | M. Angelin Rosy, D. Shyamala, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Distance Measure in Datamining ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
575 | Seldev Christopher C, Rhophita ,'Disease Identification in Spinach Leaves ',International Journal of recent Trends in Engg and Research , ,2019 |
576 | L. M. Merlin Livingston and L. G. X. Agnel Livingston ,'Processing of Images and Videos for Extracting Text Information from Clustered Features Using Graph Wavelet Transform ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers, USA ,2019 |
577 | J. Jerlin Regin, P. Vincent, D. Smiline Shiny, L. Porcia ,'Neural Network Prediction of Compressive Strength of Lightweight Coconut Shell Concrete ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2019 |
578 | S.M.R. Joseph Ramesh, N. Sheen Kumar ,'Optical Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP Crystals ',International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications , ,2019 |
579 | M. Angelin Rosy, L. Umarani, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Emerging Applications of Augmented Reality System for Future Industry ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
580 | Seldev Christopher C, Vajith Malar ,'Detection and Classification of Uterine Fibroid ',International Journal of recent Trends in Engg and Research , ,2019 |
581 | Geetha Jenifel M, Jemila Rose R ,'Recursive Partitioning Algorithm in Water Quality Prediction ',International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ,Springer ,2019 |
582 | I.Jessy Mol, Preema Anjalin,Reshani X Rose, Stefino J Benadict ,'Experimental Study on Water and Soil Near Coir Industrial Area ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering , ,2019 |
583 | Dr.L.Femila, Dr.M.Marsaline Beno ,'Optimizing Transmission Power and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2019 |
584 | Dr.Lily Golda, Dr.Rajesh, Dr.Vennila, Mr.J.Amal Eronimus ,'The New Woman Bimla ',TJELLS ,Department of English, St.Alphonsa College of Arts,2019 |
585 | S.M.R. Joseph Ramesh, N. Sheen Kumar ,'Growth and Structural Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP Crystals ',International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications (IJERA) , ,2019 |
586 | M.Felix Xavier Muthu, M. Angelin Rosy, ,'Emergence of Artificial Intelligence and the AI Robotics ',International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews , ,2019 |
587 | M. Angelin Rosy, N.Shilpa, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'Issues and Protection of Mobile Application Security ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
588 | A.Suhasini,K.P.Vinodkumar ,'solubility and swelling studies of polymerhybrid nickel oxide nanocomposite ',Journal of the Indian Chemical society ,Scientific Publ-India ,2019 |
589 | Sheebha Rani, Jemila Rose ,'A novel classifier Approach for diagnosing cervical cancer stages for ultrasound images ',Caribbean Journal of Science ,- ,2019 |
590 | Frank Stephen S, Relin Geo R ,'Strength and Durability Properties of Concrete Made with Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Powder and MSand by Silica Sand ', , ,2019 |
591 | Dr.L.Femila, Dr.M.Marsaline Beno ,'Throughput Enrichment and Drooping Off Power Ingestion in Ad Hoc Networks by EE-MAC Protocol ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2019 |
592 | A.Anisha & C.Renit ,'Online Placement zone ',JETIR , ,2019 |
593 | Anjana, J.Jerlin Regin, Lourdu Amalan ,'Experimental study on eco friendly concrete with partial replacement of cement byalcofine ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering , ,2019 |
594 | Dr. D Jeraldin Auxillia 1 , BeautlinVinola D G 2 ,'EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION ',International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER) , ,2019 |
595 | A.Suhasini,K.P.Vinodkumar ,'Investigation of polyurethane diol/polycaprolactone: nickel oxide nanocomposites ',Journal of thermoplastic composite materials ,sage publications ,2019 |
596 | Anchana P Belmon1, Dr. Jeraldin Auxillia D ,'Simulation of Multiple Delay based Blood Glucose Metabolism using Dynamic Matrix Control ', , ,2019 |
597 | Dr.M.Babima & Mrs. G S Subi Mol ,'Effect of Customer Relationship management in Hotel Industry: A Focus on Star Hotels, Trivandrum District, India ',Dr.M.Babima & Mrs. G S Subi Mol , ,2019 |
598 | Frank Stephen S1, Blesso Godwin G M2 ,'Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Steel fiber and Silica Fume based High Strength Concrete with M- Sand ',IJIRSE , ,2019 |
599 | Smiline Shiney, J.Jerlin Regin, Jemi Mercilin, Neegitha ,'Experimental study on ferrocement using jute fibres and starch ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering , ,2019 |
600 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'Enhanced Homomorphic Unsharp Masking method for intensity inhomogeneity correction in brain MR images? ',Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization ,wiley ,2019 |
601 | R.Gracy Star, F.Ramesh DhanaSeelan ,'Combined Approach for Error Resilient Video or Image Transmission ',International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management , ,2019 |
602 | Dhanushya, Latha.T ,'Error Correction for Soft Errors ',Journal of Elecrical and Electronic Systems , ,2019 |
603 | J.Jeya Suren Raj, ,'Experimental Study of Strength Properties of Concrte by Partial Replacement of Cement by Marble Powder ',(IJIRSE) International Journal of Innovative Research in Science &Engineering ,ICASME ,2019 |
604 | Frank Stephen, S ,'Durability Properties of Modified Self Compacting Concrete with Recycled Concrete Aggregate ',International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT) , ,2019 |
605 | R.Gracy Star, F.Ramesh DhanaSeelan, J.Shajeena ,'A Study on the effects of Macro Block Size Used In Error Resilient Transmission Techniques ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2019 |
606 | V.Femila Savio ,'VLSI design of high performance MAC unit ',ICON ,Sivaji College of Engineering & Technology ,2019 |
607 | John Paul F, Aldo Geo S, Aravind Babu R J, Jaston V, Ranapromood ,'Experimental Investigation on foam concrete using aluminum metallic powder ',IJIRSE ,IEEE ,2019 |
609 | P.R.Sheebha Rani, Jemila Rose ,'A novel classifier Approach for diagnosing cervical cancer stages for ultrasound image ',Caribbean Journal of Science , ,2019 |
610 | S.L.Sango , Y.Brucely , G.Glan Devadhas, S.Christopher Ezhil Singh , T.Mary Little Flower , R.Smitha, R. Krishna Sharma ,'THERMAL DEGRADATION ON BIOMASS BRIQUETTES OF ARTOCARPHUS HETEROPHYLLUS LEAF POWDER ',Interciencia Journal ,Dr.D. Angotta ,2019 |
611 | J.Annrose, C. R. Edwin Selva Rex,S.Shiny ,'Hybrid MFGWO Based Optimal Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem in Power System ',Caribbean Journal of Science , ,2019 |
612 | N.G.Nageswari Amma & F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Optimal Privacy Preserving Scheme Based on Modified ANN and PSO in Cloud ',International Journal of Enterprise Information Systems , ,2019 |
613 | Felix Mudiappan ,'A Perfect System Model ',International Journal of Cosmology, Astronomy and Astrophysics ,Madridge Publishers ,2019 |
614 | A.Boyed Wesley,F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, R .Gracy Star ,'Development of Full Color Images From Gap Camera Mosaic Images By Hybrid Approach ',International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM) , ,2019 |
615 | V.Vijimon Moni & Dr.S.Robinson Chellathurai ,'On The Upper Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph ',International Journal of Scientific Research and Reviews ,- ,2019 |
616 | C. R. Edwin Selva Rex,Dr.M.Marsaline Beno, J.Annrose ,'AN EFFICIENT HYBRID METHOD FOR COMBINED ECONOMIC AND EMISSION DISPATCH PROBLEM USING GENETIC AND WHALE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ',Journal of Electrical Engineering ,Politehnica Publishing House ,2019 |
617 | V.Vijimon Moni and S.Robinson Chellathurai. ,'The Forcing Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph. ',Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences. ,- ,2019 |
618 | Felix M ,'All Parameters as Dimensions ',Journal of Space Exploration ,TSI Journals ,2019 |
619 | Frank Stephen, S ,'Joint Behavior of Self Compacting Concrete using Recycled Concrete Aggregate and Hybrid Steel Fibers ',International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE) , ,2019 |
620 | A.Anisha,C.Renit ,'Online Placement Zone ',JETIR , ,2019 |
621 | V.Vijimon Moni & Dr.S.Robinson Chellathurai ,'On The Open Monophonic Domination Number of a Graph ',Journal of Applied Science and Computations ,- ,2019 |
622 | C.R.Edwin Selva Rex,M.Marsaline Beno ,'AN EFFICIENT HYBRID METHOD FOR COMBINED ECONOMIC AND EMISSION DISPATCH PROBLEM USING GENETIC AND WHALE OPTIMIZATION ALGORITHM ',Journal of Electrical Engineering ,University of Politechnia Romania ,2019 |
623 | Felix Mudiappan ,'Possibilities for Parallel Universes and Merging of Universes Based on Perfect System Model ',Journal of Space Exploration ,TSI Journals ,2019 |
625 | C.Sheeja Herobin Rani,K.Bhoopathy,D.Nirmal,R.SolomonRoach ,'Enhancement of Performance in TFET by Reducing High-K Dielectric Length and Drain Electrode Thickness ',Silicon ,Springer (The Netherlands) ,2019 |
626 | Y. Balto, R. Edwin Raj, J. Anne Chandra, S.C. Vettivel ,'Experimental investigation of discarded additive material combination and composition to appropriate thermal insulating properties of the composite cement mortar ',EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL AND CIVIL ENGINEERING ,Taylor and Francis ,2019 |
627 | G. Therese Anita and A. Milton ,'Focusing of tightly focused azimuthally polarized double ring beam by a lens in the presence of coma aberration ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2019 |
628 | L.Femila, M.Marsaline Beno ,'Throughput Enrichment and Drooping Off Power Ingestion in Ad Hoc Networks by EE-MAC Protocol ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2019 |
629 | C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M. Marsaline Beno ,'Optimal Power Flow-Based Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems Using Hybrid PSGWO Algorithm ',Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers ,World Scientific ,2019 |
630 | S M Swamy. M.Marsaline Beno ,'Effective utilization of cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter integrate social spider optimization for reduced total harmonics distortion ',International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Managemen ,Inderscience ,2019 |
631 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Recent Trends in Customer Relationship Management with Special Reference To Life Insurance Corporation Of India?. ',IJRAR , ,2019 |
632 | Anchana P Belmon, D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'A Novel Delay Based System for Type1 Diabetes using Xilinx System Generator 14.5 ',International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT)? ,Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publ,2019 |
633 | T. Evangeline Rebecca, A. Ludvin Felcy, and M.M. Latha ,'Localized spin excitations in a site-dependent antiferromagnetic spin system with D-M interaction ',EPJ B ,Springer ,2019 |
634 | S. Christopher Ezhil Singh,N. Selvakumar,T. Mary Little Flower ,'Optimization on Dry Sliding Wear, Electrical Resistivity and Mechanical Properties of Cu?4Cr?xZrC Composites ',JOURNAL OF APPLIED RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY ,Archives ,2019 |
635 | R. S. Shaji, M. Milton Joe, B. Ramakrishnan and S. Karthika Bai ,'Modelling and Detection of Worm Propagation for Web Vehicular Ad Hoc Network (WVANET) ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer ,2019 |
636 | L.Mary Florida,V.Vilfred &S.Asha Alice ,'Two Problems in Integral Sum Labeling ',International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology , ,2019 |
637 | R S SHAJI, S V Divya and P Venkadesh ,'A COMBINED DATA STORAGE WITH ENCRYPTION AND KEYWORD BASED DATA RETRIEVAL USING SCDS-TM MODEL IN CLOUD ',Malysian Journal of Computer Science ,University of Malysia ,2019 |
638 | Galesh M, Silva prasanth S.J ,'Flexural Behaviour of Recycled Aggregate Concrete using Silica Fume ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering ,IJIRSE ,2019 |
639 | Sagar Gupta, Jenila Livingston L.M., Agnel Livingston L.G.X. ,'Prediction of Top Tourist Attraction Spots using Learning Algorithms ',International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering ,Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publ,2019 |
640 | C.R.Edwin Selva Rex,Dr.J.Ann Rose,S.Shiny ,'Hybrid MFGWO Based Optimal Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem in Power System ',Carribean journal of Science , ,2019 |
641 | S.Mary Vasanthi,T.Jayasree ,'EMG Based Finger motion Classification Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks ',Caribbean Journal of science , ,2019 |
642 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'A study on Customer Relationship Management in LIC with special reference to Thuckalay Branch ',AJANTA , ,2019 |
643 | C Seldev Christopher ,'Multi Variant Feature Similarity Based Behavior Tracking in Video Surveillance using ANN ',International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering , ,2019 |
644 | Anchana P Belmon, D.Jeraldin Auxillia Inbox x ,'A Novel Delay Based System for Type1 Diabetes using Xilinx System Generator 14.5 ',IJEAT , ,2019 |
645 | Sango S.L, Brucely Y. Christopher Ezhil Singh S. Sankar C. Mary little Flower.T, Smitha R. Krishna Sharma R. ,'BIOMASS DENSIFICATION OF AHL POWDER MECHANICAL PROPERTIES USING RSM ',Interciencia Journal ,Dr.D. Angotta ,2019 |
646 | Dr. R S Shaji and C Swapna ,'Energy Based Wavelet and Multilevel Classifier for Efficient Leaf Recognition ',International journal of engineering and advanced technology ,Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Science Publi,2019 |
647 | S.CAROLINE ,'A Traffic light detection and alert system using color vision deficiency ',Journal ICON ,- ,2019 |
648 | M. Angelin Rosy, M. Felix Xavier Muthu & Shyamala D ,'Challenges, Service Models And Deployment Of Cloud Computing ',Journal of Emgering Technologies and Innovative Research ,IJPUBLICATION ,2019 |
649 | L. Porcia, J. Jerlin Regin, A.Asmin Swapna, S.P.Dinoba ,'Experimental Study of Aerated Concrete with Addition of Polypropylene Fibre ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering ,IJIRSE ,2019 |
650 | S. Gavaskar, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston ,'Efficient Detection of Spam by Monitoring Outgoing Messages using Reverse Dictionary ',International Journal of Innovative Research in Science & Engineering ,icasme ,2019 |
651 | M. Angelin Rosy, K.Sangeetha, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,'A Study About Repetition of Group of Data and Avoid the Problem ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019 |
652 | Dev. R. Newlin, Seldev Christopher C, ,'Novel Random Valued Impulse Denoising Technique ',Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems , ,2019 |
653 | Femila L & Marsaline Beno M ,'Optimizing Transmission Power and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs ',Wireless Personal Communications ,Springer Science+Business Media, LLC ,2019 |
654 | C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M. Marsaline Beno and J. Annrose ,'Optimal Power Flow-Based Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems Using Hybrid PSGWO Algorithm ',Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers ,World Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., Singapo,2019 |
655 | M. Felix Xavier Muthu & M. Angelin Rosy ,'Emergence of Artificial Intelegence and the AI Robotics ',International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews ,IJRAR ,2019 |
656 | S.Robinson Chellathurai and V.Vijimon Moni ,'The Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph ',International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ,- ,2018 |
657 | Dev. R. Newlin, Seldev Christopher C, ,'Novel Random Valued Impulse Denoising Technique ',International Journal of Engineering & Technology ,SPC ,2018 |
658 | Dr. D.HEVIN RAJESH ,'Fuzzy Logic in Secure WSN: A Review ',International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation ,RSIS ,2018 |
659 | R S SHAJI and S V Divya ,'An Efficient Data Storage and Forwarding Mechanism Using Fragmentation-Replication and DADR Protocol for Enhancing the Security in Cloud ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers ,2018 |
660 | M. Antony Forster Raj, S. Joseph Sekhar ,'Investigation of energy and exergy performance on a small-scale refrigeration system with PCMs inserted between coil and wall of the evaporator cabin ',Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry ,Springer International Publishing ,2018 |
661 | I. Jeya Kumar, A. Lenin Fred, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Underwater Image Restoration Based on Illumination Normalization and Deblurring ',International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2018 |
662 | S.Absa, Dr. Shajulin Benedict, Anto Kumar R.P ,'Monitoring IaaS using various Cloud Moniteors ',Cluster Computing ,Springer ,2018 |
663 | Mary Florida, Asha Alice, Maria Jim Stony ,'Theoretical Analysis, Computer Simulation of A Zero Voltage Transition Synchronous Buck Converter For Portable Applications ',ijcesr , ,2018 |
664 | Caroline mabel, D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Optimizing wind turbine parameters to enhance power generation ',Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10 , ,2018 |
665 | S Saravanan, K Raghukandan, G Shanthos Kumar ,'Comparison of numerical and experimental macrostructure in Nd: YAG laser welding of Hastelloy C-276 ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2018 |
666 | G. Beni, Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'Analysis of Energy Efficient Routing Protocols in Wireless Sensor Networks ',TAGA JOURNAL ,SWANSEA PRINTING TECHNOLOGY ,2018 |
667 | R. Ajith Kumar, M. Bala Murugan, F. Carmel Raja, L. Jenkins Roch, A. Darwin Jose Raju ,'SMART SWEEPING MACHINE WITH SURVEILLANCE ',Proceedings of 4th International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability?ICEE,SSRN eLibrary of ELSEVIER ,2018 |
668 | A Ludvin Felcy, M. M. Latha ,'A spin rotator model for Heisenberg helimagnet ',Physica A ,Elsevier ,2018 |
669 | G Shanthos Kumar, S Saravanan, R Vetriselvan, K Raghukandan ,'Numerical and Experimental studies on the effect of varied pulse energy in Nd: YAG laser welding of Monel 400 sheets ',Infrared Physics & Technology ,Elsevier ,2018 |
670 | S. Beulah, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Comparative study of De-Duplication Methods for Sensor Data in Cloud Storage ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers ,2018 |
672 | N Sivagurumanikandan, S Saravanan, G Shanthos Kumar, S Raju, K Raghukandan ,'Prediction and optimization of process parameters to enhance the tensile strength of Nd: YAG laser welded super duplex stainless steel ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2018 |
673 | N.G.Nageswari Amma, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Privacy Preserving Ant Colony Optimization based Neural Learning Classifier ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2018 |
674 | Shambu S Krishna, Ajith J Kings, Monisha Miriam LR ,'Potential Bioethanol Production from Agricultural Banana Waste ',SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,2018 |
675 | Absa Stephen, Shajulin Benedict & R. P. Anto Kumar ,'Monitoring IaaS using various cloud monitors ',International journal of Cluster Computing, The Journal of Networks, Software Tools and Applications,Springer US ,2018 |
676 | G Shanthos Kumar, S Saravanan, P Tamilchelvan, K Raghukandan ,'Effect of annealing on microstructure and mechanical properties of Nd: YAG laser welded nickel based alloys ',Journal of Manufacturing Engineering ,SME ,2018 |
677 | Sherbin R, Ajith J. Kings ,'Resistance Analysis of Wigley Hull Design on Calm Water Using Openfoam ',SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,2018 |
678 | Y.Mary Reeja and T.Latha ,'POSITION INTENSITY HISTOGRAM OF ORIENTED GRADIENTS fAETURES bASED pARTICLE FILET FOR DETECTION AND TRACKING OF MOVING VEHICLES ',Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience ,American scientific publishers ,2018 |
679 | J.AnnRose, Dr .C.Seldev Christopher ,'An efficient image retrieval system with structured querybased feature selection and filtering initial level relevantimages using range query ',Optik - International Journal for Light and Electron Optics ,ELSEVIER GMBH, URBAN & FISCHER VERLAG ,2018 |
680 | Y.R.Annie Bessant and T.Latha ,'Analysis of area and delay for floating point matrix multiplication ',Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience ,American scientific publishers ,2018 |
681 | Jose P J Merbin, Jonisha Miriam L R, Monisha Miriam L R, Ajith J. Kings ,'Wireless JPEG Image Transmission Using Diversity Techniques ',SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,2018 |
682 | Shanu M., V.Christus Jeya Singh, Edwin Gladson S. ,'A Review on Synthesis of Gold Particle interacts with different Amino Acids ',International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics , ,2018 |
683 | Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,'Iterative-based visualization-oriented fusion scheme for hyper spectral images ',Journal of signal , Image and Video processing ,springer ,2018 |
684 | M.John Bosco, Ancelin ,'Design of Three Port DC-DC Boost Converter for Hybrid Power System ',SSRN eLibrary of Elsevier ,Elsevier ,2018 |
685 | B. C. Preethi , Dr. M. Vijayakumar ,'A Novel Cloud integration Algorithm CIA for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Applications in Big Data Multimedia Applications ',Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology , ,2018 |
686 | Karthick S, Vignesh V B, Sujith S, Ajith J. Kings ,'Effect of Seaweed Gracilaria verrucosa on Mechanical, Thermal, and Biodegradation of Thermoplastic Sugar Palm Starch/Agar Composites ',SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,2018 |
687 | J. Annrose, C. Seldev Christopher ,'An efficient image retrieval system with structured query based feature selection and filtering initial level relevant images using range query ',Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics ,ELSEVIER ,2018 |
688 | S.V.Kayalvizhi,M.Suji.V.Suresh ,'DTMF based mobile controlled robotic Vehicle ',SSRN ,Elsevier ,2018 |
689 | Dr. D.HEVIN RAJESH ,'Authentication Technique Using ACO in WSN ',National Academy of Science Letters ,Springer ,2018 |
690 | Sahaya Stalin Jose.G , Seldev Christopher. C ,'Secure cloud data storage approach in e-learning systems ',Cluster Computing ,Springer ,2018 |
691 | Sreeja V, Antony Subin ,'Energy linking betwen biomass, biofuel and bioslurry ',SSRN ,SSRN eLibrary of ELSEVIER ,2018 |
692 | Ramji B,Kayalvizhi.S.V.,V.Suresh ,'Boiler Drum Level Control by Using Hybrid Fuzzy-PID Controller ',SSRN ,Elsevier ,2018 |
693 | Sreeja V, Godson G Shekar ,'A Study on the energy efficient usage of bioslurry of biogas plants ',SSRN ,SSRN eLibrary of ELSEVIER ,2018 |
695 | N.G.Nageswari Amma & F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'P2CMANN: Privacy Preserving in Cloud using Modified Artificial Neural Network ',International Journal of Scientific Research and Review , ,2018 |
696 | Shanu.M, Christus Jeya Singh.V & Edwin Gladson.S ,'A review o synthesis of gold nanoparticles interacts with different amino acids ',International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics ,UPA ,2018 |
697 | Dr.M.MarsalineBeno,Alwin.S ,'Analysis of Active Power Filter For Harmonic Voltage Resonance Suppression in Distribution System ', ,Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control System,2018 |
698 | R S SHAJI and T Brindha ,'A secure transaction of cloud data using conditional source trust attributes encryption mechanism ',Soft Computing ,Springer ,2018 |
699 | F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M. Jeyasutha ,'Diagnosis of coronary artery disease using an efficient hash table based closed frequent itemsets mining ',Med Biol Eng Comput ,Springer ,2018 |
700 | Alphonse John Kenneth, A., Ramesh Dhanaseelan. F ,'Effective Satellite Image Contrast Enhancement and Sharpness Enhancement ',International Journal of Information and Computing Science , ,2018 |
701 | I.Jessy Mol, Dr. T.Baskaran ,'Analysis of groundwater for potability at coconut husk retting area, Kanyakumari District, T.N., India ',Ecology Environment & Conservation ,EM International ,2018 |
702 | R S Shaji and C Swapna ,'Multi-Attribute Data Classification Using Double Layer Genetic Programming ',International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics ,Academic Publication ,2018 |
703 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'A Study On Customer Satisfaction In LIC Policies With Special Reference To Thuckalay Branch ',International Journal of Engineering and Technology , ,2018 |
704 | Dr. R S Shaji and Minimol Deepak ,'MQMS - An Improved Priority Scheduling Model for Body Area Network Enabled M-Health Data Transfer ',Communications in computer and information science ,Springer ,2018 |
705 | G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose , R. Edwin Raj ,'Process parameter optimization for biodiesel production from mixed feedstock using empirical model ',Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ,Elsevier ,2018 |
706 | CAP Janet, M Udhayakumar, KB Rajesh ,'Tight Focusing of Radially Polarized Pair of Vortices Beam through a Dielectric Interface ',J. Environ. Nanotechnol ,ient publications ,2018 |
707 | R S SHAJI and Anjana ,'A Review on the Features and Technologies for Energy Efficiency of Smart Grid ',International Journal of Energy Research ,Wiley ,2018 |
708 | Subotha S P, Marsaline Beno M ,'Energy Efficient Modified Cuckoo Search Resource Allocation for Video Streaming Using Structure Sensor ',Sensor Letters ,American Scientific Publishers ,2018 |
709 | A.Boyed Wesley,F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan,Y.Jacob Vetha Raj ,'Development of HDR Images by Estimating Missing Color Components in Generalized Assorted Pixel Mosaic Camera Images ',International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management , ,2018 |
710 | G. Sahaya Stalin Jose, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Secure cloud data storage approach in e-learning systems ',Cluster Computing ,Springer ,2018 |
711 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'E-CRM practices of Life Insurance Corporation of India ',Dimensions of E-Commerce and E-Management and its Implications? , ,2018 |
712 | S. Beulah, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'An optimal method for duplication detection and elimination from air pollution data of wireless sensor network ',International Journal of Environment and Waste Management , ,2018 |
713 | Beno Wincy W, Edwin M, Christus Jeya Singh V, Joseph Sekhar S ,'Design and Analysis of a Bubbling Fluidized Bed Gasifier Using Different Biomasses ',SSRN eLibrary of ELSEVIER ,Elsevier ,2018 |
715 | Akhila K R, R Jemila Rose , Sylaja Valli Narayan , D Hevin Rajesh ,'Uterine Cancer: Review ',ERES International Journal of Bio Signal and Image processing ,ERES, nagercoil ,2018 |
716 | A S Ajith, T Latha ,'Neutrosophic data formation using Gaussian filter based costascoding for wireless communicationsystems ',Cognitive Systems Research ,Elsevier ,2018 |
717 | Milton, A & Monsley, KA ,'Tamil and English speech database for heartbeat estimation ',International Journal of Speech Technology ,Springer ,2018 |
718 | S.Frank Stephen ,'An Experimental Insvestigation on Self Compacting concrete By using M-Sand ',INTERNTIONAL JOURNAL OF INNOVATIVE SCIENCE AND RESEARCH TECHNOLOGY ,IJISRT ,2018 |
719 | R S SHAJI, V Sachin Dev and T Brindha ,'A methodological review on attack and defense strategies in cyber warfare ',Wireless Networks ,Springer ,2018 |
720 | P Suji Garland ,'Three Phase Z Source Inverter for BLDC Motor using Pulse Width Modulation Technique ',Elsevier ,SSRN ,2018 |
721 | Benny John J, Ajith J. Kings, Monisha Miriam L R, Jose P J Merbin ,'Efficient Biodiesel Production from Kitchen Waste Oil Using Homogeneous Catalyst ',SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,SSRN Elsevier Digital library ,2018 |
723 | Akhila K R , R Jemila Rose , Sylaja Valli Narayan , D Hevin Rajesh ,'Uterine Cancer: Review ',ERES International Journal of Bio Signal and Image processing , ,2018 |
724 | Suja A.Alex,J Jesu Vedha Nayahi ,'Deep Incremental Learning for Big Data Stream Analytics ', Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies ,Springer ,2018 |
725 | L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston ,'PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ADAPTIVE SPECKLE FILTERS FOR ULTRASOUND IMAGES ','Ciencia e Tecnica Vitivinicola' journal ,ESTACAO VITIVINICOLA NACIONAL, PORTUGAL ,2017 |
726 | M. Jeya sutha, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Mining frequent, maximal and closed frequent itemsets over data stream ? a review ',Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies ,Inderscience ,2017 |
727 | Sheela Shiney & R Jemila Rose ,'Survey of Health Information Systems ',ERES international Journal of Computer Networks ,ERES ,2017 |
728 | S.Frank Stephen ,'Experimental Investigation of Recycled Coarse Aggregate using Admixtures ',Indo Global Journal of Applied Engineering , ,2017 |
729 | A.DARWIN JOSE RAJU, S. Solai Manohar, M. Senthil Kumaran ,'Performance Analysis of Spiral Based Inductive Position Sensor using Equivalent Circuit Model ',Journal of Electrical Engineering ,Politehnica Publishing House ,2017 |
730 | Almond D Souza ,'Grid Connected Hybrid System with Sepic Converter and Inverter for Power Quality Compensation ',International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Research (IJCTER) , ,2017 |
731 | Sylaja Valli Narayan, R Jemila Rose ,'A survey of Health Information Management (HIM) ',ERES International Journal of Computer Networks ,ERES ,2017 |
732 | M. John Bosco ,'A novel cross diagonal view configuration of a PV system under partial shading condition ',Solar Energy ,Elsevier ,2017 |
733 | R.S. Shaji, E. Arun, Alwin Reji and P. Mohammed Shameem ,'A Novel Algorithm for Load Balancing in Mobile Cloud Networks: Multi-objective Optimization Approach ',Wireless Personal Communcations ,Springer ,2017 |
734 | T.Merlin Leo and T.Latha ,'Design of single and multimode Channel decoders for mobile wireless communication ',International Journal of Science and Research , ,2017 |
736 | 6. Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L, John Bosco M ,'Firefly Based Region Growing and Region Merging for Image Segmentation ',IEEE Digital Library- International Conference on Emerging Tecnological Trends , ,2017 |
737 | T.Mary Daphne and T.Latha ,'A novel adaptive technique to mitigate radiation effects on FPGAs ',International Journal of Science and Research , ,2017 |
738 | N.SHEEN KUMAR and S.L.RAYAR ,'Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of semi organic NLO materials: L-Valine Zinc Chloride as Optic sensor ',JENT ,J. Environ. Nanotechnol. ,2017 |
739 | I.Jessy Mol, Dr.T.Baskaran ,'Evaluation of Groundwater Quality at Coconut husk retting Area ',Applied Ecology and Environmental Research ,Aloki ,2017 |
740 | 1. Nirmal Raja, Marsaline Beno ,'Secure data aggregation in WSN Fujisaki Okamoto authentication scheme against sybil attack ',Journal of medical systems, ,Springer ,2017 |
741 | Jain B Marshel, C.K.Babulal ,'IMPACT OF WIND FARM INTEGRATION ON ELECTRICITY GENERATION COST USING ANN AND PSO ',Journal of Electrical Engineering ,'Politehnica' Publishing House ,2017 |
742 | T.S. Sheela Shiney , R Jemila Rose ,'Survey of Health Information Systems ',ERES International Journal of Computer Networks, , ,2017 |
743 | Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,'Improved Visualization Using a Fusion Technique Based on KNN Matting of Remotely Sensed Images ',Journal of the Indian Society of Remote sensing ,springer ,2017 |
744 | R S Shaji, Blessy Thomas and Gifty Thomas ,'A HIGH RECOGNITION SYSTEM FOR PROVIDING SECURITY TO THE FINGERPRINT TEMPLATE ',International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology ,IJARTET ,2017 |
746 | Ashutosh Bagchi, S Saravanan, G Shanthos Kumar, G Murugan, K Raghukandan ,'Numerical simulation and optimization in pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding of Hastelloy C-276 through Taguchi method and artificial neural network ',Optik ,Elsevier ,2017 |
748 | X. Ascar Davix and C. Seldev Christopher ,'Edge Based Marker Controlled Watershed Algorithm for Automatic Car Licence Plate Localization ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers ,2017 |
749 | A Bagchi, S Saravanan, G Shanthos Kumar, G Murugan, K Raghukandan ,'Numerical approach to steady state temperature distribution in pulsed Nd: YAG laser welding of Hastelloy C-276 ',Journal of Manufacturing Engineering ,SME ,2017 |
750 | B.C. PREETHI, L.M ABHISHA ,'Detection of Malarial and Babesiosis Parasite in RBC using Combination of Annular Ring Ratio and Marker Controlled Watershed Segmentation ',DJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering, ,DJ Publications ,2017 |
751 | Maria Vinu K and Victor S ,'Human Resource Development Practices: A Descriptive Study at Hyundai Motor India Ltd. ',International Journal of Research in Management & Social Science ,Empyreal Institution of Higher Education ,2017 |
752 | R S Shaji and Minimol Deepak ,'M-HEALTH FRAME WORK- FOR PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICES ',International journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2017 |
753 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Customer Satisfaction Towards Nanjil Milk Product With Special Reference To Kanyakumari District ',Perspectives for Modern Marketers , ,2017 |
754 | F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, M.Jeyasutha ,'A Survey on Fuzzy Association Rule Mining ',International Journal of Trend in Research and Development , ,2017 |
755 | A. Florence and V.T. Vijumon ,'ANALYTICAL EVALUATION OF CRANK SHAFT UNDER CYCLIC LOADING USING FEM ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Management, Architecture, Technology and Engi ,IJARMATE ,2017 |
756 | S. Alwin, M.Marsaline Beno ,'Design of Hybrid Active Filter for Harmonic Reduction ',Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems , ,2017 |
757 | Ajith J Kings, R Edwin Raj, L R Monisha Miriam, M Adhi Visvanathan ,'Growth studies on microalgae Euglena sanguinea in various natural eco-friendly composite media to optimize the lipid productivity ',Bioresource Technology ,Elsevier ,2017 |
758 | Ramesh Dhanaseelan & M. Jeya Sutha ,'Diagnosis of coronary artery disease using an efficient hash table based closed frequent itemsets mining ',Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing ,Springer ,2017 |
759 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'A Study On Customer Satisfaction Towards LIC With Special Reference To Nagercoil City ',IJRREM , ,2017 |
760 | Shajulin Benedict*, R.S. Rejitha, B.C. Preethi, C. Bency Bright and W.S. Judyfer ,'Energy analysis of code regions of HPC applications using EnergyAnalyzer tool ',Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering ,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd ,2017 |
761 | R.S.Rejitha,Shajulin Benedict,Suja A.Alex,Shany Infanto ,'Energy prediction of CUDA application instances using dynamic regression models ',Computing ,Springer ,2017 |
762 | C.R. Edwin Selva Rex ,M. Marsaline Beno ,'State of Art In Combined Economic And Emission Dispatch ',Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research ,IDOSI Publications ,2017 |
763 | Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,'Identification and characterization of a novel biodiesel producing halophilic Aphanothece halophytica and its growth and lipid optimization in various media ',Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017 |
764 | R S SHAJI and P. Mohamed Shameem ,'An ef�cient framework to handle integrated VM workloads in heterogeneous cloud infrastructure ',Soft Computing ,Springer ,2017 |
765 | S. Beulah, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Detection of duplicated data with minimum overhead and secure data transmission for sensor big data ',Cluster Computing ,Springer ,2017 |
766 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'RoleOfSelf Help GroupsBased On Micro Enterprises ',Noorul Islam Strategic Management Ambience , ,2017 |
767 | M. Jeyasutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Mining frequent, maximal and closed frequent itemsets over data stream : A review ',Int. J. Data Analysis Techniques and Strategies ,Inderscience ,2017 |
768 | Selva Pradeep S S, Dr.M.Marsaline Beno ,'PI CONTROLLER BASED COMMUTATION TUNING ON SENSORLESS BLDC MOTOR ',Technical Research Organization of India ,TROI ,2017 |
769 | Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,'Enhanced FAME production using green catalyst with superior profile from the isolated halophilic Aphanothece halophytica grown in raceway ponds ',Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017 |
770 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Recent Trends in Customer Relationship Management with Special Reference To Life Insurance Corporation Of India?. ',Emerging trends and innovations in Digital Marketing , ,2017 |
771 | CAP Janet, M Lavanya, KB Rajesh, M Udhayakumar, Z Jaroszewicz, D Velauthapillai ,'Tight Focusing Properties of Azimuthally Polarized Pair of Vortex Beams through a Dielectric Interface ',Chinese Physics Letters ,IOP Publishing Ltd ,2017 |
772 | T.Ajitha, Dr. N. Kesavan Nair, Dr. T.Ajith Boscoraj ,'Severity Analysis Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Retinal Images Using Hybrid Structure Descriptor Histogram And RBF Kernel SVM ',International Journal of Printing,Packaging and Allied Science , ,2017 |
773 | Sebastin Antony Joe S, Seldev Christopher , Jereesha Mary S J ,'Novel watermarking scheme with watermark encryption for copyright protection ',Biomedical Research ,Allied Academies ,2017 |
774 | N. G. Nageswari Amma, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Privacy Preserving Fuzzy Based Decision Tree Classifier ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Science and Software Engineering , ,2017 |
775 | J.Jerlin Regin, P. Vincent, C. Ganapathy ,'Effect of Mineral Admixtures on Mechanical Properties and Chemical Resistance of Lightweight Coconut Shell Concrete ',Arabian Journal for science and Engineering ,Springer ,2017 |
776 | Ajitha, T, Kesavan Nair, N , Ajith Bosco Raj, T & Agees Kumar ,'Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy with Support Vector Machine Classifier using Various Transformations ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science ,American Scientific Publishers ,2017 |
777 | M. Jeya sutha, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'A Survey on Fuzzy Association Rule Mining ',International Journal of Trend in Research and Development (IJTRD) , ,2017 |
778 | Dr. G. Arul Dalton , A.Bamila Virgin Louis ,'Improved Novel Detectors for Soft OFDMA MIMO ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Innovative Discoveries in Engineering and Applications, ,2017 |
780 | Dr.J.Merry Geisa ,'Fuzzy based maximum power point tracking for wind energy conversion system. ',International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering (IJEREEE) ,IFERP journals ,2017 |
781 | B.Mahalekshmi, G.Johncy ,'Image restoration of underwater images using Energy Minimization Algorithm ',http://www.ijctjournal.org , ,2017 |
782 | L. G. X. Agnel Livingston, L. M. Merlin Livingston ,'Handwritten Recognition of Tamil Scripts Using HMM With Fuzzy Logic ',INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH ,PROMOTED BY INDIAN SOCIETY FOR HEALTH AND ADVANCED,2017 |
783 | R S SHAJI, P Mohamed Shameem, Nimmy Johnson and E Arun ,'An effective resource management in cloud computing ',International Journal of communication networks and distributed systems ,Inderscience ,2017 |
784 | R S SHAJI and Minimol Deepak ,'Queue Allocation Algorithm Based on Priority of Signals to Schedule Mhealth Data Transfer ',Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers ,2017 |
785 | Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,'Cultivation, extraction and optimization of biodiesel production from potential microalgae Euglena sanguinea using eco-friendly natural catalyst ',Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017 |
786 | R S SHAJI and Resmi Sekhar ,'An investigation on the use of MSER and SIFT for image forgery detection ',Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research ,CSIR ,2017 |
787 | S.V. Kayalvizhi and Dr.S. Joseph Jawhar ,'Performance Analysis of an Internal Model Controller for the Positive Output Luo Converter ',International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences ,- ,2016 |
789 | J Annrose, C Seldev Christopher ,'Content based Image Retrieval using Query based Feature Reduction with K-means Cluster Index ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
790 | S.V. Kayalvizhi and Dr.S. Joseph Jawhar ,'A comparative analysis of the performance of the Fuzzy ANN and the ANFIS controllers for the Positive Output Luo Converter ',?,International Journal of Power system and Power Electronics ,- ,2016 |
791 | R S SHAJI and T Brindha ,'An Efficient Framework for Providing Secured Transaction of Data in Cloud Environment ',Indian Journal of Science and Technology ,Indian Society of Education and Environment ,2016 |
792 | Christus Jeya Singh, V & Joseph Sekhar S ,'Performance Studies on a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier with Blends of Coconut Shell and Rubber Seed Shell as Feedstock ',Applied Thermal Engineering ,Elsevier ,2016 |
793 | S.Ambika,S. Magaiyarkarasi,V.S.Shiny ,'Portrayal of women in the Novels of Anita Desai ',HindLitt ,S.T.Hindu College,Dept. Of English ,2016 |
794 | S.V Kayalvizhi ,Dr.S.Joseph Jawhar ,'Jawhar?Performance evaluation of positive output Luo converter using Proportional Integral Controller ',International Journal of Power system and Power Electronics ,- ,2016 |
795 | R S SHAJI and Resmi Sekhar ,'A Study on Segmentation Based Copy-Move Forgery Detection Using Daisy Descriptor ',Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Springer ,2016 |
796 | R S SHAJI and K Sabarish ,'DAM Alerts: Em-Powering Farmers with Irrigation Information and Flood Alerts ',Indian Journal of Science and Technology ,Indian Society of Education and Environment ,2016 |
797 | C.Jasmine, T.Latha ,'FPGA based Power Efficient Binary Search for Signature Matching in Hardware NIDS ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
798 | M. Jeya sutha, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'An effective hashtable-based approach for incrementally mining closed frequent itemsets using sliding windows ',Int. J. Data Mining, Modelling and Management ,Inderscience ,2016 |
799 | C. Amala Prathiba Janet 1, M. Udhayakumar 2, K. B. Rajesh 2, Z. Jaroszewicz 3,4, T. V. S. Pillai ,'Generating multiple focal structures with high NA parabolic mirror using azimuthally polarized pair of vortices ',Optical and Quantum Electronics ,Springer ,2016 |
800 | A. Ludvin Felcy, M. M. Latha, Christal Vasanthi ,'soliton stability in a square lattice model of an inhomogeneous helimagnet ',The European Physical Journal B ,Springer ,2016 |
801 | R S SHAJI and S V Divya ,'An Efficient Authentication System for Data Forwarding Under Cloud Enviroment ',Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Springer ,2016 |
802 | R S SHAJI and K Sabarish ,''SMARTCOP' - Mobile Governance framework for efficient policing ',Asian Journal of Information Technology ,Medwell ,2016 |
803 | Y.R.Annie Bessant, T.Latha ,'Evaluating the Performances of Double Precision Floating Point Matrix Multiplication ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
804 | M. M. Janeela Theresa and V. Joseph Raj ,'A maximum spanning tree-based dynamic fuzzy supervised neural network architecture for classification of murder cases ',Soft Computing ,Springer ,2016 |
805 | J. Annrose, C. Seldev Christopher ,'CBIR: Primary Collection of Relevant Image Selection using Rule Based Boolean Query ',Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia ,Universidad del Zulia ,2016 |
806 | J. Annrose, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Content based Image Retrieval using Query based Feature Reduction with K-means Cluster Index ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
807 | A. Ludvin Felcy, M. M. Latha, C. Christal Vasanthi ,'A nonlinear lattice model for Heisenberg helimagnet and spinwave instabilities ',Physica B ,Elsevier ,2016 |
808 | R S SHAJI and K Sabarish ,'Mobile Governance Framework for Emergency Management ',Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Springer ,2016 |
809 | M. Gerald Arul Selvan and A. Athijayamani ,'Mechanical Properties of Fragrant Screwpine Fiber Reinforced Unsaturated Polyester Composite: Effect of Fiber Length, Fiber Treatment and Water Absorption ',Fibers and Polymers ,Springer ,2016 |
810 | A.Suhasini, K.P.Vinod Kumar, T. Maiyalagan ,'Synthesis, thermal and magnetic behavior of iron oxide ? polymer nanocomposites ',Science and Engineering of composite materials ,De Gruyter ,2016 |
811 | C.Seldev Christopher,S.J.Jereesha Mary and S.Sebastin Antony Joe ,'Compressed Image Authentication using CDMA Watermarking and EMRC6 Encryption ',Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia ,Universidad del Zulia ,2016 |
812 | J. Annrose, C. Seldev Christopher ,'CBIR: Primary Collection of Relevant Image Selection using Rule Based Boolean Query ',REVISTA TECNICA DE LA FACULTAD DE INGENIERIA UNIVERSIDAD DEL ZULIA , ,2016 |
813 | R S SHAJI and P. Mohamed Shameem ,'Novel Aapproach for Balancing the Loads on Virtual Machines for Scheduling Parallel Jobs Based on Priority Based Consolidation Method ',Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Springer ,2016 |
814 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Technology Innovation In Future Banking ',Innovative Banking services-A Transformative tool for business, finance and customer service , ,2016 |
815 | Absa.S, Shajulin Benedict ,'A Survey on SLA Based Cloud Architectures ',Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT) ,Convergence Information Society, Korea / IBC, UK ,2016 |
816 | R S SHAJI and SHEENA SATHYAN ,'A Methodological Review on Data Hiding through Encryption Schemes for MPEG-Objects ',International journal of engineering and future technoogy ,CESER Publications ,2016 |
817 | Femila L & Marsaline Beno M ,'Incremental relay selection with reduced power consumption and jamming for secure cooperative network ',Rev.Tec.Ing.Univ. Zulia ,Universidad del Zulia ,2016 |
818 | D.SAHAYA BEULA ,'Quality Work Life Of Handloom Weavers In Kanyakumari District ',Institute of management development and research , ,2016 |
819 | Y.R.AnnieBessant ,'Evaluating the Performances of Double Precision Floating Point Matrix Multiplication ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities , ,2016 |
820 | C. A. P. Janet1, K. B. Rajesh2, M. Udhayakumar2, Z. Jaroszewicz3 and T. V. S. Pillai4 ,'Tight Focusing Properties of Radially Polarized Gaussian Beams with Pair of Vortices ',Chinese Physics Letters ,IOP Publishing Ltd ,2016 |
821 | Dr.A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel ,'Connected Domination Polynomial of Some Graphs ',IOSR Journal of Mathematics ,International Organization of Scientific Research ,2016 |
822 | J.Jebeen Moses, I. Dinaharan, S.Joseph Sekhar ,'Production and characterization of titanium carbide particulate reinforced AA6061 aluminum alloy composites using stir casting ',Kovove materially ,REDAKCIA KOVOVE MATERIALY ,2016 |
823 | Abragam Siyon SIng M, Brindha S ,'A DC-DC Boost Converter with Voltage Multiplier Module and Fuzzy Logic Based Inverter for Photovoltaic System ',International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation ,RSISINTERNATIONAL ,2016 |
824 | G Shanthos Kumar, N Sivagurumanikandan, S Saravanan, K Raghukandan ,'Effect of welding speed on microstructural and mechanical properties of pulsed Nd: YAG laser welded dissimilar metals ',Journal of Manufacturing Engineering ,SME ,2016 |
825 | B.C. PREETHI, GIA ELIZABETH ABRAHAM ,'Lung Tissue Extraction Using OTSU Thresholding in Lung Nodule Detection from CT Images ',International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Technology ,Bhopal : IJCTET ,2016 |
826 | R.P. Anto Kumar, N. Nandhagopal and R. Sivakumar ,'Hybrid Image Watermarking Technique Based on Integer Wavelet Transform and Neural Network ',International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences ,EDITOR IJPPAS ,2016 |
827 | Jemila Rose & S Allwin ,'Clustering of Ultrasound Cervix Image Using Objective Function ',West Indian Medical Journal ,University of west indies ,2016 |
828 | Ms.Femila.L & Dr.M.Marsaline Beno ,'Incremental relay selection with reduced power consumption and jamming for secure cooperative networks ',Revista Tecnica De La Facultad De Ingenieria Universidad Del Zulia, Technical Journal of the Faculty,TJFE ,2016 |
829 | James Ligorias R ,'Common Errors in Academic Writing ',IJELTS.JOURNAL.COM: International Journal of English Language and translation studies , ,2016 |
830 | Maheswaran C. P, Helen Sulochana C ,'Utilizing EEM approach to tackle bandwidth allocation with respect to heterogeneous wireless networks ',ICT Express ,Elsevier publication ,2016 |
831 | R. Sivakumar, R.P. Anto Kumar and N. Nandhagopal ,'Computational Artificial Bee Colony Optimization A Survey ',International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences ,EDITOR IJPPAS ,2016 |
832 | Dr.A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel ,'Connected Dominating Sets and Connected Domination Polynomials of square of Centipedes ',Journal of Information & Optimization Sciences ,Taru Publications ,2016 |
833 | 2. R Jemila Rose & S Allwin ,'Classification of Cervical Cancer Using Ultrasound Images ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
834 | R S SHAJI , PUSHPA LATHA and J P JAYAN ,'A Cost Effective Load Balancing Scheme for Better Resource Utilization in Cloud Computing ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence ,Academy Publisher ,2016 |
835 | S. Amala Shanthi, C. Helen Sulochana, S. Albert Jerome ,'Image denoising using bilateral filter in subsampled pyramid and nonsubsampled directional filter bank domain. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems ',Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems , ,2016 |
836 | Defino J,Mary Vasanthi S ,'Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases using Dominant MUAP Based on wavelet domain features and improving it's accuracy using SVM ',International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation , ,2016 |
837 | N. Nandhagopal, R. Sivakumar and R.P. Anto Kumar ,'Robust Digital Image Watermarking Method Based on FFT-IWT ',International Journal of Printing, Packaging & Allied Sciences ,EDITOR IJPPAS ,2016 |
838 | Sahaya Stalin Jose G ; Seldev Christopher C ,'Error Correction Codes for Secure Cloud Data Centers ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
839 | Subitha A & Revathi T ,'A Storage Management Scheme and Reliable Routing in ICMNs ',Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , IDOSI Publications ,2016 |
840 | Dr. L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston ,'HAZY IMAGE ENHANCEMENT USING VISIBILITY RESTORATION TECHNIQUE ',International Journal of Latest Trends in Engineering and Technology , ,2016 |
841 | M.John Bosco ,'Modified Image Segmentation Method based on Region Growing and Region Merging ',The International Arab Journal of Information Technology ,Zarka : Zarka Private University ,2016 |
842 | R S SHAJI and T Brindha ,'An Instance Communication Channel Key Organizer Model for Enhancing Security in Cloud Computing ',The International Arab Journal of Information Technology ,Zarqa Private University ,2016 |
843 | Maheswaran C. P, Helen Sulochana C ,'?An Efficient Approach To Allocating Service In Integrated Cellular Networks?, , vol. 11 , no.8, pp ',International journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2016 |
844 | Dr. L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston, Dr. L. M. Jenila Livingston ,'MULTIMEDIA SECURITY SPOOFING OF DIGITAL IMAGE FORENSICS 3D FACE MASK ',International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , ,2016 |
845 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Cluster based secure authentication technique using ant colony optimization in wireless sensor networks ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems ,IOS Press ,2016 |
846 | Jereesha Mary; Dr. C. Seldev ChristopherS. Sebastin Antony Joe; ,'Novel Scheme for Compressed Image Authentication Using LSB Watermarking and EMRC6 Encryption ',Circuits and Systems ,Scientific Research ,2016 |
847 | A.DARWIN JOSE RAJU, S. Solai Manohar, M.Azhagar Raj ,'Estimation of Inductance for Sine and Cosine Shape Spiral Coils ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2016 |
848 | M. Jeyasutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'An effective hash table-based approach for incrementally mining closed frequent itemsets using sliding windows ',Int. J. Data Mining, Modelling and Management ,Inderscience ,2016 |
849 | Subitha A & Revathi T ,'Threshold-based Time Tag Routing in Intermittently Connected Mobile Networks ',Advances in Natural and Applied Sciences ,AENSI Publication ,2016 |
850 | Jasmine, C, Latha, T ,'FPGA based Network Intrusion Detection System ',Rev. Tec. Ing. Univ. Zulia ,Universidad del Zulia ,2016 |
851 | E. Mahalakshmi, M. Germin Nisha ,'Implementation of Multilevel Inverter Fed Induction Motor Drive Using ANFIS ',International Journal of Electrical Machines & Drives ,Journal pub ,2016 |
852 | Dr. L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston, Dr. L. M. Jenila Livingston ,'DESIGN OF HEARING AID USING VARIABLE BANDWIDTH FILTER ',International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research , ,2016 |
853 | S. Beulah, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Survey on Security Issues and Existing Solutions in Cloud Storage ',Indian Journal of Science & Technology ,Indian Society for Education and Environment ,2016 |
854 | J.Jebeen Moses,S.Joseph Sekhar ,'Investigation on the Tensile Strength and Microhardness of AA6061/TiC Composites by Stir Casting ',Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals ,Springer ,2016 |
855 | M.John Bosco ,'Region based image segmentation using cuckoo search algorithm ',Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ,SPB Pharma Society ,2016 |
856 | Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha ,'Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking using Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern Edge Extraction for Traffic Surveillance ',Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016 |
857 | E. Mahalakshmi, M. Germin Nisha ,'SOP-Based Hybrid H-Bridge Nine Level Inverter Using PI Controller ',International Journal of Automatic Control System ,Journal pub ,2016 |
858 | Dr. L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston ,'SOIL PH FORMULATION BY ITS MOISTURE USING DYADIC WAVELET TRANSFORM ',IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering , ,2016 |
859 | N. Sheen Kumar1 and S. L. Rayar2 ,'Studies on structural, mechanical, NLO and electrical properties of L-valine cadmium chloride crystals grown with different concentrations of cadmium chloride ',JOPC ,CODEN(USA) : JCPRC5 ,2016 |
860 | V Vinisha , R Jemila Rose ,'Classification of Cervical Cancer Using Ultrasound Images ',ERES International Journal of Bio Signal and Image Processing ,ERES ,2016 |
861 | J.Jebeen Moses, I. Dinaharan, S.Joseph Sekhar ,'Prediction of influence of process parameters on tensile strength of AA6061/TiC aluminum matrix composites produced using stir casting ',Transaction of Non ferrous metals society of China ,Elseiver ,2016 |
862 | R S SHAJI and SHEENA SATHYAN ,'A Hybrid approach for the secure transmission of H.264/AVC Video Streams ',Cryptology ePrint Archive ,Springer ,2016 |
863 | A.DARWIN JOSE RAJU, S. Solai Manohar, M. Senthil Kumaran ,'A Simple Analytical Method for Calculating the Optimal Value of Inductance of Sine and Cosine Shaped Spiral Inductors and Its Analysis using ANOVA Method ',Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia , ,2016 |
864 | M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,'Effect of pin profile and process parameters on microstructure and mechanical properties of friction stir welded Al−Cu joints ',Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China ,Elsevier ,2016 |
865 | 5. R. Inigo, k. P. Vinod kumar, V. A. Nagarajan, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Corrosion Inhibition Studies on Carbon Steel by trans 1-(2,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-hydroxyphenyl)prop-2-en-1-one ',Oxidation Communications , ,2015 |
866 | M. Mary Helta Daisy, S. Tamil Selvi & S. Akila ,'Hand Shape Identification Using Geometrical Features and Hidden Markov Model For Biometric Authentication ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India ,2015 |
867 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Cluster Based Secure Data Aggregation Using Simulated Annealing Approach ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology ,IJARCET ,2015 |
868 | R.P. Anto Kumar, R. Sivakumar and S.S. Aalin Grace ,'A New Implementation of Graphical Password Scheme for Captcha Based Security System ',Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research ,IDOSI Publications ,2015 |
869 | Christus Jeya Singh, V & Joseph Sekhar ,'Feasibility of Mixing Coir-Pith with Coconut Shell in a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier-An Experimental Study ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
870 | Jeraldin Auxillia Devaraj ,'Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based System Identification and Internal Model Sliding Mode controller for Mass Flow System ',Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics , IFAC Romanian Society of Control Engineering ,2015 |
871 | R.P. Anto Kumar, R. Sivakumar and P.Archana ,'Automatic Way of Diagnosing Alzheimer?s Disease ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
872 | M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,'Tool travel speed effects on the microstructure of friction stir welded aluminum?copper joints ',Journal of Materials Processing Technology ,Elsevier ,2015 |
873 | M. Jeya sutha, Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'An Efficient Method for Detection of Breast Cancer Based on Closed Frequent Itemsets Mining ',Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics ,American Scientific Publishers ,2015 |
874 | R.P. Anto Kumar, R.Sivakumar and M.N.Chithra ,'An Efficient Method for Detecting Image Forgery ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
875 | M. Nancy Regina, S.Caroline ,'Video De-interlacing with Scene change detection based on 3D Wavelet transform ',International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology ,Francis Xavier Engineering College ,2015 |
876 | S.V Kayalvizhi ,Dr.S.Joseph Jawhar ,'Power Losses Evaluation of a Multiport Bidirectional Dc-Dc Converter ',International Journal of Power system and Power Electronics ,- ,2015 |
877 | S.R. Surem Samuel and C. Seldev Christopher ,'Efficient Approach to Detect and Localize Text in Natural Scene Images ',Journal of Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing ,Springer India ,2015 |
878 | Edwin Dhas. D, Starwin M, Arul King J ,'Efficient Image Segmentation Approach Based on Iterative Thresholding with Optimal Stopping Coefficient ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
879 | R S SHAJI and S V Divya ,'An Efficient and Secure Elliptic Curve Cryptosystem for Data Storage in Cloud ',International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research ,Research India Publication ,2015 |
880 | P.M.Lalley, T.Latha ,'Programmable Hardware Scheduler for Reconfigurable MPSoCs ',International Journal of Applied Engg. Research , ,2015 |
881 | L. Larsha , Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'Adaptive Context Based Bayer CFA Image Compression ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2015 |
882 | Alphonse John Kenneth, A., Ramesh Dhanaseelan, F. ,'Satellite image contrast enhancement using retinex, AHE, contourlet and singular value decomposition ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
883 | S.Amala Shanthi, C.Helen Sulochana and T.Latha ,'Image Denoising in hybrid wavelet and quincunx diamond filter bank domain based on Gaussian scale mixture model ',Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering , ,2015 |
884 | M. Gayathri, Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'Automatic Detection of Cyst/Fibroids Present in the Ultrasound Images of Ovary/Uterus by Using Region Growing Technique ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2015 |
885 | Maria Seraphin Sujitha, S, &Selvathi, D ,'Adaptive hybrid pansharpening algorithm for improving spatial quality of satellite images ',Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences ,AENSI ,2015 |
886 | R. Siva Kumar , E. Ben George and R.P. Anto Kumar ,'A Hybrid Technique For Automated MRI Brain Images Classification ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
887 | C.Jasmine and T.Latha ,'Lookup Table for Hardware Based Signature Matching using Finite Automata ',Astralian Journal of basic and Applied Sciences , ,2015 |
888 | I. Jeya Kumar, Dr. A. Lenin Fred, Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'Color Image Enhancement Based on Depth Order Minimization ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2015 |
889 | G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, and R. Edwin Raj ,'Optimization of Biofuel Blends and Compression Ratio of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Calophyllum inophyllumOil Methyl Ester ',Arabian Journal Science Engineering ,Springer ,2015 |
890 | Seraphin Sujitha,SM,& Selvathi, D, ,'Fusion of panchromatic and multispectral images using NSCT and FFT based spectral histogram ',IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics ,Materials and Energy Research Center ,2015 |
891 | Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,'Four-stage feature selection to recognize emotion from speech signals ',International Journal of Speech Technology ,Springer ,2015 |
892 | R.P. Anto Kumar, R. Sivakumar and S. Aswathy ,'A Novel Method for Car License Plate Detection ',Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research ,IDOSI Publications ,2015 |
893 | Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha and Rinisha ,'Detecting and tracking moving vehicles for traffic surveillance ',ARPN journal of engineering and applied sciences , ,2015 |
894 | Maria Jim Stony1, Marsaline Beno2 & Mary Florida2 ,'Simulation of a zero voltage transition synchronous buck converter for portable applications ',Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences , ,2015 |
895 | Monisha Lincy, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Biometric Identification using Rectinal Scan ',International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology , ,2015 |
896 | Maria Seraphin Sujitha,S, Selvathi,D,&Deepika, B.T ,'Remote sensing image fusion using sparse coding with neural network approach ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
897 | Milton, A, Nivea Ghosh, ES, Shilpha, SM & Tamil Selvi, S ,'Analysis towards optimum features and classifiers to recognize the emotion happiness from speech signals ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research Publication India ,2015 |
898 | Maria Jim Stony, Marsaline Beno & Mary Florida ,'Simulation of a zero voltage transition synchronous buck converter for portable applications ',Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences ,JCHPS ,2015 |
899 | Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha and A.Mary Ansalin Shalini ,'Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition in Driver Support System for Safety Precaution ',ARPN journal of engineering and applied sciences , ,2015 |
900 | Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,'Higher order Mel-frequency cepstral and autoregressive reflection coefficients in recognizing three dimensions of speech emotions ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research Publication India ,2015 |
901 | Y.R.AnnieBessant ,'A Low Delay Column Bypassing Multiplier With AHL Implementation For Digital Filters ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
902 | S.Alwin,M.MArsaline Beno ,'Fuzzy Logic Controller Based THD Reduction in Non-Linear Load Using Shunt Active Filter ',INDIAN JOURNAL OF RESEARCH ,PARIPEX ,2015 |
903 | Nirmal Raja, Marsaline Beno ,'Energy aware mac protocols for wireless Sensor networks ',Journal on Wireless Communication Networks ,i Manager Journal ,2015 |
904 | T.Latha and M.Sasikumar ,'A Novel Nonlinear Transform based image restoration for Removing Three Kinds of Noises in Images ',Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India)Series B ,SPRINGER ,2015 |
905 | Dr. L. M. Merlin Livingston, L. G. X. Agnel Livingston, Dr. L. M. Jenila Livingston ,'PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF ADAPTIVE SPECKLE FILTERS FOR ULTRASOUND IMAGES ',International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology , ,2015 |
906 | Jeraldin Auxillia D ,'Automated System for Ultrasound Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment based on POF Controller. ',Biomedical Research ,Allied Academies ,2015 |
907 | Alwin.S, Dr.M.Marsaline Beno and Anusha.A ,'Power Quality Control Based On Parallel Power Processing Scheme ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
908 | A.M.ALICE MARGRET,A.AMAL RAJ,T.CITARASU,C.NIRMALA LOUIS ,'Statistical Assessment ofphysico-chemical parameters of water from boreholes and shallow wellsin agasteeswaram and kalkulam taluks of kanyakumari district ',UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ,UNIVERSAL JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY ,2015 |
909 | Jemila Rose, R & Allwin ,'Denoising of Ultrasound Cervix Image Using Improved Anisotropic Diffusion Filter (IADF) ',West Indian Medical Journal ,University of west indies ,2015 |
910 | R S SHAJI, B. Ramakrishnan, R Bhagavath Nishant and M. Milton Joe ,'Comprehensive Analysis of Highway, Manhattan, Freeway Mobility Models for Vehicular Ad Hoc Network ',International Journal of Wireless and Mobile Computing ,Inderscience ,2015 |
911 | M. Germin Nisha, G. N. Pillai ,'Nonlinear model predictive control of MIMO system with support vector regression and particle swarm optimization ',Journal of control engineering and applied informatics ,Romania ,2015 |
912 | Maheswaran Chella Perumal, C. Helen Sulochana, Tharun Moorthy ,'A unifying framework for seamless handover across mobile telecom network ',International Journal of Enterprise Network Management ,Inderscience ,2015 |
913 | S.Radhika, M.Marsalin Beno ,'Design and Optimization of PMSM by Using the Thermal Behaviour of Fluid Dynamics ',Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences ,The Research Publication ,2015 |
914 | A.M.ALICE MARGRET,A.AMAL RAJ,T.CITARASU,C.NIRMALA LOUIS ,'chemical and physical analysis of drinking water from shallow wells and boreholes in thovalai and vilavancode taluk ',GLOBAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE FRONTIER RESEARCH & CHEMISTRY ,GLOBAL JOURNAL OF SCIENCE FRONTIER RESEARCH & CHEM,2015 |
915 | Edwin Dhas. D,Arul King. J, Starwin. M ,'Efficient Image Segmentation approach based on Iterative Thresholding with Optimal stopping Coefficient ',nternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) ,Research India Publications ,2015 |
916 | Amala Shanthi S, Helen Sulochana C& Latha T ,'?Image denoising in hybrid wavelet and quincunx diamond Filter bank domain based on Gaussian scale mixture model ',Computers and Electrical Engg ,Elsevier ,2015 |
917 | C Amala Prathiba Janet, P Suresh, TVS Pillai ,'Effect of Pupil Beam in the Focal Region of High Numerical Aperture Objective Lens ',J. Environ. Nanotechnol , ,2015 |
918 | R S SHAJI and J Charles ,'Human Resource Allocation for Secure Software Development ',International Journal Control Theory and Applications ,Serials Publications ,2015 |
919 | Christus Jeya Singh, V, Joseph Sekhar, S & Thyagarajan, K ,'Analytical and Experimental Studies on a 50 kWth Downdraft Gasifier with Biomass Blends Available in the Hilly Regions of South India ',Latin American Applied Research ,UNS Printing Office, Avda. ,2015 |
920 | Y.R. Annie Bessant, T. Latha & Alma John ,'An Efficient Digital Filter Implementation By Using Column Bypassing Multiplier with AHL ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Image Processing and Networking ,Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education ,2015 |
921 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'?Performance analysis of unsupervised optimal fuzzy clustering algorithm for MRI brain tumor segmentation ',Technology and health care ,ISO ,2015 |
922 | M. Jeyasutha, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'An Efficient Method for Detection of Breast Cancer Based on Closed Frequent Itemsets Mining ',Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics ,American Scientific Publishers ,2015 |
923 | Y.R.Annie Bessant , T.Latha & Babisha ,'A low power and low complexity FIR filter design based on combined signed digit representation ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Image Processing and Networking ,Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education ,2015 |
924 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Support Vector Machine Based Secure Data ',International Journal of Research in Science & Engineering ,IJRISE ,2015 |
925 | Y.R. Annie Bessant, T. Latha & S.Bibisha ,'A low power and low complexity FIR filter design based on combined signed digit representation ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Image Processing and Networking ,Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education ,2015 |
926 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Data Aggregation Framework for Clustered Sensor Networks Using Multi Layer Perceptron Neural Network ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology , ,2015 |
927 | Amala Shanthi S, Helen Sulochana C ,'Subsampled pyramid and subsampled directional filter bank ',International journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2014 |
928 | MARSALINE BENO & NIRMAL RAJA K ,'On securing Wireless Sensor Network-Novel authentication scheme against DOS attacks ',Journal of Medical Systems,Volume 38,No. ,Springer Publications. ,2014 |
929 | G Therese Anita, C Amala Prathiba Janet, K Prabakaran, TVS Pillai, KB Rajesh ,'Effect of spherical aberration on tightly focused cylindrically polarized vortex beams ',Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics ,Elsevier ,2014 |
930 | SAHAYA STALIN JOSE G,Suganya M.S, ,'Packet Attribute Data Aggregation In Wireless Sensor Networks Using Potential Based Dynamic Routing ',INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENTS AND EMERGING ENGINEERING RESEARCH ,Open Access Journal of Scientific, Technology ,2014 |
931 | S.Nagadevi , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'MOL Optimized FOPID Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014 |
932 | Lisha Rajan, TL & Jemila Rose ,'An Improved Fuzzy C-means Algorithm learned wavelet network for segmentation of Dermoscopic image ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) , ,2014 |
933 | M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,'Effect of Tool Rotational Speed on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Copper Dissimilar Joints ',International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India Publications ,2014 |
934 | Sahaya Stalin Jose.G , Seldev Christopher. C ,'Minimize the replication for Secure Cloud Data Storage Systems Using Error Correction Codes ',Applied Mechanics and Materials ,Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland ,2014 |
935 | 5. Mary Helta Daisy, M, TamilSelvi, S & Priyanka, RM ,'Extraction of Shape Features Using Region Based and Contour Based Method ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India ,2014 |
936 | SAHAYA STALIN JOSE,Sree Vidhya I S ,'Increased Throughput In MANETS With The Heterogeneous Environment ',INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF TECHNOLOGY ENHANCEMENTS AND EMERGING ENGINEERING RESEARCH ,Open Access Journal of Scientific, Technology ,2014 |
937 | Antony Miraculas G & Bose N ,'Effect of compression ratio on diesel engine performance and emission fuelled with tamanu oil methyl ester and its blends ',Advanced Materials Research ,Transtech Publication ,2014 |
938 | Mary Helta Daisy, M, Aleesha Livingston, & TamilSelvi, S ,'Extended Local Tetra Pattern for Image Retrieval ',International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India ,2014 |
939 | Sam Alaric, Caroline and Suresh Manic ,'Modeling of Photovoltaic Switched Inductor Z Source Multilevel Inverter Effective of Power Factor Control ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014 |
940 | J Annrose, C Seldev Christopher ,'Performance Analysis of Minimum Distance Classifier and Clustering Algorithm in CBIR. ',Applied Mechanics & Materials ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014 |
941 | Mary Helta Daisy, M, TamilSelvi, S & Sony Mary, D ,'Extraction of Texture Features for Automated Glaucoma Image Classification ',Image Processing and networking , ,2014 |
942 | M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,'Effect of Joint Configuration on the Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Copper Joints ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014 |
943 | Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi, S 2014 ,'Soft computing based medical image retrieval using shape and texture features ',American Journal of Applied Sciences ,Science ,2014 |
944 | R S SHAJI, S V Divya and P Venkadesh ,'A Comprehensive Data Forwarding Technique under Cloud with Dynamic Notification ',Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology ,Maxwell Scientific Publication Corp. ,2014 |
945 | 3. MarsalineBeno M, Valarmathi I. R, Swamy S. M, B. R. Rajakumar ,'Optimal Threshold Prediction for Detecting Brain Tumor AQ1 from MRI Scans Using Support Vector Machine, ',International Journal of Imaging Systems & Technology, ,John Wiley & Sons Inc. ,Wiley-Blackwell ,2014 |
946 | G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, and R. Edwin Raj ,'Optimization of Biofuel Blends and Compression Ratio of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Calophyllum inophyllum Oil Methyl Ester ',Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ,American Institute of Physics ,2014 |
947 | JeraldinAuxillia.D, Anitta.A ,'?PSO tuned PID-based Model Reference Adaptive controller for coupled tank system ',Applied Mechanics and Materials ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014 |
948 | Dr.A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel ,'Connected Dominating Sets and Connected Domination Polynomials of Centipedes ',International Journal of Mathematical Sciences ,Recent Science Publications Archives ,2014 |
949 | J.Jebeen Moses, I. Dinaharan, S.Joseph Sekhar ,'Characterization of Silicon carbide particulate reinforces AA6061 aluminium alloy composites produced via stir casting ',Procedia Materials science ,Elseiver ,2014 |
950 | R S SHAJI, J Charles and J C Monisha ,'Problems and prospects of various human risk factos in SDLC ',International Journal of Applied Engineering and Research ,Research India Publication ,2014 |
951 | Dr.L.Femila, Dr.V.Vijayarangan ,'Energy Efficient Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network Using Co-operative Communication ',IEEE Xplore ,IEEE ,2014 |
952 | Hizana M, Anto Kumar R P ,'Adaptive Local Entropy Based Automatic Virus Particle Detection ',Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ,Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applicati,2014 |
953 | R S SHAJI and Anez Bin Ashraf ,'Linux Based Cloud OS in Implementing SaaS, PaaS, IaaS for Web Service Provisioning ',International Journal of Computing and Technology , ,2014 |
954 | R S SHAJI and Fathima ,'ABICC-Authentication based investigation in cloud computing ',Image Processing and Networking ,Noorul Islam Center for Higher Education ,2014 |
955 | Dr.L.Femila, Dr.V.Vijayarangan ,'Energy Efficient Routing in Mobile Ad hoc Network Using Co-operative Communication ',Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ,JATIT & LLS ,2014 |
956 | Marsaline Beno M, Valarmathi I. R, Swamy S. M, B. R. Rajakumar. ,'Hybrid Optimization Model Of Video Steganography Technique With The Aid Of Biorthogonal Wavelet Transform ',Journal of Theoretical and Applied Information Technology ,Little Lion Scientific ,2014 |
957 | James Ligorias R ,'Plea for Life: Farley Mowat's Revelation of Ecological Concern in People of the Deer ',IJELTS.JOURNAL.COM: International Journal of English Language and translation studies , ,2014 |
958 | Dr.A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel ,'Connected Dominating Sets and Connected Domination Polynomials of Square of Path ',International Journal of Mathematical Archive ,Scientific Research ,2014 |
959 | Renimol T G, Anto Kumar R.P ,'Automatic Track Creation And Deletion Framework For Face Tracking ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Comp,2014 |
960 | G.R. Gnana King, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Improved block based segmentation algorithm for compression of compound images ',Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems , ,2014 |
961 | J.R Nisha , R.P. Anto Kumar ,'User Authentication Based On Keystroke Dynamics ',Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ,Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applicati,2014 |
962 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Modeling GSM Based Network Communication in Vehicular Network ',International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security ,MECS-PRESS ,2014 |
963 | J. Jereesha Mary, S. Sebastin Antony Joe, Dr. C. Seldev Christopher ,'Comparative Study of Watermarking and Encryption Schemes for JPEG2000 Images ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2014 |
964 | M. Germin Nisha, G. N. Pillai ,'Nonlinear model predictive control of MIMO system with relevance vector regression and particle swarm optimization ',Journal of control engineering and applied informatics ,Romania ,2014 |
965 | Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,'Class-specific multiple classifiers scheme to recognize emotions from speech signals ',Computer Speech and Language ,Elsevier ,2014 |
966 | Felicia M.Leena and T.Latha ,'Adaptive Linear Feature Separation from Topographic maps based on Shear transform and Percentage Occupancy ',International Journal of Image Processing and Applications , ,2014 |
967 | J. AnnRose, Dr.C.Seldev Christopher ,'Performance Analysis of Minimum Distance Classifier and Clustering Algorithm in CBIR ',Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials , ,2014 |
968 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Survey of Data Aggregation Techniques Using Soft Computing in Wireless Sensor Networks ',IET Information Security ,IET ,2014 |
969 | V. Mathan, S. Sheeju Selva Roji,J.Jebeen Moses ,'An Experimental Evaluation of Static Strength and Fatigue Life on Composite Patch Repaired AA2024-T4 Plate ',AMR ,Trans Tech publication ,2014 |
970 | C.Jasmine and T.Latha ,'Finite Automata in Pattern matching for Hardware based NIDS Applications ? a Tutorial and Survey ',Progress in Science and Engineering Journal , ,2014 |
971 | Lekshmi Ajayan, C.Seldev Christopher ,'Shadow Removal Using Inpainting and Interpolation Technique ',Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials , ,2014 |
972 | Dippankar Battacharya, M. Germin Nisha, G. N. Pillai ,'Relevance vector machine based solar cell model ',International journal of sustainable energy ,Taylor and Francis ,2014 |
973 | J.Jebeen Moses,S.Joseph Sekhar ,'Dry Sliding wear behavior of silicon carbide particulate reinforced AA6061 aluminum alloy composites produced via stir casting ',Advanced Materials Research ,Trans Tech publication ,2014 |
974 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'A Hybrid Intrusion Detection System based on Decision Tree and Total Gain Inspection Method ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence ,Academy Publisher ,2014 |
975 | G.R.Gnana King,C.Seldev Christopher,N.Albert Singh ,'A Novel Compression Technique For Compound Images Using Parallel Lempel-Ziv-Welch Algorithm ',Journal of Applied Mechanics and Materials , ,2014 |
976 | N. Sheen Kumar1 and S. L. Rayar2 ,'Investigation on Growth and Optical Properties of LVCC Single Crystals ',IJERA ,IJERA ,2014 |
977 | Jemila Rose, R & Allwin S ,'Speckle Suppressing Improved Oriented Speckle Reducing Anisotropic Diffusion (IOSRAD) Filter for Medical Ultrasound Images ',Applied Mechanics and Materials ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014 |
978 | A.Anuja Merlyn, Dr.C.Seldev Christopher ,'Color Image Segmentation Using Brightness and Color Fusion ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology , ,2014 |
979 | M.John Bosco ,'Cuckoo Search Based Color Image Segmentation Using Seeded Region Growing ',Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Systems ,Springer, New Delhi ,2014 |
980 | R S SHAJI and Resmi Sekhar ,'A Methodological Review on Copy-Move Forgery Detection for Image Forensics ',International Journal of Digital Crime and Forensics ,IGI Global ,2014 |
981 | Christus Jeya Singh, V, Joseph Sekhar, S & Thyagarajan,1 ,'A Novelty Approach on Downdraft Gasifier Through Biomass Energy Sources in Remote Villages ',American Journal of Applied Sciences ,Science Publications ,2014 |
982 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'A Comparative study on medical image segmentation methods ',Applied Medical Informatics , ,2014 |
983 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'Comparison and evaluation of clustering method for MRI brain tumor segmentation ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2014 |
984 | J.JerlinRegin, P.Vincent, C.Ganapathy ,'An experimental study on partial replacement of cement by silica fume and fly ash in lightweight coconut shell concrete ',International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering ,Cafet-Innova Technical Society ,2014 |
985 | Sreeja V, Ramalingom A ,'Seasonal variation and its correlation evaluation of river kodayar with reference to physico-chemical parameters ',LPC bulletin on research , ,2014 |
986 | D. Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Identification of Dynamic Properties of RTD (Pt100) using Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) ',International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India Publications ,2014 |
987 | S. Shalimettilsha , R. P. Anto Kumar ,'A New Proposed Modification on the BDND Filtering Algorithm for the Removal of High Density Impulse Noise ',Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applications ,Int. Journal of Engineering Research and Applicati,2014 |
988 | A. Mala, F. Ramesh Dhanaseela ,'Web Log Mining to Enhance Surfing Experience ',Applied Mechanics and Materials ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014 |
989 | M.John Bosco ,'Cuckoo Search Based Threshold Optimization for Initial Seed Selection in Seeded Region Growing ',International Journal of Computational Engineering Research , ,2014 |
990 | Christus Jeya Singh, V, Joseph Sekhar, S & Thyagarajan, K ,'Impact of Biomass Blends on the Behaviour of the Reduction Zone in a Downdraft Gasifier ',International Review of Mechanical Engineering ,Praise Worthy Prize ,2014 |
991 | Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,'Review on MRI brain tumor segmentation ',Applied mechanics and materials , ,2014 |
992 | Preeja J P , s.V.Kayalvizhi ,'Transient response improvement of cuk converter using SMC and FLC ',International journal of latest trends in engineering and Technology ,- ,2014 |
993 | Sreeja V, Ramalingom A ,'Seasonal variation of river kodayar with reference to physico chemical paramters ',Journal of chemica Acta ,Jabir Ibn Hayyan Publisher ,2014 |
994 | C.Udhaya , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Design of Single Input Fuzzy PID Controller (SIFLCPID) for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle ',International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,© Research India Publications; ,2014 |
995 | Yedu Manmadhan, Anto Kumar R.P ,'Small Area Edge Preservation for Multiscale Decomposition for High Dynamic Range Image Tone Mapping ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Comp,2014 |
996 | Jishma Elizabeth Joy & Jemila Rose ,'An Efficient Hemorrhage Detection Using SVM Classifier ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer Engineering & Technology (IJARCET) , ,2014 |
997 | Christus Jeya Singh, V, Thyagarajan, K, Murugan, PC & Joseph Sekhar, S ,'Rubber Seed Kernel as a Substitute for Wood in a Biomass Gasifier- An Experimental Study ',Advanced Materials Research , ,2014 |
998 | A. Mala, F. Ramesh Dhanaseela ,'FOCIT - An Efficient One-pass Algorithm for Closed Frequent Itemset Generation in Data Streams ',Archives Des Sciences ,Society de physique ,2013 |
999 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Modeling future generation E-mail Communication model for improving quality of service ',Journal of Emerging Technologies in Web Intelligence ,Academy Publisher ,2013 |
1000 | Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,'A Survey of Hyperspectral Image Classification in Remote Sensing ',International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering , ,2013 |
1001 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Prevention of Worm at router level for providing seamless communication in network environment ',International journal of engineering and technology ,Engineering Journal Publications ,2013 |
1002 | Antony Miraculas G & Bose N ,'Performance Evaluation and Exhaust Emission Analysis of a CI Engine Fuelled with Pongamia Pinnata Biodiesel and its Blends ',Advanced Materials Research ,Transtech Publication ,2013 |
1003 | Monisha M , Mala A., Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'A Novel Algorithm for Mining Fuzzy High Utility Itemset from Fuzzy Transaction Database ',IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering , ,2013 |
1004 | M. M. Janeela Theresa and V. Joseph Raj ,'Fuzzy based Genetic Neural Networks for the Classification of Murder Cases Using Trapezoidal and Lagrange Interpolation Membership Functions ',Applied Soft Computing ,Elsevier ,2013 |
1005 | Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi, S ,'A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval for Medical Application Using Texture, Color and Shape Features ',Jokull Journal , ,2013 |
1006 | M. M. Janeela Theresa and V. Joseph Raj ,'Modified fuzzy neural network for the classification of murder cases in criminal law using Gaussian membership function ',International Journal of Computational Intelligence and Applications ,World Scientific ,2013 |
1007 | James Ligorias R ,'The spillover of ecological concern in the holy texts ',The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies. TJELLS.COM vol.3 Issue 1 , ,2013 |
1008 | J.Jerlin Regin, P. Vincent, C. Ganapathy ,'Strength and durability of coconut shell concrete with mineral admixtures ',Jokull Journal , ,2013 |
1009 | R S SHAJI and B C MANJITH ,'An extensive Survey on combined soft computing and artificial intelligence methodologies for Intrusion Detection systems? ',Archives Des Sciences ,Societe de physique et d'histoire naturelle ,2013 |
1010 | S.Absa, Shajulin Benedict ,'Penalty Model for SLA Architecture in Cloud ',CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, ,Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Informati,2013 |
1011 | Anju Maria Martin and Merry Geisa, J. ,'Fuzzy logic controlled buck boost dc-ac converter in photovoltaic systems ',International journal of engineering research and technology ,ESRSA Publication ,2013 |
1012 | R S SHAJI, P. Mohamed Shameem and Vinisha Sasidharan ,'Self energy optimizing cluster framework for Map-join-reduce Applications ',International journal of scientific and engineerng research , ,2013 |
1013 | R S SHAJI and P. Mohamed Shameem ,'A Methodological Survey on Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing ',Asian Journal of Information Technology ,Medwell ,2013 |
1014 | M. Germin Nisha, G. N. Pillai ,'Nonlinear model predictive control with relevance vector regression and particle swarm optimization ',Journal of control theory and applications ,Springer ,2013 |
1015 | Preetha S.L. and Merry Geisa, J. ,'A new PWM generation scheme for multilevel inverter ',International journal of engineering research and technology ,ESRSA Publication ,2013 |
1016 | R S SHAJI and P. Mohamed Shameem ,'A Methodological Survey on Load Balancing Techniques in Cloud Computing ',International journal of engineering and technology ,Engineering Journal Publications ,2013 |
1017 | Milton, A, Sharmy Roy, S & Tamil Selvi, S ,'SVM scheme for speech emotion recognition using MFCC features ',International Journal of Computer Applications , ,2013 |
1018 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and K ASHOK KUMAR ,'Establishing Inter Vehicle Wireless Communication in Vanet and Preventing It from Hackers ',International Journal of Computer Network and Information Security ,MECS-PRESS ,2013 |
1019 | R S SHAJI, T Brindha and G P RAJESH ,'A Survey on the Architectures of Data Security in Cloud Storage Infrastructure ',International journal of engineering and technology ,Engineering Journal Publications ,2013 |
1020 | G. Arul Dalton, T. Jeba Rajan, A.Bamila Virgin Louis ,'An Efficient Channel Allocation Algorithm for Wi-Max Networks ',International Journal of Computer Applications ,Foundation of Computer Science ,2013 |
1021 | Milton, A, Ashitha Dayana, S & Tamil Selvi, S ,'Voiced/unvoiced classification of speech signal using average zero crossing index difference function ',International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology , ,2013 |
1022 | Jemila Rose, R & Allwin S ,'Ultrasound Cervical Cancer Based Abnormality Segmentation Using Adaptive Fuzzy C-Mean Clustering ',Academic Journal of Cancer Research ,IDOSI Publications ,2013 |
1023 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and R Thulasi ,'Modeling Network Communication in VANET using Bluetooth Technology ',International Journal of Advanced And Innovative Research , ,2013 |
1024 | D. Jeraldin Auxillia ,'Discrete Time Sliding Mode Controller for Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment ',Life Science Journal ,Marsland Press ,2013 |
1025 | Jemila Rose, R & Allwin S ,'Computerized cancer Detection and Classification using Ultrasound Images: A survey ',International Journal of Engineering Research and Development , ,2013 |
1026 | J.JerlinRegin, P.Vincent ,'A study on the performance of coconut shell concrete with silica fume ',Journal of structural Engineering (Madras) ,Structural Engineering Research Centre ,2013 |
1027 | A. Mala, F. Ramesh Dhanaseela ,'An efficient method for retrieving closed frequent item sets using hatci algorithm ',Journal of Theoretical & Applied Information Technology ,Little Lion Scientific ,2013 |
1028 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Prevention of Losing User account by enhancing security model ',Journal of Emerging Technology in Web Intelligence ,Academy Publisher ,2013 |
1029 | F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Weighted Adaptive Interpolation for Universal Demosaicking ',International Journal of Advance in Communication Engineering , ,2012 |
1030 | M. Milton Joe , R.S. Shaji , F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Detection of m-worm to provide secure computing in social networks ',Elixir Comp. Sci. & Engg , ,2012 |
1031 | M.S.Sahaya Xavier Baskar, F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, C.Seldev Christopher ,'FPU-Tree: Frequent Pattern Updating Tree ',International Journal of Advanced and Innovative Research , ,2012 |
1032 | Merry Geisa, J. and Rajaram, M. ,'Selective Elimination of Harmonic Contents in an Ups: An Enhanced Adaptive Hybrid Technique ',IET Power Electronics ,IET ,2012 |
1034 | Mary Synthuja Jain Preetha.M, Padmasuresh. L, John Bosco M ,'Image Segmentation using Seeded Region Growing ',International conference on Computing Electronics and Electrical Technologies , ,2012 |
1035 | M. Abragam Siyon Sing, K. Vidya ,'Reconfigurable Embedded Multiprocessor Architecture with ARISE Interface using FPGA ',International Journal of Scientific and Engineering Research ,IJSER Publication ,2012 |
1036 | R.P.Anto Kumar , M.Karnan ,'Applying Keystroke Dynamics for Personal Authentication using Artificial Bee Colony Optimization Technique ',European Journal of Scientific Research ,EuroJournals Publishing ,2012 |
1037 | James Ligorias R ,'Teaching Listening and Speaking Skills is more a talent than a Profession in ELT: a decisive Revilation ',The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies. TJELLS.COM vol.2 Issue 2 , ,2012 |
1038 | Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi ,'Content Based MRI Brain Image Retrieval by Combining Fourier Descriptors and Gabor Filters with Morphological Operation ',European Journal of Scientific Research ,Euro Journal ,2012 |
1039 | R.P.Anto Kumar ,M. Akila,M.Karnan ,'Key stroke dynamics- A Meta Heuristic Approach ',International Journal of Soft Computing ,Medwell Journals ,2012 |
1040 | M.Marsaline Beno, S N Kumar ,'Segmentation Lung lobes and fissures for surgical preplanning ',International Journal of Computer Applications ,Foundation of Computer Science ,2012 |
1041 | V.Vilfred & L.Mary Florida ,'Integral Sum Graph and Maximal Integral Sum Graphs ',Graph Theory Notes ,The Mathematical Association of America ,2012 |
1042 | Rajagopal. K, Edwin Gladson.S ,'Thermodynamic analysis of homologous α-amino acids in aqueous potassium fluoride solutions at different temperatures ',Journal of Solution Chemistry ,Springer US ,2012 |
1043 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Fuzzy Based Secure Data Aggregation Technique in Wireless Sensor Networks ',Journal of Computer Science ,Science Publication ,2012 |
1044 | R S SHAJI, M MILTON JOE and F Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'Detection of M-Worm to provide secure computing in social networks ',Elixir Computer Science and Engineering , ,2012 |
1045 | Dr. D. Hevin Rajesh, Dr. B. Paramsivan ,'Fuzzy Logic Based Performance Optimization with Data Aggregation in Wireless Sensor Networks ',Proceedia Engineering ,Science Direct ,2012 |
1046 | Sreeja V, Ramalingom A ,'Assessment on the characteristics of river kodayar with reference to physico chemical parameters ',Journal of Applied Chemistry ,IOSR journals ,2012 |
1047 | F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, C. Seldev Christopher ,'FPU-Tree: Frequent Pattern Updating Tree ',International Journal of Advance in Communication , ,2012 |
1048 | Balasubramanian Subbiah, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Image Classification through integrated K- Means Algorithm ',International Journal of Computer Science Issues , ,2012 |
1049 | Mr.Almond D?Souza Dr.V.Seenivasagam ,'Colour image segmentation using region-growing and region-merging methods ',International journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology , ,2011 |
1050 | P.K. Dash and Y. Balto ,'Generation of Nano-copper Particles through Wire Explosion Method and its Characterization ',Research Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology ,Asian Network for Scientific Information ,2011 |
1051 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'CBVANET: A Cluster Based Vehicular Adhoc Network Model for Simple Highway Communication ',International Journal of Advanced Networking and Application , ,2011 |
1052 | Merry Geisa, J. and Rajaram, M. ,'Selective Elimination of Harmonic Contents in an UPS using Novel Adaptive Hybrid Technique ',European Journal of Scientific Research ,EuroJournals Publishing ,2011 |
1053 | V.Vilfred & L.Mary Florida ,'A Study On (a,d)-antimagic Graphs Using Partition ',Journal of Comb.math and comb. computing , ,2011 |
1054 | Mala A, Dr. Ramesh Dhanaseelan F ,'Data Stream Mining Algorithms - A Review of Issues and Existing Approaches ',International Journal on Computer Science and Engineering , ,2011 |
1055 | KB Rajesh, Z Jaroszewicz,R. Mohan Kumar, CAP Janet and TVS Pillai ,'Generation of High Efficiency Longitudinally Polarized BEam using High NA Lens Axicon and Dedicated Phase Filter ',AIP Conference Proceedings , ,2011 |
1056 | Mala A, Dr. Ramesh Dhanaseelan F, Palanikumar K ,'Mining frequent itemsets over data streams using circular queues for efficient maintenance of sliding windows ',Elixir Journal of Computer Science and Engineering , ,2011 |
1057 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Analysis of Routing Protocols for Highway Model without Using Roadside Unit and Cluster ',International journal of scientific and engineerng research , ,2011 |
1058 | James Ligorias R ,'A Clarion Call for the other: an analysis of Eco-thrillers of farley mowat ',The Journal for English Language and Literary Studies. TJELLS.COM vol.1 Issue 2 , ,2011 |
1059 | J.Jebeen Moses, V.Mathan ,'Static behaviour of notched AA6061-T6 with glass/ epoxy bonding ',Journal of Emerging Technology in Mechanical Sicence and Engineering , ,2011 |
1060 | M.Vijayakumar ,'USAGE OF PRINT AND E-JOURNALS:A CASE STUDY OF CMST ',JOURNAL OF LIBRARY ADVANCEMENTS ,Kanakumri District Library Federation ,2011 |
1061 | Rajagopal. K, Edwin Gladson.S ,'Interactions of potassium fluoride with coexistent components in water-dimethyl sulfoxide mixed solvent at different temperature ',Thermochmica Acta ,Elsevier ,2011 |
1062 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'SFUSP: A Fault-tolerant Routing Scheme for path establishment among Mobile Devices in Pervasive Spaces ',Journal Of Computing , ,2011 |
1063 | Rajagopal. K, Edwin Gladson.S ,'Partial molar volume and partial molar compressibility of four homologous α-amino acids in aqueous sodium fluoride solutions at different temperatures ',Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics ,Academic press ,2011 |
1064 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Performance Analysis of 802.11 and 802.11p in Cluster Based Simple Highway Model ',International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies , ,2010 |
1065 | V.Vilfred & L.Mary Florida ,'Odd Antimagic & Odd (a,d)- Antimagic Graphs, ',International Journal of Algorithms, Computing and Mathematics Volume 3, , pp 47-54 , ,2010 |
1066 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'An efficient vehicular communication outside the city environments ',International journal of next generation network , ,2010 |
1067 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'An Intelligent Routing Protocol for Vehicle safety communication in Highway Environments ',journal of computing , ,2010 |
1068 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'An Efficient Service Discovery and Routing Scheme for Mobile Devices with varying MAC and Mobility under heterogeneous Networks ',International Journal of computer engineering and information technology , ,2010 |
1069 | D. Jeraldin Auxillia1, Dr. S. Sundaravadivelu ,'Periodic Output Feedback Controller for Ultrasound Hyperthermia System ',International J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ,ACEEE ,2010 |
1070 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'Analytical study of cluster and sans cluster vehicular adhoc network communication ',International Journal of computer engineering and information technology , ,2010 |
1071 | M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj ,S. Kumanan,T.Ajitha ,'A neuro-fuzzy-based fault detection and fault tolerance methods for industrial robotic manipulators ',International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems ,InderScience online ,2010 |
1072 | R S SHAJI, B RAMAKRISHNAN and R S RAJESH ,'An Efficient Routing scheme for reliable path establishment among Mobile Devices in Heterogeneous Networks ',International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technologies , ,2010 |
1073 | Rajagopal. K, Edwin Gladson.S ,'Study of thermodynamical properties of sodium fluoride in aqueous medium at different temperature ',Journal of Acoustical Society of India ,Acoustical Society of India ,2010 |
1074 | R S SHAJI, R S Rajesh and B RAMAKRISHNAN ,'A Fault-tolerant Scheme for Routing Path Re-establishment for reliable communication in Heterogeneous Networks ',International journal of scientific and engineerng research , ,2010 |
1075 | C. Seldev Christopher, N.Krishnan ,'Vector Quantization Based Approach for lossy Mosaic Image Compression ',International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering , ,2009 |
1076 | Marsaline Beno M. & Marimuthu N.S. ,'A low cost digital measurement system for SRM drives ',International journal of Power Electronics , Inderscience Publishers, UK, ,2009 |
1077 | C. Helen Sulochana ,S. Selvan ,'Iris Recognition based on Directional filtering and Classifier fusion ',International journal of imaging and robotics , ,2009 |
1078 | N.Krishnan, S.S. vinsley,C. Seldev Christopher ,'Adaptive Interpolation and Sharpening for Single Sensor Digital Camera Images ',Journal of Computer Science , ,2008 |
1079 | N.Krishnan, C. Seldev Christopher ,'Efficient Lossless Compression of using Adaptive Context Based Coding ',International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering (IJISE) , ,2008 |
1080 | N.Krishnan, S.Ravi , C. Seldev Christopher ,'Human Face detection in color Images using Mixed Gaussian Color Model ',International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering , ,2008 |
1081 | N.Krishnan, A.Leninfred , C. Seldev Christopher ,'A Simple and Fast Finger Print Feature Extraction ',International Journal of Imaging Science and Engineering (IJISE) , ,2008 |
1082 | E.R.Naganathan,Ramesh Dhanaseelan ,'A new index structure for finding frequent item sets ',International Engineering and Technology (IETECH) Journal of Advanced Computations , ,2008 |
1083 | A.DARWIN JOSE RAJU, M.John Bosco ,'Power System Stabilizer using Fuzzy Logic Controller in Multimachine Power Systems ',Journal of Electrical Analysis ,IETECH Publications ,2008 |
1084 | E R Naganathan, F. RameshDhanaseelan ,'Efficient Graph structure for the mining of Frequent itemsets from Data streams ',International Jurnal of Soft Computing ,Medwell Journals ,2008 |
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1089 | M.John Bosco ,'Power system stabilizer using fuzzy logic controller in multimachine power systems ',International Engineering and Technology Journal of Electrical Analysis , ,2007 |
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1120 | T Mary daphne, T Latha ,'COMBINED METHOD USING NVM AND SHC FOR SPACE FPGAs ',Journal of Electrical Engineering ,Univresity ,0 |
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1126 | A. Arul Rex, Jemila Rose R, Alphiya A. ,'Oppositional remora based AUV path planning with optimal energy efficient data collection in underwater wireless sensor network ',International Journal of System of Systems Engineering ,Inderscience Publishers ,0 |