Research Papers Published in Journals 2023

  • Arul King. J, Helen Sulochana. C, “An efficient deep neural network to segment lung nodule using optimized HDCCARUNet model”, Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 44, no. 6, pp. 10113-10129, 2023.

  • R. Annie Bessant,  J. Grace Jency, K. Martin Sagayam, A. Amir Anton Jone,  Digvijay Pandey, Binay Kumar Pandey, “Improved parallel matrix multiplication using Strassen and Urdhvatiryagbhyam method”, CCF Transactions on High Performance Computing, vol.5, pp. 102-115, 2023.

  • Chrispin Jiji, Annie Bessant, K. Martin Sagayam, A. Amir Anton Jone, Hatıra Gunerhan & Alphonse Houwe, “A new model to detect COVID-19 patients based on Convolution Neural Network via l1 regularization”Applied Mathematics in Science and Engineering, vol.31 no.1, pp. 1-18,

  • Ancy John, T.Latha, “Stock Market Prediction based on Deep Hybrid RNN Model and Sentiment Analysis”, Automatika: Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications, vol.64, No.4, pp.981-995, 2023.

  • A Anto Viji, J. Jasper, T. Latha, “Efficient Secure Aware Scheduling Model for Enhancing Security and Workflow Model in Cloud Computing”, Optik (Elsevier), 2023.

  • Haiter Lenin A, Mary Vasanthi S, Vettivel, “Wear behaviour of a Cu-Ni-Sn hybrid composite reinforced with B4C prepared by powder metallurgy technique”,Strojniski-Vestnik-Journal of Mechanical Engineering,University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engg,vol. 69, pp.275-283.ISSN.2536-3948, Mar 2023.

  • Judson, D, Annie Portia, A, Agnel Livingston, L G X, “Low-complexity Joint   Equalization and CFO Compensation in Uplink SC-FDMA NOMA System under Different Power Allocation Strategies”, July 2023, John Wiley-Emerging Transactions on Telecommunications.

  • Merin Joshiba, Judson, D, “An Eye Bolt Shape Slotted microstrip Patch Antenna Design utilizing a substrate-integrated waveguide for 5G systems”, vol. 64, NO. 4, 943–955, 2023, Taylor & Francis- Automatika -Journal for Control, Measurement, Electronics, Computing and Communications

  • Vijimon Moni, Judson D, X. Ascar Davix, J. John ,“Energy Management and Optimal Allocations of Resource in Ultra-Dense 5G Networks Using OGDNG Theory With GWO Method”, July 2023, Springer-Wireless Personal Communication.

  • Judson D, Arun Prem Santh J, Rajib Kar, Bhaskar, V,, “Joint PAPR reduction and carrier frequency offset compensation in SC-FDMA systems using modified gamma correction companding”, Vol 48, 123, 2023, Springer-Sadhana Academy Proceedings in Engineering Sciences .

  • Merin Joshiba, Judson, D, Bhaskar, V, “A Comprehensive Review on NOMA Assisted Emerging Techniques in 5G and Beyond 5G Wireless Systems”, Vol 130, pp. 2385–2405, 2023, Springer-Wireless Personal Communication.

  • Abhijeet Das, J. Jerlin Regin, A. Suhasini and K. Baby Lisa, “Study On Spatial Variations of Surface Water Quality Vulnerable Zones in Baitarani River Basin, Odisha, India” 

Research Papers Published in Journals 2022

  • Dayana Christilda, A.Milton, Area and delay optimized two step binary adder using carry substitution algorithm for FIR filter, Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer, (SCI)

  • Mary Jasmine, A, Milton, The role of hyperparametres in predicting rainfall using n-hidden-layered networks, Natural Hazards, Springer,

  • Sheeja Herobin Rani, R.Solomon Roach, T.S.Arun Samuel, S. Edwin Lawrence, Performance Analysis of Hetero-junction and Hetero Dilelectric Triple material Double Gate TFET., Silicon,

  • Ansgar Mary, and T. Latha, “Binary Multifold Encryption Technique for Complex Cloud Systems”, Computer Systems Science & Engineering, pp.1199-1212, 2022. DOI:10.32604/csse.2022.022404

  • Dhanushya, T.Latha, “High Reliability Soft Error Hardened Latch Designfor Nanoscale CMOS Technology using PVT Variation”, Wireless Personal Communications (Springer), 2022. Doi: 10.1007/s11277-022-10033-4

  • Albert raj, T.Latha, “ VLSI implementation of multicarrier complementary coded CDMA downlink system”,Materials Today: Proceedings(Elsevier), vol.33, pp.3288-3291, 2020.

  • Abira, Mary Vasanthi S,”Hand Gestures Recognition Using Fractional Fourier Transform and KNN Classifier”,International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology,Vol.9, No.12,pp.466-474. ISSN.2395-1990, June 2022.

  • Anchana P Belmon , Jeraldin Auxillia “Impacts of Covid-19 & black fungus on diabetes patients in India” African Health Sciences, Vol 23 Issue 3, September, 2023, ISSN: 1680-6905, DOI:

  • Helen Sulochana ,Praylin Selva Blessy, ‘ Interstitial lung disease detection using template matching combined sparse coding and blended multi class support vector machine” , Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, PartH: Journal of Engineering in Medicine, vol.236,No.10,pp.1492-1501,2022,

  • Suresh Kumar, C. Helen Sulochana, ‘Local search five-element cycle optimized reLU-BiLSTM for multilingual aspect-based text classification’, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 34, No.8, pp. , 2022,

  • Suresh Kumara,C. Helen Sulochanab, A. S. Radhamanie , T. Ananth Kumara,’Sentiment lexicon for cross-domain adaptation with multi-domain dataset in Indian languages enhanced with BERT classification model’ , Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 43, no.5, pp. 6433-6450, 2022,

  • Praveena, N.G, Selvaraj, K, Judson, D, Anandaraj, “A Near Optimal Ordered Successive Interference Cancellation Detector for Uplink MIMO SC-FDMA System”, Aug 2022, John Wiley-ETRI Journal.

  • Selvaraj, K, Anandaraj, Judson, D, Ganeshkumar P, “A Low Complexity Near Optimal Signal Detection for Large Scale MIMO SC-FDMA Uplink System”, Vol 126, pp. 231–250, 2022., Springer-Wireless Personal Communication

  • Arun Prem Santh J, Judson D, Selvaraj K, Bhaskar, V, “Improved PAPR Reduction using Gamma correction in SC-FDMA Systems under Multipath Fading Channels”, Vol 125, pp. 2889–2905, 2022, Springer-Wireless Personal Communication.

  • T. Mary Little Flower and T. Jaya, “Speech emotion recognition using Ramanujan Fourier Transform”, Applied Acoustics, Elsevier, Vol. 201, 109133, November 2022.

  • George Recklin, P.V.Pranav, S.Christopher Ezhil Singh, Rajkumar S. Rai, T.Mary Little Flower, P.Sridharan,“Compression behaviour Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nano-composites through powder metallurgy method”,Materials Today: Proceedings, Science Direct, December 2022.

  • Rosh George, Cris Benny, Thomaskutty Mathew, M. Shyamlal, S. Christopher Ezhil Singh,  T. Mary Little Flower, R.Malkiya Rasalin Prince, “Tribological and mechanical properties Mg-Zn-xSr-HA hybrid nano composites prepared by powder metallurgy technique”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Science Direct, December 2022.

  • L. B. Lisha C, Helen Sulochana, “Highly accurate blood vessel segmentation usiing texture-based modified K-means clustering with deep learning model”.Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 35, No.7, pp. , 2022,



Research Papers Published in Journals 2021

  •  Ancilin and A. Milton, Improved speech emotion recognition with Mel frequency magnitude coefficient, Applied Acounstics, Elsevier 2021, 179-108046  SCI
  • Dyana Christilda and A. Milton, Speed, power and area efficient 2D FIR digital filter using Vedic multiplier with predictor and reusable logic Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, Springer 2021108, 2, 323-333 ,SCI
  • B.C, D.Jeraldin Auxillia, RDAD: An Efcient Distributed Multi‑Layered Resource Handler in Jungle Computing, Wireless Personal Communications, SPRINGER Nature 2021 SCI
  • Bibin Bose , D.Jeraldin Auxillia, A robust predictive feedback FPID controller using elephant herd virtual inertia optimization control algorithm in Islanded microgrid International journal of numerical modelling, electronic networks devices and fields, John Wiley & Sons, Ltd SCI
  • Caroline, M. Marsaline Beno,” Comparison on Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverters”, Solid State Technology,2021, Vol 6,Is 2
  • Caroline, M. Marsaline Beno, “A Grey Wolf  Optimized 15-Level Inverter Design with Confined Switching Components” Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, 2326- 005X, 2021 31(3), 1753-69
  • Maria Seraphin Sujitha S , Kannan P, Bharatha Sreeja G , Maheswari S,” Adaptive Hybrid Remote Sensing Image Fusion of Panchromatic and Multispectral Images”, Solid State Technology, 64-2-996-1011
  • Merin Joshiba, D. Judson, and A. Albert Raj,” 5G Modulation  Techniques A Systematic Literature Survey” Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering, 2021(Scopus)
  • Albert Raj, D.Judson, A.Beno,” Efficient Construction of Successive  Cancellation Decoding of Polar Codes using Logistic regression Algorithm”, Journal of Physics: Conference Series,2021.(Scopus)
  • Renit C , Dony Jenifer J,” Design and Analysis of Multiband Microstrip Antenna with Two Paristic Patches”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, ISSN: 2395- 602021 Vol:9,1
  • Anisha1, C. Renit, A. Anitha,” Comparative Study on Classification  Algorithms for Disease Prediction”, International Conference on Advances in Materials, Computing and Communication Technologies In Association, IJSRST    2395- 6011  2021  Vol-9 Iss pg-1
  • Ajitha T, Reya Mory M, “Analysis of Breast Cancer in CNN using Modified Logistic Regression Algorithm”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology          IJSRST 2395- 6011    2021  Vol:1,529-533
  • Jinisha A C, Saranya R,” Medical Image Denoising Using Two stage Iterative Down up CNN and SURF FEATURES”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology 2395- 6011      2021  Volume 9 –Issu
  • C.Jinisha, C. Helen Sulochana,” Comprehensive Study of Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques”, International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2395- 6011 2021  Volume 9 –Issu
  • Sahaya Berjin Ruth, Dr.A.Milton, T.Mary Little Flower,” Speech Emotion Recognition Using Deep Learning: A  Review” ISJCRESM   2456- 1134  2021  Vol:5,4
  • Latha, A. V. Varshitha, K. T. Vibisha, N. S.Saranya, Shiny Jose,” Design Of Mips Risc Processor Low Power” International Journal Technoscience       2395-6011   2021  9-1-936-942
  • Anto Viji, J. Jasper, T. Latha,” Enhanced Security Model in Cloud Using Neural Networks” International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology Technoscience Academy 2395- 6011 2021  Vol:9-1-671-674
  • Helen Sulochana, Jinisha A,” 'A Comprehensive  Study of Underwater Image Enhancement Techniques” International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology,2395- 6011 2021 Vol:12, 4, 1077-108


Research Papers Published in Journals 2020

  • Mary Helta Daisy,” Investigation of rotated local Gabor features in face recognition using fusion techniques”, Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing, 2020, springer, 2020 https://doi.10.1007/s12652-020-02134-4 (WOS)
  • Josephine Shermila and A. Milton,” Estimation of protein from the images of health drink powders”, Journal of Food Science and Technology, Springer 2020, https://doi.10.1007/s13197-019-04224-4 (indexed in SCI)
  • J Jessi Flora1 and D Jeraldin Auxillia,” Sensor Failure Management in Liquid Rocket Engine using Artificial Neural NetworkV”, Journal of Scientific & Industrial Research, NISCAIR PUBLICATIONS, 2020, Vol. 79,1024-10.
  • Anchana Belmon, Jeraldin Auxillia,” An adaptive technique based blood glucose control in type‐1 diabetes mellitus patient”, Numerical Methods in Biomedical Engineering, 2020 , (WOS)
  • Caroline, Yohannus Bekuma, J. Sam Alaric.” Obstacle Avoiding Voice Controlled Bluetooth Car Using Arduino”, International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Managemen, 2020, Vol-04 Issue 11
  • S.Caroline , Yohannes Bekuma , J. Sam Alaric,” Multilevel Bank Security With Master Authentication Over Internet” International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management, 2456- 9348, 2020, Vol-04 Issue 11
  • Mary Vasanthi S,Jayasree T, “Performance evaluation of pattern recognition networks using electromyography signal and time-domain features for the classification of hand gestures”. Proc I MechE Part H: J Engineering in Medicine, SAGE,2020, Vol. 234(6) 639, https://doi:10.1177/0954411920912119 (indexed in SCI).
  • Haiter Lenin, S.Mary Vasanthi,T.Jayasree,” Automated Recognition of Hand Grasps Using Electromyography Signal Based on LWT and DTCWT of Wavelet Energy”, International Journal of Computational Intelligence Systems, ATLANTIS PRESS, 2020, 13(1), 1027?103, (indexed in SCI).
  • Selvaraj, D. Judson, P. Ganeshkumar, M. Anandaraj,” Low Complexity Linear Detection for Uplink Multiuser MIMO SC‑FDMA Systems”, WIreless personal Communication, Springer, 2020, (indexed in SCI).
  • Ascar Davix, C Seldev Christopher, D.Judson,” Detection of the vehicle license plate using a kernel density with default search radius algorithm filter”, OPTIK, Elesvier 2020, (indexed in SCI).
  • Sheeja Herobin Rani & K. Bhoopathy Bagan & R. Solomon Roach,” Improved Drain Current Characteristics of Germanium Source Triple Material Double Gate Hetero-Dielectric Stacked TFET for Low Power Applications, Silicon, Springer, 2020, (indexed in SCI).
  • C.Jinisha and T.S.Sivarani,” Brain Tumor Classification using SVM and Bag of Visual Word classifier”, IEEE Explore digital library, 978- 1- 5386- 9483, 2020, pp. 1-6
  • Dhanushya, T.Latha,” Various Approaches on Radiation Hardened Coding for Soft Errors: A Review”, Mukesh patidar, 2020, 23-2-115-121
  • Merlin Leo, T.Latha,” VLSI Implementtaion of QCA LDPC code for WIMAX Applications”, Solid State Technology, Extension media, 2020.
  • Albert Raj, T.Latha, “VLSI implementation of multicarrier complementary coded CDMA downlink system”, Materials Today: Proceedings, Elsevier, 2020, (indexed in SCI).
  • Praylin Selva Blessy, Helen Sulochana, C” A novel framework for accurate segmentation of brain tumor using multiple kernel fuzzy clustering algorithm”, Applied Medical Informatics,2020, 42,2,95-106 (Scopus)
  • Praylin Selva Blessy, Helen Sulochana, C ”An Improved Multiple Kernel Fuzzy C Means Clustering Approach for Accurate Segmentation of Brain Tumor in MRI”Tierarztliche Praxis, 0303-6286 2020, 40.15-27 (Scopus)
  •  Ascar Davix, C Seldev Christopher, D.Judson,” Detection of the vehicle license plate using a kernel density with default search radius algorithm filter”, OPTIK, Elesvier 2020, (indexed in SCI).

Total : 18





Research Papers Published in Journals 2019

1. T.V. Chitra, A. Milton,” Energy proficient flooding scheme using reduced coverage set algorithm for unreliable links”, Programming and Computer Software, Springer 2019, (indexed in SCI).
2. G. Therese Anita and A. Milton,” Focusing of tightly focused azimuthally polarized double ring bean by a lens in the presence of coma aberration”, Optik., Elsevier 2019,, (indexed in SCI).
3. Anchana P Belmon, D.Jeraldin Auxillia,” A Novel Delay Based System for Type1 Diabetes using Xilinx System Generator 14.5”, International Journal of Engineering and Advanced Technology (IJEAT), Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering & Sciences Publ. 2020. Vol. 9-2, 2019 (indexed in SCI)
4. Dr. D Jeraldin Auxillia , Beautlin Vinola D G ,” EARLY DIAGNOSIS OF MYOCARDIAL INFARCTION”, International Journal of Recent Trends in Engineering & Research (IJRTER), 2019(wos)
5. Anchana P Belmon1, Dr. Jeraldin Auxillia D,” Simulation of Multiple Delay based Blood Glucose Metabolism using Dynamic Matrix Control”.2019
6. S.Mary Vasanthi, T.Jayasree,” EMG Based Finger motion Classification Using Wavelet Transform and Artificial Neural Networks”, Caribbean Journal of science,22019(wos
7. Ascar Davix, X, Judson, D,” Successive Interference Cancellation in Asynchronous CC-CDMA Systems under Rician Fading Channel”, Telecommunication Systems, Springer.2019, 72, 2, 261-271, (indexed in SCI).
8. Judson, D, Bhaskar, V, Arun.” Space Time Regularized Zero Forcing in Downlink Code Division Multiple Access Systems with Complementary Code”, Wireless Personal Communication, Springer, 2019, 109, 1, 333-347, (indexed in SCI).
9. A.Anisha & C.Renit, “Online Placement zone”, JETIR, 2019, JETIR1907S30
10. C. Sheeja Herobin Rani, K. Bhoopathy ,D. Nirmal, R. Solomon Roach,” Enhancement of Performance in TFET by Reducing High-K Dielectric Length and Drain Electrode Thickness” Silicon, Springer (The Netherlands), 2019, (indexed in SCI).
11. S. Christopher Ezhil Singh,N. Selvakumar, T. Mary Little Flower,” Optimization on Dry Sliding Wear, Electrical Resistivity and Mechanical Properties of Cu?4Cr?xZrC Composites” Journal of applied research and technology, Archives, 2019, Vol 16. 723.
12. Dhanushya, Latha.T,” Error Correction for Soft Errors”, Journal of Elecrical and Electronic Systems, 2019
13. Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C,” Enhanced Homomorphic Unsharp Masking method for intensity inhomogeneity correction in brain MR images”, Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering: Imaging & Visualization. Wiley,2019, 10.1080/21681163.2018.1562994 (WOS)
14. Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C.” An investigation in satellite images based on image enhancement techniques”, European Journal of Remote Sensing. Taylor & Francis, 2019. 53, 10,1-9, (indexed in SCI).
15. Ascar Davix, X, Judson, D,” Successive Interference Cancellation in Asynchronous CC-CDMA Systems under Rician Fading Channel”, Telecommunication Systems, Springer.2019, 72, 2, 261-271, (indexed in SCI).

Research Papers Published in Journals 2018

1. Milton, A & Monsley, KA ,Tamil and English speech database for heartbeat estimation ,International Journal of Speech Technology ,Springer ,2018,1381-2416 ,21, 4, 967-973 , ,WOS ,
2. S.Absa, Dr. Shajulin Benedict, Anto Kumar R.P ,Monitoring IaaS using various Cloud Moniteors ,Cluster Computing ,Springer ,2018,1386-7857 ,- ,Cluster Comput DOI 10.1007/s10586-017-1657-y ,SCI ,1.614
3. Y.R.Annie Bessant and T.Latha ,Analysis of area and delay for floating point matrix multiplication ,Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience ,American scientific publishers ,2018,1546-1955 ,15-2-621-626 ,10.1166/jctn.2018.7136 ,Google Scholar ,
4. B. C. Preethi , Dr. M. Vijayakumar ,A Novel Cloud integration Algorithm CIA for Energy Efficient High Performance Computing Applications in Big Data Multimedia Applications ,Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology , ,2018,1453-8245 ,21-1-1-11 , ,Scopus ,0.422
5. M. R. Arun ,Ultra-HEVC using frame frequency error optimization technique for IPTV realization ,Multimedia ,Springer U S ,2018,1573-7721 ,Vol-77,pp 1-15 , ,SCI ,1.541
6. A S Ajith, T Latha ,Neutrosophic data formation using Gaussian filter based costascoding for wireless communicationsystems ,Cognitive Systems Research ,Elsevier ,2018,1389-0417 ,- ,// ,Others ,1.129
7. Judson, D, Bhaskar, V ,Interference Cancellation in CDMA Systems Employing Complementary Codes Under Rician Fading Channels ,Wireless Personal Communication ,SPringer ,2018,0929-6212 , , ,SCI ,0.951
8. ,Optimizing wind turbine parameters to enhance power generation ,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 10 , ,2018, , , ,WOS ,
9. Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,Iterative-based visualization-oriented fusion scheme for hyper spectral images ,Journal of signal , Image and Video processing ,springer ,2018, ,12,4,757-765 ,10.1007/s11760-017-1217-1 ,WOS ,1.102
10. Y.Mary Reeja and T.Latha ,Position Intensity Histogram of Oriented Gradients Features Based Particle Filter for Detection and Tracking of Moving Vehicle ,Journal of computational and theoritical nano sciences ,American scientific publisher ,2018, ,vol 15,issue 1 , ,Others ,
12. Y.Mary Reeja and T.Latha ,POSITION INTENSITY HISTOGRAM OF ORIENTED GRADIENTS fAETURES bASED pARTICLE FILET FOR DETECTION AND TRACKING OF MOVING VEHICLES ,Journal of computational and theoretical nanoscience ,American scientific publishers ,2018,1546-1963 ,15-1-222-229 ,10.1166/jctn.2018.7076 ,Google Scholar ,

Research Papers Published in Journals 2017

1. D. Jeraldin Auxillia ,PARALLEL TUNING OF FUZZY TRACKING CONTROLLER FOR DEEP SUBMERGENCE RESCUE VEHICLE USING GENETIC ALGORITHM ,Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences ,NISCAIR ,2017,0379-5136 ,4-11-2228-2240 , ,SCI ,0.394
2. T.Ajitha, Dr. N. Kesavan Nair, Dr. T.Ajith Boscoraj ,Severity Analysis Of Diabetic Retinopathy In Retinal Images Using Hybrid Structure Descriptor Histogram And RBF Kernel SVM ,International Journal of Printing,Packaging and Allied Science , ,2017, , , ,Others,
3. Ajitha, T, Kesavan Nair, N , Ajith Bosco Raj, T & Agees Kumar ,Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy with Support Vector Machine Classifier using Various Transformations ,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nano science ,American Scientific Publishers ,2017,1546-1955 ,vol.14,no 9,pp., ,WOS ,1.66
4. B.C. PREETHI, L.M ABHISHA ,Detection of Malarial and Babesiosis Parasite in RBC using Combination of Annular Ring Ratio and Marker Controlled Watershed Segmentation ,DJ Journal of Advances in Electronics and Communication Engineering, ,DJ Publications ,2017,2455-3980 ,vol. 3(1), 1-11,04/03/2017 ,Google Scholar,
5. T.Merlin Leo and T.Latha ,Design of single and multimode Channel decoders for mobile wireless communication ,International Journal of Science and Research , ,2017,2319-7064 ,6-2-326-329 , ,Google Scholar ,
6. T.Mary Daphne and T.Latha ,A novel adaptive technique to mitigate radiation effects on FPGAs ,International Journal of Science and Research , ,2017,2319-7064 ,6-2-321-325 , ,Google Scholar ,
7. A.J.Sanjeevini , S.Saranya , Syamily Babu , B.Vijayalakshmi , X.Ascar Davix ,Automatic Reference Color Selection for Adaptive Mathematical Morphology ,Journal of Network Communications and Emerging Technologies ,EverScience Publications ,2017,2395-5317 ,7-5-9-13 , ,Google Scholar ,Nil
8. M. R. Arun ,Improvement of Security in IOT Sensor Network to Overcome Harmful Intruder by Optimizing the Existing Techniques ,International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks ,Science Publishing Group ,2017,2329-1788 ,V5,No.6,pp70-75,doi: 10.11648/j.ijssn.20170506.11 ,Others ,
9. Judson, D, Bhaskar, V ,Error Rate Analysis of SIMO-CDMA with Complementary Codes Under Multipath Fading channel ,Wireless personal communication ,Springer ,2017,0929-6212 ,98,2,1663-1677 , ,SCI ,0.951
10. Judson, D, Bhaskar, V, Selvaraj, K ,Pre-Equalization Schemes for MIMO CC-CDMA Systems over Frequency-Selective Fading Channels ,Wireless personal communication ,Springer ,2017,0929-6212 ,98,1,1587-1603 , ,SCI ,0.951
11. X.Ascar Davix, C.Seldev Christopher, P.CAROLIN REEBA ,AUTOMATIC LICENSE PLATE LOCALIZATION USING DIFFERENT WAVELET TRANSFORMS ,International Journal of Engineering and Technology ,Engg Journals Publications ,2017,2319-8613 ,9-4-2914-2922 ,10.21817/ijet/2017/v9i4/170904414 ,Google Scholar ,Nil
12. X. Ascar Davix, C. Seldev Christopher ,Edge Based Marker Controlled Watershed Algorithm for Automatic Car Licence Plate Localization ,Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience ,American Scientific Publishers ,2017,1546-1963 ,14,11,5539?5551,10.1166/jctn.2017.6982 ,Scopus ,nil
13. Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,Improved Visualization Using a Fusion Technique Based on KNN Matting of Remotely Sensed Images ,Journal of the Indian Society of Remote sensing ,springer ,2017, ,46.147,179-189 , ,WOS ,0.725
14. Shajulin Benedict*, R.S. Rejitha, B.C. Preethi, C. Bency Bright and W.S. Judyfer ,Energy analysis of code regions of HPC applications using EnergyAnalyzer tool ,Int. J. Computational Science and Engineering ,Inderscience Enterprises Ltd ,2017,1742-7193 ,Vol. 14, No. 3,,10.1504/IJCSE.2017.084163 ,Scopus ,

Research Papers Published in Journals 2016

1. Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking using Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern Edge Extraction for Traffic Surveillance ,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016,ISSN 2249-7315 ,Vol. 6, No. 10,,DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01130.8 ,Others,
2. Judson, D & Albert Raj, A ,Performance of Multicarrier Complementary Coded CDMA under Frequency-Selective Nakagami-m Fading Channels ,Eurasip journal on wireless communication and networking ,Springer ,2016,1687-1499 ,2016, 67,1-9 , ,SCI ,1.529
3. Absa.S, Shajulin Benedict ,A Survey on SLA Based Cloud Architectures ,Journal of Convergence Information Technology(JCIT) ,Convergence Information Society, Korea / IBC, UK ,2016,1975-9320 (Pri ,vol11 , ,Google Scholar ,
4. Y.R.AnnieBessant ,Evaluating the Performances of Double Precision Floating Point Matrix Multiplication ,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities , ,2016,2249-7315 ,6-101679-1687 ,10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01121.7 ,Others ,
5. S. Selvin Pradeepkumar, M. Krishna raj, S.M. Poonkuzhali and T. Ani Bernish ,Structure for Collecting Mastering Gadgets from Digital Documents ,Middle-East Journal of Scientific Research , ,2016,1990-9233 ,24-11:3560-3563,10.5829/idosi.mejsr.2016.3560.3563 ,Others,0.36
6. Selvin Pradeep Kumar S ,Password Based Remote Controlled Door Opening Using Android Application ,INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING DEVELOPMENT AND RESEARCH(IJEDR) , ,2016, 2321-9939 ,4-4:634-638 ,10.5281/zenodo.233832 ,Others,4.98
7. Defino J,Mary Vasanthi S ,Classification of Neuromuscular Diseases using Dominant MUAP Based on wavelet domain features and improving it's accuracy using SVM ,International Journal of Research and Scientific Innovation , ,2016,2321-2705 ,III-IV-112-118 , ,Others,
8. Ascar Davix X, Oshin V J Laura, Shamili P, Sharmila Y, Soumya R P ,License Plate Localization by Sobel Vertical Edge Detection Method ,International Journal of Emerging Technologies in Engineering Research ,EverScience Publications ,2016,2454-6410 ,4-6-48-53 , ,Google Scholar ,Nil
9. Jasmine, C, Latha, T ,FPGA based Network Intrusion Detection System ,Rev. Tec. Ing. Univ. Zulia ,Universidad del Zulia ,2016,0254-0770 ,39,8,27-32 ,10.21311/ ,Google Scholar ,0.27
10. Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha ,Moving Vehicle Detection and Tracking using Discriminative Robust Local Ternary Pattern Edge Extraction for Traffic Surveillance ,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016,2249-7315 ,6,10, 1796-1806,10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01130.8 ,Google Scholar ,
11. B.C. PREETHI, GIA ELIZABETH ABRAHAM ,Lung Tissue Extraction Using OTSU Thresholding in Lung Nodule Detection from CT Images ,International Journal of Current Trends in Engineering & Technology ,Bhopal : IJCTET ,2016,2395-3152 ,2-6-(440-446) , ,Scopus,
12. Maheswaran C. P, Helen Sulochana C ,Utilizing EEM approach to tackle bandwidth allocation with respect to heterogeneous wireless networks ,ICT Express ,Elsevier publication ,2016, ,2-2-80?86 , ,WOS ,
13. S. Amala Shanthi, C. Helen Sulochana, S. Albert Jerome ,Image denoising using bilateral filter in subsampled pyramid and nonsubsampled directional filter bank domain. Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems ,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems , ,2016, ,31-1 , ,WOS ,1-21
14. C.Jasmine, T.Latha ,FPGA based Power Efficient Binary Search for Signature Matching in Hardware NIDS ,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016, ,6,1717-1726 ,10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01130.8 ,Google Scholar ,
15. Y.R.Annie Bessant, T.Latha ,Evaluating the Performances of Double Precision Floating Point Matrix Multiplication ,Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ,Asian Research Consortium ,2016, ,6,1679-1687 ,10.5958/2249-7315.2016.01130.8 ,Google Scholar ,
16. Maheswaran C. P, Helen Sulochana C ,?An Efficient Approach To Allocating Service In Integrated Cellular Networks?, , vol. 11 , no.8, pp ,International journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2016, ,11-8-5440-5445 , ,Google Scholar ,
17. M. R. Arun ,Monitoring and Control of substation in Real Time using Virtual Instrumentation Software ,International Journal of Emerging Technology in Computer Science and Electronics ,IJETCSE ,2016,0976-1353 ,21-4-159 , ,Others,
19. Judson, D, Bhaskar, V, Albert Raj, A ,Performance of CHMA Systems using orthogonal Complementary Codes under diversity Incorporated Fading channels ,Journal of telecommunication systems and management ,OMICS international ,2016,2167-0919 ,vol 5, no.2 ,doi:10.4172/2167-0919.1000136 ,Others ,-

Research Papers Published in Journals 2015

1. Edwin Dhas. D, Starwin M, Arul King J ,Efficient Image Segmentation Approach Based on Iterative Thresholding with Optimal Stopping Coefficient ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015,0923-4562 ,Vol.10 No.2 , ,Others,
2. Jeraldin Auxillia Devaraj ,Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based System Identification and Internal Model Sliding Mode controller for Mass Flow System ,Journal of Control Engineering and Applied Informatics , IFAC Romanian Society of Control Engineering ,2015,ISSN 1454-8658 ,17-4-03 to 13 , ,Others,
3. Y. MaryReeja, T. Latha and A. MaryAnsalinShalini ,TRAFFIC SIGN DETECTION AND RECOGNITION IN DRIVER SUPPORT SYSTEM FOR SAFETY PRECAUTION ,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences ,Asian Research Publishing Network ,2015,ISSN 1819-6608 ,VOL. 10, NO. 5,, ,Others,
4. Y. Mary Reeja, T. Latha and W. Rinisha ,DETECTING AND TRACKING MOVING VEHICLES FOR TRAFFIC SURVEILLANCE ,ARPN Journal of Engineering and Applied Sciences , ,2015,SSN 1819-6608 ,VOL. 10, NO. 4,, ,Others ,
5. Jeraldin Auxillia D ,Automated System for Ultrasound Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment based on POF Controller. ,Biomedical Research ,Allied Academies ,2015,ISSN 0970-938X ,26 (4): 686-692, ,Scopus,
6. Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,Four-stage feature selection to recognize emotion from speech signals ,International Journal of Speech Technology ,Springer ,2015,1381-2416 ,18, 4, 505-520 , ,WOS ,
7. M. Nancy Regina, S.Caroline ,Video De-interlacing with Scene change detection based on 3D Wavelet transform ,International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology , ,2015,2394-3777 ,Volume II, Spec, ,Google Scholar,
8. Milton, A, Nivea Ghosh, ES, Shilpha, SM & Tamil Selvi, S ,Analysis towards optimum features and classifiers to recognize the emotion happiness from speech signals ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research Publication India ,2015,0973-4562 ,10, 12, 32585- , ,Scopus ,
9. Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,Higher order Mel-frequency cepstral and autoregressive reflection coefficients in recognizing three dimensions of speech emotions ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research Publication India ,2015,0973-4562 ,10, 10, 26543- , ,Scopus ,
10. Maria Seraphin Sujitha, S, &Selvathi, D ,Adaptive hybrid pansharpening algorithm for improving spatial quality of satellite images ,Australian Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences , ,2015,1991-8178 ,286-294 , ,Others ,
11. Y.R.AnnieBessant ,A Low Delay Column Bypassing Multiplier With AHL Implementation For Digital Filters ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015,0973-4562 ,10-11-761-772 , ,Others ,
12. Selvin Pradeep Kumar S AND AJITHA L ,Agent Based Routing for Worm Hole Attack In Manet ,International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering &Telecommunications (IJEETC) , ,2015,2319-2518 ,1-1:335-348 , ,Others,0.384
13. M. Ranjith Kumar and S.Selvin Pradeep Kumar ,A Secure Encryption/Decryption Technique using Transcendental Number ,International Journal of Computer Trends and Technology (IJCTT) , ,2015,2231-2803 ,29-3:136-141 ,10.14445/22312803/IJCTT-V29P124 ,Others,0.569
14. Maheswaran Chella Perumal, C. Helen Sulochana, Tharun Moorthy ,A unifying framework for seamless handover across mobile telecom network ,International Journal of Enterprise Network Management ,Inderscience ,2015, ,6-3-238-250. , ,Google Scholar ,
15. P.M.Lalley, T.Latha ,Programmable Hardware Scheduler for Reconfigurable MPSoCs ,International Journal of Applied Engg. Research , ,2015, ,10(12), 31015-3, ,Google Scholar ,
16. Amala Shanthi S, Helen Sulochana C& Latha T ,?Image denoising in hybrid wavelet and quincunx diamond Filter bank domain based on Gaussian scale mixture model ,Computers and Electrical Engg ,Elsevier ,2015, ,46-384?393. , ,WOS ,1.28
17. S.Amala Shanthi, C.Helen Sulochana and T.Latha ,Image Denoising in hybrid wavelet and quincunx diamond filter bank domain based on Gaussian scale mixture model ,Elsevier Journal of Computers and Electrical Engineering , ,2015, ,46, 384?3 , ,Scopus ,
18. Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,?Performance analysis of unsupervised optimal fuzzy clustering algorithm for MRI brain tumor segmentation ,Technology and health care ,ISO ,2015, ,23-1-23-35 , ,WOS ,1.2
19. Seraphin Sujitha,SM,& Selvathi, D, ,Fusion of panchromatic and multispectral images using NSCT and FFT based spectral histogram ,IJE TRANSACTIONS A: Basics , ,2015,1025-2495 ,1455-1462 , ,Others,1.0986
20. Maria Seraphin Sujitha,S, Selvathi,D,&Deepika, B.T ,Remote sensing image fusion using sparse coding with neural network approach ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2015,0973-4562 ,10 ,59, 503-510, ,Others ,
21. M. Mary Helta Daisy, S. Tamil Selvi & S. Akila ,Hand Shape Identification Using Geometrical Features and Hidden Markov Model For Biometric Authentication ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India ,2015,0973-4562, 0973,10-59-107-111 , ,Scopus ,0.14
22. Edwin Dhas. D,Arul King. J, Starwin. M ,Efficient Image Segmentation approach based on Iterative Thresholding with Optimal stopping Coefficient ,nternational Journal of Applied Engineering Research (IJAER) ,Research India Publications ,2015, ,10-2-1255-1260 , ,Scopus ,
23. C.Jasmine and T.Latha ,Lookup Table for Hardware Based Signature Matching using Finite Automata ,Astralian Journal of an Applied Sciences , ,2015, ,9(16), 155-161 , ,Google Scholar ,
24. Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha and Rinisha ,Detecting and tracking moving vehicles for traffic surveillance ,ARPN journal of engineering and applied sciences , ,2015, ,10,5,1933-1939 , ,Google Scholar ,
25. Y.Mary Reeja, T.Latha and A.Mary Ansalin Shalini ,Traffic Sign Detection and Recognition in Driver Support System for Safety Precaution ,ARPN journal of engineering and applied sciences , ,2015, ,10,5,2209-2213 , ,Google Scholar ,
26. T.Latha and M.Sasikumar ,A Novel Nonlinear Transform based image restoration for Removing Three Kinds of Noises in Images ,Journal of the Institution of Engineers (India)Series B ,SPRINGER ,2015, ,96(I),17-25 , ,Google Scholar ,

Research Papers Published in Journals 2010-2014

1. JeraldinAuxillia.D, Anitta.A ,PSO tuned PID-based Model Reference Adaptive controller for coupled tank system ,Applied Mechanics and Materials ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014, ,626, 167-171 , ,Others,
2. Sam Alaric, Caroline and Suresh Manic ,Modeling of Photovoltaic Switched Inductor Z Source Multilevel Inverter Effective of Power Factor Control ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014,0973-4562 ,Volume 9, Numbe, ,Scopus,
3. Milton, A & Tamil Selvi, S ,Class-specific multiple classifiers scheme to recognize emotions from speech signals ,Computer Speech and Language ,Elsevier ,2014,0885-2308 ,28, 3, 727-742 , ,SCI ,1.776
4. D. Jeraldin Auxillia ,Identification of Dynamic Properties of RTD (Pt100) using Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization (APSO) ,International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India Publications ,2014,ISSN 0973-6077 ,9-4-1999 to2011, ,Google Scholar,
5. C.Udhaya , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,Design of Single Input Fuzzy PID Controller (SIFLCPID) for Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , Research India Publications; ,2014,ISSN 0973-4562 ,9-26-8967to8969, ,Scopus,
6. S.Nagadevi , D.Jeraldin Auxillia ,MOL Optimized FOPID Controller for an Automatic Voltage Regulator ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014,ISSN 0973-4562 ,9-26-8944-8947 , ,Scopus,
7. Mary Helta Daisy, M, TamilSelvi, S & Sony Mary, D ,Extraction of Texture Features for Automated Glaucoma Image Classification ,Image Processing and networking , ,2014, ,8-253-257 , ,Others,
8. Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi, S 2014 ,Soft computing based medical image retrieval using shape and texture features ,American Journal of Applied Sciences ,Science ,2014,1546-9239 ,11-2-258-265 , ,Google Scholar ,0.79
9. Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,A Comparative study on medical image segmentation methods ,Applied Medical Informatics , ,2014, ,34-1-32-46 , ,Google Scholar ,
10. Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,Review on MRI brain tumor segmentation ,Applied mechanics and materials , ,2014, ,626-38-43 , ,Google Scholar ,
11. Amala Shanthi S, Helen Sulochana C ,Subsampled pyramid and subsampled directional filter bank ,International journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2014, ,9-26-9364-9368 , ,Google Scholar ,
12. Praylin Selva Blessy Selvaraj Assley, Helen Sulochana C ,Comparison and evaluation of clustering method for MRI brain tumor segmentation ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research , ,2014, ,9-26-9345-9348 , ,Google Scholar ,
13. 5. Mary Helta Daisy, M, TamilSelvi, S & Priyanka, RM ,Extraction of Shape Features Using Region Based and Contour Based Method ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India ,2014,0973-4562. 9769,9-26-9082-9085 , ,Scopus ,0.14
14. Mary Helta Daisy, M, Aleesha Livingston, & TamilSelvi, S ,Extended Local Tetra Pattern for Image Retrieval ,International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India ,2014,0973-6077.0260 ,9-5-2393-2401 , ,Google Scholar ,0.08
15. C.Jasmine and T.Latha ,Finite Automata in Pattern matching for Hardware based NIDS Applications ? a Tutorial and Survey ,Progress in Science and Engineering Journal , ,2014, ,2,351-360 , ,Google Scholar ,
16. Felicia M.Leena and T.Latha ,Adaptive Linear Feature Separation from Topographic maps based on Shear transform and Percentage Occupancy ,International Journal of Image Processing and Applications , ,2014, ,5(1), 67-71 , ,Google Scholar ,
17. Milton, A, Sharmy Roy, S & Tamil Selvi, S ,SVM scheme for speech emotion recognition using MFCC features ,International Journal of Computer Applications , ,2013,0975-8887 ,69, 9, 34-39 ,10.5120/11872-7667 ,Google Scholar ,
18. Milton, A, Ashitha Dayana, S & Tamil Selvi, S ,Voiced/unvoiced classification of speech signal using average zero crossing index difference function ,International Journal of Advanced Information Science and Technology , ,2013,2319-2682 ,18, 18, 78-81 ,10.15693/ijaist/2013 .v2i10.55-5 8 ,Google Scholar ,
19. S.Absa, Shajulin Benedict ,Penalty Model for SLA Architecture in Cloud ,CiiT International Journal of Networking and Communication Engineering, ,Published by the Coimbatore Institute of Informati,2013, ,vol 4, No.5 , ,Google Scholar,
20. D. Jeraldin Auxillia ,Discrete Time Sliding Mode Controller for Hyperthermia in Cancer Treatment ,Life Science Journal ,Marsland Press ,2013,1097-8135 ,10-3- 15 to 21 , ,Google Scholar,0.683
21. Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi, S ,A Survey on Content Based Image Retrieval for Medical Application Using Texture, Color and Shape Features ,Jokull Journal , ,2013,0449-0576 ,63-12-176-187 , ,Others ,1.342
22. Ablin R, Helen Sulochana C ,A Survey of Hyperspectral Image Classification in Remote Sensing ,International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering , ,2013, ,2-8-2986-3000 , ,Google Scholar ,
23. Mary Helta Daisy, M & TamilSelvi ,Content Based MRI Brain Image Retrieval by Combining Fourier Descriptors and Gabor Filters with Morphological Operation ,European Journal of Scientific Research ,Euro Journal ,2012,1450216X, 202X ,87-4-469-478 , ,Google Scholar ,0.63
24. D. Jeraldin Auxillia1, Dr. S. Sundaravadivelu ,Periodic Output Feedback Controller for Ultrasound Hyperthermia System ,International J. of Recent Trends in Engineering and Technology ,ACEEE ,2010, ,3-3-141 to 145 , ,Others,
25. M. Dev Anand, T. Selvaraj ,S. Kumanan,T.Ajitha ,A neuro-fuzzy-based fault detection and fault tolerance methods for industrial robotic manipulators ,International Journal of Adaptive and Innovative Systems ,InderScience online ,2010,1740-2115 ,1- 3/4-334-372 , ,WOS ,