Electrical Machines Laboratory
It imparts the knowledge about characteristics and behavior of the DC and AC Machines. Well established with all kinds of motors, generators, transformers and latest Drives. This is the core lab for the Electrical Engineering branch and the subsidiary for ECE, Computer Science, civil and Mechanical branches.
Lab Incharge – Dr. M. John Bosco, Assistant Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. T. Xavier Ugin.
Name of the Important Equipments:
D.C. Shunt motor, D.C. Series motor, D.C. Compound motor, D.C. Shunt motor coupled D.C. Shunt generator, D.C. Shunt motor coupled D.C. Series generator, D.C. Shunt motor coupled D.C. compound generator, Single phase induction motor, Three phase slip ring induction motor, Three-phase squirrel cage induction motor, Dynamic cut model motor, Three-phase synchronous motor, Three-phase synchronous motor (pony type), D.C. Shunt motor coupled with Alternator (salient), D.C. Shunt motor coupled with alternator (cylindrical), D.C. Shunt motor coupled with alternator (single-phase), D.C. Shunt motor coupled with an induction generator, Single phase autotransformer, Three-phase autotransformer, Single phase transformer, Scott connection transformer, Three-phase transformer, Three-phase resistive loading bank, Three-phase inductive loading bank, Three-phase capacitive loading bank, Single phase resistive loading bank, Synchronizing panel, Rectifiers.
Control and Instrumentation Laboratory
It facilitates the study of control systems and its components along with all types of transducers. It also provides PC based study of Instrumentation and Control Systems using LabVIEW package and MATLAB software to undergo the experiments like open loop and closed loop system.
Lab Incharge – Dr. M. Germin Nisha, Associate Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. J. Fabiyan Raj.
Name of the Important Equipments:
D.C Position control, PID control System, LVDT, Strain Gauge, Synchronous transmitter, Rigged up modules of type 0 and 1 system, complete closed-loop system with two controller unit, Transfer function of servo motor, Lead leg network simulator, Servo motor, Embedded trainer kit, Closed-loop non linear control System, DSO, LCR Meter, Clamp meter, AC Servo motor Speed-Torque kit, Servo motor with loading arrangement, Single phase autotransformer, Magnetic amplifier kit, Instrument trainer RTD Temperature measurement, Thermometer, Instrument trainer thermocouple temperature measurement, Instrumentation trainer strain gauge weight measurement, Tacho generator, Trainer analog to digital, Trainer digital to analog , Transient trainer, Phase sequence meter, Power factor meter, Kelvin bridge, Maxwell bridge, Schering bridge, Wheatstone bridge, Torque measurement Trainer, Pressure transducer, Measurement of iron loss, current transformer, Data acquisition system, RTD Thermocouple withstand to measure temperature upto 150 degree, Water level controller, 8085 Microprocessor trainer, ELVIS, Computers.
Power Electronics Laboratory
It consists of different kinds of equipments, devices and ICs to study about the characteristics of electronics and related topics. The lab is well equipped with all the power electronic converters, DSP and FPGA based DC and AC Drives, Digital Integrated kits, Power supplies and Microprocessor and Microcontroller kits of 8 bit and 16 bits type.
Lab Incharge – Mr. V. Jesus Bobin, Assistant Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. S. Benziher.
Name of the Important Equipments:
Renewable Energy System Laboratory
This lab imparts knowledge about the importance of renewable energy sources like solar, wind and hydrogen fuel. The electrical power is generated and observed in real-time by using various renewable energy setups like PV system, Wind energy system and Fuel cell system.
Lab Incharge – Mr. S. S. Selva Pradeep, Assistant Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. Y. Sahaya Glitus.
Name of the Important Equipments:
Electrical Workshop Laboratory
Electrical workshop is well equipped to give good exposure to the students and enhance their knowledge on the fundamentals of Electrical and Electronics. The laboratory is well equipped and earthed to provide protection and safety to the students and faculty members. Fire extinguishers and breakers are provided to avoid any mishaps. Well ventilated and illuminated facilities are available.
Lab Incharge – Dr. A. Darwin Jose Raju, Associate Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. J. Fabiyan Raj
Name of the Important Equipments:
Simulation Laboratory
The simulation Laboratory provides Computer based study of power system, control systems and power electronics using latest simulation packages like ETAP, MATLAB, MULTISIM, ORCAD, PSPICE, LABVIEW etc. Internet connectivity was provided for all students and staff.
Lab Incharge – Mr. S. S. Selva Pradeep, Assistant Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. Y. Sahaya Glitus
Name of the Important Equipments:
Project Laboratory
Project lab was established with the vision to provide facilities to carry out their project works in the final and prefinal year. It helps the students to enrich their knowledge and implement their skills to model and develop a product, which is useful to society.
Lab Incharge – Mr. Almond D'souza, Assistant Professor
Lab Assistant – Mr. T. Xavier Ugin
Name of the Important Equipments: