Journal Publication Details
For the year 2022
Authors | Titile | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
A. Darwin Jose Raju, S. Solai Manohar, A. Annie Steffy Beula | A Sizing Methodology of Resonant Spiral Inductor Position Sensor for Sliding Door Application | Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Springer, 19750102
DOI. 10.1007/s42835-022-01148-6 |
WOS Scopus |
A. Darwin Jose Raju, A. S. Karthika, Kavyashree Prakashan and R. Ankayarkanni | Reframing the Possibilities in Healthcare using Blue Brain Technology | BOHR International Journal of Computer Science, BOHR, DOI.10.54646/BIJCS.006 | Google Scholar |
A. Darwin Jose Raju, C. Seldev Christopher, A. Subitha , J. Bright Jose , A. S. Karthika and S. L. Krishna Priya | Welfare of Education in Kanyakumari District | BOHR International Journal of Computer Science, BOHR, DOI.10.54646/BIJFMR.007 | Google Scholar |
S.S.Selva Pradeep, M.Marsaline Beno | Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor Using ANFIS Automation | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587, DOI.10.32604/iasc.2022.023470 | WOS Scopus |
V. Jesus Bobin and M. Marsaline Beno | Performance Analysis of Optimization Based FOC and DTC Methods for Three Phase Induction Motor | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587,DOI.10.32604/iasc.2023.024679 | WOS Scopus |
Leon Bosco Raj and M. Marsaline Beno | · Modeling and Control of Parallel Hybrid Electric Vehicle Using Sea-Lion Optimization | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587, DOI.10.32604/iasc.2023.026211 | WOS Scopus |
George Ansfer and M. Marsaline Beno | · Improving the Efficiency of HEV Electronic Applications Using CAN-BUS Communication | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587, DOI.10.32604/iasc.2022.023058 | WOS Scopus |
M. Nisha, M. Germin Nisha, | Optimum Tuning of Photovoltaic System Via Hybrid Maximum Power Point Tracking Technique | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587, DOI.10.32604/iasc.2022.024482 | WOS Scopus |
R. Anuja, T.S. Sivarani M. Germin Nisha |
Optimal tuning procedure for fopid controller of integrated industrial processes with dead time | Bulletin of The Polish Academy of Sciences, PAS, 0239-7528, DOI.10.24425/bpasts.2021.139954 | WOS Scopus |
A. Jegatheesh , M. Germin Nisha and N. Kopperundevi |
A Novel ANFIS Based SMC with Fractional Order PID Controller | Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing, Tech science Press, 1079-8587, DOI. 10.32604/iasc.2022.028011 | WOS Scopus |
Journal Publication Details
For the year 2021
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
M. Mary Adline Priya, Dr.S. Joseph Jawhar, Dr. J. Merry Geisa |
Optimal deep belief network with opposition based pity beetle algorithm for lung cancer classification: A DBNOPBA Approach | Computer methods and programs in biomedicine -
Elsevier, 2666-9900, 2021, 169-2607 |
Saravanan, Marsaline Beno M |
Performance investigation of doubly salient outer rotor switched reluctance motor using finite element analysis | Circuit World Emerald Publication, UK, 0305-6120, 2021, 2, 1-14 | WOS |
G.B.Ezhil Jenekkha, M. Marsaline Beno | Comparative analysis of open loop and non-isolated control for solar panel | Materials Today: Proceedings – ELSEVIER, 2214-7853, 2021, 2, 1-4 | Scopus |
Saravanan, Marsaline Beno M |
Performance Inspection Of Double Stator Single Rotor Permanent Magnet Machine Using Finite Element ANALYSIS | Journal of Electrical Engineering - Romania Univ., 1582-4594, 2021, 21, 34-39 | WOS |
Carolin S, M,Marsaline Beno |
Comparison on Design and Simulation of Multilevel Inverters | Solid State Technology - Media extension, 0038-111X, 2021,64, 2,1-10 | Scopus |
G.B.Ezhil Jenekkha, M. Marsaline Beno | Power quality issue simulation in solar energy | Materials Today: Proceedings – ELSEVIER, 2214-7853, 2021, 43-6, 3409-3413 | Scopus |
Carolin S, M. Marsaline Beno |
A Grey Wolf Optimized 15-Level Inverter Design with Confined Switching Components | Intelligent Automation and Soft Computing - Tech Science Press, 2326-005X, 2021, 31-3-1753-1769 | WOS |
V. G. Anisha Gnana Vincy, M. Germin Nisha | A Review on Big Data Analytics and Deep Learning for Smart City Development | International Journal of Scientific Research in Computer Science, Engineering and Information Technology -Licensee Techno science Academy, 2456-3307, 2021,7, 1, 285-289 | Google Scholar |
P.V. Deepa, S. Joseph Jawhar, J. Merry Geisa |
Diagnosis of Brain Tumor Using Nano Segmentation and Advanced-Convolutional Neural Networks Classification | Journal of Medical Imaging and Health Informatics, American Scientific Publishers, 2156-7018, 2021, Vol. 11, No 12. | WOS |
For the year 2020
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
Ezhil Jenekkha G B, M.Marsaline Beno | Performance analysis of boost converter for various temperatures | International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, IJSER Publications, 2229-5518, 2020, Vol.11(8), 424-433 | Google Scholar |
S M Swamy, M.Marsaline Beno | Predicting Solar Power Potential via Refurbished ANN in Associated with Artificial Fish Swarm Optimization (AFSO) | International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology, 2005-4238, Vol. 29, No. 5 | Scopus |
S. J. Ben Christopher, M. Carolin Mabel | A bio-inspired approach for probabilistic energy management of micro-grid incorporating uncertainty in statistical cost estimation | Energy, Elsevier, 0360-5442, 203-Article 117 | WOS |
A. Sagai Francis Britto, R. Edwin Raj, M. Carolin Mabel | Design of bonding process parameters for experimentation and ANN-GA model development to maximise diffusion bond strength | International Journal of Computational Materials Science and Surface Engineering - Inderscience, 1753-3465, 2020, 9, 3, 177-197 | Scopus |
Amutha Priya, M. Carolin Mabel | Novel heuristic ToD-Block Rate tariff for DSM initiation in domestic sector - A Study Analysis | Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Springer publications, 1975-0102, 15 | WOS |
Mahesh V, Saravanan S, Jain B Marshel | A Novel WLF-AFSO based Optimal Power Flow of Reactive Power Management System in Deregulated Electricity Markets | Test Engineering and Management, The Mattingley Publishing Co., Inc., Vol.83, | Scopus |
S.S.Selva Pradeep, M. Marsaline Beno | ANFIS Based Hybrid Sensorless Speed Control Technique for BLDC Motor | Solid State Technology, Media extension, Volume: 63 Issue: 5, Publication Year: 2020 | Scopus |
Jain B Marshel, C.K Babulal | Market power analysis in power systems using PSO based must run indices | International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems, Wiley Online library, DOI: 10.1002/2050-7038.12675 | Scopus |
For the year 2019
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
S. M. Swamy, M.Marsaline Beno | Effective utilization of cascade H-bridge multilevel inverter integrate social spider optimization for reduced total harmonics distortion | International Journal of Manufacturing Technology and Management, Inderscience, 17415195, 13682, Vol.33, Nos.1 | Scopus |
C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M.Marsaline Beno | Optimal Power Flow-Based Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problems Using Hybrid PSGWO Algorithm | Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, World Scientific, 10.1142/ S0218126619501548 | WOS |
Femila L, M.Marsaline Beno | Optimizing Transmission Power and Energy Efficient Routing Protocol in MANETs | Wireless Personal Communications, Springer Science+Business Media, LLC | WOS |
C. R. Edwin Selva Rex, M.Marsaline Beno, J. Ann Rose | A Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem using Hybrid Optimization Techniques | Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology, Springer, Nature Switzerland, 1975-0102, Vol1, pp 1-10 | WOS |
C.R.Edwin Selva Rex, M.Marsaline Beno | An efficient hybrid method for combined economic and emission dispatch problem using genetic and whale optimization algorithm | Journal of Electrical Engineering, University of Politechnia Romania,1582-4591 | Google Scholar |
L.Femila, M.Marsaline Beno | Throughput Enrichment and Drooping Off Power Ingestion in Ad Hoc Networks by EE-MAC Protocol | Wireless Personal Communications, Springer,106,4 | WOS |
C.R.Edwin Selva Rex, J.AnnRose, S.Shiny | Hybrid MFGWO Based Optimal Solution for Combined Economic and Emission Dispatch Problem in Power System | Carribean journal of Science, 53 | Scopus |
For the year 2018
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
Subotha S P, Marsaline Beno M | Energy Efficient Modified Cuckoo Search Resource Allocation for Video Streaming Using Structure Sensor | Sensor Letters, American Scientific Publishers, 16,7,pp561-572 | Scopus |
M.Marsaline Beno, Alwin.S | Analysis of Active Power Filter For Harmonic Voltage Resonance Suppression in Distribution System | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control System, ISSN 1943-023X, Vol 10, Iss. 2 | Google Scholar |
S.V. Kayalvizhi, V. Suresh, S.Joseph Jawhar | A novel drive with bi directional switch modules for the BLDC motor with resonant AC link powered by photovoltaic source with battery storage | Journal of Electrical Engineering, 1582-4594.18; 1-13 | Google Scholar |
M. Carolin Mabel, D. Suja Darling, D. Jeraldin Auxilia | Optimizing wind turbine parameters to enhance power generation | Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, American Institute of Physics, 1941-7012, 10, 013303-1-10 | WOS |
S. R. Selva Jeevitha, M. Carolin Mabel | Novel optimization parameters of power quality disturbances using novel bio-inspired algorithms: A comparative approach | Biomedical Signal Processing and Control, Elsevier Publications, 1746-8094, 42, 253-266 | WOS |
A. Sagai Francis Britto, R. Edwin Raj, M. Carolin Mabel | Prediction and optimization of mechanical strength of diffusion bonds using integrated ANN-GA approach with process variables and metallographic characteristics | Journal of Manufacturing Processes, Elsevier Publications, 1526-6125 | WOS |
S. R. Selva Jeevitha, M. Carolin Mabel | Analysis of Multi-Disturbance Power Signals on Compression: A Wavelet Based Approach | Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience, ASP, 1546-1955 | Scopus |
For the year 2017
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
A. Sagai Francis Britto, R. Edwin Raj, M. Carolin Mabel | Prediction of shear and tensile strength of the diffusion bonded AA5083 and AA7075 aluminium alloy using ANN | Materials Science and Engineering: A, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 692, April 2017, pp. 1-8 | WOS, Scopus, GS |
M. John Bosco, M. Carolin Mabel | A novel cross diagonal view configuration of a PV system under partial shading condition | 2017, Solar Energy, Elsevier, Vol-158, 760-773 | Scopus, WOS, GS |
Bindu, M. Carolin Mabel, C. Bharatiraja | A real-time energy management approach and its power converter for PV powered plug-in electric vehicles | Journal of Electrical Engineering, Vol. 17, 2017 | SC, GS |
D. Jeraldin Auxillia | Parallel Tuning Of Fuzzy Tracking Controller For Deep Submergence Rescue Vehicle Using Genetic Algorithm | Indian Journal of GeoMarine Sciences, NISCAIR, 2017, Vol- 4, 11-2228-2240 | WOS, Scopus, GS |
S. Alwin, M.Marsaline Beno | Design of Hybrid Active Filter for Harmonic Reduction, | Jour of Adv Research in Dynamical & Control Systems, 2017, Vol 9 Issue-7 | Scopus |
Nirmal Raja, M.Marsaline Beno | Secure data aggragation in WSN Fujisaki Okamoto authentication scheme against sybil attack | 2017 Journal of medical systems, ISSN 0148 5598, Volume 41, No 7 Springer | Scopus, GS |
M.Marsaline Beno, Edwin selva Rex | State of art in combined economic and emission dispatch | 2017, Middle east journal of scientific research ISSN 1990-9233 | Scopus, GS |
A.Darwin Jose Raju, S. Solai Manohar, M. Senthil Kumaran | Performance Analysis of Spiral Based Inductive Position Sensor using Equivalent Circuit Model | Journal of Electrical Engineering, Politehnica Publishing House, 2017, Vol-17 Edition 3 | Scopus |
Jain B Marshel, C.K Babulal | Impact of wind farm integration on electricity generation cost using ANN & PSO | 2017, Journal of Electrical Engineering | GS |
J.Merry Geisa | Fuzzy based maximum power point tracking for wind energy conversion system | International Journal of Engineering Research in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, IFERP journals, 2017, Vol 3, Issue 8 | GS |
Selva Pradeep SS, M.Marsaline Beno | Pi controller based commutation tuning on sensorless bldc motor, | , Technical Research Organization of India, 2017, TROI, Vol-4, 12 | GS |
Almond D Souza, Jerila | Implementation of an 11 level inverter with FACTS capability for Distribution Energy Systems | IRJET, e-ISSN: 2395 -0056 Volume: 04 Issue: 04 | Apr 2017, Page 706 | |
R.V. Nandhini, Almond D Souza | Grid Connected Hybrid System with Sepic Converter and Inverter for Power Quality Compensation | IJCTER, e-ISSN 2455–1392 Volume 3 Issue 3, Mar 2017 pp. 150 – 157 | |
Almond D Souza, Stephen Merit Morris, Sachin SabuMaliyackal | Study and Simulation of Bi-Directional DC/DC Converter in Hybrid Electric Vehicle | IJARMATE, Vol. 3, Special Issue 1, February 2017 ISSN (ONLINE): 2454-9762. | |
M.R. Arun, S.Selva Kumar | Improvement of security in IoT sensor network to overcome harmful intruder by optimizing the existing techniques | International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks, 2017, Vol-5, 70-75. |
For the year 2016
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
R. Rajesh, M. Carolin Mabel | Design and real time implementation of a novel rule compressed fuzzy logic method for the determination operating point in a photo voltaic system | Energy, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 116, 2016, pp. 140-153 | WOS, Scopus, GS |
A. Darwin Jose Raju, S. Solai Manohar, M. Senthil Kumaran | A Simple Analytical Method for Calculating the Optimal Value of Inductance of Sine and Cosine Shaped Spiral Inductors and Its Analysis using ANOVA Method | Rev. Téc. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol. 39, Nº 7, 134 - 143, 2016, doi:10.21311 / | GS |
A. Darwin Jose Raju, S. Solai Manohar, M. Azhagar Raj | Estimation of Inductance for Sine and Cosine Shape Spiral Coils | International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ISSN 0973-4562 Volume 11, Number 5 (2016) pp 3663-3669 © Research India Publications | SC, GS |
M.Marsaline Beno, Femila | , Incremental relay selection with reduced power consumption and jamming for secure cooperative network | 2016, Rev. Tec. Ing. Univ. Zulia. Vol 39, No.10, 13-28 | SC, GS |
Mary Synthuja, Padma Suresh, M. John Bosco | ,” Modified Image Segmentation Method based on Region Growing and Region Merging | International Arab Journal of Information Technology, ISSN-1683-3198, PP 899-907, 2016 | WOS, SC, GS |
M. Mary Synthuja, Jain Preetha, L. Padma Suresh, M. John Bosco | Region Based Image Segmentation using Cuckoo Search Algorithm | Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, ISSN: 0974-2115, Volume 9 Issue 2, April - June 2016, pp 884-888 | SC, GS |
Almond D Souza | To Improve Energy Efficiency of Electric Vehicle Based on Regenerative Braking | IJREST, volume-3, issue-6, jun-2016 e-issn: 2349-7610 volume-3, issue-6, jun-2016 | |
Brindha S, Abragam Siyon Sing M | A DC-DC Boost Converter with Voltage Multiplier Module and Fuzzy Logic Based Inverter for Photovoltaic System | IJRSI |Volume III, Issue IX, September 2016|ISSN 2321–2705 | |
M. R. Arun | Monitoring and Control of Substation in Real Time using Virtual Instrumentation Application Software | IJETCSE, 2016, ISSN : 0976-1353 / Volume 21,Issue 4 | |
E. Mahalakshmi, Germin Nisha. M | SOP based Hybrid H-bridge nine level inverter using PI Controller | International Journal of Automatic control system, 2016, Vol2: Issue 1, pp 56-63 | |
E. Mahalakshmi, Germin Nisha. M | Implementation of Multilevel inverter fed Induction motor drive using ANFIS | International Journal of Electrical machines & drives 2016, Vol-2: Issue 1, pp 50-59 |
For the year 2015
Authors | Title | Journal, Publisher, ISSN | Indexing |
R.Rajesh, M. Carolin Mabel | A Comprehensive Review of Photovoltaic Systems | Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, Elsevier Publications, Vol. 51, Nov. 2015, pp. 231-248 | WOS, Scopus, GS |
Maria Jim stony, Marsaline Beno M | Simulation of a zero voltage transition synchronous buck converter for portable applications | , ISSN: 09742115, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Issue 11: October 2015, pp 8-12, SPB Pharma Society | |
Alwin S, Marsaline Beno M | Power Quality Control based on parallel power processing scheme | ISSN:09734562, International Journal of Applied Engineering Research, Volume 10, Number 16 (2015) pp 36618-36621, Research India Publications | SC, GS |
Alwin S, Marsaline Beno M | Fuzzy Logic Controller Based THD Reduction in Non-Linear Load Using Shunt Active Filter | Volume : 4 | Issue : 7 | July 2015, Paripex - Indian Journal of Research | GS |
Nirmal Raja, M. Marsaline Beno | Energy aware mac protocols for wireless Sensor networks | Journal on Wireless Communication Networks, 4.2 (Jul-Sep 2015): 13-20. | |
S. Radhika, Jaikumar. R.A, M. Marsaline Beno | Design and optimization of PMSM by using thermal behaviour of fluid dynamics | Asian Journal of Electrical Sciences, 2015, vol4, Page 16-28, ISSN-2249-6297 | |
Jeraldin Auxillia.D | Adaptive Particle Swarm Optimization based System Identification and Internal Model Sliding Mode controller for Mass Flow System | Control Engineering and Applied Informatics.vol.17, no.4 pp. 3-13. | GS |
Jeraldin Auxillia.D | Automated Ultrasound Hyperthermia Cancer Treatment based on Periodic Output Feedback Controller | Biomedical research vol.26,no. 4:686-692 | GS |
Ajith Jubilson E, Joe Prathap PM, Vimal khanna.V, Jeyabalaji.C, Dhanavanthini P, Vinil Dani W | An Approach Towards Adoption of Pachinko Allocation Model for Automatic Learning Objects Construction And Annotation | International Journal of Engineering Science Invention | GS |