Conference Publication details by the Faculty during the Year 2020-2021
Sl.No | Name of the faculty | Title of the paper | Conference & Venue | International / National |
1 | Ezhiljenekkha G B, Marsaline Beno M | Power quality issue simulation in solar energy | International Conference on Nanoelectronics, Nanop | International |
2 | Ezhiljenekkha G B, Marsaline Beno M | Performance analysis of boost converter | International Conference on Advances in Material S | International |
3 | S V Kayalvizhi, V Suresh, Akash | Cost effective solar inverter for poultry incubator | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
4 | Dr.M.John Bosco | Wireless charging for mobile electric vehicle | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
5 | Dr.M.John Bosco | Renewable Power Generation and Transmission Through Wireless Power Transmission Technique | Mohamed Sathak AJ College of Engineering - ICECCT 2020 | International |
6 | Christline Dafni, Jesus Bobin V | An interleaved and Synchronous method of single input multiple Cuk-Sepic converter combination | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
7 | Nishitha Manci, S.Shiny | Energy management system based on SEPIC converter for microgrid using hybrid energy sources | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
8 | S.Shiny, Dr.C.R. Edwin Selva Rex, | A comprehensive review of Electric Load forecasting and accuracy improving techniques | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
9 | Dr.C.R. Edwin Selva Rex, S.Shiny | Application of hybrid water Cycle and Whale optimizations Algoriyhm in combined Economic and Emission despatch | (Online) Advances in Energy-efficient Computing, Control & C | International |
10 | A. Bianca Celes, M. Germin Nisha | Prediction of Diabetic Retinopathy using Neural Network Techniques | ICEETS 21, @online, SXCCE | International |
Conference Publication details by the Faculty during the Year 2019-2020
Sl.No | Name of the faculty | Title of the paper | Conference & Venue | International / National |
2 | Darwin Jose Raju A | IoT Driven Defence Vehicle System | St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering – IEEE International Conference on Recent Advances | International |
3 | J.Leon Bosco Raj | Brushless Dc Motor Fed Photovoltaic System Using Landsman Converter | St.Xavier's Catholic college of Engineering - ICRAECC'19 | International |
4 | Dr. M. Germin Nisha | Nonlinear model predictive control of systems with faster dynamics using PSO | St.Xavier's Catholic college of Engineering - ICRAECC'19 | International |
Conference Publication details by the Faculty during the Year 2017-2018
Sl.No | Name of the Faculty | Title of paper | Conference & Venue | International / National |
1 | P. Lovelin Auguskani, V. Sree Devi, A. Darwin Jose Raju, J.M. Jerlin Priya, M. Marsaline Beno |
Risk reduction using grievance handling mechanism in handloom industry | Industrial Engineering and Engineering Management/ Suntec Convention & Exhibition Centre, Singapore | International |
2 | A.P. Sudha, H.L. Shelfa Lambert, A. Abisha Raju A. Darwin Jose Raju, |
5G Technology - An Overview | Recent Advances in Energy-efficient Computing & Communication, SXCCE | International |
3 | Alphonsa Salu S Jeraldin Auxillia D |
Feature Extraction and Classification for the Detection of Knee Joint Disorders | ICRAECC-2018 / SXCCE | International |
4 | V. Delna , D.Jeraldin Auxillia.D | Automatic Detection pf Epilepsy using Hybrid Classifier | ICRAECC-2018/ SXCCE | International |
5 | Y. Abisha, D. Jeraldin Auxillia | Parametric System Identification for Anesthesia Drug Infusion System Using Neural Network | IEEE International Conference on Science, Technology / KIT |
International |
6 | M. G. Pavithra, D. Jeraldin Auxillia |
7 | Priyanka Prasad R, Jeraldin Auxillia D | ENTROPIES FOR ARTIFACT REJECTION IN EEG SIGNAL | International Conference on Sustainability/ Udaya School of Engineering | International |
8 | Indhu.M, Jeraldin Auxillia .D |
Classification of different states of Anesthesia from EEG signal | International Conference on Sustainability/ Udaya School of Engineering | International |
12 | Jerisha, Selva Pradeep |
Sensorless Commutation Tuning based Speed Control of BLDC motor | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
13 | Jerisha S Selva Pradeep.S |
Wireless sensor for the evaluation of leakage current monitoring in electrical substation equipment | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE | International |
14 | P.Jenisha Babins, S.S.Selva pradeep |
Comparison of IMC and IMC-PID for Flow Control system in Conservation Tank | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
15 | Jenipriya.S, A. George Ansfer, S.S. Selva Pradeep | Optimized Speed controller for a BLDC Motor using Genetic-Fuzzy Controller | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
16 | Anu Monika J, Jain B Marshel |
Design of Multilevel Inverter with ANFIS Based Maximum Power Point Controller | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
17 | P. Jenisha Babins SS. Selva Pradeep |
Labview based flow control system using PID controller in conservator tank | MEETCON '17/ SXCCE | International |
18 | Genofer R, George Glyn G, Abragam Siyon Sing M |
Review on Electric Powered Vehicle and Its Battery | ICEETS '18/ SXCCE/ | International |
19 | Abisha A, Abragam Siyon Sing M | An Inverter Topology for Power Quality Improvement in PV Application | MEETCON '17/ SXCCE |
International |
20 | S.Anisha, V. Jesus Bobin |
Nano grid operated by a Hybrid converter to drive AC and DC loads | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
21 | V.P. Abisha Sherin, Jesus Bobin.V |
Solar Power Driven BLDC Motor employing Zeta converter for Water Pumping System | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE Google Scholar | International |
22 | Jesus Bobin.V, Marsaline Beno.M | Performance Evaluation of a PMSM with Fuzzy Controller Employing Armature Voltage Control Scheme | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
24 | Anisha S and Jesus Bobin V | Boost derived Hybrid Converter (BDHC) supplying DC and AC loads from a single DC input | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE | International |
25 | V.P. Abisha Sherin,
Jesus Bobin.V |
Solar power driven BLDC motor employing zeta converter | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE | International |
26 | J.Leon Bosco Raj | Control techniques of permanent magnet synchronous motor fed by a matrix converter | ICEETS’18/ SXCCE | International |
27 | J.Leon Bosco Raj | SVPWM based direct torque control of brushless DC motor using fuzzy logic controller | ICEETS’18/ SXCCE | International |
28 | J.Leon Bosco Raj | Closed Loop Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Fed By SVPWM Inverter Model Controller | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE | International |
29 | J.Leon Bosco Raj | Direct Torque Controlled Brushless DC Motor with Minimized Torque Ripple Using Space Vector Modulation | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE | International |
30 | Germin Nisha. M, Prithu S. J., Swetha S. | Modeling of Maglev System | ICEETS 2018/ SXCCE/ | International |
31 | Ansho P. M., Germin Nisha . M | A Review on Challenges on Integration of Hybrid Wind and PV System and Mitigation Methods | ICEETS 2018/ SXCCE/ | International |
32 | Germin Nisha M., Monisha M, Snow J Steggela, Promodhini S | Nonlinear Model Predictive Control Using Relevance Vector Machine for Maximum Power Point Tracking of Photovoltaic Arrays | ICEETS 2018/ SXCCE/ | International |
33 | D.Periyasamy, M.Germin Nisha, M.S.Sivagama Sundari | Neural Network Based Model Predictive Control of Maglev System Using Newton Raphson Method | National conference on Advancement in Smart Power | National |
34 | A.Arthy Jannie Angeline Shimona |
Modelling and control of PMSG for wind energy conversion system using autonomous control | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
35 | Dr.Merry Geisa N.Sabina |
Multilevel inverter fed BLDC motor | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
36 | W.Vinil Dani R.K.Nagasree |
The enhanced reduction of common mode voltage in an indirect matrix converter | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
37 | Ajith Kumar, Bala murugan Carmel raja Jenkins roch A.Darwin Jose Raju |
Smart sweeping machine with surveillance | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
38 | Hephzibaj Rija Arthy jannie |
Design of zeta micro inverter for solar pv ac fed PMBLDC motor | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
39 | Stephen merit morries, Almond D’Souza |
Comparison of SEPIC and LUO converter for PQ compensation | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
40 | Abaneesh V George Ansfer |
Temparature control using harmony search algorithm for an electric furnace | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
41 | Abisha Raju Ani prabha Babitha oyce Jeffrin Nivya Abragam Siyon sing |
Energy audit and energy management –an overview | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
42 | Jeffrey Jacob Asik Dheen Jerlin Geo Leslin Kosman Abragam Siyon sing |
Sinusoidal inverter with bi-directional DC-DC converter | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
43 | Stephen merit morries Almond D’Souza Dr.M. Marsaline Beno S.Shyni |
Energy efficiency in HAVEL cocopeat plant | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
44 | Sachin Almond D’Souza |
PIC Controller based smart helmet for bike ignition system | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
45 | Stephen merit morries Devichelija M.Marsaline Beno |
Switched reluctance motors parameters measurement using TMS320F2818 | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
46 | Stephen merit morris Devichelija Almond D’Souza |
Energy efficiency in commercial building with renewable energy sources | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
47 | M.R.Arun Dr.Selvakumar Shabina Sheeba |
A Novel design to improve quality by visual focus image quality enhancement algorithm | MEETCON'17/ SXCCE |
International |
48 | M.R.Arun |
Design of high efficient charger for a Li-ion battery | ICEETS'18/ SXCCE | International |
Conference Publication details by the Faculty during the Year 2016-2017
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of paper | Name of the Conference | Conference Venue | International / National |
1. | Dr.M.Marsaline Beno | ”State Of Art In Combined Economic And Emission Dispatch” | ICETET 2K16 | Arunachala College of Engineering, vellichanthai | International |
2. | Dr.M.Marsaline Beno | “Power Quality Enhancement Using Cascaded ESL QUASI 2-Source Multilevel Inverter” | ICETET 2K16 | Arunachala College of Engineering, vellichanthai | International |
3. | Dr. M. Carolin Mabel | Electric power signal disturbance analysis on compression :Wavelet based approach | IEEE International Conference On Science Technology Engineering And management | Kalaignar karunanidhi institute of technology, coimbatore | International |
4. | Suji. G, A.Arthi Jannie, | Fault Detection and isolation technique for voltage source inverter fed induction motor for industrial applications, | ICSAETMS | udaya school of engineering | International |
5. | A.George Ansfer | Modelling& Control of AC/DC microgrid with bidirectional power flow | International Conference On “Emerging Trends In Engineering And Technology | Arunachala College of Engineering, vellichanthai | International |
6. | Mary Synthija, Padma suresh, John bosco | Fire fly based region growing and region merging for image segmentation | ICETT-2016 | NI University | International |
7. | Stephen merit morris, Almond D souza, Sachin sabu | Study and simulation of one bi-directional DC/DC converter in hybrid electric vehicle | ICSAETMS | Udaya School of Engineering | International |
8. | Stephen merit morris, Almond D souza, Aggie | Power electronic analysis based on the linear time periodic, modelling applications for DC/DC power electronic interface | ICITEST 2K17 | Rajas Engg College | International |
9. | Stephen merit morris, Almond D souza, Devichelija | Rotor power feedback control of wind energy system with doubly fed IG | ICITES 2K17 | Rajas Engg College | International |
10. | M. R. Arun | Implementation of Patient Monitoring System with Enhanced Video Resolution and Reduced Transmission Time | IIASE-2017 | AMS College of Engineering | International |
11. | M. R. Arun | Video Resolution Enhancement and Transmission time Optimization in HD Surveillance System. | ICIETET '17 | Panimalar Institute of Technology | International |
12. | D.Periyasamy, M.Germin Nisha | “Model Predictive Control of Maglev System” | International Conference on Innovations in Green Energy and Healthcare Technologies IGEHT’’17 | Dr.N.G.P Institute Of Technology, Coimbatore | International |
13. | D.Periyasamy, M.Germin Nisha, M.S.Sivagama Sundari | RVM Based Maglev Model | International conference on Engineering Technology and Science ICETS’17 | Muthayammal Engineering Institutions, Rasipuram | International |
14. | Jaculin Jenitta.K, Vinil Dani.W, | Closed Loop Control of Transformer-less Inverter Topology for Single Phase Grid Connected Photo Voltaic System, | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
15. | Jenin.S,
Vinil Dani.W |
Design of Voltage and Current Controller of Three Phase Voltage Source Inverter In Microgrid, | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
16. | Delbha.P.S A.Arthi Jannie | Simulation Of Direct Torque Controlled Induction Motor Drive Using Svm For The Reduction Of Torque Ripple, | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
17. | P. Suji Garland, Jason | Voltage stability in enhancement in power system using STATCOM | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
18. | Athira P. Nair, Jesus Bobin. V | Speed Control of BLDC motor by using various controllers | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
19. | Tehilim Job P, J. Leon Bosco Raj | Modified ZETA converter for input power factor correction in discontinuous current mode | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
20. | S.Monica, J. Leon Bosco Raj | Solar PV Array Based BLDC Motor Drive, | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
21. | Sreeja &
Geroge Ansfer |
A hybrid AC/DC microgrid and its coordination control | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
22. | Dr. M. Carolin Mabel, Brindha R.C | Distribution system signal quality restoration | National Conference on ”Trends In Energy Management" | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
23. | S.S.Selva Pradeep, Gireesh | All quadrant control of BLDC motor using PI controller | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
24. | S.S.Selva Pradeep, Ajesh Jacob | Non linear system control by artificial neural network. | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
25. | G.Suji, Arthy Jannie | Fault detection and isolation technique for voltage source inverter fed induction motor for industrial applications | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
26. | Dr.Marsaline Beno, Bibin | Fuzzy controller based design and implementation of energy management for microgrid system | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
27. | Nandhini, Almond D'Souza | Grid connected hybrid system with sepic converter and inerter for power quality compensation | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
28. | Abin K. Baby, Dr.M.Marsaline Beno | Control strategy for distributed integration of photovoltaic and energy storage systems in microgrids | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
29. | Stephen merit morris, Almond D souza, Sachin sabu | Study and simulation of one bi-directional DC/DC converter in hybrid electric vehicle | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
30. | Stephen merit morris, Almond D souza, Sachin sabu | Control and design of high frequency power distribution system | TEMCON’ 17 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil | National |
31. | M.R. Arun | Resolution and Transmission Time Optimization in HD Video Surveillance System | NC2(ET) 2017 |
Sri Lakshmi Ammal Engineering College, Chennai |
National |
32. | D.Periya samy, M.Germin Nisha, M.S.Sivagama Sundari | Nonlinear Predictive Control of Magnetic Levitation System | National conference on PEPS’2k17 | Dr. Sivanthi Aditanar College Of Engineering, Tiruchendur | National |
33. | D.Periyasamy, M.Germin Nisha, M.S.Sivagama Sundari | NN Based MPC of Induction Motor using NR Method | FUTEX’17 | Chandy College Of Engineering, Tuticorin | National |
34. | D.Periyasamy, M.Germin Nisha, M.S.Sivagama Sundari | Neural Network Based Model Predictive Control of Maglev System Using Newton Raphson Method | National conference on Advancement in Smart Power Engineering NCASPE’17 | Karunya University, Coimbatore | National |
Conference Publication details by the Faculty during the Year 2015-2016
Sl. No. | Name of the Faculty | Title of paper | Name of the Conference | Conference Venue | International / National |
1. | Vanish, Swamy, M. MarsalineBeno, | Design of an artificial intelligence model for predicting solar photovoltaic cells potential | ICEETS ‘16 | SXCCE | International |
2. | Rejish R, Carolin Mabel M | Determination of deviation measure for power quality signals” |
St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Nagercoil, | International |
3. | Raghi R.O. and Merry Geisa. J, | Multilevel Converter with Reduced Switching Elements for Electric Vehicle Application | International conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, | International |
4. | J.Ashley Jenifer, T.Sivachandrabanu, A.Darwin Jose Raju | Automation and Energy management of Smart home using LabView. | ICEETS'16 | St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | International |
5. | Alwin S, M. Marsaline Beno, | Power Quality issues and impact in Smart Grid Environment | National Conference on Green Initiatives and Smart Grid, GISCON’16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
6. | Reshmi R J, M. Marsaline Beno, | Performance of BLDC motor using Adaptive Fuzzy PID controller, | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
7. | Mary Stafe M, M. Marsaline Beno, | Analogy of Various Intelligent Soft Starting techniques of Induction Motor, | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
8. | Raghi R.O. and Merry Geisa. J | Multilevel Converter Topology with Reduced Switching Elements for Electric Vehicle” | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
9. | Mary Priyadharsini, P. and Merry Geisa. J | Integrated Step up Converter for Photovoltaic | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
10. | Sivachandrabanu.T, Prof. A. Darwin Jose Raju | Automation of smart home appliances using labview | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
11. | S.Sheeja, Prof. Jain B.Marshel | Multi-input converter for photovoltaic power system applications | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
12. | J. Ashley Jenifer, Prof. A. Darwin Jose Raju | Vibration monitoring and analysis of induction motor using labview | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
13. | Karunya Soruba.S, Prof. Jain B.Marshel | Protection of three phase power capacitor from harmonics | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
14. | Vaishna, P.S. and Merry Geisa. J | Control of Grid Connected Photovoltaic System” , National Conference on Green Initiatives and Smart Grid | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |
15. | Brindha S & Abragam Siyon Sing M | A High Step up converter with Voltage Multiplier module for PV system. | GISCON 16 | St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering | National |