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M. Angelin Rosy, P. Ranjith kumar, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,A Study on Mobile Development and Operating System Design ,International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 14 to 18 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, M. Chaya, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Artificial Intelligence in Machine Learning Techniques for Clustering and Classification ,International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 71 to 75 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, R. Deepa, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Challenges of Data Analytics for Innovative V?s and Security in Bigdata ,International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019, ,7-17, 76 to 78 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, V. Shanthakumar, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Cloud Computing: Study of Security Problems and Analysis Challenges , International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 79 to 84 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, D. Shyamala, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Clustering Techniques and Hierarchical Distance Measure in Datamining , International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 85 to 89 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, L. Umarani, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Emerging Applications of Augmented Reality System for Future Industry , International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 90 to 95 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, N.Shilpa, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,Issues and Protection of Mobile Application Security , International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 40 to 42 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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S. Garette Jebadurai, R. Edwin Raj, V.S. Sreenivasan, J.S. Binoj ,Comprehensive characterization of natural cellulosic fiber from Coccinia grandis stem ,Carbohydrate Polymers ,Elsevier Publications ,2019,ISSN: 0144-8617,207, pp.675-683,threehttps:// doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.12.027 ,WOS ,5.326 |
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M. Angelin Rosy, K.Sangeetha, M. Felix Xavier Muthu ,A Study About Repetition of Group of Data and Avoid the Problem ,International Journal of Computer Sciences and Engineering , ,2019,2347-2693 ,7-17, 55 to 58 , ,Scopus ,3.022 |
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J. S. Binoj, R. Edwin Raj, S. Indran ,Characterization of industrial discarded fruit wastes (Tamarindus Indica L.) as potential alternate for man-made vitreous fiber in polymer composites ,Process Safety and Environmental Protection ,Elsevier ,2018,0957-5820 ,116, p 527-534 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.psep.2018.02.019 ,WOS ,3.119 |
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A. Sagai Francis Britto, R. Edwin Raj, M. Carolin Mabel ,Prediction and optimization of mechanical strength of diffusion bonds using integrated ANN-GA approach with process variables and metallographic characteristics ,Journal of Manufacturing Processes ,Elsevier ,2018,1526-6125 ,32, 828-838 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2018.04.015 ,WOS ,2.322 |
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G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose , R. Edwin Raj ,Process parameter optimization for biodiesel production from mixed feedstock using empirical model ,Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments ,Elsevier ,2018,2213-1388 ,28, Pg.:54-59 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.seta.2018.06.004 ,WOS , |
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Suyambulingam Indran, Robinson Dhas Edwin Raj, Brainerd Samuel Sundar Daniel, Joseph Selvi Binoj ,Comprehensive Characterization of Natural Cissus Quadrangularis Stem Fiber Composites as an Alternate for Conventional FRP Composites ,Journal of Bionic Engineering ,Springer Link ,2018,ISSN: 1672-6529,15 ,DOI: https://doi.org/12345-018-1234-x ,WOS ,2.325 |
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V. R. Arun Prakash, S. Julyes Jaisingh ,Mechanical Strength Behaviour of Silane Treated E-glass Fibre/Al 6061 & SS-304 Wire Mesh Reinforced Epoxy Resin Hybrid Composite ,Silicon ,Springer ,2018,1876-990X , ,/doi.org/10.1007/s12633-018-9762-y ,WOS ,1.246 |
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Suyambulingam Indran, Robinson Dhas Edwin Raj, Brainerd Samuel Sundar Daniel, Joseph Selvi Binoj ,Comprehensive Characterization of Natural Cissus Quadrangularis Stem Fiber Composites as an Alternate for Conventional FRP Composites ,Journal of Bionic Engineering ,Springer ,2018,ISSN: 1672-6529, ,DOI: https://doi.org/12345-018-1234-x ,WOS ,2.325 |
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Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Cultivation, extraction and optimization of biodiesel production from potential microalgae Euglena sanguinea using eco-friendly natural catalyst ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0960-8524 ,141-224-235 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.018 ,WOS ,5.589 |
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L.R. Monisha Miriam, R. Edwin Raj, Ajith. J Kings, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Identification and characterization of a novel biodiesel producing halophilic Aphanothece halophytica and its growth and lipid optimization in various media ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0960-8524 ,141-93-100 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.05.041 ,WOS ,5.589 |
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Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Cultivation, extraction and optimization of biodiesel production from potential microalgae Euglena sanguinea using eco-friendly natural catalyst ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0196-8904 ,141, 224-235 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2016.08.018 ,WOS ,5.583 |
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L.R. Monisha Miriam, R. Edwin Raj, Ajith. J Kings, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Enhanced FAME production using green catalyst with superior profile from the isolated halophilic Aphanothece halophytica grown in raceway ponds ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0960-8524 ,151-63 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2017.08.071 ,WOS ,5.589 |
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Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Growth studies on microalgae Euglena sanguinea in various natural eco-friendly composite media to optimize the lipid productivity ,Bioresource Technology ,Elsevier ,2017,0960-8524 ,244-1349 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.biortech.2017.06.136 ,WOS ,6.102 |
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A. Sagai Francis Britto, R. Edwin Raj, M. Carolin Mabel ,Prediction of shear and tensile strength of the diffusion bonded AA5083 and AA7075 aluminium alloy using ANN ,Materials Science and Engineering: A ,Elsevier ,2017,0921-5093 ,692-1-8 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.msea.2017.03.056 ,WOS ,3.094 |
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J. S. Binoj, R. Edwin Raj, B. S. S. Daniel ,Comprehensive characterization of industrially discarded fruit fiber, Tamarindus indica L. as a potential eco-friendly bio-reinforcement for polymer composite ,Journal of Cleaner Production ,Elsevier ,2017,0959-6526 ,142-1321-1331 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2016.09.179 ,WOS ,5.715 |
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Ananth Rajkumar, Luis Lima Ferr�s, C�lio Fernandes, Olga Carneiro, Miguel N�brega ,Design guidelines to balance the flow distribution in complex profile extrusion dies ,International Polymer Processing ,Hanser ,2017,0930777X ,32-1-58-71 ,10.3139/217.3272 ,Google Scholar ,0.634 |
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Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Identification and characterization of a novel biodiesel producing halophilic Aphanothece halophytica and its growth and lipid optimization in various media ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0196-8904 ,141, 93-100 ,10.1016/j.enconman.2016.05.041 ,WOS ,50583 |
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Ajith J. Kings, R. Edwin Raj, L.R. Monisha Miriam, M. Adhi Visvanathan ,Enhanced FAME production using green catalyst with superior profile from the isolated halophilic Aphanothece halophytica grown in raceway ponds ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2017,0196-8904 , ,10.1016/j.enconman.2017.08.071 ,WOS ,5.583 |
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S. Sheeju Selva Roji, R. Edwin Raj, D. F. Melvin Jose ,Experimental evaluation of performance and emission characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with neem methyl ester ,Transactions of Famena ,Portal of Scientific Journals of Croatia ,2016,1333-1124 ,3-81-90 ,10.21278/TOF.40307 ,WOS ,0.476 |
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J.S. Binoj, R. Edwin Raj, V.S. Sreenivasan, G. Rexin Thusnavis ,Morphological, Physical, Mechanical, Chemical and Thermal Characterization of Sustainable Indian Areca Fruit Husk Fibers (Areca Catechu L.) as Potential Alternate for Hazardous Synthetic Fibers ,Journal of Bionic Engineering ,Elsevier ,2016,1672-6529 ,13-156-165 ,10.1016/S1672-6529(14)60170-0 ,WOS ,2.388 |
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S. Sheeju Selva Roji, R. Edwin Raj , C. Justin Dhanaraj ,Multi variant approach to optimize biodiesel extraction from neem oil using two stage esterification process and its quality assessment ,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects ,Taylor & Francis Group ,2016,1556-7036 ,38-13-1975-198 ,10.1080/15567036.2015.1062822 ,WOS ,0.390 |
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G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, R. Edwin Raj ,Optimization of Biofuel Blends and Compression Ratio of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Calophyllum inophyllum Oil Methyl Ester ,Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering ,Springer ,2016,1319-8025 ,41-1723?1733 ,10.1007/s13369-015-1942-0 ,WOS ,0.865 |
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S. Indran, R Edwin Raj, B.S.S. Daniel, S.S. Saravanakumar, ,Cellulose powder treatment on Cissus quadrangularis stem fiber-reinforcement in unsaturated polyester matrix composites ,Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites ,Sage Publications ,2016,0731-6844 ,35-212-227 , ,WOS ,1.503 |
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J. S. Binoj, R. Edwin Raj, B. S. S. Daniel, S. Saravanakumar ,Optimization of short Indian Areca fruit husk fiber (Areca Catechu L.) reinforced polymer composites for maximizing the mechanical property ,International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization ,Taylor & Francis Group ,2016,1023-666X ,21-2-112-122 ,DOI:10.1080/1023666X.2016.1110765 ,WOS ,1.264 |
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Christus Jeya Singh, V & Joseph Sekhar S ,Performance Studies on a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier with Blends of Coconut Shell and Rubber Seed Shell as Feedstock ,Applied Thermal Engineering ,Elsevier ,2016,1359-4311 ,97-22-27 ,10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2015.09.099 ,WOS ,3.356 |
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Florian Habla, Ananth Rajkumar, Olga Carneiro, Miguel N�brega ,Development and validation of a model for the temperature distribution in the extrusion calibration stage ,Applied Thermal Engineering ,Elveser ,2016,13594311 ,100-538-552 ,10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2016.01.166 ,Google Scholar ,3.356 |
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J.Jebeen Moses, I. Dinaharan, S.Joseph Sekhar ,Production and characterization of titanium carbide particulate reinforced AA6061 aluminum alloy composites using stir casting ,Kovove materially ,REDAKCIA KOVOVE MATERIALY ,2016,0023-432X ,54,257-267 ,10.4149/km 2016 4 257 ,WOS ,.6 |
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J.Jebeen Moses,S.Joseph Sekhar ,Investigation on the Tensile Strength and Microhardness of AA6061/TiC Composites by Stir Casting ,Transaction of Indian Institute of Metals ,Springer ,2016,0972-2815 ,online ,10.1007/s12666-016-0891-y ,WOS ,.533 |
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S. SHEEJU SELVA ROJI, R. EDWIN RAJ, D. F. MELVIN JOSE, Z. ROBERT KENNEDY ,Effect of compression ratio with biodiesel and its blends on performance and emission characteristics of an IC engine ,Journal of Environmental Protection and Ecology ,Balkan Environmental Association ,2015,1311-5065 ,16-2-601?609 , ,WOS ,0.838 |
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S. Indran, R. Edwin Raj ,Characterization of new natural cellulosic fiber from Cissus quadrangularis stem ,Carbohydrate Polymers ,Elsevier ,2015,0144-8617 ,117-392-399 ,https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.09.072 ,WOS ,5.130 |
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K. Hari Ram, R. Edwin Raj ,Mechanical property evaluation of sisal-glass fiber reinforced epoxy polymer composites ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015,0973-4562 ,10-3-6951-6962 , ,WOS , |
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G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, and R. Edwin Raj ,Optimization of Biofuel Blends and Compression Ratio of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Calophyllum inophyllumOil Methyl Ester ,Arabian Journal Science Engineering ,Springer ,2015,13198025 ,1723-1733 ,10.1007/s13369-015-1942-0 ,WOS ,0.8 |
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J. Ben Samuel1, M. John Prabhar1, S. Julyes Jaisingh2*, V. Selvam3 and C. Kalaivanan4 ,Impact studies of Kevlar fibre reinforced siliconized iron oxide nanoparticles filled epoxy nanocomposites ,Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research ,CODEN(USA) ,2015,0975-7384 ,7(10S):85-87 , ,WOS , |
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Christus Jeya Singh, V, Joseph Sekhar, S & Thyagarajan, K ,Analytical and Experimental Studies on a 50 kWth Downdraft Gasifier with Biomass Blends Available in the Hilly Regions of South India ,Latin American Applied Research ,UNS Printing Office, Avda. ,2015,0327-0793 ,45-3-145-155 , ,WOS ,0.134 |
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Christus Jeya Singh, V & Joseph Sekhar ,Feasibility of Mixing Coir-Pith with Coconut Shell in a Downdraft Biomass Gasifier-An Experimental Study ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2015,0973-4562 ,10-8-6344-6349 , ,WOS , |
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G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, R. Edwin Raj ,Optimization of process parameters for biodiesel extraction from tamanu oil using design of experiments ,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ,AIP Publishing ,2014,1941-7012 ,6- ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1063/1.4880216 ,WOS ,1.51 |
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K. Hari Ram,R. Edwin Raj ,Synthesis and Mechanical Characterization of Sisal-Epoxy and Hybrid-Epoxy Composites in Comparison with Conventional Fiber Glass-Epoxy Composite ,Advanced Materials Research ,Trans Tech Publications ,2014, ,984-985-285-290,10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.984-985.285 ,WOS , |
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G. Antony Miraculas, N. Bose, and R. Edwin Raj ,Optimization of Biofuel Blends and Compression Ratio of a Diesel Engine Fueled with Calophyllum inophyllum Oil Methyl Ester ,Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy ,American Institute of Physics ,2014,1941-7012 ,6, 033120 ,10.1063/1.4880216 ,WOS ,1.17 |
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Indran S, R. Edwin Raj, Sreenivasan VS ,Characterization of cellulosic root fiber from Cissus quadrangularis as an alternative for synthetic fibers ,Carbohydrate Polymers ,Elsevier ,2014,0144-8617 ,110-423-429 ,10.1016/j.carbpol.2014.04.051 ,WOS ,5.130 |
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D. F. Melvin Jose, B. Durga Prasad , R. Edwin Raj & Z. Robert Kennedy ,An extraction and performance analysis of rubber seed-methyl ester on an IC engine at various compression ratios ,International Journal of Green Energy ,Taylor & Francis Group ,2014,15435075 ,11-8-808-821 ,10.1080/15435075.2013.830223 ,WOS ,2.069 |
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M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,Effect of Joint Configuration on the Mechanical Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Copper Joints ,International Journal of Applied Engineering Research ,Research India Publications ,2014,0973-4562 ,9,19377-19385 ,NA ,Scopus , |
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J.Jebeen Moses, I. Dinaharan, S.Joseph Sekhar ,Characterization of Silicon carbide particulate reinforces AA6061 aluminium alloy composites produced via stir casting ,Procedia Materials science ,Elseiver ,2014,2211-8128 ,5,106-112 ,10.1016/j.mspro.2014.07.247 ,Scopus ,.1 |
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V. Mathan, S. Sheeju Selva Roji,J.Jebeen Moses ,An Experimental Evaluation of Static Strength and Fatigue Life on Composite Patch Repaired AA2024-T4 Plate ,AMR ,Trans Tech publication ,2014,1662-8985 ,984-985,233-237,10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.984-985.233 ,WOS ,.12 |
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Christus Jeya Singh, V, Joseph Sekhar, S & Thyagarajan, K ,Impact of Biomass Blends on the Behaviour of the Reduction Zone in a Downdraft Gasifier ,International Review of Mechanical Engineering ,Praise Worthy Prize ,2014,1970-8734 ,8-2-317-327 , ,WOS ,0.83 |
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M.Felix Xavier Muthu & V.Jayabalan ,Effect of Tool Rotational Speed on the Microstructure and Tensile Properties of Friction Stir Welded Aluminium Copper Dissimilar Joints ,International Journal of Applied Environmental Sciences ,Research India Publications ,2014,0973-6077 ,9-5-2291-2301 , ,Scopus , |
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Christus Jeya Singh, V, Thyagarajan, K, Murugan, PC & Joseph Sekhar, S ,Rubber Seed Kernel as a Substitute for Wood in a Biomass Gasifier- An Experimental Study ,Advanced Materials Research , ,2014,1022-6680 ,984-985-845-849,DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.984-985.845 ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, V. Selvam, M. Suresh Chandra Kumar, K. Thyagarajan ,Thermo-mechanical Properties of unsaturated polyester toughened epoxy siliconized iron (III) oxide nanocomposites. ,Indian Journal of Engineering & Materials Sciences ,NATL INST SCIENCE COMMUNICATION NISCAIR ,2014,0975-1017 ,21- (241-245) , ,WOS , |
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R. Edwin Raj, Z. Robert Kennedy , B.C. Pillai ,Optimization of process parameters in flash pyrolysis of waste tyres to liquid and gaseous fuel in a fluidized bed reactor ,Energy Conversion and Management ,Elsevier ,2013,01968904 ,67-145?151 ,http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enconman.2012.11.012 ,WOS ,5.589 |
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Antony Miraculas G & Bose N ,Performance Evaluation and Exhaust Emission Analysis of a CI Engine Fuelled with Pongamia Pinnata Biodiesel and its Blends ,Advanced Materials Research ,Transtech Publication ,2013,16628985 ,768, 151-157 , 10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.768.151 ,Google Scholar , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, V. Selvam, M. Suresh Chandrs Kumar, K. Thyagarajan ,Effect of silane functionalization on the properties of iron oxide nanoparticles/UP toughened epoxy nanocomposites. ,Advanced Materials Research ,Trans Tech. Publications, Switzerland. ,2013,1662-8985 ,651-(154-158) ,10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.651.154 ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, V. Selvam, M. Suresh Chandra Kumar, K. Thyagarajan. ,Studies on Mechanical Properties of Kevlae fiber reinforced iron (III) oxide nanoparticles filled UP/Epoxy Nanocomposites. ,Advanced Materials Research ,Trans Tech. Publications, Switzerland. ,2013,1662-8985 , ,10.4028/www.scientific.net/AMR.747.409 ,WOS , |
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S.Julyes Jaisingh, K. Thyagarajan, V. Selvam, M. Suresh Chandra Kumar. ,Mechanical Properties of glass fiber reinforced unsaturated polyester toughened epoxy/siliconized iron (III) oxide nanocomposites. ,Life Science Journal ,Acta Zhengzhou University Overseas Edition ,2013,1097-8135 ,10(2)-(2024-202, ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, S. Mohammed Ziad ,Optimization of compressor station in K.M.M.L ,International Journal of Industrial Engineering & Technology (IJIET) ,TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. ,2013,2277-4769 ,3-3-(167-176) , ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, S. Jaijeev ,Energy conservation using variable frequency drive in K.M.M.L. ,International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Research (IJEEER) ,TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. ,2013,2250-155x ,3-3-(167-176) , ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, R. Adarsh Babu. ,Optimization of Cooling system in K.M.M.L. ,International Journal of Mechanical and Production Engineering Research and Development (IJMPERD) ,TJPRC Pvt. Ltd. ,2013,2249-6890 ,3-3-(69-76) , ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, V. Selvam, M. Suresh Chandra Kumar, K. Thyagarajan ,Development of siliconized iron (III) oxide nanoparticles reinforced unsaturated polyester toughed epoxy nanocomposites ,International Journal of Metallurgical & Materials Sciences and Engineering ,TJPRC ,2012,2278-2516 ,2-4-(21-30) , ,WOS , |
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S. Julyes Jaisingh, M. Suresh Chandra Kumar, V. Selvam, K. Thyagarajan ,Electrical and Thermal properties of iron (III) oxide nanoparticles filled unsaturated polyster toughened epoxy nanocomposites ,European Journal of Scientific Research. ,Eurojournals publishing, Inc. ,2012,1450-216x ,89-3-(465-476) , ,WOS , |
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