Journal Publications

  1. Dr.A.Oliver Bright, published an article on prioritising factors of productivity of the employees of steel manufacturing industry, International Journal of Enterprise Network Management with DOI 10.1504/IJENM.2020.10021930 in the year 2020.
  2. Dr.A.Oliver Bright, published an article on "CAMELS model analysis for district cantral co-operative banking enterprises in Andra Pradesh" in the International Journal of Enterprise Network Management with DOI 10.1504/IJENM.2019.10024367 in the year 2020.
  3. Prof. Punitha Sahaya Mary Francis published an article on "Technical Analysis of Selected Stocks of Indian Banking Sector" in the International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering with an ISSN 2249-0558. September 2019.
  4. Dr. J. Jerlin Rajan Published an article on “Evolution of Retail Industry- Global Context” in UGC Management and Science Multidisciplinary Journal (IJMR) with an ISSN 2278-2311. June 2019.
  5. Dr. J. Jerlin Rajan Published an article on “Impact of product and market factors on consumer behavior” in the Journal of emerging technologies and innovative research (JETIR) with an ISSN 2349-5162, April 2019.
  6. Dr. P. Lovelin Auguskani, Asian Journal of Research in Social Sciences and Humanities ISSN (Online):2249-7315 in the Topic of “A Study on Job Evaluation among Nursing Faculties in selected colleges at Kanyakumari District” July 2016 Vol.6 Issue No.7 DOI NUMBER: 10.5958/2249-7315.2016.00535.9, pp: 1682- 1689.
  7. P. Lovelin Auguskani, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR – JBM) ISSN (Online):2278-487X ISSN (Print): 2319-7668 in the Topic of “Preference of Bancassurance” January 2014 Vol.16 Issue No.1 Ver.1, pp: 08- 13.
  8. P. Lovelin Auguskani, International Journal of Marketing and Technology (IJMT) ISSN (Online):2249-1058 in the topic of “Neuro Marketing – An Effective Marketing Strategy” June 2013 Vol. 3 No.6,pp: 63-90.
  9. P. Lovelin Auguskani, International Journal of Accounting and Financial Management Research (IJAFMR) ISSN (Print): 2249-6882; ISSN (Online):2249-7994: Impact Factor(JCC):2.4789 in the Topic of “Mortal’s Comprehensive Test- A Measure of Profitability and Liquidity” March 2013Vol.3No.1,pp:223-230.
  10. A. Oliver Bright, Telemedicine Services in Tamil Nadu Perception and Prospects. JETIR - Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research, ISSN 2349-5162, June, 2019, Volume 6, Issue 6, Pages 542 to 550.
  11. A. Oliver Bright , Analysis of NPA of Public Sector Banks in India during 2014 to1018. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Research. Volume 6, Issue 4, April 209, eISSN - 2349-5162. May 2019.DOI (Digital Object Identifier) -
  12. A. Oliver Bright , DCO (Demand, Collection and Overdue) Analysis of DCCBs in Andhra Pradesh during 2013-2014. International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering. Volume 9, Issue1, Jan 2019. ISSN 2249-0558.
  13. A. Oliver Bright ,Emerging Healthcare revolution: Highlights and challenges of Telemedicine services in Tamil Nadu.- International Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics. Volume 119, No 7, 2018, ISSN-1311-8080(print), 1314-3395 (online). July 2018.
  14. A. Oliver Bright , Accumulation of Non-performing Assets in DCCBs in Tamil Nadu – A stumbling Block for promoting micro finance –an analytical study. NAFSCOB Journal of Rural Co-operative Credit and Banking – Volume, II, Issue –I. Jan-Mar 2012.
  15. A. Oliver Bright, A study on the Annual Credit Plan of Banks and Financial Institutions in Kanyakumari District. - International Journal of Microfinance. (ISSN: 2229-449X), Volume-I, No .1.Jan- June 2011
  16. A. Oliver Bright, A comparative study on the price movements Issue between Gold and Crude Oil between 2006 and 2007- International Journal for Commerce and Management Research (ICRCM) – ISSN 0976 – 2183, Volume1, No. 4. Aug 2010.
  17. A. Oliver Bright, A common Financial Performance Appraisal Model for evaluating District Central Cooperative Banks - Published as CD by IIMA ISBN No: 978-81-909529-0-3. 2009
  18. A. Oliver Bright, The Real challenge of Small Entrepreneurs promoting financial products in South Tamil Nadu. - IMI DISHA, International Journal of Management. – ISSN-0974-293X Volume :2, No.1. April 2009.
  19. A. Oliver Bright , Role of Kanyakumari District Central Co-operative Bank in Tsunami        credit - Kissan world – ISSN 0971-9229 Vol. 32, No. 9. Sep 2005
  20. A. Oliver Bright , "INFRISK" and risk calculation - HRD Times – Registrar of Newspapers for India No. 70414/99 Volume: 7, No. 7. July 2005.
  21. J. Tamilselvi and R. Bright Reginold Raja “ Production and Marketing performance on TNPL (2006-07 TO 2015-16 FY)” in International Journal of World Research, Vol 1, issue XXXVI, December 2016, PP:46-47.
  22.  J. Tamilselvi and R. Bright Reginold Raja “ Financial performance on TNPL (2006-07 TO 2015-16 FY)” in Asia-Pacific Journal of  Research, Vol 1, issue XLVI, December 2016, PP:33-41.
  23. Jasmine Suguna. S, The need for developing women entrepreneurship in fifth All India conference of KAAS Organised by Holy Cross College, Nagercoil on December 4th& 5th
  24. S.Vidhya “ An Evaluation of stress among nurses in Kanyakumari district, Tamilnadu, India” in International Journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Vol 11, issue July1, 2019, PP:147.
  25. Jasmine Suguna. S , Punitha Sahaya Mary Francis , “ Branding Perception of Customers about Tata Goldplus” in National Conference on Emerging trends in global business ISBN 978-93-81537-00-8, issue July1, 2012, PP:147.
  26. Adlin.M, Dr. Babima. M, "Analysis of Employee Welfare Measures at Amazon Agro Products Cocopeat Manufacturer & Supplier, Kanyakumari dist." in International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, ISSN 0976-2183, Volume no. 14 (2023), Issue no. 5 (May), 2023.
  27. Dr. Babima. M, "A Study on Effectiveness of grievance handling at St. Thomas German Chamber tiles factor":, Panagudi, Tirunelveli district, in International Journal of Research in Commerce & Management, ISSN 2231-5756, Volume no. 13 (2023), Issue no. 5 (May), 2023.
  28. Ajiesya. D P, Adlin. M, Dr. Babima. M, Jenit Hanson G published an article on A Study on Technological Advancements in Cashew Processing Machines in India, International Research Journal on Advanced Engineering and Management with an eISSN:2584-2854 in the year 2024.