Industrial Visits
S. No | Date | Name of the Event | Guest/Resource Person | Targeted Audience | No of Students & Staff |
1. | 07/12/2023 &
14/12/2023 |
KKNP | Faculty | II MBA | 50+2 staffs & 48+2 staffs |
2. | 21/11/2023 &
22/11/2023 |
Hatson Agro Pvt Ltd. | Faculty | I MBA | 48+2 staffs & 46+2 staffs |
3. | 9/10/2023 &
5/10/2023 |
Travancore Titanium Products Ltd. | Faulty | II MBA | 42+2 staffs & 58+2 staffs |
S. No | Date | Name of the Event | Guest/Resource Person | Targeted Audience | No of Students & Staff |
1. | 12/04/2023 & 13/04/2023 | VOC Port, Tuticorin | Faculty | I MBA - A & B Sections | 52+3 Staffs & 58+3 Staffs |
2. | 20/12/2022 & 21/12/2022 | Lofty Optical Industries, Pudukadai | Faculty | I MBA - A & B Sections | 59+3 staffs & 60+2 staffs |
3. | 09/11/2022 | Kudankulam Nuclear Plant | Faculty | IIMBA | 55+2 staffs |
4. | 23/10/2022 | V.V.V & Sons Edible Oil Limited | Faculty | IIMBA | 50+3 staffs |
5. | 15/09/2022-17/09/2022 | Study Tour to Coorg, Mysore, Bangalore | Faulty | II MBA | 44+ 3 staffs |

VOC Port Tuticorin

Kudankulam Nuclear Power Plant
Industiral Visit
S. No | Date | Name of the Event | Guest/Resource Person | Targeted Audience | No of Students & Staff |
1. | 12/03/21 | Nanjil Integrated Dairy Milk Plant, Mulagumoodu.(As part of EDC) | Faculty | MBA+Other disciplines | 78+3 staff |
2. | 16/2/20-
18/2/20 |
Study Tour to Coorg, Mysore, Bangalore | Faculty | IIMBA | 54+3 staff |
3. | 15/01/20 | IV, Nanjil Milk Plant | Faculty | Production Elective | 7+ 2 staff |

Study Tour to Coorg, Mysore, Bangalore