FDPs / Seminars / Workshops attended by the Faculty
S.No. | Name of the Faculty | Programme | Agency | Period |
1 | M ADLIN | AI in Financial Management | Noorul Islam centre for higher education | 2024-02-23 - 2024-02-23 |
2 | M ADLIN | Advanced Techniques in Research Methodology | Patrician College of Arts and Science | 2024-04-09 - 2024-04-16 |
3 | M ADLIN | Power of AI for enchancing Decision Making in Financial Management | St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering | 2024-04-01 - 2024-04-05 |
4 | M ADLIN | Navigating the Future: Emerging Trends in Business and Global Dynamics | Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan Doss Vaishnav College. | 2024-03-07 - 2024-03-07 |
5 | M ADLIN | Talent Acquisition and Management | NPTEL | 2024-01-22 - 2024-04-12 |
6 | M ADLIN | Managing Your Ego and Emotions at Workplace | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training | 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-15 |
7 | M ADLIN | Influence of AI in Teaching & Research | Hindusthan College of Arts and Science | 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-09 |
8 | M ADLIN | Teaching and Learning in General Programs: TALG | NPTEL | 2023-07-18 - 2023-08-18 |
9 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Innovation Ambassador Training | TNStartup | 2024-01-22 - 2024-01-22 |
10 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Power of AI for Enhancing Decision Making in Financial Management | Department of Management Studies, SXCCE | 2024-04-01 - 2024-04-05 |
11 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Advanced Techniques in Research Methodology | Patrician College of Arts and Science | 2024-04-09 - 2024-04-16 |
12 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Talent Acquisition and Management | NPTEL | 2024-01-03 - 2024-04-13 |
13 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Navigating the Future: Emerging Trends in Business and Global Dynamics | DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE | 2024-03-07 - 2024-03-07 |
14 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Artificial Intelligece in Financial Management | NICHE | 2024-02-23 - 2024-02-23 |
15 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Life long learning and ethics in education | Centre for Research and Development | 2024-01-05 - 2024-01-05 |
16 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Coastal, Tourism, Industrial Development and Healthcare in Kanyakumari District | Development of Kanyakumari District | 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-28 |
17 | Dr. M. BABIMA | R & D Funding: Opportunities and Challenges | Centre for Research and Development | 2023-10-17 - 2023-10-17 |
18 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Managing Your Ego and Emotions at Work Place | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 2023-09-11 - 2023-09-15 |
19 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Research Ethics in Higher Education | Globethics, South Asia Centre, Bangalore | 2023-09-18 - 2023-09-25 |
20 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Influence of AI in Teaching & Research | Hindustan College of Arts & Science | 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-09 |
21 | JENIT HANSON G | Talent Acquisition and Management | NPTEL | 2024-01-22 - 2024-04-12 |
22 | JENIT HANSON G | International conference on advancements in science, Technology and Management (ICASTM)2024 | St. Xaviers college of Management and technology | 2024-04-25 - 2024-04-26 |
23 | JENIT HANSON G | Coastal, Tourism, Industrial Development and Healthcare in Kanyakumari District | SXCCE | 2023-06-27 - 2023-06-28 |
24 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | Power of AI for Enhancing Decision making in Financial Management | Department of Management studies | 2024-04-01 -2024-04-05 |
25 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | International career oppurtunities for commerce and Management students | ICT Academy | 2024-04-25 -2024-04-25 |
26 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | Talent Acquition and Management | IIT Roorkee | 2024-01-20 - 2024-04-20 |
27 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | Influence of AI in Teaching & Research | Hindustan College of Arts & Science | 2023-09-04 - 2023-09-09 |
28 | Dr.SUBI MOL G S | Talent Acquisition and Management | NPTEL | 2024-01-22 -2024-04-12 |
29 | Dr.SUBI MOL G S | National Level FDP on Influence of AI in Teaching & Research | Hindustan College of Arts & Science, Coimbatore | 2023-09-04 -2023-09-09 |
30 | Dr.D.SAHAYA BEULA | Emerging Trends in Business and Information Technology | 2024-03-26 - 2024-03-26 | |
31 | Dr.D.SAHAYA BEULA | Life Long Learning Ethics And Education | The Centre for Research And Development | 2024-01-05 -2024-01-05 |
32 | Dr.D.SAHAYA BEULA | Teaching Learning and Research Methodology | Department of Artificial Intelligence and Agency | 2024-02-26 -2024-02-26 |
33 | Dr.D.SAHAYA BEULA | Artificial Intelligence in Financial Management | Ni University | 2024-02-23 - 2024-02-23 |
34 | Dr.D.SAHAYA BEULA | International Seminar Business Administration Management | 2024-01-13 - 2024-01-13 | |
35 | Dr. DIVYA D S RAJAN | Developing Soft Skills | National Institute of Technical Training & Research | 2024-02-12 -2024-02-16 |
36 | S JOSEPHIN KALA | Teaching, Learning and Research Methodology | Department of Artificial Intelligence and Data Science | 2024-02-19 - 2024-02-23 |
37 | S JOSEPHIN KALA | Power of AI for Enhancing Decision Making in Financial Management | Department of Management Studies | 2024-04-01 - 2024-04-05 |
38 | S JOSEPHIN KALA | Lifelong Learning and Ethics in Education | Centre for Research and Development | 2024-01-05 - 2024-01-05 |
S.No | Name of the Faculty | Programme | Agency | Period |
1 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | Free & Open Source Softwares for Effective Curriculum | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 2023-02-20 - 2023-02-24 |
2 | S. JASMINE SUGUNA | Business Analytics- Concepts & Applications | S A Engineering College, Thiruvercaud, Chennai | 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03 |
3 | K. MARIA VINU | Outcome Base Curriculum Design | NITTTR Chandigarh. | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
4 | K. MARIA VINU | Business Analytics - Concepts & Applications | S.A Engineering College - An Autonomous College | 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03 |
5 | MELISHA RAJ A | New Horizon in Drug Discovery and Development Process | Adamas University, Kolkata | 2023-02-23 |
6 | MELISHA RAJ A | Outcome Based Curriculum Design | Curriculum Development Centre Department, NITTTR | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
7 | MELISHA RAJ A | Blooms Taxonomy on Teaching and Learning | SanSnow's Nobel Professional Foundation | 2023-02-16 |
8 | MELISHA RAJ A | International certified career coach | Mindler | 2022-09-23 - 2022-09-24 |
9 | MELISHA RAJ A | Writing Skills and Publication of Journal Articles in SCOPUS and Web of Science | Holy cross college (Autonomous) | 2022-09-24 |
10 | MELISHA RAJ A | Business Analytics- concepts and application | S.A ENGINEERING COLLEGE | 2022-08-29 - 2022-09-03 |
11 | MELISHA RAJ A | Technical Research writing | St. Xavier's Catholic College of Engineering | 2022-08-27 |
12 | M ADLIN | Future Research and Innovation Technology | IET Kanya Kumari Local Network | 2023-03-06 - 2023-03-11 |
13 | M ADLIN | Outcome Based Curriculum Design | National Institute of Technical Teachers Training | 2023-02-13 -2023-02-17 |
14 | M ADLIN | Proactive Intelligence for Professional Excellence | Fatima College (Autonomous), Madurai | 2023-04-10 - 2023-04-15 |
15 | M ADLIN | Five Days National Level Seminar Hallway Biz'23 | Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan | 2023-01-20 - 2023-01-25 |
16 | M ADLIN | Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching and Learning | SanSnow's Nobel Professional Foundation | 2023-02-16 |
17 | M ADLIN | Challenges of Students in new normal | Government Arts college - Coimbatore | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
18 | M ADLIN | New Horizons in Drug Discovery and Development Process | School of Medical Sciences, Adamas University, Kol | 2023-02-23 |
19 | M ADLIN | Holistic Pedagogy | Don Bosco College, Bangalore | 2023-01-09 - 2023-01-15 |
20 | M ADLIN | Writing Skills and Publication of Journal Articles in SCOPUS and Web of Science | Holy cross college (Autonomous) | 2022-09-24 |
21 | M ADLIN | Technical Research Writing | SXCCE | 2022-08-27 |
22 | Dr. M. BABIMA | International Conference on Dynamic Business Environment | St. Joseph's Institute of Management, Tiruchi | 2023-01-09 |
23 | Dr. M. BABIMA | "Hallway Biz '23" | DWARAKA DOSS GOVERDHAN DOSS VAISHNAV COLLEGE | 2023-01-20 - 2023-01-25 |
24 | Dr. M. BABIMA | New Horizon in Drug Discovery and Development Process | Adamas University, Kolkata | 2023-02-23 |
25 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Blooms Taxonomy in Teaching and Learning | SanSnow's Nobel Professional Foundation | 2023-02-16 |
26 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Challenges for students in the new normal | Government Arts College, Coimbatore | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
27 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Research in Business, Management and Finance | PG Department of Management Studies, Bishop Heber | 2023-03-13 |
28 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Proactive Intelligence for Professional Excellence | IQAC Fatima College (Autonomous) Madurai | 2023-04-10 - 2023-04-15 |
29 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Outcome Based Curriculum Design | NITTTR, Chandigarh | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
30 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Future Research and Innovation Technologies | IET Kanyakumari Local Network | 2023-03-06 - 2023-03-11 |
31 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Writing Skills and publication of Journal Articles in Scopus | Holy Cross College | 2022-09-24 |
32 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Innovation Ambassador Training | Innovation Cell & AICTE | 2022-09-30 |
33 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Innovation Ambassador Training | Innovation Cell & AICTE | 2022-10-10 |
34 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Basics of IPR Course | Turnip Innovations | 2022-09-26 - 2022-10-02 |
35 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Entrepreneurship Course | Turnip Innovations | 2022-07-21 - 2022-08-25 |
36 | Dr. M. BABIMA | Product Management Course | Turnip Innovations | 2022-07-14 - 2022-07-21 |
37 | RAJA MINI SARA R | Technical Research writing | SXCCE | 2022-08-28 |
38 | JENIT HANSON G | Holistic Pedagogy | Don Bosco College, TC Palya, Bengaluru | 2023-01-09 - 2023-01-15 |
39 | JENIT HANSON G | Five days national level seminar Hallway Biz'23 | Dwaraka Doss Goverdhan | 2023-01-20 - 2023-01-25 |
40 | JENIT HANSON G | Challenges of students in new normal | Government arts college coimbatore | 2023-02-13 - 2023-02-17 |
41 | JENIT HANSON G | New horizons in drug discovery and development process | School of medical sciences, Adamas University | 2023-02-23 |
42 | JENIT HANSON G | Writing skills and publication of journal articles in scopus and web of science | Holy Cross College | 2022-09-24 |
Department of MBA | Academic
Year |
Name of the faculty & Designation | Details of Achievements | Organizer |
2015-2016 |
Dr. Oliver Bright/Professor | Quality Culture Award by Quality Institute of India | Quality Institute of India | |
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Recognized as Chairman IEEE education society, Madras Section | IEEE | ||
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Recognized as treasurer IEEE education society, Madras Section |
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Recognized as treasurer IEEE SSIT, Madraseducation society, Madras Section 2015-2016 |
Mr. R. Bright Reginold Raja/Assistant Professor | Recognized as joint secretary, IET, KKLN |
Mr. R. Bright Reginold Raja/Assistant Professor | Recognized as advisor, Oliver G foundation |
Oliver G foundation |
2017-2018 |
Dr. Oliver Bright/Professor | Arranged MOU with Raj Infotech (p) Ltd, Nagercoil. |
Raj Infotech (p) Ltd, |
2018-2019 |
Ms. Punitha Sahaya Mary Francis/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | |
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Completed NPTEL course on FSARwith Elite | IIT Roorkee | ||
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Completed NPTEL course on PMM successfully | IIT Roorkee | ||
Dr. Oliver Bright/Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Roorkee | ||
Ms. S. Jasmine Suguna/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | ||
Ms. S. Jasmine Suguna/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on GMM with successfully | IIT Kharagpur | ||
Ms. S. Viji Chitra/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | ||
Ms. C. S. Vidhya/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | ||
2019-2020 |
Ms. Punitha Sahaya Mary Francis/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on IBME with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | |
Mr. K. Maria Vinu/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Madras | ||
Ms. S. Jasmine Suguna/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on IBME with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | ||
Dr. Lovelin Aguskani/Associate Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Madras | ||
Mr. R. Bright Reginold Raja/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE with Elite | IIT Madras | ||
Mr. J. Jerlin Rajan/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on OBE successfully | IIT Madras | ||
Ms. S. Viji Chitra/Assistant Professor | Completed NPTEL course on IBME with Elite | IIT Kharagpur | ||
2021-2022 |
Melisha Raj. A/Assistant Professor | Completed Effective Leadership Skills and Strategies with Gold Medal | Alison | |
Melisha Raj. A/Assistant Professor | Completed Retail Management - Merchandising, Distribution and Marketing with Silver | Alison |