
Industrial visit

Sl. No. Name of the Industry Date No. of Students
1 Krishi Vigyan Kendra 15-09-2023 48
2 UST Global Trivandrum 10-11-2023 64


Educational Tour

S. No. Places visited Date No. of Students
1 Marayoor, Munnar and Vagamon 16-11-2023 ,




Industrial Visits and Long Tour by the Students


Class Industry / Organization Visited / Long Tour Date of Visit No. of Students Relevant Area
I MCA UST Global, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram 10/11/2023 66 IT
I MCA Krishi Vigyan Kendra, Thiupathisaram 08/09/2023 50 IT
I MCA Atos Syntel, Tirunelveli 17/12/2022 62 IT
I MCA UST Global, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram 10/06/2022 56 IT
I MCA UST Global, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram 25/09/2019 54 IT
III MCA MIGHTY ELECTRONICS EQUIPMENTS CORPORATION, Coimbatore 05/09/2019 to 08/09/2019 18 Electronics
II MCA UST Global, Technopark, Thiruvananthapuram 24/01/2019 35 Software  developing  process, services and  innovation
III MCA Educational Tour

(Mysore and Bangalore)

19/09/2019 30 Indian Culture
II MCA Sea View at Technopark, Trivandrum 28/12/2017 35 Dot-Net Technology
III MCA Educational tour (Lal Bagh botanical garden, Art Gallery and Visvesvaraya Industrial/Technological museum, Wonderla) 22/09/2017 33 Indian heritage
II MCA ISRO, Trivandrum 17/08/2016 42 Rocket Technology