- R. Gracy Star ; F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan ; J. Shajeen, Error Resilient Transmission of Color Mosaic Images Using Combined Approach, Int. Conf. on Smart Systems and Inventive Tech., ICSSIT 2019.
- A. Arjuna, R. Reena Rose, Performance Analysis of Various Contrast Enhancement techniques with Illumination Equalization on Retinal Fundus Images, International Conference on Smart Systems and Inventive Technology’, ICSSIT 2019.
- Beulah & F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan,‘Comparison of De-Duplication Methods for Data Storage, International Conference on Applied Mathematics and theoretical computer science’, ICAMTCS-2018, Feb 2018.
- JeyaSutha& Ramesh Dhanaseelan,‘Detection of breast cancer based on fuzzy frequent itemsets mining’, International Conference on Applied Mathematics and theoretical computer science, ICAMTCS-2018, Feb 2018.
- JeyaSutha& Ramesh Dhanaseelan,‘A Survey on Fuzzy Association Rule Mining’, International Conference on Intelligent Computing Technologies (ICICT’17), Sept 2017.
M. Jeya Sutha and Dr. F. Ramesh Dhanaseelan, ‘Closed Frequent Itemsets mining over Data streams for Visualizing Network Traffic’, 2015 International Conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies [ICCPCT], Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, 19 Mar - 20 Mar 2015.
Mala A, Dr. Ramesh Dhanaseelan F, “Improved Prefetching by Mining Frequent Itemsets from Web Logs”, In Proc. of International Conference on Energy Efficient Technologies for Sustainability, 2014.
S.Sahaya Nirmala, Dr.F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, ‘A New Fuzzy Rule-based Clustering Algorithm, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 196-199, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
V. Abarna Devi, Mrs.R. Reena Rose , ‘Effective Image Retrival using cbir’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 159-162, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
Ms.Ansilin Mini, M. M.Janeela Theresa, ‘Tri-key scheme for seperable reversible data hiding in encrypted image’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 163-168, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
G.Raga Lekshmi, M. Jeyasutha, ‘English Handwritten Character Recognization’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 177-181, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
M.shiny, Dr. F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, ‘An efficient way to detect DDOS attacks using intrusion prevention system’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 113-116, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
John Sowmya J, Jencewin J., ‘OPass: A Novel Authentication Scheme Using Long-term password Against Password Stealing’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 117-121, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
Priyanga E.N., Mrs. M.Jasmine Annie Genefer, ‘A Wireless Sensor Network Using Batch Signature Verification for Mobile Sinks’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 122-126, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
Shermila Thangam. A, Mrs.J.Jencewin, ‘IP TRACEBAKING ON AN HYBRID APPROACH’, Proceedings of National conference on computing Intelligence and Applications 3rd April – 2013, 127-130, Department of Computer Applications, SXCCE, Chunkankadai.
M. M. Janeela Theresa, V. Joseph Raj, ‘Selection of optimal pattern for better performance of Fuzzy Neural Network in criminal law’, Proceedings of EEECS’12, the 7thInternational Symposium on Electrical and Electronics Engineering & Computer System, European University of lefke, Turkey, Nov. 2012
M. M. Janeela Theresa, V. Joseph Raj, ‘Analogy making in criminal law with neural network’, 2011 International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology, 772 – 775, 2011.
R. Reena Rose, A. Suruliandi, ‘Improving performance of Texture Based Face Recognition system by segmenting face region’, ACEEE Int. J. on Network Security, Vol.02, No.03, July 2011
R. Reena Rose, A. Suruliandi, ‘Combining texture with geometry for performance enhancement of facial recognition techniques’, IEEE International Conference on Emerging Trends in Electrical and Computer Technology, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Enginnering, Nagercoil, India, 23-24 March 2011.
F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, E.R.Naganathan, “DT*-Tree: A new extended main memory database index structure”, National Conference on Computer Science and Applications (NCCSA), pg no: 57-61, 2008.
F.Ramesh Dhanaseelan, E.R.Naganathan “A new method for finding frequent itemsets using candidate generation”, International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication (ICACC), pg no: 214-218, 2007.