Journal Publications
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | ISSN | Vol-Issue-Page | Indexing |
1. | Dr.J.Mary Vanaja , Dr.M.Maenu | Evolution of Novels in India | NeuroQuantology | 13035150 | 20,11, 3550 | Scopus |
2. | L.Mary | Integral sum graphs Gn and G-r,n are perfect graphs | AKCE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GRAPHS AND COMBINATORICS | 1-7 | SCI | |
3. | L. Mary Florida,
M.Felix Nes Mabel , S.Asha Alice, P.Adin Shiny |
Decomposition of Graphs using Prime Labeling Algorithm | Mukt Shabd Journal | 2347-3150 | XII, I,17 -23 | Google Scholar |
5. | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice | Labeling Graph connectivity patterns in the human brain network using fMRI data | Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University | 1673-064X | 18-01-170-176 | Google Scholar |
6. | L.Mary | Modelling Of Maximal Connectivity Pattern in Human Brain Networks | NeuroQuantology | ISSN: 1303-5150 | 20(6):4410-4421 | Scopus |
8. | M. Jeya Suthaa, F. Ramesh Dhanaseelana, M. Felix Nes Mabel and V.T. Vijumon | T2FM: A novel hashtable based type-2 fuzzy frequent itemMsets mining | Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems | 1064-1246 | Pre-press, 1-14 | SCI |
9. | T. Berjin magizha, M. K. Angel Jebitha and S. Sujitha | Domination uniform subdivision number of total graphs | Advances and Applications in mathematical Sciences | 0974-6803 | 12, 6679-66 | WOS |
10. | V.Vijimon Moni, D.Judson, L.G.X.Agnel Livingston, A.Annie Portia | Effect of tunicated Allium cepa bulb leaf activated biochar on polyvinyl alcohol composite shielding material for electronics application. | Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery | 21906815 | 13-7 | SCI |
11. | V. Vijimon Moni · D. Judson · X. Ascar Davix · J. John | Energy Management and Optimal Allocations of Resource in Ultra‑dense 5G Networks Using OGDNG Theory with GWO Method | Wireless Personal Communication | 0929-6212 | SCI | |
12. | S.A.Anuja & Dr. P.Kavitha,P.M,Hency, C.H.Jothi and R.J.Rose | Comparative study of water quality between upstream and downstream of Thamirabarani River using multivariate statistical tools | Scientific Research and Essays | ISSN:1992-2248 | 18(3),pp.33-44 | SCI |
13. | S.A.Anuja & Dr. P.Kavitha | Geochemical Characteristics and Textural Assessment of Surface Sediment in Thamirabarani River Bsin | Journal of Fundamental & Comparative Research | 2277-7067 | X,1,70-76 | Others |
14. | S.A.Anuja,P.Kavitha,C.Hemlet Jothi | Assessment of Thamirabarani River Sediment Contamination Using Pollution Indicators and Multivariate Statistical Methods | China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 1008-6234 | 23,2,3785-3799 | Scopus |
15. | S.A.Anuja,P.Kavitha,C.Hemlet Jothi | CCME WQI-Based Evaluation of Ground Water Quality in VillukuriPanchayat | China Petroleum Processing and Petrochemical Technology | 1008-6234 | Scopus | |
16. | S.A.Anuja & P.Kavitha | Heavy Metal Pollution in Surface Water and Sediment: A Preliminary Assessment of Thamirabarani River in Kanyakumari Districti | International Journal of Food and Nutritional Sciences | 2319-1775 | 11, 12,62-72 | Others |
17. | Mary Jenitha, L | SUPER EDGE CONNECTIVITY NUMBER OF AN ARITHMETICS GRAPH | J. Indones. Math. Soc. | 28-1-69-74 | WOS |
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | ISSN | Vol-Issue-Page | Indexing |
2. | L. Mary Florida, M. Felix Nes Mabel, S. Asha Alice | Labeling Graph connectivity patterns in the human brain network using fMRI data | Journal of Xi’an Shiyou University | 1673-064X | 18-01-170-176 | Scopus |
3. | D. Mary Mettalin | Concept of forcing P-Geodetic Number of a Graph | GIS SCIENCE JOURNAL | 1869-9391 | 08-07-761-766 | Scopus |
4. | D. Mary Mettalin | Characterization of P-Geodetic Number of a Graph | NOYI MIR RESEARCH JOURNAL | 0130-7673 | 06-06-146-150 | Google
Scholar |
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | ISSN | Vol-Issue-Page | Indexing |
1. | A Suhasini , K P Vinod Kumar, A Maria Sheela and N SheenKumar | Electrical and Electrochemical studies of Polyurethane diol/Polycaprolactone-Iron Oxide nanocomposites | IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering | 1757-899X | 983, 012009 |
Scopus |
2. | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel Jebitha | Domination Uniform Subdivision Number of G0K1 | Advances in Mathematics: Scientific Journal | 1857-8365 | N0.6, 4139-4144 | S
copus |
3. | N.Sheen Kumar | Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of semi-organic NLO materials: L-valine copper chloride as optoelectronic sensor | Indian Journal of Physics | 0973-1458 | 12648-020-01946 |
4. | Srividya, K., Glivin, G., Sreeja, V. & Premalatha, M. | A Review on Eco-Restoration of Rivers with Special Focus on Industrial Wastewater Treatment | Energy Research Journal | 1949-0151 | 12-1-22-38 |
Others |
In the year 2019
S.M.R.Joseph Ramesh and N.Sheen Kumar, Growth and Structural Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP Crystals, Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol.9, pp 26-33, December 2019.
L.Mary Florida, V.Vilfred &S.Asha Alice, Two Problems in Integral Sum Labeling, International Journal of Innovations in Engineering and Technology, ISSN: 2319-1058, Vol.14,Issue 4, (057-060)
Ramesh and N.Sheen Kumar, Optical Characterization of Gel Grown Pure and Mixed KDP-ADP crystals, Journal of Engineering Research and Application, Vol.9, pp 20-25, December 2019.
A.Suhasini,K.P.Vinodkumar, solubility and swelling studies of polymerhybrid nickel oxide nanocomposite, Journal of the Indian Chemical society, Scientific Publ-India, 2019.
A.Suhasini,K.P.Vinodkumar, Investigation of polyurethane diol/polycaprolactone: nickel oxide nanocomposites, Journal of thermoplastic composite materials, sage publications, 2019.
T.Evangeline Rebecca,A.Ludvin Felcy, M.M.Latha, 2019, ‘Localized spin excitations in a site-dependent antiferromagnetic spin system with D-M interaction’,EPJ B, Vol 92,pp.188.
V.Vijimon Moni & Dr.S.Robinson Chellathurai,On The Open Monophonic Domination Number of a Graph,'Journal of Applied Science and Computations', VI & VI 1244-52
V.Vijimon Moni & Dr.S.Robinson Chellathurai,On The Upper Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph,'Journal of Applied Science and Computations' , Vol.8(1), pp 1877-87
V.Vijimon Moni and S.Robinson Chellathurai,'The Forcing Open Geodetic Domination Number of a Graph',Journal of Computer and Mathematical Sciences,2319-8133
In the year 2018
Ludvin Felcy, A, Latha, MM 2018, ‘A spin rotator model for Heisenberg helimagnet’,Physica A, Vol 491,pp.1-12.
Antony subin, SB, Sreeja,V,2018, ‘Energy linking between Bio-mass, Bio-fuel and Bio-Slurry’.
Godson,GS,Sreeja,V,2018, ‘A study on the energy efficient usage of Bio slurry of Biogas plants’.
Mary Florida, Asha Alice, Maria Jim Stony, theoretical analysis, comp uter simulation of a zero voltage transitio n synchronous buck converter for portable applications, international journal of current engineering and scientific research (IJCESR, Technical Research Organisation, 2018.
Shanu.M, ChristusJeyaSingh.V& Edwin Gladson.S, A review o synthesis of gold nanoparticles interacts with different amino acids, International Journal of Power Systems and Power Electronics, , 2018.
In the year 2017
Amala Prathiba Janet, C, Lavanya, M, Rajesh, KB, Udhayakumar, M, Jaroszewicz, Z & Dhayalan, V 2017, ‘Tight Focusing Properties of Azimuthally Polarized Pair of Vortices Beam through a Dielectric interface’, Chinese Physics Letters, vol. 34, no. 7, pp. 074209.
N.Sheen Kumar and S.L.Rayar, Synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of semi organic NLO materials: L-Valine Zinc Chloride as Optic sensor, JENT, J. Environ. Nanotechnol., 2017.
In the year 2016
A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel, “Connected dominating sets and connected domination polynomials of squares of centipedes”, Journal of Information and Optimization Sciences, vol.37, no.2, pp.155-165.
A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel, “Connected domination polynomial of some graphs”, IOSR Journal of Mathematics, vol.12, no.4, pp.13-16.
N.Sheen Kumar, S.L.Rayar, “Studies on structural, mechanical, NLO and electrical properties of L-valine cadmium chloride crystals grown with different concentrations of cadmium chloride”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research,vol.8, no.4,pp.592-601.
C.Amala Prathiba Janet, K.B.Rajesh, M.Udhayakumar, Z.Jaroszewicz, T.V.S.Pillai, “Tight Focusing Properties of Radially Polarized Gaussian Beams with Pair of Vortices”, Chinese Physics Letters, vol.33, no.12 pp 124206.
C.Amala Prathiba Janet, M.Udhayakumar, K.B.Rajesh, Z.Jaroszewicz, T.V.S.Pillai, “Generating multiple focal structures with high NA parabolic mirror using azimuthally polarized pair of vortices”, Optical and Quantum Electronics, vol 48, no.521, pp 1-8.
A.Ludvin Felcy, M.M.Latha, C.Christal Vasanthi, “A nonlinear lattice model for Heisenberg helimagnet and spin wave instabilities”, Physica B,vol.499, pp 49-56.
A.Ludvin Felcy, M.M.Latha, C.Christal Vasanthi, “Soliton stability in a square lattice model of an inhomogeneous helimagnet”, The European Physical Journal B, vol.89, no.3, pp 66.
A.Suhasini, K.P.Vinod Kumar, “Synthesis, thermal and magnetic behavior of iron oxide – polymer nanocomposites”, Science and Engineering of Composite Materials, vol.24, no.6, pp.1-7, (2016).
S.Kanakaraj, J.Mary Vanaja, “Portrayal of women in the novels of Anita Desai”, Hind Litt, vol.3, pp 10-16.
In the year 2015
Maria Jim Stony, Marsaline Beno, Mary Florida, “Simulation of a zero voltage transition synchronous buck converter for portable applications”, Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, vol.11, pp 8-10.
Amala Prathiba Janet,P. Suresh, T. V. S. Pillai, “Effect of Pupil Beam in the Focal Region of High Numerical Aperture Objective Lens”, Journal of Environmental Nanotechnology,vol 4, no.1 pp.76-79.
R.Inigo, K.P.Vinod Kumar, V.A.Nagarajan, C.Seldev Christopher, “Corrosion Inhibition Studies on Carbon Steel by trans 1”, Oxidation Communication, vol.38, no.4, pp 1748-1755.
A.M.Alice Margret, A.Amal Raj, T.Citarasu, C.Nirmala Louis, “Statistical assessment of Physico-chemical parameters of water from bore holes and shallow wells in Agasteeswaram and Kalkulam taluks of Kanyakumari District, India”, Universal Journal of Chemistry, vol 3, no. 1, pp 27-47.
A.M.Alice Margret, A.Amal Raj, T.Citarasu, “Chemical and Physical analysis of drinking water from shallow wells and bore holes in Thovalai and Vilavancode taluks”, Global Journal of Science frontier research: B-Chemistry.
In the Year 2014
A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel, “Connected dominating sets and connected domination polynomials of Pn2”, International Journal of Mathematical Archive, vol.5, no.5, pp.174-183.
A.Vijayan, M.Felix Nes Mabel, “Connected dominating sets and connected domination polynomials of centipedes”, International Journal of Mathematical Sciences, vol.34, no.2, pp.1581-1589.
M.Felix Nes Mabel, A.Vijayan, “Connected dominating sets and connected domination polynomials of complete graph”, Mathematical Sciences International Research Journal, vol.3, no.2, pp.648-650.
N.Sheen Kumar, S.L.Rayar, “Investigation on growth and optical properties of LVCC single crystals, International Journal of Engineering Research and Applications”, vol.4, no.11, pp.62-68.
Threse Anita, C. Amala Prathiba Janet,K.Prabakaran, T.V.S.Pillai, K.B.Rajesh, “Effect of spherical aberration on tightly focused cylindrically polarized vortex beams”, Optik,vol.125, no.23, pp 6870–6873.
A.Suhasini, K.P.Vinod Kumar, “Solubility and swelling properties of Polyurethane diol/Polycaprolactone – Nickel oxide nanocomposite”, International Journal of Innovative Research in Science and Engineering, vol.2, no.2, pp.574-579.