Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | Int./Nat. |
1. | N.Sheen Kumar | Enhancing NLO properties of L-valine semi organic crystals by CdCl2 | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
2. | N.Sheen Kumar | Comparison of recently generated semi-organic NLO crystals: LVCC and LVCUC's photoconductivity and SHG characteristics | International Conference on Optics and Photonics Technology (ICOPT -23) | International |
3. | JerlinReginJ, Suhasini.A, DivyaDarshini.S, Jebisha S | Review on Flexural and Shear Strengthening of RC Members Using Textile Reinforcements | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
4. | Jerlin Regin J, Suhasini A, Udhayan A, Dinesh Thiraviam T,Rishikar T, Varun A | Primary Treatment of coconut retting waste water using coagulants | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
5. | T. Berjin Magizha and M. K. Angel Jebitha | Domination uniform subdivision number of G-+- | ICETMSA 2023 | International |
6. | T. Berjin Magizha and M. K. Angel Jebitha | Domination Uniform Subdivision Number of G--+ | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
7. | V.Vijimon Moni | The Restrained Open Geodetic Number of a Graph. | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
8. | C Amala Prathiba Janet, G Therese Anita, N Sheen Kumar & K B Rajesh | Tight Focusing of Circularly Polarized Vortices Pair Nested in Gaussian Beam through UniaxialCrystal | International Conference on Optics and Photonics Technology (ICOPT -23) | International |
9. | G. Therese Anita, A. Milton, C. Amala Prathiba Janet, K.B. Rajesh | Effects of Astigmatism on the Tight Focusing of Azimuthally Polarized Double Ring Beam | International Conference on Optics and Photonics Technology (ICOPT -23) | International |
10. | S.A.Anuja & Dr. P.Kavitha | Water Quality Assessment of Thamirabarani River using Water Quality Index ( WQI) and Multivariate Statistical Techniques | International conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME '23) | International |
11. | N Sheen Kumar, S L Rayar,and C.AmalaPrathiba Janet | Comparison of recently generated semi-organic NLO crystals: LVCC and LVCUC's photoconductivity and SHG characteristics | International Conference on Optics and Photonics Technology (ICOPT -23) | International |
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | Int./Nat. |
1 | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel JebithaS | The Domination uniform subdivision Number of G--- | International Conference on Recent Trends in Applied Mathematics (ICRTAM 2022) | International |
2 | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel JebithaS | Domination Uniform Subdivision number of Total graphs | International Conference on Recent Trends in mathematics and its Applications (ICRTMA 2022) | International |
3 | V.Vijimon Moni | The Forcing Restrained Open Monophonic Number of a graph | NCETDAM-2022 | National |
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | Int./Nat. |
1. | A.Suhasini, K.P.Vinodkumar | Organic polymer in semiconductor industry- a review | ICRITCC’21 | International |
2. | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel JebithaS | Domination Uniform Subdivision in graph operations | VICDM 2020 | International |
Sl.No | Authors | Title | Journal | Int./Nat. |
1. | S Edwin Gladson, M Shanu,V Christus Jeya Singh | Synthesis Of The Silver Nanoparticles Using Different Methods - A Review | ICASME 20 | International |
2. | T. Berjin Magizha, M.K. Angel JebithaS | Domination Uniform Subdivision Number of graph operations | ICIGA2020 | International |
3. | A Suhasini , K P Vinod Kumar , A Maria Sheela and N SheenKumar | Electrical and Electrochemical studies of Polyurethane diol/Polycaprolactone-Iron Oxide nanocomposites | IWCASME'20 | International |
Year | Staff Name | Conference Name | Title of the paper |
2019 |
A.Suhasini | ICASME'19 | Water absorption and solubility studies of Iron oxide polymer Nanocomposite, |
7 |
V.VijimonMoni | National Seminar on Contemporary Mathematics | The Open Monophonic Domination Number of a Graph | ||
A.MariaSheela, | ICASME'19 | Removal of Cu From waste water using paddy husk | ||
A.M.Alice Margret | ICASME -2019 | Statistical Analysis of water quality parameters of water samples in and around colachel village of Kanyakumari district during summer seaeon | ||
S.A.Anuja | ICASME 19 | Study on the quality of Tamiraparani river in Kanyakumari District | ||
Sreeja V | ICASME'19 | Seasonal assessment of river Kodayar with reference to Physico-chemical parameters | ||
Sreeja V | NCAEET 2019 | Assessment on the characteristics of river kodayar w.r.t nitrate, phosphate &sulphate | ||
2018 |
Sreeja V
ICEETS'18 | A Study on the energy efficient usage of bioslurry of biogas plants |
3 |
Sreeja V | ICEETS'18 | Energy linking betwen biomass, biofuel and bioslurry | ||
L. Mary Florida,&S.Asha Alice | ICAMTCS,2018 | A Study on (a,d) anti Magic Graphs using partition | ||
2016-2017 |
N.Sheen Kumar |
NCESDMT-2017 |
synthesis, crystal growth and characterization of semiorganic nlo materials |
8 |
Mrs. Alice Margret A M
Environmental Sustainability for Food Security(ENFOSE-2016) | Assessments of physico-chemical parameters of water from boreholes and shallow wells in Kanyakumari | ||
Mrs. Alice Margret A M
Water:The Elixir of Life | Chemical and physical analysis of drinking water from shallow wells and bore holes in Thovalai and Vilavancode | ||
Mrs. Vimala Joice M
Inernational conference on Nanotechnology: The Fruition of science (ICON-17) | Synthesis, characterization and biological application of curcumin based Schiff base ligand | ||
Mrs. Vimala Joice M
Research in present scenario | Schiff base metal complex of curcumin-A review | ||
Mrs. Vimala Joice M
Recent Advances in Chemistry Research and its Applications(NCRACRIA-17) | A Review of Schiff base metal complex of curcumin | ||
A.Ludvin Felcy | National conference on current Advancement in physics (NCCAP-2017) | A spin rotator model for Heisenberg helimagnet | ||
Mrs. Alice Margret A M
Sustainable Aspects in Engineering Technology and Management(NCSAETM-2016) | Physico-chemical characteristics of a freshwater pond in Thikkanamcode Kanyakumari District | ||
2014-2015 |
Mrs. Inigo R
Materials and Drug Chemistry (MDC-14) | Trans 1-(2,6-dihydroxyphenyl)-3-(3-hydroxy phenyl)prop-2-en-1-one as corrosion inhibitor for carbon steel in hydrochloric acid solution |
4 |
Mrs. Suhasini A | Recent Advances In Chemistry and Environment (RACE 2014) | Dielectric studies of Polyuretane-Diol / Polycaprolactone blend | ||
Mrs. Suhasini A
Materials and Drug Chemistry (MDC-14) | Conductivity evaluation of polymer composites | ||
Mrs. Suhasini A
Advances In Materials (AIM 2014) | Water absorption and solubiliities of polyurethane diol/polycaprolactone-Ironoxide composite | ||
2014-2015 |
Mrs. Inigo R
Advances In Materials (AIM 2014) | Corrosion inhibition efficiency of a chalcones derivative for carbon steel in 1M HCL |
3 |
Mrs. Maria Sheela A
Recent trends in Quantum Chemistry(QUANTUM 2014)
Preparation and characterization of nano TiO2 filled PU-diol & PCL blends
S.EdwinGladson | Recent trends in Ultrasonic applications of medica, 2015. | Salting out effect of sodium fluoride on glycine at different temperatures estimated using internal pressure | ||
2013-2014 |
Mrs. Felix Nes Mabel M | International Conference on Mathematics Sciences-2014 | Connected dominating sets and connected domination polynomials of complete graph |
8 |
Mrs. Suhasini A
International Conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME 14) | Synthesis and characterization of cardanol based curing agent for Epoxy resin. | ||
Mrs. Suhasini A
International conference on advances in new materials (ICAN-2014) | Solubility and swelling properties of Pu-diol/PCL-NiO nanocomposite | ||
Mrs. Maria Sheela A
International Conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME 14) | Solubility and swelling properties of composites of TiO2 nano particles filled blend of PU-diol & PCL | ||
Mrs. Inigo R
International Conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME 14) | Inhibitation of mild steel corrosion in Hcl acid by a chalcone derivative | ||
Mrs. Inigo R
International conference on emerging frontiers and challenges in chemistry (ICEFCC-2014) | Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive studies of trihydroxy chalcone on mild steel in HCL medium | ||
Dr.Sreeja V | International Conference on Advances in Sustainability of Materials and Environment (ICASME 14) | Seasonal variation of river kodayar with reference to the physic-chemical parameters | ||
Dr. Mary Mettalin D | Sree Ayyappa college for women & Kanniyakumari academy of arts and sciences (KAAS-2013) | Minimal p-geodetic number of graphs | ||
2012-2013 |
Mrs. Mary Florida L
International conference on applied mathematics and theoretical computer science(ICAMTICS-2013) | New families of integral sum graph-edge sum class and chromatic integral sum number |
Mrs. Mary Florida L | International conference on mathematics in engineering and business management (ICMEB -2012) | Integral sum graphs $H-{x,y}^{m,n}$,Edge sum class and Edge sum color number |
8 |
Mrs. Mary Mettalin D | International conference on applied mathematics and theoretical computer science(ICAMTICS-2013) | The forcing P-geodetic number of a graph | ||
Mrs. Inigo R | National conference on recent advances in surface science (RASS-2013) | Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive studies of Hevea Brasiliensir seed Husk extract on mild steel | ||
Mrs. Amala Prathiba Janet C | National Conference on Physics of New Materials (NCPNM-2012) | Generation of sub wavelength longitudinal magnetic field | ||
Mr. Rexin Thusnavis G | National conference on Recent Advances In Surface Science (RASS-2013) | Adsorption and corrosion inhibitive studies of Hevea Brasiliensis seed husk extract on mildsteel. | ||
Mrs. Maria Pushpam | International journal of latest trends in engineering &technology(IJLTET) | Comparative analysis of physicochemical parameters of two famous temple tanks in Kanyakumari District,S.India | ||
Mrs. Amala Prathiba Janet C | Nanomaterials and applications(ICNMA-2012) | Increasing the depth of focus of azimuthally…Numerical lens axicon | ||
Mrs. Mary Mettalin D | Kanyakumari Academy of Arts and Sciences (KAAS) | Characterisation of P-geodetic number of a graph |