• Our student VIBIN W Mech won the Gold Medal in Silumbum conducted by the Rural Amateur Games Association from 04/09/2021 to 06/09/2021
• Our student Anand.S of 3rd CSE won the Silver Medal in Tamilnadu Junior state Power Lifting competition held at Coimbatore TamilNadu dated 18/09/2021 &19/09/2021
• Our student DHINESH M S IV Year Mech won the Silver Medal in Tamilnadu State Power Lifting competition Under 90 Kg dated 08/10/2021 & 09/10/2021
• Our student Mohamed Aslam S M IV Year Civil won the Silver Medal in Tamilnadu State Power Lifting competition Under 74 Kg dated 08/10/2021 & 09/10/2021
• Our student SANJAI KUMAR R II Year Mech won the Gold Medal in Kanyakumari District Table Tennis Tournament
• Our student E Joshi Sieana,Third Mech,S V Jashni Chritina Castro M C,Rohith Third Civil &M Abishek First year Civil are participated in Anna University Athletic selection trials dated Kongunadu Engg College Thottiam, Namakkal Dist dated 19/12/2021 &21/12/2021
• Our college Physical Director is the one of the selection committee member in Anna University Foot Ball Team selection held at Kongunadu Engg College Thottiam, Namakkal Dist dated 27/12/2021 &29/12/2021
• Our student Mohamed Aslam S M IV Year Civil won the Bronce Medal in Tamilnadu State Power Lifting competition Under 74 Kg dated 19/03/2022 & 20/03/2022 held at Salem District
• Our student DHINESH M S IV Year Mech won the Silver Medal in Anna University Power Lifting competition Under 93 Kg dated 22/03/2022 & 23/03/2022 held at AVS Engineering College Salem
• Our student Anand.S III Year CSE won the Gold Medal in Anna University Power Lifting competition Under 93 Kg dated 22/03/2022 & 23/03/2022 held at AVS Engineering College Salem
• Our student Anand.S III Year CSE participated the All India University Power Lifting Men Championship held at Janardan Rai Nagar Rajasthan Vidyapeeth, Udaipur. Rajasthan.dated16/04/2022 to19/04/2022.
• The annual sports meet was held on 21/04/2022 inaugurated by Dr. Bright Selvakumar, Principal Christian College Of Physical Education, Nagercoil.