
  1. To develop a community of excited learners and innovative explorers in the field of automation and machine building with emphasis on professionalism, research and entrepreneurship.



  1. Students are provided with well-equipped kits to thrive in Robot designing, research and entrepreneurship.
  2. Every year, Teams participate in new Games that requires them to design, build, test, and program autonomous and driver-operated Robots that must perform a series of tasks.
  3. The students are given opportunity to compete in teams with each other and with other colleges yet at the same time help each other in problems thereby sharing technical knowledge and promoting gracious professionalism.



  1. To develop self-confidence, leadership, Team work and social responsibility.
  2. To train up students in developing algorithms in a technical working environment and to apply real-world math and science concepts.
  3. To help students explore as eminent researchers and successful entrepreneurs.
  4. To implant the practice of Keep trying, keep taking the best shots, learn from them, pick themselves up.
  5. To behave with courtesy and compassion for others at all times.