Report 2022-2023
The Youth Red Cross is the most important constituent of its mother organization, Indian Red Cross. It is a group movement organized for student in Colleges and Technical institutions.
We started the activities for the year 2022-2023 with an installation meeting on 24-09-2022 in the presence of Correspondent, Principal and Youth Red Cross Programme officer. The student office bearers are Anu Alan A - Chairman, Navin Richard M -Vice chairman, Brintha L -Secretary, Sanjeev Mugunthan A V - Joint secretary , Collins vinsha A -Treasurer, Kanistus V M -Joint Treasurer, Sahaya Vismi S - Program coordinator and Executive Members are Padua Aasher Antony, Shanjeya Bhaarath I R, Gerald Briyolan. B, Kumaresh J, Lalith Kumar K.
Independence Day 2022
Independence Day was celebrated in our college premises on 15th August, 2022. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheswaran gave a special address on that occasion
Drug abuse prevention among youth
In order to create awareness among the students regarding drug abuse prevention, a half day seminar on” Drug abuse prevention among youth” was conducted on 29-10-2022.Rev.Fr. John Benhar, Director of Puthuvasantham Addiction Treatment Ministry, Kuzhithurai Diocese, Tholayavattam, Kanyakumari District has been consented as the resource person for the day.
Ms. Preethimanjra J S, II Year CSE-B welcomed the gathering. Followed by the welcome address, Fr. John Benhar presented his thoughts on Drug abuse prevention. Main objective of the event was to educate student about the harmful effects of drug addiction and make them to be a role model in the society. Resource person, Rev.Fr. John Benhar, felt very sad about menace of drug addiction that was destroying our youth. He highlighted the sad reality of rising trend of drug addiction among college and university students. He discussed various aspects of drug abuse emphasizing prevention and how to seek professional help. An educational video on the importance of preventing substance abuse was also visualized for the students. He also added the essentiality to engage our youth in healthy co-curricular and sports activities to prevent them from indulging into drug addiction. The students clarified their doubts and responded the program in an interactive manner. The event came to an end with vote of thanks by Ms. Sahaya Vismi S, III year IT. The program was organized as part of the UGC activity- “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” a year-long celebration of the 75th year of Indian Independence. A total of 53 students attended the session.
Republic Day 2023
Republic Day was celebrated in our college premises on 26th January, 2023. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag and delivered the republic day address. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheswaran gave a special address on that occasion. NCC students participated in the Republic Day parade .The program ended with national anthem.
Blood donation camp 2023
Our youth red cross associated with kanyakumari medical college hospital, asaripallam has conducted a blood donation camp on 23-3-2022.The function started at 9.30 am with a prayer. Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William, Correspondent, SXCCE inaugurated the function with an inaugural speech. Our principal Dr.J.Maheswaran felicitated the gathering after the inaugural speech. Our chief guest Dr.R.Kaveri, Blood bank medical officer, kanyakumari medical college hospital, asaripallam addressed the gathering about the awareness of blood donation. 120 students participated in the camp and 74 students have donated blood to the kanyakumari medical college blood bank.
Road safety and Traffic awareness
In order to create awareness among the students regarding Indian traffic rules and safety, a half day seminar on” Road safety and Traffic awareness” was conducted on 30-03-2023. Mr.A William Benjamin, Inspector of police, Colachel Traffic Police Station has been consented as the resource person for the day.
Ms. M Ayswarya, III Year ECE-A welcomed the gathering. Inspector of police, Mr. A.William Benjamin addressed our college students about the road safety rules. He said that every citizen of our country should follow the road safety rules, while driving a car seat belt should be worn and helmet while riding a two wheeler. Everyone should learn the road traffic and safety rules at a very early age to perform safer behaviours in the later life.
He also emphasized on the rules and regulations pertaining to road safety through power point presentation followed by students interaction and queries, ultimately making the whole session more interactive and informative. He also highlighted on women safety and provided information about a women safety application that helps women during times of distress.
The event came to an end with vote of thanks by Ms. Brintha L, III year ECE-A. The program was organized as part of the UGC activity- “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” a year-long celebration of the 75th year of Indian Independence. A total of 144 students attended the session.
Road safety and Traffic awareness
In order to create awareness among the first year students regarding Indian traffic rules and safety, a half day seminar on” Road safety and Traffic awareness” was conducted on 02-06-2023. Mr.A William Benjamin, Inspector of police, Colachel Traffic Police Station has been consented as the resource person for the day.
Ms. S P Kethzia, I Year CSE-B welcomed the gathering. Inspector of police, Mr. A.William Benjamin addressed our college students about the road safety rules. He said that every citizen of our country should follow the road safety rules, while driving a car seat belt should be worn and helmet while riding a two wheeler. Everyone should learn the road traffic and safety rules at a very early age to perform safer behaviours in the later life.
He also emphasized on the rules and regulations pertaining to road safety through power point presentation followed by students interaction and queries, ultimately making the whole session more interactive and informative. He also highlighted on women safety and provided information about a women safety application that helps women during times of distress.
The event came to an end with vote of thanks by Ms. M Mona Salama, I Year CSE-B. The program was organized as part of the UGC activity- “Azadi Ka Amrut Mahotsav” a year-long celebration of the 75th year of Indian Independence. A total of 502 students attended the session.
International Yoga Day 2023
International Yoga Day is observed every year on June 21 to raise awareness about this ancient practice and to celebrate the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world. Yoga is a practice which plays an important role in relaxing the mind and body and boosting people’s immune system.
Our Youth Red Cross celebrated “International Yoga Day” in our college conference hall on 21-6-2023.The function started at 7.30 am with a prayer. Our principal Dr.J.Maheswaran felicitated the gathering. 54 students participated in the function. Warm up exercises were taken and all the students practiced & performed sitting and standing asanas, importance of these were explained simultaneously. The celebration concluded with the speech of our YRC coordinator J.Leon bosco raj.