Startup Cell Activities Conducted (2024 -2025)

Sl. No. Date Program/Activity Name Type of Program Resource Person No. of


1 22/08/2024 Seminar on “Empowering Sustainable Startups for a better future” Skills Mr. S. Gokul Kumar, Head of Product Development, Flutterfrog Solutions LLP 192
2 19/09/2024 Seminar on “Personal Finance and Entrepreneurship”


Skills Dr. Sharan Kumar Shetty, Ph. D, BMS Engineering College (VTU) 61
3 28/09/2024 Workshop on Innovate and Lead: Entrepreneurship from the Ground up   Tmt. Suranya Smrithy Sajay, President, KDFMMS, Nagercoil


4 14/11/2024 Workshop on

Inspiring Motivational Talk

Skills Mr. Ganesh Kumar S, Managing Director, Ayoki Fabricon Pvt. Ltd 146



Startup Cell Activities Conducted (2023 -2024)


Sl. No. Date Program/Activity Name Type of Program Resource Person No. of Participants
1 25/04/2024 & 26/04/2024 Workshop on “How to plan for Start-up and legal & Ethical Steps Skills Dr. Siddarth Mohapatra, Centre for the Motherly Manager 94
2 10/05/2024 Seminar on "Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) and IP management for Startup" Skills Dr, M. Babima, Assistant Professor, Department of MBA, SXCCE 84