Academic year 2023-2024
- Our cadets, CSUO MUKESH KUMAR S, CUO NIBIN RAJ S S, Sgt JENIN J and Sgt MOHAMED SHAMEEM S got the Tamil Nadu Govt. scholarship for their outstanding performance in NCC. Each cadet received an amount of Rs 5000.
- Eight cadets of our college attended the Army Attachment Camp at 10 Engineer Regiment, The Madras Sappers, Secunerabad, Pin – 914010, C/O, 56, APO from 01 May 23 to 12 May 23. These cadets were exposed to Regular Indian Army training & routine. Opening address was given by Col Akashay Shiv, Commanding Officer, 10 Engineer Regiment. Latest equipment layout and briefing was done by Hav Tamilselvan, Hav Harikrishnan and Hav Arun. Cadets also visited Golconda Fort.
- In order to observe the World Blood Donor Day and to encourage NCC cadets to donate blood, a blood donation camp was organized by 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil on 14-06-2023 at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. Dr Prince Sreekumar Pias, Dean, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, explained the conditions required for donating blood and the need of blood donation. Dr Kavery, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, and her team conducted blood donation. Three cadets from our college donated blood on that occasion.
- Fifteen SD and four SW cadets from our college participated in the Annual Training Camp held at NI Centre for Higher Education from 24-05-2023 to 02-06-2023. Under the leadership of Camp Commandant Col C P Unni Krishnan proper training and healthy food were given to cadets. Our cadet Ruthraji R V got first prize in Solo song and cadet R P Abinesh got second prize in Solo song competitions. Our cadets also participated in Volley ball and Kho Kho competitions and got prizes.
- Sixty eight cadets (50 SD and 18 SW) participated in International Yoga Day celebration on 21-06-2023. A brief introduction about Yoga day was given to the cadets by the ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran explained the importance of Yoga and asked the students to practice it regularly. With the blessings of our correspondent Rev.Dr.Maria William and our bursar Rev.Fr M.Francis Xavier, the program was conducted from 7.15 am to 7.50 am. NSS Programme Officers Mr John Paul, Mr Agnel Livingsten, YRC Programme Officer Mr. Leon Bosco Raj and Physical Director Mr.M.Thomas Mathiyas were also present during the program.
- Awareness on the ill effects of drug addiction and ways to bring the youth out of the clutches of drugs is the need of the hour. Chief Minister MK Stalin launched the scheme of "Drug Free Tamil Nadu" under which several awareness programme have been planned to eradicate narcotic substances in the State. As a part of this a Drug awareness program was conducted by Kanya Kumari District Police on 25-6-2023 at Armed Reserve Police Camp, Nagercoil. Nearly 1000 students including 500 NCC cadets participated in this program. Twenty cadets and the ANO of our college participated. The participants took pledge and committed themselves to consciously cooperate in stopping drug abuse and stay away from drugs to live a healthy life. A formation of ‘SAY NO TO DRUGS’ was made by the 1000 students. Shri C Sylendra Babu IPS, DGP, Tamil Nadu Police was the Chief guest of the program.
- Annual Training Camp was conducted at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil, from 11-07-2023 to 20-07-2023. Eleven cadets including 3 SW cadets of our college participated in this camp. All the senior division and senior wing cadets got opportunity to fire using .22 rifle. Motivation & awareness Special lectures were conducted for NCC cadets. Our cadet Anish D S got second prize in firing competition. Cadets exhibit their talents during the cultural program. Our ANO acted as the Camp Adjutant in this camp.
- An Orientation program for ANOs and CTOs was organized at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil on 17-08-2023. The theme of the program is ‘Opportunities for NCC cadets in Defence services’. Our ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson delivered a talk on ‘Mode of entries in Armed Forces’. Fifty two ANOs / CTOs from various schools and colleges and also cadets attended the program.
- Our ANO received appreciation from the NCC Madurai Group Commander Col Amit Gupta for performing the NCC duties in an outstanding manner. The certificate was issued during the Annual Adm Inspection held on 18-8-2023 at 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil. Officer Commanding Col C P Unnikrishnan was also present during that occasion.
- Annual Training Camp was conducted at Rohini College of Engineering & Technology, Anjugramam, from 22-08-2023 to 31-08-2023. From our college thirteen cadets including 1 SW cadet participated in this camp. Cadet Abinesh M Raj got first prize in solo dance competition and our cadets also got first prize for group dance competition.
- In view of Teachers Day celebration, a seminar on ‘Each One Reach One Teach One’ was arranged to our cadets on 05-09-2023 at Einstein Hall, SXCCE. Maj S Edwin Gladson, ANO, St. Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering, Chunkankadai briefed the cadets about the program. Prof Bright Jose, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, SXCCE, was the resource person. Subedar Major Balmer Singh and Hav Murugan of 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil were present during the program. Forty cadets participated in the program.
- Swachhata Hi Seva (SHS) campaign was celebrated from 15th September to 2nd October this year. Theme of SHS-2023 is 'Garbage Free India' with focus on visual cleanliness. Our NCC cadets involved in Swachhata Hi Seva Campaign and cleaned the college premises and village near the college location on 1-10-2023.
- General Medicine & Eye Checkup Camp was conducted in our college on 17-10-2023 by NCC, YRC, NSS & Health Care Cell of our college in association with Bensam Hospital, Dr Agarwal Eye Hospital, Rotary Club Nagercoil Midtown as well as Nagercoil Supreme. General checkup was done for about 177 students and Eye checkup for about 140 students were done. Twenty five staff members were also benefited by this camp. Forty five NCC cadets participated in this camp.
- NCC unit 11 (TN) BN NCC Nagercoil conducted CATC CUM RDC TRG-I at NTA, Idayapatti, Madurai from 21 Oct 2023 to 30 Oct 2023. Total 500 cadets from all over Tamil Nadu participated in this camp. From our college thirteen cadets including 6 SW cadets and the ANO participated. Our ANO performed the duty of Camp Adjutant. Cadets were taken to Keeladi Heritage Museum on 26-10-2023. Our cadet Sivamohan V got second prize in firing competition. Our SD cadets and SW cadets are part of Volley ball and Throw ball winning teams.
- Basic Leadership Course camp was conducted by 2 TN Air Sqn NCC, Coimbatore under the aegis of NCC Gp HQ Coimbatore, on behalf of NCC Dte (TN, P&AN), Chennai at KPR Institute of Engineering and Technology, Coimbatore from 25 Oct 2023 to 05 Nov 2023.Our cadet Tony Mathew along with other ten cadets from 11 (TN) BN NCC attended this camp. He has performed excellently and was selected for Advanced Leadership Course Camp.
- Our NCC cadets participated in the blood donation camp conducted by 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil in connection with the 76th NCC day celebration on 27-11-2023 at Pioneer Kumarasamy College, Nagercoil. A team lead by the Dr Rakesh, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, bleed the blood from the volunteer cadets. Nearly fifty cadets including nine cadets from our college donated blood.
- A mega cyclothon was organized to commemorate 75 years of raising of NCC starting from Triveni Sangamam, Kanyakumari and will end in New Delhi. ‘Mahila Shakti Ka Abhidya Safar’ is the theme of the rally. The team consists of thirteen SW cadets from Gujarat Directorate led by Brigadier Narendra Sarak and Col V M Singh. On behalf of 11 (TN) BN NCC Nagercoil, reception was arranged for this team throughout the way till Kaliyakavilai. Forty five cadets of our college encouraged the team near Chunkankadai region.
- Government of India had proposed to United Nations for declaring 2023 as International Year of Millets (IYOM). The proposal of India was supported by 72 countries and United Nation’s General Assembly (UNGA) declared 2023 as International Year of Millets on 5𝑡ℎ March, 2021. In order to create awareness on IYOM, a seminar on Millets was arranged to our cadets on 09-12-2023 at Einstein Hall, SXCCE.Dr A Suhasini, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry, SXCCE, was the resource person. She delivered the lecture on ‘Millets – Food For Future’.
- 4 (TN) ENGR COY NCC, Madurai conducted CATC CUM DTE RDC Launch - I at NTA, Idayapatti, Madurai from 8-12-2023 to 17-12-2023. Total 450 cadets from all over Tamil Nadu participated in this camp. L/Cpl Tony Mathew from our college participated in this camp. He served as the Company senior for JD cadets.
- NCC unit 7 (TN) BN NCC Madurai conducted CATC CUM DTE RDC Launch-II at NTA, Idayapatti, Madurai from 18-12-2023 to 27-12-23 2023. Cadet Mohamed Fadil M from our college participated in this camp.
- An Aadhar Special Camp was conducted in our college on 22-12-23, to provide Aadhar enrolment / updation services to the public. Nearly thirty persons got benefited by the camp. Mr T R Judson Jebasingh and Mr Guru Saravanan from District collector office conducted the camp. Ten cadets of our college acted as volunteers for the smooth conduct of the camp.
- Army Attachment camps were organized to fulfill this objective. Four cadets of our college attended the Army Attachment Camp at 10 Engineer Regiment, Secunderabad, Pin – 914010, from 10 Jan 2024 to 21 Jan 2024. These cadets were exposed to Regular Indian Army training & routine. Opening address was given by Col Nirmal Kumar Jha, Commanding Officer, 10 Engineer Regiment. Latest equipment layout and briefing was done by Hav Davamony, Hav Tamilselvan and Hav Venkadesan. Cadets also visited Golconda Fort.
- Ten cadets and the ANO participated in the Pongal celebrations on 15-01-2024 at Ambedkar colony and conducted sports for the children there. Cadets got a chance to mingle with the villagers and acquired social awareness. Our Correspondent Rev Dr Maria William, Principal Dr J Maheswaran, Bursar Rev Fr Francis Xavier and the officials from the Ambedkar colony were present during the function. Cadets performed cultural programs and created awareness to the public.
- In 2024, the National Road Safety Month to sensitize citizens and road users about the severity of the challenges of road safety is observed from 15th January -14th February 2024. In order to create awareness on ‘Road Safety’ to the cadets and to the public a rally was organized by 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil on 20-01-2024. Cadets from Pioneer Kumaraswamy College, Scott Christian College and St Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering with the strength of 160 cadets (SXCCE – 37 SD & 18 SW, Scott – 30 SD & 25 SW and PKC - 21 SD & 29 SW) participated in this rally. Under the guidance of Col C P Unnikrishnan, Officer Commanding, 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil, the arrangements were done by the ANOs of these colleges. Rally started from Pioneer Kumaraswamy College at about 9.30 am, passed through Parvathipuram junction and reached Scott Christian College. Cadets created awareness to the public on the importance of road safety.
- SSB Capsule is being organized by DG NCC at Directorate level as part of Training Curriculum in grooming of cadets development of leadership traits and personality. Our cadet L/Cpl Sherjin Sam S was selected to SSB Capsule (Super 30) at Puduchery after preliminary screening by Officer Commanding from 11 (TN) BN NCC and followed by Group Commander Interview at Madurai. He was one among the five cadets from Madurai group. Totally 30 cadets participated from all over Tamil Nadu. The camp was from 19-1-24 to 28-1-24 at NCC Complex, Lawspet, Puducherry. DDG Comdr Athul Kumar Rasthoki handled classes on 20th and 21st Jan. Group Commander Col Amit Gupta took GTO class from 22-1-24 to 24-1-24. Wing commander Lalit Tandon, a psychologist explained about TAT,WAT, SRT and SDT. It is an wonderful and useful experience to our cadet.
- Republic day was celebrated by the Kanyakumari District administration on 26-01-2024 at Anna Stadium, Nagercoil. Mr P N Sridhar IAS, District Collector, Kanyakumari and Mr Sundaravathanam IPS Superintendent of Police, Kanyakumari were the chief guests. Thirty four NCC cadets performed march past along with Police personal. Four cadets from our college participated in this program.
- Republic day was celebrated in our college premises on 26-01-2024. Our Correspondent Rev Dr M Maria William unfurled the National flag and delivered the presidential address. Our Principal Dr J Maheswaran gave the Republic day message. Our Bursar Rev Fr Francis Xavier felicitated the gathering. During the program certificates and prizes were distributed for the deserved cadets. Earlier our NCC cadets conducted march past. Seventy five cadets participated in this celebration.
- Our cadet Siva M was selected in Indian Navy as Agniveer (SSR) on 07-06-2023 and is undergoing training at INS CHILKA. Our cadet Subin V S was selected for Indian Army on 29-10-2023 as Agniveer (Army).
Academic year 2022-2023
- Our cadets CSUO Sabari Hirish T, CUO Abinesh T, CUO Akash Britto J, Sgt Venu Gopal V and Cpl Rijo Judes R B got an amount of Rs 5000 each, as the Tamil Nadu Govt. scholarship for Outstanding NCC cadets for the year 2022-2023.
- The Annual Training Camp commenced on 11-5-2022 at N I Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil. Twenty four cadets and the ANO of our college attended the camp.
- A blood donation camp was conducted on 01-06-2022 at Rock Hostel Auditorium. Dr.S.Caroline Geetha, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, explained the conditions required for donating blood and the need of blood donation. One hundred and three students including twenty NCC cadets, donated blood. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William, Principal Dr.J.Maheswaran and Counselor Mr Selvakumar were present during the camp. Arrangements were done by YRC, NCC and NSS units of our college.
- In order to create awareness on the usage of Bicycle, an awareness rally was conducted from our college on 08-06-2022. Twenty cadets participated in the programme. Cadets cover nearly three kilometres and created awareness to the public on the importance of cycling. ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson, PED Mr M Thomas Mathyais and Librarian Dr M. Vijayakumar were present during the program.
- Yoga is an art and science for healthy living. As per the direction given by our NCC unit 11(TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil, International Yoga Day was celebrated in our college on 21st June 2022. A brief introduction about Yoga was given to the cadets by the ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran explained the benefits of Yoga and asked the students to practice it regularly. Ex NCC cadets Mr. Sajith and Mr. Chella Vignesh lead the yoga program. Sixty four cadets (52 SD and 12 SW) participated in this event and ripped the benefit of it. NSS Programme Officer Dr.S.M.R.Joseph Ramesh, YRC Programme Officer Mr. Leon Bosco Raj and Director Mr.M.Thomas Mathiyas were also present during the program.
- As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Ministry of Culture initiated ‘Har Ghar Tiranga’ hoisting National flag in all houses from 13-08-2022 to 15-08-2022. Our cadets actively participated in this drive. Our Principal Dr. J.Maheswaran distributed the flag to cadets on 12-08-2022. Thirty four cadets and the ANO unfurled National flag in their residences took selfie and uploaded in the portal of Ministry of culture, Government of India. Certificates were also downloaded from the website.
- Five cadets participated in the Independence day parade on 15-08-2022 held at Anna stadium, Nagercoil in which District collector Shri Aravind hoisted the National flag.
- Independence Day was celebrated in our college premises on 15-08-2022. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag and delivered the presidential address. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheswaran gave a special address on that occasion. Earlier our NCC cadets performed March past. National Integration awareness cultural programs were conducted by students. Blood donation certificates were also distributed to students. About fifty cadets participated in this function. As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav 75 saplings of different varieties were planted in the area earmarked for micro forest inside the campus. SXCCE Alumni association organised the event and our NCC cadets also contributed to it.
- The Tamil Nadu Ek Bharat Shrestha Bharat-I Camp was conducted by the 4 (TN) Girls Bn NCC, Trichy on behalf of NCC Gp HQ, Tiruchirappalli from 24 Aug to 04 Sep 2022 at NCC Training Area, Idayapatti, District Madurai, Tamilnadu. From TN, P & AN Dte, 110 SD, 84 SW, 90 JD and 66 JD cadets and from UP Dte 100 SD and 50 SW cadets (Total 500 cadets) participated in this camp. From our college 4 SD and 2 SW cadets represented Tamil Nadu Dte.
- CATC cum Gp RDC launch Camp started on 17 Sep 22 with the total strength of 453 cadets which includes 364 CATC and 89 RDC cadets. From our college 25 SD cadets, 5 SW cadets and 1 ANO participated. CSUO Sabari Hirish was the Overall Camp Senior and the ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson was the Camp Adjutant. Our cadets presented a Pyramid, which was appreciated by all. Our cadets also participated in Volley ball and Kho Kho competitions and got prizes. Camp came to an end on 24-09-2022.
- As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, this year Ministry of Culture decided to organize 75000 Unity Runs in 750 districts of our country. Our NCC cadets also actively participated in this run on 31-10-2022 between 7.00 am and 8.00 am. The purpose of the run was explained to the cadets by the ANO Maj S Edwin Gladson. Rashtriya Ekta Diwas pledge was administered by CSUO Sabari Hirish. Thirty two cadets (29 SD & 3 SW) and the ANO participated in the run which started from our college. Ten cadets participated in the run near their home itself. Pledge certificates were also downloaded by the cadets from the website.
- On November 4th Deputy Director General of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry and Andaman& Nicobar Directorate, Commodore Atul Kumar Rastogi visited 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil. Our ANO coordinated the event along with Col Unni Krishnan and Lt Col Ansar, OC and AO of (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil respectively. Later DDG addressed the cadets at S T Hindu College. Twenty cadets of our college participated in the meeting.
- Enrollment of cadets for the year 2022-2023 was done by Subedar Major B M Singh, Subedar Mukthal Raj and Hav. Pradeep from 11(TN) BN NCC Nagercoil on 11-11-2022. Thirty eight cadets (25 SD & 13 SW) were newly enrolled in our NCC Company. Cadets were selected after conducting physical and written tests.
- Eighty nine cadets and the ANO have taken Puneet Sankalp on 16-11-2022 and committed themselves to prevent spread of plastic pollution and support Puneet Sagar Abhiyan in protecting the water bodies from plastic condemnation.
- Unity Flam Run was being organized to commemorate 75 years of NCC from Kanya Kumari to New Delhi. The run was undertaken by Col B S Badhwar, SM, CO 90 UP Battalion NCC. Twenty cadets of our college attended the event at Kanya Kumari on 20 -11-2022. The run will end at New Delhi on 26-01-2023.
- Every year fourth Sunday of November is being celebrated as NCC Day throughout our nation. As a mark of 75 years of NCC, a Blood donation camp was organized on 27-11-2022 by the NCC battalion at Pioneer Kumarasamy College, Nagercoil. Ten cadets of our college donated blood on that occasion.
- As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, in view of Puneet Sagar Abiyan, on December 3rd, a cleaning drive was conducted in our campus by our NCC cadets. Thirty cadets participated in this event.
- Twenty cadets and the ANO participated in the Pongal celebrations on 15-01-2023 at Ambedkar colony and conducted sports for the children there. Cadets got a chance to mingle with the villagers and acquired social awareness.
- In view of Puneet Sagar Abiyan, on 21-1-2023, a Plastic Awareness Program was conducted at Muttom sea shore. Sixty one cadets and the ANO participated in this event. An awareness rally was organized in the village and the cadets created awareness on the need of reducing usage of plastics to the villagers. Flyers narrating the problems created by plastic usage were distributed to the public. Cadets cleaned the wastes in and around Muttom beach. Nearly 12 bags of plastic waste were collected and handed over to the panchayat personal for proper disposal.
- Republic day was celebrated in our college premises. Our Correspondent Rev Dr M Maria William hoisted the National flag and delivered the presidential address. Our Principal Dr J Maheswaran gave the republic day message. Earlier our NCC cadets conducted march past. Sixty eight cadets participated in this celebration.
- Trekking is a part of NCC training which teaches oneself how to appreciate the beauty of nature, how to get adjusted with the situation and the importance of planning. A trekking program was conducted for the NCC cadets on 04-02-2023 at Chitaral Hills. The objectives of trekking, the precautions (the Dos and Don’ts) to be followed and how it will be helpful to tackle real life problems were explained to the cadets, by the ANO. About 65 cadets participated in the program and they were accompanied by the ANO, CHM Veerabuthiran of 11 (TN) BN, NCC, Senior Cadets and Staff members. Cadets were informed about the Historical background of the Hill by CHM Veerabuthiran and he also handled a lecture on FC & BC on the hill.
- On 14th Feb 2019, 40 CRPF jawans lost their lives in the Pulwama attack. To commemorate their sacrifice, Kanyakumari Jawans organized a program to pay Tribute to Pulwama martyrs at Collectrate, Nagercoil on 14-2-2023. Twenty cadets of our college participated in this event.
NCC Day was celebrated on 15-05-2023 in our college. Cadet Under Officer CUO E Joshi Sieana welcomed the gathering. ANO Maj. S.Edwin Gladson presented the report of NCC activities for the academic year 2022-2023. Col C P Unnikrishnan, Officer Commanding, 11 (TN) BN, NCC, Nagercoil, was the Chief Guest of the function. During his address, he explained the need of self-discipline and hard work to attain the goal. Correspondent Rev.Dr.M.Maria William presided over the function. Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran gave a special address and appreciated the contribution of cadets to the college and society. Our Bursar Rev Fr. Francis Xavier felicitated the gathering. During the function prizes were distributed to the deserved cadets. CUO T Abinesh proposed the vote of thanks. Master of ceremony role was done by CSUO T Sabari Hirish. Vice principal Dr V Christus Jeyasingh, Sub Rajesh and Havildar Pushpender from 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil were also present during the function. Arrangements were done by the cadets.
Academic year 2021-2022
- Ek Bharat Shresth Bharat, EBSB – X Phase camp The NCC directorate of Tamil Nadu, Puducherry, Andaman and Nicobar and the directorate of West Bengal and Sikkim are paired in this EBSB X phase Camp. Due to Covid 19 restrictions the camp was conducted online from 25 Sep to 30 Sep 2021. Two fifty cadets (125 from TN, P & AN Dte and 125 from WB & Sikkim Dte) participated in this camp. Among them five cadets are from our college. Our cadet CUO K P Chella Vignesh was the cadet coordinator and ANO of our college acted as the coordinator of the camp.
- As a part of Azadi Ka Amrit Mahotsav, Fit India Freedom Run was conducted on 04-09-2021. The objective is to encourage cadets ANOs to take up fitness activities in their life and people around them in the society. Twenty cadets (15 SD and 5 SW cadets) participated in this 3 km run at 6.30 am and covered a distance of 60 km. ANO, Subedar Major Rakesh Kumar, Sub Rakesh, Hav Ganesan and Hav Praveen also participated in the run.
- In order to help the district administration in controlling the spread of Corona virus, three vaccination camps were arranged in our college on 31-08-2021, 7-9-2021 and 18-12-2021. District health department conducted the vaccination camps. 130, 96 and 110 doses were injected on these days respectively. NCC cadets acted as volunteers and helped in the smooth conduct of these camps.
- Sgt Sweetlin Derisha and Cdt Shanu SS got cash prize of Rs 750 each in the Swarnim Vijay Varsh painting competition conducted by Madurai Group
- In connection with Vigilance awareness week a program was conducted on 30-10-2021. ANO Maj. S. Edwin Gladson explained the importance avoiding corruption in all activities to the cadets. CSUO Ricky.L read out the pledge of integrity. Cadets took Integrity Pledge and committed to uphold highest standards of honesty and integrity and to follow probity and rule of law in all walks of life. About 56 cadets from our college participated in the program.
- To transmit the information on COVID – 19 appropriate behavior and vaccine uptake UNICEF (United Nation Children’s Fund) launched a program called ‘UNICEF – Young Warriors’. Eighty one cadets of our college joined in this campaign which was conducted through YuWaah platform (online mode) on 16-06-2021.
- Independence Day was celebrated in our college on 15-08-2021. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag. NCC cadets performed march past during flag hoisting. Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran, Burser Rev.Fr. Francis Xavier, ANO, Physical Director, NSS and YRC programme officers were present during the occasion.
- Republic Day was celebrated in our college premises on 26-01-2022. Our NCC cadets piloted the guests. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag and delivered the presidential address. Our Principal Dr.J.Maheswaran gave a special address on that occasion. The arrangements were done by NCC, YRC and NSS units of the college.
- International Yoga Day was observed on 21st June 2021. In the light of the Covid 19 situation, this year also the International Yoga Day was set to go digital. Cadets are encouraged to practice Yoga at their homes and posted photos in twitter as #NCCforYoga
- As a part of Covid 19 mega vaccination camp, fifteen cadets and the ANO helped the District administration to motivate the public to take up vaccination on 10-10-2021. Our cadets were deployed in Govt. H School, Bhramapuram, Govt. H S School, Kalkulum, Govt. H S School, Kannatuvilai, Govt. Girls H School, Eraneil Fort and Town Hall Thuckalay. NSS unit and YRC unit of our college also participated in this event.
- Thirty cadets and the ANO of our college attended the Annual Training Camp at Noorul Islam Centre for Higher Education, Kumaracoil from 24-02-2022 to 28-02-2022.
- Twenty two cadets of our college attended the Annual Training Camp at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil from 5-3-2022 to 11-3-2022.
- Three SD cadets and two SW cadets attended firing camp organised by 11(TN) BN NCC Nagercoil at Udaya College of Arts and Sciences, Vellamodi from 25-8-2021 to 27-8-21
- Tribute was given on 11-12-2021, to the Chief Defence Staff Gen Bipin Rawat and 13 others, who lost their lives on a helicopter clash. Hav Kumar and Hav Ayyathurai of 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil were also present on that occasion.
- Annual Training Conference for ANOs and Caretakers of 11 (TN) Battalion NCC, Nagercoil was conducted at our college Rock Auditorium on 30-03-2022. Lt.Col. Ansar M, Administrative Officer, 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil led the conference. Major S.Edwin Gladson, ANO of our college explained the Dos and Don’ts of ANOs. Capt Ajeendra Nath ANO of Hindu College described the structure of NCC organization. About 60 ANOs and Caretakers from various schools and colleges participated in this conference.
- NCC Day was celebrated on 18-04-2022 in our college. Lt Col Ansar M, Administrative Officer, 11 (TN) BN, NCC, Nagercoil, was the Chief Guest of the function. During his address, he explained the opportunities for cadets in Armed forces and advised the cadets to develop their communication skills. Correspondent Rev.Dr.M.Maria William presided over the function. In his speech he asked the cadets to use their knowledge and talents to the development of the society. Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran gave a special address and appreciated the contribution of cadets to the college and society. Our Bursar Rev Fr. Francis Xavier felicitated the gathering. Havildar Soundra Rajan from 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil was also present during the function. Arrangements for the function were done by the cadets.
Academic year 2020-2021
- Our cadets CUO K P Chella Vignesh and Sgt Swetha got an amount of Rs 5000 each, as the Tamil Nadu Govt. scholarship for Outstanding NCC cadets of the Unit in the year 2020-2021.
- CUO Chella Vignesh K P and CUO Aswathi J M attended Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Camp (EBSB) I from 29-06-2020 to 04-07-2020 via online mode. The host Dte was Bihar & Jarkhand and the guest Dte was TN, P & AN. CUO Chella Vignesh K P participated in the Video mixing program and CUO Aswathi J M represented TN state in Bharathanatyam program.
- Independence Day was celebrated in our college premises on 15-08-2020 and Republic Day was celebrated on 26-01-2021. Our Correspondent Rev.Fr.Dr.M.Maria William hoisted the National Flag. NCC cadets piloted the guests for flag hoisting. Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran, ANO, Physical Director, NSS and YRC programme officers were present. During Independence Day celebrations, cadets who participated in Covid 19 duty were appreciated and certificates were distributed.
- In view of 125th Birthday anniversary of Nethaji Subash Chandra Bose on 23-01-2021, a program was organized on 22-1-2021 to pay tribute to Nethaji. About 150 cadets from our college, Scott Christian college and S.T.Hindu college participated in the program. ANO Maj.S.Edwin Gladson, CTO Bagavathi, Subedar Udayakumar, Physical Director Mr. Thomas Mathiyas and senior NCC cadets of the three colleges paid tribute to the great Indian leader.
- In order to make the cadets eligible for ‘B’ and ‘C’ certificate exams a five day cadre was conducted in our college by 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil. Due to Covid – 19 pandemic, instead of camp this cadre was conducted from 18-01-2021 to 22-01-2021. Around 180 cadets from our college, Scott Christian College and S.T.Hindu College participated in it. Fifty six cadets (47 SD & 9 SW) of our college attended the Cadre. Twenty five SW cadets from 3 (TN) Girls Battalion along with CTO Mrs Bagavathi Ammal also participated in it. The cadre was organised by Col Vinod Basker Officer Commanding and Lt.Col.V.V.Prasad Administrative Officer 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil. Cadets are trained by Subdar Major Rakesh Kumar and his team.
- L/Cpl Adarsh R represented the Unit in Quiz competition and L/Cpl Sweetlin Derisha S represented Poetry competition on 26-07-2020 conducted in connection with Kargil Vijay Diwas.
- A 5 Days online workshop on ‘Role of Youth in Nation Building’ was conducted from 27-07-2020 to 31-07-2020 in online mode. Capt.Binoy Varakil, ANO, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Devagiri, Kozhikode delivered a talk on ‘Communication Skills’. Capt.Dr.Boyed Wesley, ANO, NMC College, Marthandam, spoke about ‘Life Skills’. Lt.Dr.L.Merlin Dayana, ANO, Jayaraj Annapackiam College for Women (Autonomous), Periyakulam, gave a talk on ‘Awareness on National Integration’. S/Lt.Dr.C.Binu Ramesh, ANO, Thiagarajer College (Autonomous), Madurai presented ‘Hygiene and sanitation during Covid – 19 pandemic’. Capt. Dr. Pramod K.S., ANO, St.Mary’s College, Wayanad explained the importance of ‘Contribution of youth towards social welfare’. 524 persons registered & 210 participated in the workshop. This workshop was conducted by SXCCE along with NMC College, Marthandam.
- A National level Webinar on ‘Fitness and Wellness’ was conducted on 8-09-2020. Dr.N.Bright Selva Kumar, Principal, Christian College of Physical Education, Nagercoil was the resource person. 180 delegates from all over India participated in the webinar. Webinar was organized in connection with the ‘Fit India Movement’ program.
- On 18-11-2020 Dr.M.Vijaya Kumar, Librarian, St.Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering gave a webinar on ‘Constitution of India and Dr.B.R. Ambedkar’. 62 cadets participated in this program.
- As per the direction of the NCC battalion, in connection with Swachhta online Awareness programme activities like online poster/Rangoli making competitions, online debates/seminars, awareness talks/lectures on Hand wash & Personal Hygiene, pledge taking etc need to be conducted. L/Cpl Sweetlin Derisha S delivered a speech on ‘What can I do to clean my city’ on 05-12-2020. Cdt. Padua Aasher Antony also took a webinar on ‘Plastic Waste Management’. 62 cadets participated in the program and got benefited. Our cadets also participated in Hand wash & Personal Hygiene programs.
- CSUO Sajith S U and CUO Chella Vignesh K P of our college attended the Online PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT AND SSB AWARENESS CAPSULE conducted by TN, P & AN Directorate from 7-12-2020 to 19-12-2020. They are among the five cadets who represented Madurai group.
- The expansion of NCC by about one lakh cadets was carried out and additional 1200 ANOs were inducted. In view of new ANOs in large numbers and the existing backlog of PRCN course, a two weeks Orientation Course for CTOs was conducted under aegis of NCC Dte (TN, P and AN) for all CTOs. Maj.S.Edwin Gladson, ANO handled a session on ‘Personality Development and Leadership Training’ to the CTOs on 9-12-2020. Nearly 110 Caretakers from the Tamil Nadu directorate participated in that program.
- Sgt. Arul Replin participated in the 5 km Navy Run 2020 on 4-12-2020 in order to create awareness on Indian Navy
Academic year 2019-2020
· Our CUO A.Ajith got an amount of Rs 5000 as the Tamil Nadu Govt. scholarship for Outstanding NCC cadets of the Unit in the year 2019-2020.
Ten cadets of our college attended the Combined Annual Training Camp at NMC College, Marthandam from 26 May to 04 June 2019. Our SW cadet Aswathi.J.M won I prize in solo dance competition.
· International Yoga Day was celebrated on 21st June 2019. Seventy seven cadets participated in this event and ripped the benefit of it. Subedar Prakash (JCO, 11 (TN) BN, NCC, Nagercoil), our Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran were also present during the program.
· Thirty one cadets and the ANO attended the CATC cum TSC (B ) & (G) DTE TRG Camp-I at NCC Training Area, Idayapatti, Madurai from 01-08-2019 to 10-08-2019. Our cadet Subbulakshmi won I prize in the solo dance competition. Our cadets Sajumon and Bibinson won II prizes in solo song and solo dance competitions for SD category respectively. Also Ajay.A & team and Bibinson & team of our college won second prize in group song and group dance competitions respectively. Our cadets Chella Vignesh and Alwin Dhurai won the prizes for English elocution competition. Sgt Sangavi and group won the second prize for group song competition for SW category. Our cadet Subbulakshmi got Best firer award and I prize in English elocution for SW category.
· On 15-08-2019, Tree plantation was carried out in our campus in the presence of Rev.Dr.M.Maria William, Mrs Ambujam, Special Officer, Aloor panchayat and our Principal Dr. J.Maheshwaran. Students understand the importance of trees and pledged to save Nature
· Fifteen cadets of our college attended the Combined Annual Training Camp at N.V.K.S School, Atoor from 7-9-2019 to 16-9-2019. Our SD cadet Jebin won I prize in solo dance and Sgt Leo won II prize in solo song competition. Sgt.Surjith and team won I prize in Group song competition and cadet Benny Alex and team won the I prize in Group dance competition.
· A blood donation camp was conducted on 20-09-2019 at Rock Hostel Auditorium of our college. Dr.S.Caroline Geetha, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, explained the conditions required for donating blood and the need of blood donation. NCC cadets understand the need of Blood donation and donated 17 units of blood.
· Trekking is a part of NCC training which helps to imbibe the qualities like courage, discipline, leadership and spirit of adventure among the cadets. On 5th October 2019, under the guidance of Lt.Col.V.V.Prasad,Officer Commanding,11 TN BN NCC,Nagercoil,63 NCC Cadets of our college attended the trekking at Marunthuvaazhmalai. Cadets were informed about the Historical background of the Hill by a Sadhu of the Hill. They also obtained knowledge about the flora and fauna of Maruthuvalmalai. Apart from this cadets got the sense of adventure, confidence, courage and determination from trekking.
· Awareness program was conducted to the cadets on 26-10-2019 in connection with Vigilance Awareness Week (28-10-19 to 5-11-19).
· Five cadets attended the Army Attachment Camp held at Secunderabad,Telungana from 20-01-2020 to 03-02-2020. Our cadets showed a remarkable performance in the camp.
· NCC Day was celebrated on 12-03-2020 in our college. Cadet Under Officer A.T. Subbulackshmi welcomed the gathering. ANO Maj. S.Edwin Gladson presented the report of NCC activities for the academic year 2019-2020. Lt.Col.V.V.Prasad, Administrative Officer, 11 (TN) BN, NCC, Nagercoil, was the Chief Guest of the function. During his address, he advised the cadets to develop their communication skills, GK and explained various opportunities available in the armed forces. IQAC Director Dr.A.Milton felicitated the gathering. He appreciated the cadets for their participation and commitment in all NCC activities. During the function prizes were distributed to the deserved cadets. Cadet Under Officer A.Ajith proposed the vote of thanks. Havildar Ganesan from 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil was also present during the function. Cadets were wished by Correspondent Rev.Dr.M.Maria William, Principal Dr.J.Maheshwaran and Bursar Rev Fr. Francis Xavier. Arrangements for the function were done by the cadets.
Ex NCC Yogdan in KanniyaKumari district is initiated by Lt.Col.V.V.Prasad, Administrative Officer, 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil with the guidance of Col. Vinod Basker, Officer Commanding, 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil. Lt.Col.V.V.Prasad acted as the Nodal Officer of Ex NCC Yogdan in our district. Eleven cadets of our college participated in this event. Cadets were motivated and trained about COVID-19, Do’s and Don’ts, iGOT and Arogya Setu App. Cadets were provided with PPE like mask, gloves, sanitizer etc. Our cadets along with other cadets were deployed under ANO/PI Staff in police stations that include Kottar, Thuckalay, Kulasekaram, Puthukadai, Arumanai, Thiruvattar and Kollencode.
Cadets performed the following tasks.
· Cadets gave awareness about the importance of wearing mask to the public and distributed masks to the needy.
· Cadets are deployed to maintain social distance in Banks and ATMs.
· Cadets are also used in queue control duty in PDS shops.
· Cadets are guiding the public to maintain social distance in markets and shops also.
Academic year 2018-2019
· Fifteen NCC cadets attended the camp at Annai Velankanni College of Engineering, Potalkulam from 22-5-2018 to 31-5-2018.
International Yoga Day was celebrated in our college on 21st June 2018. Fifty eight cadets participated in this event and ripped the benefit of it. Sub. Gopalakrishnan from 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil was also present during the program.
· Eighteen cadets and the ANO attended the CATC cum TSC training camp at NCC Training Area, Idayapatti, Madurai from 25-08-2018 to 03-09-2018. Our cadet Leo got first prize in solo song competition and Cdt Amal got first prize in solo dance competition. The first prize for group song competition was also won by our cadets.
· Fourteen cadets attended the CATC cum RDC training camp II at NCC Training Area, Idayapatti, Madurai from 15-09-2018 to 24-09-2018. Our cadet Deepthi got second prize in individual drill competition and cadet Benedicta Bliss Jammia got second prize in firing competition.
· In order to stop the nutrition related diseases, “EAT RIGHT INDIA” Movement was launched. Our NCC cadets participated in the awareness program conducted in our college on 15-09-2018.
· In order to train the cadets to undertake positive community service in the spirit of selflessness and concern for the fellow beings, a blood donation camp was conducted on 13-10-2018 at Rock Hostel Auditorium. Dr.S.Caroline Geetha, Medical Officer, Blood Bank, Kanya Kumari Medical College Hospital, Nagercoil, explained the conditions required for donating blood and the need of blood donation. Seventeen NCC cadets donated blood.
· Eighteen cadets attended the Cycle rally creating awareness on 'SWASTH BHARATH - Eat Right' campaign held on 19-10-2018 from Kaliyakavilai to Thuckalay covering nearly 20 km.
· In the Combined Annual Training Camp conducted at Udaya College of Arts and Sciences, Vellamadi from 02 Jan to 11 Jan 2019, three cadets of our college participated. Our cadets Ajay Perumal & team won first prize for Group song and Berlin & team got first prize for Group dance competitions.
· Twenty cadets participated in the Pongal celebrations on 14-01-2019 at Ambedkar colony and got a chance to mingle with the villagers and created social awareness among the people through cultural program.
· Twenty cadets and the ANO went to EMMAS a home for mentally challenged at Pilankalai on 26-1-2019.
· Our NCC cadets performed an awareness program on Afforestation during the Third Kanya Kumari Book Fair at Nagercoil on 22-2-2019.
· NCC Day was celebrated on 9-03-2019. Our Correspondent Rev.Dr.M.Maria William, was the President of the function and in his address he explained the difference between patriotism and nationalism. Our Principal Dr.V.Christus Jayasingh graced the occasion by his presence. During the function prizes were distributed to the deserved cadets.
Academic year 2017-2018
- Nikhil. M got selected for Indian Air Force and got training at Airmen Selection Centre, Tambaram, Chennai, in 2017.
- Ten cadets of our college attended the Combined Annual Training Camp held at Annai Velankanni College of Engineering, Pottalkullam from 01-06-17 to 10-06-17. Our cadets Karthick got second place in Solo dance.
- Fourteen of our cadets attended Firing Camp held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 12-07-2017.
- Five cadets attended the Army Attachment Camp held at Secunderabad,Telungana from 01-07-2017 to 15-07-2017. Our cadets showed a remarkable performance in the camp.
- Ten cadets attended the Combined Annual Training Camp held at NCC Training Academy from 25-08-2017 to 03-09-2017. Our cadet L/Cpl K.K.Amuthan got Best cadet award for senior division. CUO Tony Vargheese got first prize in solo song competition and CUO Sreelakshmi, got first prize in solo dance competition. The prize for group song competition was also won by our cadets.
- Anu of our college was represented Madurai Group for the RD camp Inter Group Competition held at Bannari Amman Institute of Technology, Sathyamangalam, Erode from 21-10-2017 to 30-10-2017.
- Our cadets displayed a stall expressing the aims, activities and achievements of NCC on 14-2-2018, during the Tech Fest day and got first prize among non-professional cells.
- Eight cadets gave Guard of honour and two SW cadets act as pilot for NAAC peer team on 03-08-2017.
- L/Cpl Kavin got selected for Indian Army, after succeeding the Common Entrance Examination held on 29-10-2017 at Tiruchirapalli.
- The ANO Capt. S.Edwin Gladson attended the Refresher course at NCC OTA Kamptee, Nagpur, from 2-3-2018 to 31-3-2018.
- NCC Performance Audit was conducted by Lt.Col. Vetrivel, Officer Commanding, 29 (TN) BN NCC, Thootukodi on 15-5-2018. He appreciated various activities carried out by our company
Academic year 2016-2017
- Our cadets participated in the Combined Annual Training Camp held at S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil from 21 Jun 2016 to 30 Jun 2016. Our cadets performed well in this camp and won prizes for Solo Song and Group dance competitions.
- Our NCC Cadets participated in the Annual Training Camp held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil from 25 Nov 2016 to 4 Dec 2016. Our cadets won prizes for Solo song competition, and also got ‘Best Firer’ and ‘Best Cadet’ awards.
- Our NCC Cadets attended Air Force awareness program was conducted at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil on 29 Nov 2016 in the presence Squardon Leader Dhansukodi Raja.
- Seven of our cadets participated in the Republic Day parade held at Anna Stadium, Nagercoil, on 26-01-2017 Sajjansingh R Chavan, IAS, District Collector, hoisted the National Flag during this celebration.
- Our NCC Cadets along with ANO and Havildar Rengasami participated in one day trekking camp at Keeriparai on 11-02-2017.
- NCC Day was celebrated on 07-04-2017. Sixty five cadets participated in the program. Lt.Col. M.K.Sanal Kumar, Officer Commanding 11 (TN) BN NCC, Nagercoil was the Chief Guest of the function. Our Correspondent Rev.Dr.M.Maria William, our Principal Dr.S.Joseph Sekhar and our Bursar Rev.Fr. P.Benzigar addressed the audiance and appreciated the cadets.
Academic year 2015-2016
- Our NCC Cadets attended the NCC camp at Ponjesly College, Nagercoil from 13 June 2015 to 22 June 2015.Our college won ‘Best Drill’ award and first place in group song competition in this camp.
- Our NCC cadets attended the International Yoga Day program organized by 11 (TN) BN NCC Nagercoil at Ponjesly College, Nagercoil in connection with International Yoga Day on 21-06-2015 in the presence of Lt. Col. Sanal Kumar M.K CO of 11(TN) BN NCC.
Academic year 2014-2015
- Pravin Anto got selected for Indian Air Force as an Officer, after succeeding the AFCAT examination. He completed his training at Air Force Academy, Hyderabad in 2014.
- Our NCC cadets attended the NCC camp at S.T.Hindu College, Nagercoil from 6 June 2014 to 15 June 2014. Our cadets performed well in this camp and won ‘Best Drill award’ and ‘Best College award’.
- ANO of our college attended the Army Attachment Camp held at Secunderabad from 01 Sep 2014 to 15 Sep 2014.
- Our NCC cadets attended the NCC camp held at Nesamony Memorial Christian College, Marthandam from 26 Dec 2014 to 04 Jan 2015. Our college got the first prize for ‘Group song and solo song competitions’ held in the camp.
- Our NCC cadets performed pilot march to our Vice Chancellor in the Graduation Day ceremony held at University College of Engineering, Nagercoil on 4 Jan 2015.
Academic year 2013-2014
- Sixty six cadets and the ANO participated in the one day Trekking at Kornootu Hill, Rajavoor on 28-09-2013.
- Our Cadet Senior Under Officer B. Sharath got the “Best Cadet” award for best performance during Combined Annual Training Camp at NMC College, Marthandam. Our cadets were declared as the RUNNER UP for the drill completion also.
- Our company showed their excellence in overall performance and won the "Best College" award as well the WINNER of “Drill Competition” during Annual Training Camp on 14-06-2014 at ST.Hindu College, Nagercoil. Our college won many awards in various cultural events also. Lt. Col. Sanal Kumar M.K CO of 11(TN) BN NCC appreciated our cadets.
Academic year 2011-2012
- Five cadets and the ANO of our college attended the National Integration Camp II at Atomic Energy Central School, Kalpakam from 21-12-2011to 01-01-2012.
Academic year 2009-2010
- Our cadet B.Pradeep got the ‘Best cadet ‘ award during Combined Annual Training Camp held at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil from 09 June to 18 June 2009.
- Our CSUO M.R.Bibin got the “Best Firer Award” during the CATC cum RDC Training Camp held at NMC College Marthandam from 21 Aug 2009 to 30 Aug 2009.
Academic year 2006-2007
- Our college NCC won the "Best College" award for overall performance during Combined Annual Training Camp on 25-05-07 at Scott Christian College, Nagercoil. Mr. Santhosh Kumar SP of Kanyakumari District and Lt. Col. J. Alexander former CO of 11(TN) BN NCC were present during that occasion.
- Four cadets of our college participated in the Parasailing event held at Nanguneri on 08-08-2006 organised by Adventure Foundation of India in association with NCC unit.