2023 - 2024
- A workshop on “Whit-Hat Hacking” was organized on 9th March 2024 with J Antony Reeta, Networking Specialist, Networkz Systems as the resource person.
- A workshop on “Employability Skill” was organized by the Tamil Nadu Naan Mudhalvan Scheme with Mr. A Thivakara, Trainee, Naandhi Foundation as the resource person on 22nd, 23rd, and 24th of February 2024.
- A hands-on workshop on “Introduction to Flutter and Dart programming” was with Mr. S Gokul Kumar, Partner – Product Development, Flutterfrog Software Solutions, LLP as the resource person on 24th January of 2024.
- A hands-on training “Hardware and Networking” was organized on 16th of Sep 2023 with Dr. Antony Joan Kumar, Mr. Rubert, Mr. R Baiju. Mr. M John Paul of St, Xavier’s Catholic College of Engineering as the resource person.
- A hands-on training on “Microsoft Azure” was organized on 16th of Sep 2023 with Dr. A J Deepa, Specialist Learning, Infosys as the resource person.
- A hands-on training on “Canva” was organized on 16th of Sep 2023 with Mr. M G Midhun of final year IT acted as the resource person.
- The FDP on “DevOps” was organized from 19th February 2024 to 21st February 2024 with Er. M Gomathi Subramanian, CEO, CubenSquare Technology Solutions, Chennai.
- A seminar on “Generative AI” was organized BRIGITZ, Association of Information Technology for the II year IT students on 27th of April 2024 with Dr. B Hariharan, Asso Prof., SRM Institute of Science and Technology, Kattankulathur as the resource person.
- A power seminar on “Resume Writing” was organized by ICTACT academy on 11th March 2024 with Mr. Gregory Manoj, General Manager – Learning & Development, Allsec Technologies Limited as the resource person.
- A seminar on “What’s Next? (AR & VR) was organized on 16th of Sep 2023 with Er. B Pradeep Sathya, Regional Head, Scopik Edutech as the resource person.
- A guest lecture on “Red Team Operations on Cyber Security” on 5th of September with Er. R Ajay, Threat Analyst, Sophos (Alumnus -IT) as the resource person.
- A technical seminar on “Ethical Hacking” was organized on 12th of August 2023 with Antonet Reeta, Network Specialist, Networkz Systems as the resource person.
Career Guidance
- A career guidance seminar on “Strategies for students to stay inspired and achieve success” was organized for the II-year IT students on 27th of March 2024 with Mr. Rathese Rasaiah, Managing Director & Chairman, Ranu Groups as the resource person.
- A career guidance on “Identifying and chasing passion for career success” was organized on 12th March 2024 with Mr.M. Gerlyn (Alumnus), Site Reliablity Engineer, Cybersapient as the resource person.
2022 – 2023
- A seminar on “UI/UX Design” was organized by BRIGITZ for the Final year IT students on 17-9-2022 with Mr. Ajin and Rexlin Mohan, Bitzburg as resource persons.
- A workshop on “js” was organized by BRIGITZ for the third year IT students on 17-09-2022 with Mr. Aneesh S P, System Engineer, Infosys as resource person.
- A workshop on “ZOHO creators – an overview” was organized on 28-02-2023 with Er. W Merin Vincy (Asst. Head) and Er. J Amala Josphine (Sr. Developer) of Zitraar Technologies (An authorized partner of ZOHO) as resource persons.
Career Guidance
- A technical talk on “Career Opportunities in IT Industries and Networking” was organized on 17-09-2022 with Mr. A. David Jegan, High Touch Engineer, CISCO Systems Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore as the resource person.
- A career guidance program on “Landing Jobs into IT industries” was organized for the second year IT students on 17th Sep 2022 with Mr. Maria Melbin (Alumni), Tech Lead, Accenture, Bangalor as the resource person.
- A career guidance program on “Job Streams in IT” was organized for the third and final year IT students on 24th Sep 2022 with Mr. M S Ajay Nagaraj (Alumni), Junior Engineer, L & T Mindtree as the resource person.
2021 - 2022
1. A seminar on “GUI programming using Java” was organized for the Second Year IT students on 13-12-2021 with Er. M Janeela Vincent (Alumnus), Teaching Fellow, MIT Campus, Anna University, Chennai as the resource person.
2. A Seminar on “UIUX-User Interface and User Experience”, was organized for II year IT students on 07/12/2021 with Ms. V Amarthiya Jeffy of Final Year IT as the resource person.
3. A Webinar on “Introduction and Scope of Block Chain”, was organized on 12/11/2021 with V Vimal (Alumnus), Freelancer as the resource person.
4. A Seminar on “Informatica – An Overview”, was organized on 3/11/2021 with Er. Arun Mozhi (Alumnus) as the resource person.
5. A Seminar on “Redhat and Opensource to kick-start your Career”, was organized on 27/10/2021 with Er. Gomathi Subramaniam (Alumnus), Managing Director, Cubensquare as the resource person
6. An Orientation Programme on "Outcome Based Projects (OBP)" was organized on 26/10/2021 for the final IT students by the College. Dr. J Jerlin Regin, HoD, Department of Civil Engineering, Dr. J Annrose, HoD, Department of IT, Dr. C Helen Sulochana, Professor, Department of ECE and Dr. M Jermin Nisha,Associate Professor, Department of EEE were the resource persons.
7. A Webinar on “RPG 400 and Its Scopes” was organized on 27/09/2021 with Er. B S Deepthi (Alumnus), Analyst, Capgemini, Chennai as the resource person.
1. A workshop on “Data Visualization Using Excel and Google Data Studio” was organised for the Second year IT students with Mr.M.John Paul, Mr.C.M.Varun, and Dr.J.Annrose acting as the resource person on 25/02/2022
2. A workshop on “Introduction to AWS- Machine Learning” was organised for the final year IT students with Dr. J Annrose acting as the resource person on 06/12/2021.
3. A workshop on “UI Design” was organized for III and IV year IT students on 24/11/2021 with Er. P Anto (Alumnus), Associate Consultant, Atos Syntel as the resource person.
Career Guidance
1. A career guidance program on “How to approach competitive examination? And employment opportunities”, was organized for final year IT students on 10-12-2021 with Mr. K. Ezhilan, Computer Teacher, St. Aloysious Girls Higher Secondary School, Tuticorin and Ms. K. Rajika, Junior Employment Officer, District Employment Office, Nagercoil as resource persons.
2020 - 2021
- A webinar on "how to prepare for INFYTQ" was conducted for II and III year students on 4/03/2021 by Ms.M.Akhila and Ms.S.Sanjana.
- A Webinar on “Cyber Security in Daily Life” on 28-10-2020 to guide the students about the needs and the latest technologies in the field of cyber security by the guest Mr. R. Ajay, Cyber Security Trainer in CyberTron01.
- A webinar on “Open Source Software” on 14-10-2020 to create awareness about the various open source software and their uses by the guest Mr. T. Maria Melbin.
- An International Webinar on "Interpersonal Skills" on 31-07-2020 to motivate the students to improve the interpersonal skills by the guest Mr. A.P. Manoj Kumar, Soft Skills Coach in SkillsMeet India and English Language Trainer at Abudhabi.
- One week workshop on "Web Programming" was arranged from 03-08-2020 to 08-08-2020 August 2020 by Mr.C.M Varun, Mrs.T.M.Angelin Monisha Sharaen.
- A hands on training on “12 Days - Coding Skills using C” was arranged for II and III year IT students from 2-07-2020 to 17-07-2020 by Dr.D.Hevin Rajesh, Mrs.N.Ansgar Mary, Mrs.M.Geetha Jenifel, and Mrs.T.M.Angelin Monisha Sharaen
2019 - 2020
- A talk on “Cyber security awareness” was arranged for II, III and IV year IT students on 06/02/2020 by the guest Dr.Mohammed AL Mahri, ICCITS-2020.
- A talk on “Machine learning" was arranged for II, III and IV year IT students on 06/02/2020 by Dr.R.S.Shaji, Dean-Research.
- A talk on “Speech Signal Processing” was arranged for II, III and IV year IT students on 06/02/2020 by Dr.A.Milton, IQAC Director.
- A power seminar on “Carrier opportunities in IT & ITES sector and soft computing” was arranged for II, III and IV year IT students on 14/12/2019 by the guests from various companies.
- A seminar on “Multimedia and IT Sector” was arranged for our IV year IT students on 24/08/2019 by the guest Ramjan, Creation Academy.
- A seminar on “Industry institute Interaction” was arranged for III and IV year IT students on 16/08/2019 by the guest Jeevan Rex F.R, Qualcomm.
- A seminar on “Kubetrain” was arranged for III and IV year IT students on 10/08/2019 by the guest Shakir.
- A seminar on "IOT, AI, Machine Leaning & Deep Learning" was arranged for III and IV year IT students on 02/08/2019 by the guest Dr.Arun Raaza, Founder, Director, CEO at Youngenie.
- A seminar on “How to do Project Effectively” was arranged for final year IT students on 18/07/2019 by T.Latha, Dr.Jeraldin, Dr.Carolin and Dr.Jeya Singh.
- A seminar on “Competitive Exam Awareness” was arranged for IV year IT students on 27/07/2019 by the guest Mr.Anandha Boopathi from ECC Academy.
- A seminar on “Job opportunities in Japan” for final year IT students on 07/08/2019 by Justin Surendren.
- A seminar on “How to use calculator efficiently?” for second year IT students on 02/08/2019 by the guest Mr.A.Jagadeesh, AP, Arunachala College of Engineering for Women.
- A seminar on “Data Structures” for II and IV year IT students on 13/07/2019 by the guest Dr.Jacob Vetha Raj, Professor,Nesamony Memorial Arts College, Marthandam
- One day workshop on “Machine learning using python” was arranged for IV year IT students, on 10/08/2019
- A One day workshop on “Hands on Training-OOPs” was arranged for III and II year IT students on 14/09/2019 by Ms.Priya from CSK solutions.
- A hands on training on “Hardware assembling” for third year IT students on 27/07/2019 by Mr.M.Antony Joans Kumar, Mr.M.John Paul and Mr.R.Baiju.
2018 - 2019
- A seminor on “Programming concepts”was arranged for III and IV year IT students on 31/01/2019 by the guest Mr.S.Sathish Kumar from silicon software service.
- A seminar on “Amazon Webservices” was arranged for final year IT students on 06/08/2018 by the guest Mr.Saravanan from ICT. He delivered a talk on supervised and unsupervised learning in webservices. He also explained the Technologies that are involed in Webservices.
- A seminar on “How to do Project Effectively” was arranged forfinal year IT students on 25/07/2018.The students got enough knowledge to do their final year project works in their domain.
- A seminar on “Competitive Exam Awareness” was arranged for IV year IT students on 26/07/2018 by the guest Mr.Anandha Boopathi from ECC Academy.
- A seminar on “Python Programming-I phase” was given by CourseInstructors from IT, for final year IT students on 04/08//2018.
- A seminar on “Photoshop Training” for finalyear IT students on 15/09/2018by the CourseInstructor from IT,to motivate the students to develop design works.
- A Placement Training was conducted for finalyear IT students from 16/07/2018 to 20/07/2018 by FACE Academy,The aim of training is to improve the students aptitude and communication skills.
- A seminar on “Artificial Intelligence” for III and IV year IT students on 19/01/2018 by the guest Mrs. Shany Infanto, Free Lancer. She taught us about various searching algorithms both uniformed and non-uniformed. Hill-climbing strategy was explained. Problem characteristics and the various prepositional logic were taught with real time application.
- Three days workshop on Web Designing(ICTACT) was arranged for IV year IT students,from02/07/2018 to 04/07/2018.
- Two days workshop on Oracle(ICTACT)” was arranged for III year IT students, from 05/07/2018 to 06/07/2018.
- A “One day workshop on Web Designing and Logic Development ” was arranged for III and IV year IT students on 30/07/2018 by Mr.Selvakumar from Dhina technologies.The workshop was useful for students to know the overall idea about the new trends and technologies handled in web designing and development. Thus the workshop was very informative for everyone present there.
- A workshop on “Networking and Protocol Testing” was organized for III and IV year IT students on 24/01/2019 by Mr.Vijaya Ganesh from Alcatel Lucent.