Fluid Mechanics Lab:
- Francis Turbine : 1250 rpm / 15hp / 2000lpm discharge
- Kaplan Turbine : 2880 rpm / 20hp / 6000lpm discharge
- Pelton wheel Turbine : 2880 rpm / 15hp / 3 phase
- Flow Measurements : Rotometer, Venturimeter, Orificemeter, Mouthpiece, Notches
- Pumps : Centrifugal Submersible, Reciprocating, Gear pumps.
Survey Lab:
- Total Station
- Dumpy Level
- Micro Optic Theodalites
- Hand Held GPS
- Plane Table, Levelling Staff, Ranging Rod,
- Chains, Tapes, Arrows etc
Strength of material lab:
- UTM – 40 tonne
- Brinnel hardness test
- Rockwell hardness
- Impact testing machine
- Torsion Testing machine for steel rods
- Izod Impact testing machine
- Extensometer
- Compressometer
- Beam deflection test apparatus
Soil Mechanics lab:
- Direct shear test
- Relative density apparatus
- Triaxial testing machine
- Consolidation testing machine
- CBR testing machine
- Proctor Compaction apparatus
- Field density testing apparatus
- Liquid limit, Plastic limit, Shrinkage limit testing apparatus
- Hydrometer
Concrete Lab:
- Permeability Testing machine
- Compression testing Machine (3000KN)
- Los-Angeles Abrasion testing machine
- Marshall Stability apparatus
- Bituminous Testing Apparatus – Penetration test, Ductility Test, Softening Point test.
- Concrete Cube, Cylinder, Prism moulds
- Slump cone, Flow table, Vee Bee Consistometer
- CBR apparatus
Environmental Engineering Lab:
- Incubator
- Digital turbidity meter
- Digital pH meter
- Digital Calorie meter
- Oxygen Analyzer
- Spectrometer
- BOD and COD analyzer
Civil Computer Lab:
CAD Laboratory has been established over an area of 135sq.m. and fully equipped with 62 high- end latest configuration computer systems with AutoCAD 2024 software for 2D and 3D modelling of various buildings, Staad.Pro V8i software for analysing the structures, Primavera Contractor P6 software for project planning, control monitoring and reporting the construction projects, Revit Architecture 2024 software for involving the generation and management of digital representations of physical and functional characteristics of buildings. The internet connection is provided to these computers through hi-speed network.
Structural Engineering Lab:
- Loading Frame
- Hydraulic Jack
- Load Cell
- Proving Ring
- UPV Tester
- Rebound Hammer
Plumbing Lab:
- Pipe vice (2 inch)
- Die set (2 inch)
- Metallic, Plastic, Flexible pipes
- Coupling, Unions, Elbows and other fittings